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Old 12-11-2010, 12:18 AM   #21

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dunno why but i hate seeing women wear it...why wear them?
they look ugly and make a person look embarrasingly out of place in british society
Hi and welcome to the forum...

It's actually comforting knowing that you think we're ugly lol that's the point dressing the way we do is to ward off people like you from being attracted to us.

The hijab/niqab is an act of worship and protection against the lustful looks of others. When I interact with others, people judge me by my intellect and character, not my looks.I am not for every man to look at, touch, or speak to. I am protected, exactly like a precious white pearl which, if touched by everyone, will become black and dirty.

We are the hidden gems,veiled pearls,the crystals that Allah swt has created .Muslim women are Queens and are to be protected and cared for,love and appreciated not exposed and exploited.

A woman’s modest dress protects society from adultery and other forms of illegal sexual relations that lead to the break up of families and corruption of society.

Modesty is an essential quality for a true Muslim.Modesty in our actions,the way we dress and conduct ourselves.A Muslim woman is obliged to preserve her beauty and body from the preying eyes of strange men and beautify herself for those allowed to see her.
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Old 12-11-2010, 12:34 AM   #22

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muslim girls should act like this imho


the hijab stands for everything that is wrong with eastern countries.
I can't see that clip. Anyway, I answered your question as soon as you asked. so giving me your opinion on how they should act is irrelevant to your original question.

And your sweeping statements about the east is quite silly. Now, if you have a problem with hijab, please make an argument against it so that it can be refuted and your opinions rectified
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Old 12-11-2010, 12:40 AM   #23

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Old 12-11-2010, 12:46 AM   #24

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what is shameful about looking at women?
it's quite worrying that you think men ogling at your female family is perfectly acceptable to you.

i guess that shows how low you've really sunk.

next time don't put your valuables like money and jewellery away but leave them on public display. let people stare at what you have and IF they try to steal them, you may fight them off. try fighting off people everyday and when you get tired of fighting and HAVE to give the valuables away, reflect on what could have been if you just kept them from the eyes of thieves.

an intelligent person will think long and hard about what i've just written because guess what....we value our women folk more than money.

i guess you value money more than your female folk which shows what you really think of women.

woe to people like you...
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Old 12-11-2010, 01:58 AM   #25

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It's futile effort, explaining to someone the purpose of the Hijab, when they have no concept of modesty.
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Old 12-11-2010, 04:25 AM   #26

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If you have no shame, do what you want.
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Old 12-11-2010, 04:37 AM   #27

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funny thing is: i was in england (in a small village called henley about a half hour outside of birmingham) just the week before last. i got no looks when i, a white guy, was wearing a thobe and turban. now, in the US, the supposed melting pot where cultures don't matter, i get more looks on a constant basis. and walking around, i saw lots of sisters in hijab and niqab and they got not a single cross look.

very strange, this vague notion of "britishness" its second only to "americanness" in terms of ridiculousness.
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Old 12-11-2010, 05:19 AM   #28

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dunno why but i hate seeing women wear it...why wear them?
because we value ourselves as a gold and diamond. If we open up, as a woman we still a gold, but a fake gold. If you bring a fake gold to a gold shop and try to sell them off or as now, "gold for cash", your fake gold might looks like a real gold, shine, heavy, new design, but as they are fake gold, they got no value. You can bring them anywhere, no gold shop will take them. But , a gold even if they are second hand, even if you had them for years, they are still value. Sometimes the value might be increase more than when you first bought it.

We, muslim woman, had a value. We want to preserve our valur until the end. Like other people said in other post, if we display our valueable and people steal it, who are we going to blame?

Brother, nobody in this world actually want their valueble been devalue and steal. Not even you. It's a nature of human. The way you are thinking is because unhappiness and stress that play in your head and you cannot get them out. You should follow your heart rather than follow your mind. Sit and think and ponder. Listen to your heart and the nature of human. Many British man I had talk to ( when I used to work), had a value of a woman same as what islam said. I known many man who look after their wife, send and pick their wife from work. Wear modest from their point of view and these are non muslim people who stay in their married and at least had some sense in their life.

Your question is actually can go into bigger picture. Woman open up. Man will also open up. To go straight to the point, relationship happen, woman got pregnant, man walk away. Kid been brought up in the world, without dad. Woman struggle to brought up kid, man got no responsibility as a dad. Woman without hijab can lead to many many difficulties to these world. And this is what happen to British society now which also in some way lead into economy problem.

Nowadays, we had so many young people (esp as I live in North East of England, the place that got the highest teenage pregnancy rate in UK!), with kids born with all sort of different father. These young girl had stop school to look after their kids, live with benefit from goverment, and ended up stay lazy and comfy. More and more these happen which ended up, goverment had spend too much money and now going down the drain and want to tackle all these kind of benefit. If the act goes correctly according to islamic way of live, we will have young people into education. Preserve their modesty. Go into relationship through marriage. Man will be responsible in the marriage to provide. Kids will brought up in family value.

The neighbourhood I stay, had couple of single mother. alhamdulillah, sort of good kind of single mother as they had divorce or only had one kid. I had at least 2 english kids who visit my house on regular basis. One got mum and dad, but both are busy working. He got two small sister and he only 9 years old. The other one live with her mum only. He got another 2 brother live with his dad in other town with his partner.

These 2 boys sometimes come and stay at my house right after school until 8/9 pm. I had to say I feel sorry for them. I used to had more than 2 coming before actually. My house wasn't like ENglish house which is very spotless and modern. I still had pretty much culture in my house. We had only one sofa. We sit and eat on the floor. These kids sit and eat on the floor with us. my kids do azan and pray and these kids will wait for them.

I wonder how on earth is these kids loved coming to my house. One of the kids got lovely house. He got everything he want. PSP, wii console. X box, in his room but my house is a choise where we only got old type of tv which my kids watch only documentary or backyard science. No X box, we got wii but only certain time kids can play. My kids don't have technology like these other kids have in their house, yet these kids love staying in my house even just sit and chat and play around.

And the answer is the sense and feeling of the family. We had a family that function. I made homecook food, I sit and teach my kids. I feed them when they need. We even sit together in one room and talk to each other. It's a nature of family bond that had lost in their life and society.

I know I had gone a long way from the topic, but an answer to your question is actually a bigger picture than the reason why we wearing hijab. It's making the world safe place and better place.

You might find it hard to understand. Of course, I can understand because even some muslim also feel hard to understand why. It wasn't easy when you see from one point.These is why you need to see around , listen to your heart and open your eyes. Open your heart. If you really want the answer, you will definitly find it even though you find it hard to understand.

May Allah guide me, you and others. Insya Allah.
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Old 12-11-2010, 05:48 PM   #29

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It is good you raised your objection for us to see your point of view.
I found you comment 'You also stated Hijab represents all that is wrong with the East' is unjust and simplistic. How could a piece of cloth represent all that is wrong. You have to take account of history, cultural norm, ecomomic and soical situation. Somone sitting on the other side could say the same thing about the west. Not so long ago in Europe, women used to wear clothes that are in line with muslim dress code. It is St. Paul, the founder of chrstianity, who also said it is better for women to have their hair shaved off if they don't cover their head. Hence what muslim or even some of the eastern cultural value should not be viewed as alien. The issue in Europe is a relative one. It is what one deem to be modest or immodest. Vast majority of the world, sees nakedness to be immodest and hence the idea of clothing exist in all socity.
Not so long ago, the European Imperailistic power used to say 'We are here to cloth the naked heathen' to justify imperialism. It seems the we are seeing this argument being used in a lobsided way.
Your argument is about relative moralism. Where as our defination of moral value remains in line with the age old original Christian, Jewish and Islamic teachings. Hence we are perhaps a group of people in the monothistic faith that respects Christian values more then others and in addition if you claim Europes' foundation is based on some sort of Christian values, then perhaps we are more european in essence then those who simply claim to be christian.
Would you like your mother, your wife or your sister being harrassed by lecerious men. If wearing a piece of cloth that prevent them from being harrassed, is perhaps the most easiest way to prevent it, then why not? It is not just the headscarf that can do this, it is what they wear and their coduct. So it is the whole package and not just head scarf. The same applies to men as well.
Europe and America claims to uphold freedom of expression. Attampt to curtail any practice that does not physically endanger anyone, resembles a totaleterian state. In that sense one can justify anything i.e killing of European Jews by the Fascist Regime. In the early days of fascism, the same sentiment was aired against the Jews and in America about Red indian.
On a side issue, the concept of modesty has been sacrificed by Sex Sells media machine where women are regarded as sex object. Strangly this misogonist tendancy is justified in response to the eastern view of women. The bashfullness is seen in negative light. Hence your view is understanble and is a byeproduct of a media driven culture and is desensitised. You need to decide for your self objectively what is modesty. Only then we can have a meaningful discussion.
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Old 05-02-2011, 06:27 AM   #30

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they look ugly and make a person look embarrasingly out of place in british society
Alhumdulillah! Its served its purpose then: ) You see non-Muslims can never win this or any other argument. America wanted to use 9/11 to turn the world against Islam, and the increased media spotlight on Muslims caused the revert rate to sky rocket right after 9/11. A pastor tried to burn the Quran, but burning the Quran is actually a permissible way to dispose of it (Although his intentions were foul), Now Mr. count boy here is telling us covering up makes us look unattractive and ugly to his male eyes, thats exactly what we want! Thanks kiddo!
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Old 05-02-2011, 06:40 AM   #31

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they look ugly and make a person look embarrasingly out of place in british society
Firstly want to say that you are a very disrespectful man to say something like.
Secondly its not just what the brothers & sisters have mentioned, but a woman gets alot more respect from all men wearing the hijab.
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Old 05-02-2011, 11:12 PM   #32

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Just remembered an example that i heard some time back.....

There are 2 oranges. One without its skin (kept in the open peeled off) and the other with its skin.

The orange that doesn't have its skin is like the women who don't cover themselves.
And the orange that has its skin is like the women who cover themselves.

Which orange would you want?
The one with the skin or without?

Hope you understand.

May Allah show you the right track....
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Old 05-03-2011, 12:02 AM   #33

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I think khalid yaseen has the answer to ur question.

Check the link.

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Old 05-03-2011, 12:23 AM   #34

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Assalamu alaykum

Do you like the dress worn by the nuns. In Islam there is no difference between a nun and an ordinary woman.
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Old 05-03-2011, 04:40 AM   #35

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Hi and welcome to the forum...

The hijab/niqab is an act of worship and protection against the lustful looks of others. When I interact with others, people judge me by my intellect and character, not my looks.I am not for every man to look at, touch, or speak to. I am protected, exactly like a precious white pearl which, if touched by everyone, will become black and dirty.
I understand the hijab, but from experience I feel that the niqab is more harmful than useful. Media may propogate lies, but culture is shaped around these common beliefs and Niqab (to my understanding, and please correct me if I'm wrong) is not madatory or advised in the holy Quran.

Women who wear the niqab are at increased risk of being harrassed and taken advantage of, because it seems as through they depend on a piece of black cloth to protect their modesty rather than themselves.

To be fair, this is not the case everywhere and I understand that. It all depends on the context of community and culture.
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Old 05-03-2011, 12:59 PM   #36

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they look ugly
they look...NOT... ugly but...'MODEST'...not just in british...but in any part of the WORLD!!!
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Old 05-03-2011, 02:43 PM   #37

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Assalamu alaykum
Niqab (to my understanding, and please correct me if I'm wrong) is not madatory or advised in the holy Quran Scholars have better knowledge of Quran.

Women who wear the niqab are at increased risk of being harrassed and taken advantage of, because it seems as through they depend on a piece of black cloth to protect their modesty rather than themselves. That is a theory only. In practical women are safe. You are at a risk when wear a diamond necklace and walk on the road, but when hide and carry that????
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Old 05-04-2011, 01:10 AM   #38

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Assalamu alaykum

That is a theory only. In practical women are safe. You are at a risk when wear a diamond necklace and walk on the road, but when hide and carry that????

I think it can be agreed that the example with the necklace depends entirely on context. If you're walking in an affluent area with civilized people, I hardly think someone will rip the neklace off your throat. If you're in a lower class ghetto, than ofcourse, act accordingly. Similarly with niqab, in some societies, it prevents harrasment, in others it aggravates and provokes it. This is not because of the underlying islamic meaning, but because of the image that a few corrupt muslim societies have pushed into media.
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Old 05-04-2011, 01:25 AM   #39

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Assalamu alaykum
If you're walking in an affluent area with civilized people, I hardly think someone will rip the neklace off your throat. Which locality is on earth where only angles live.
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Old 05-04-2011, 01:30 AM   #40

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Assalamu alaykum

If you're walking in an affluent area with civilized people, I hardly think someone will rip the neklace off your throat.

agreed but you don't know what these civilised people will be thinking:

anger at the arrogance of someone showing off their wealth...
coveting inside what the other person has fuelling feelings of jealousy and envy....and anger

the number of cases of women in niqab being harassed is surprisingly low compared to the sexual harrasement a woman without niqab gets. i guess people who don't want to follow Islamic guidelines will justify their own laziness and lack of Imaan in umpteen ways by becoming DIY scholars. This is the bottom line.

Feelings of harrasment = lack of faith in Allah who ALONE provides protection.
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