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#1 |
So as discussed before, the Prophetic hairs have a lot of miraculous features and have been mentioned in a number of historical sources. A good article I came across which puts the scans from that and also quotes modern authorities is this (for the scans, see the link): A brief study I have made on the subject revealed many miraculous facts on Hair of Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه و سلم). It wont decay by passage of time. It grows as time passes. It splits into multiples. It moves by itself once kept in Majlis al Dikr (Gathering to remember Allah). It often glows in dark. Respected scholar Yousuf Ismail Yousuf al Nabhani (يوسف اسماعيل النبهاني) from Palestine (18491932) mentions in his book Jawahir al Bihar (جواهر البحار في فضائل النبي المختار) narration from Great Scholar Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulsi ( عبد الغني النابلسي رضي الله عنه). Nabulsi (1641 1731), a Damascus bound scholar during his visit to Madinah Shareef met a scholar from India named Gulam Muhammad. This Indian scholar used to read them Futoohat al Malakiyyah (فتوحات الملكية) authored by Great Shaikh Muhyidhin al Arabi (رضي الله عنه). He explained on availability of many Sacred Hairs in India and its supernatural behaviors. Those hairs are exhibited during 9th of month Rabiul Awwal every year for public to have blessings. The Indian scholar explained that some hairs will move by self and he had witnessed it. Some hairs grow and some of them offshoot new hairs. Some historians reported that a rightful Indian king Nooruddin al Shaheed had a collection of Sacred Hairs in his stock. He made a wasiyah (will letter) to keep the Hairs in his eyes after his death and was done so. Another incident about Sacred Hair is narrated by great Indian saint Shah Waliullah Muhaddith Dehlavi (رضي الله عنه) (1703 1762) in his book Hirz al Thameen fi Mubasharaatin Nabiyil Ameen. His father told that once he was ill and he saw Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه و سلم) in dream. He explained about his illness to Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه و سلم) and He (صلى الله عليه و سلم) found a cure for it and from His (صلى الله عليه و سلم) blessed beard left two hairs. He instantly recovered and when woke up, both the blessed hairs were in his hand. Shah Waliullah writes, My father gave me one from the blessed hairs. Recently enough, Shaikh Ahmad Muhammad Al Khazraji (طول الله عمره), a descendant from Khazraj tribe of Madinah in Abu Dhabi have a healthy collection of many Sacred Hairs having fail proof authentic certificate. I have posted an article before on it Sacred Hair of Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه و سلم), a precious collection! He exhibits the Blessed Relic to public on 23rd night of Ramadan. One respected brother has posted the news here شعرات من رأس الحبيب عليه السلام. He has mentioned the miraculous behavior of the Hair growing by itself. One young Indian scholar now doing his doctorate in Al Azhar University has recounted explanations given by Shaikh Ahmad Muhammad Al Khazraji during his recent visit to him. The Shaikh tells that some hairs in his collection grow 1.7 to 2.5% in a year. Interestingly enough he has noticed new hairs being added up in his collection. Curious to know, he has shown the new hairs to fire to check whether it burns. No, it has surpassed the test ensuring that it was derived from the original hair of Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه و سلم)! He also noticed some hairs moving by itself upon kept in Majlis al Dikr (مجلس الذكر) and some glowing in dark. Fitting to their unparalleled privilege, government of U.A.E has recently published stamps as a respect to his father Muhammad Al Khazraji (رحمة الله عليه). His father had served as Minister of Endowments and Islamic Affairs in U.A.E. It is wonderful, isnt it? Those who know the meaning of Prophetic Miracle wont need more to believe it. But others who might try to measure with physical scales will find it hard to digest. According to Shaikh Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulsi, Allah has granted special life pattern to parts belonging to Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه و سلم). There were many miracles shown by Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه و سلم) to his people only to be denied by many. One of them is the moon splitting incident as Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه و سلم) had shown full moon split and separated to two parts of the horizon. Many people in Makkah who watched it by own eyes didnt believe it. Surprisingly a king from India saw it and set his sail to Makkah to embrace Islam. (Check Tajudhin Al Hindi (Raliya Allahu Anhu for details). Similarly another great miracle of Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه و سلم) Al Isra wal Mieraj (الاسراء و المعراج) was denied and scrutinized by Makkah infidels. But, see the Great Sahabi Abu Bakr al Siddiq (رضي الله عنه) accepted it without a rethink. It is Eeman, the real faith which many fail to posses. Now the onus is on us. Believing it or not is ones own choice. But dont bully it by posting and circulating unnecessary emails which will tarnish image of our Ummah in public. If one cant digest it, better for him to keep quite. |
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#2 |
How much of these miraculous characteristics of the hair is backed by sound evidence rather than claims ?
I've heard so much load of claimed miracles of the hair recently, many of which are very hard to digest. PS: Note that i do not disbelieve in the miracles of prophet, many such miracles are even narrated through hadiths, iam just talking about the hair here. There are people in my locality who are making huge amount of money out of it even by auctioning water which they claimed to be dipped with prophet's hair for ridiculous amount of money. And one of a leading figure has even tried to equate doubting his possession of Prophet's hair to an act of kufr !! His claims of possession was not as of yet have been verified or confirmed other than by claims made by himself and his supporters. So consider my questions in light of these context. |
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#3 |
Many of the people quoted in the original article like Imam Yusuf Nabhani were big, reliable Arab scholars, not some Pakistanis or Indians. Thus the proof is strong, especially when one of the Sheikhs is saying he checked it personally. I personally have checked with people and asked others to look and test for shadow etc and confirmed the information Alhamdulillah. How Shah Wali Ullah was from India and is well respected and quoted here too. |
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#4 |
Assalamu alaikum,
brother, i would ask you to provide sound evidence for these claims from a scriptural perspective. There has been many sahaba who had prophet's hair, and as to my understanding i have not heard any single such claims of miracles ( ie. It growing & splitting, moving by itself, glowing in the dark etc.) narrated by those sahabas. Kindly correct me if my understanding is wrong. Its kind of really strange that these miracles are reported by Indians many centuries later and not recorded by the companions of the prophet. There is a stone which some claim to be sacred and has even built a Maqam around it, Yes. A STONE ! And a tree which they would come to seek blessings from (for fertility) .. there are many strange miraculous stories around these shameful acts and many of them attributed to some great scholars who wouldn't have anything to do with it at all. All these miraculous claims really does woo the average layman who are not well versed in their deen to fall into the trap of those who make mockery out of their deen. There are people who really profit from making prophet's hair into a business and this cannot just be ignored and taken as a part of belief. Those who claim to have the hair in my locality has even equated doubting the authenticity of hair in custody to an act of Kufr, and that too without any solid evidence for their claim and has even divided the sunni community, those opposing within the sunni community has even blatantly said the hair is pure forgery.. and many evidence have surfaced to support their stand. How can these claims be considered as a part of belief ? |
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#5 |
You clearly Ashkar are reading your preconceived biases and interpretations into all this. Nor do you seem to have read the article properly or my previous reply. But hey if you know any Arabic, see: Again thats not an Indian source. I don't tbh care what you think because I've verified this stuff myself Alhamdulillah from trustworthy people and got people to actually check it out themselves and spoke to some who tested it. As for the Sahaba, perhaps they didn't notice it. After all who goes around putting a small hair under the light to see if it shines or puts it in fire to see if it burns! Clearly though they kissed such hairs and thought them miraculous as they used them for healing! Or maybe they did notice it and I don't know any reference. |
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#6 |
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#7 |
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#9 |
Wa salam,
Well there is a video on youtube, search it. I saw it some time ago. As for Prophetic Hairs, I guess you lot don't believe in isnads like the one recited here: Oh well. I guess you don't need to believe Ahad Hadiths too. Nor do you believe in the Hairs kept in Masjid al-Hussain in Egypt: The above relics had scientific tests done. How come prophet have such a lengthy hair like that of a women ? It is contrary to many hadiths recording the length of his hair as upto his shoulders . Nor do people here believe the Deobandi Ulema who hold Prophetic relics. Oh well. And the quote also shows you didn't read the article because it says that the hairs GROW... |
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#10 |
![]() As for Prophetic Hairs, I guess you lot don't believe in isnads like the one recited here: It was never revealed to public to see what exactly is written in it for others to see and verify, it wasnt even shown to his own followers who went to verify it.. one was just shown a handover certificate, not even the sand. here it is: ![]() brother, i do not know where you live, but i live in Kerala the exact place where all these happened and it has split even the sunni community. Oh well. I guess you don't need to believe Ahad Hadiths too. Please do not equate this thing to belief in hadiths, it simply cant be compared with it.. those Ahad hadiths had gone rigorous verification procedures, even memory and character of a person in a chain has been deeply examined, there hasnt been any kind of verification on what you quoted as sanad of prophet's hair. Iam not denying the companions used to seek baraka from the hair, iam questioning the authenticity of hairs which are popping around here and there nowadays and questioning those who equate it to kufr who doubt its authenticity, Iam questioning people trying to build big money making business around it. See the following pics from where the hair was bought from (its from the set of photographs along with the one which you saw in the link to arabic page) ![]() ![]() Now, have a close look at this photo from the same ceremony, if your claim of prophet's hair not having a shadow is true, then explain why the shadow of hair was casted on his shirt when he was holding it ? ![]() Zoomed: ![]() So now you tell me, who is faking it ? And the quote also shows you didn't read the article because it says that the hairs GROW... Thats exactly what iam questioning (again! I read the article) i was asking for scriptural proof for that, you couldnt provide any.. But lets sake that is true for the sake of argument, if according to you and the article you quoted it should be growing and splitting and then again growing and splitting and they should all be ridiculously long since according to the article.. " The Shaikh tells that some hairs in his collection grow 1.7 to 2.5% in a year " thats 1400yrs x 2.5% (or bet it even 1.7) do your math, that should be even ridiculously longer than what was shown in the picture. now, There is said to be prophet's hair in some parts of the world, including Bal masjid in Kashmir.. which has only a small strand of hair, why hasn't that reported to have grown even a single bit even after all these years ? and only hair with in the custody of khasraji grows ? I think i've explained myself enough and I think i'll stop with this, there is no reason in dragging this any further. May Allah guide us all. |
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#11 |
Walaikum us salam,
Did you not SEE the video where the ISNAD was RECITED in the VIDEO in the link I posted? Also for the Yusuf Nabhani quote, can you say which SCHOLAR lied in that report about the Hairs? If you can't, then you have to accept the report And also in the link it says: As mentioned in the book of Yousuf Al Nabhani (رحمة الله عليه) some hairs are noted as growing (photocopy of this page is included in this post). Others might be growing in slow phase or won’t grow at all. It is not at all under our control as Allah is the one who gives special growth pattern to those Hairs of Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) I don’t think whether any of these controversy makers have ever seen any Sacred Hair. Let alone the one in Masjid Imam Husain in Cairo. Nor I feel they have the intention to see it at all. Who has measured actual length of the hair kept in Masjid Imam Husain? It is noteworthy that another Sacred Hair in custody of another Shaikh in Abu Dhabi is also long. One of my friend who saw it had explained me about it. Regarding authenticity of the ‘Isnad’ one has to believe it otherwise proven wrong. It is evident that the hair kept in Al Khazraji’s collection of sacred relics is the most authentic as he maintains its full chain of custodians reaching to the era of Sahaba (رضي الله عنهم). But, the outcry on this subject from non Ahlu Suunah wal Jamaa’h sects are because of one main reason as I understood. The core of the fact is that the Hair was handed over to a great Indian scholar of recent times who is very strong in his stand for Ahlu Suunah wal Jamaa’h. I have seen him as a sincere character in his efforts in propagating the religion, helping needy and especially upbringing thousands of orphans. But many whose ideology doesn’t match with Ahlu Suunah wal Jamaa’h are against him as was the case for many past great scholars like Imam Ahmad bin Hambal (رضي الله عنه). The conspiracy makers wait for any chance to disgrace him to distract his public acceptance. Many of such controversies in past have ended up on the other way and he emerged victorious and his fame increased. Now this immeasurable accolade of getting custody of Sacred Hair of Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) made him ever respectful. Meanwhile it has stirred the jealous opponents. Their envy is clear from the fuss and fury they publish filled with assumptions rather than realities and logic rather than evidences. In this regard it is good for a believer to take the stance of Slaves of Rahman (عباد الرحمن) mentioned in Surah al Furqan verse 63 “And the servants of (Allah) Most Gracious are those who walk on the earth in humility, and when the ignorant address them, they say, Peace!;” Another comment: I think that there’s other points that are possible like maybe if the person is pious and possesses the Hair, then its grows more. Or that if there’s a lot of Hairs together, they grow faster. Allahu A’lem And it is possible that Allah is showing such miracles in todays times instead of before, so that people's Iman increases and people believe in miracles, as Sheikh Ya'qoubi said similar. As for the shadow and the picture, it might just be a picture problem or that something else is giving the shadow or that the camera caused it. That's shown by the observation that the shadow doesn't follow the shape of the Hairs (like it doesn't go down like the hairs do, nor are they bent in the shadow) Allahu A'lem. The hairs I got checked are different and I'm sure about them because one of the brothers wanted to BRING it and get it checked by the SCIENTISTS at a university last year that I know of so that the scientists can be convinced of it and try whatever explanation they can. You can go and ask those who possess such hairs and see for yourself about the shadow. Although the Arabic article I linked to before also gives a similar test about the shadow. And I couldn't find the picture you linked to there. There is said to be prophet's hair in some parts of the world, including Bal masjid in Kashmir.. which has only a small strand of hair, why hasn't that reported to have grown even a single bit even after all these years ? and only hair with in the custody of khasraji grows ? Have you checked the hair out there and measured it? Have you asked the people who look after it if it grows there in Kashmir? Also its NOT just the hair with the khasraji that grows, but a lot of others. Clearly you aren't reading the articles/comments posted before, or you have something that obstructs you from reading them? In fact the Bal Masjid Hair also has miraculous qualities reported in historical sources similar to mentioned previously. You should have read this before denying what you don't know: On acquiring the sacred hair, Ashawari left along with the holy relic for Kashmir via Lahore. In the meantime, news reached Aurangzeb that Ashawari was in the possession of the holy relic. Aurangzeb ordered that the holy relic be brought to the royal court along with Ashawari. The emperor took the holy relic from Ashawari, and sought the confirmation of its authenticity from his spiritual guide, Hazrat Abu Saleh. After having tested the authenticity of the holy relic, Abu Saleh declared that the sacred hair was indeed that of the Prophet (Pbuh). Apart from this, Aurangzeb made other tests to confirm its authenticity. He exposed the sacred hair to sunlight but it did not cast a shadow on the earth. He then exposed it to fire, but there was no effect on it. Finally, the sacred hair was placed on a sheet of paper laced with honey, but not a single insect touched it. Satisfied with its genuineness, Aurangzeb ordered that the holy relic be enshrined in Ajmer Sharif, at the dargah of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti. In fact I have communicated with the author of the article who went through different historical documents about this. Iam not denying the companions used to seek baraka from the hair, iam questioning the authenticity of hairs which are popping around here and there nowadays and questioning those who equate it to kufr who doubt its authenticity, Iam questioning people trying to build big money making business around it. I agree that people need isnads to authenticate such things, or have other authentication techniques like Shah Wali Ullah's incident. And I oppose the money used for such things. As for your accusations against Sheikh Aboobaker of Kerala, it's probably based on the wahabi here: http://articles.timesofindia.indiati...slamic-scholar And as you can see there, it says "We've nothing to hide. So we invited the SKSSF office bearers to inspect our records and satisfy themselves, but they have not visited yet. The relic was handed over to Kanthapuram Musaliar at the 33rd annual conference of the Markaz last February by none other than Sheikh Khazraji, who heads the 'Aukaf' (religious department) in the Dubai government. We also have the 'sanad', a certificate to attest the ancestry and truth of the relic," Buhari, adding, "Their problem is not the hair, but the mosque. They are scared of our appeal and influence." Pity you accused Sheikh Muhammed Khazraji of fraud, though he's a notable scholar, see: You'll be responsible to Allah for your flimsy accusations against different shuyukh, including the ones of Kerala (it seems your jealous because of your sectarian beliefs and that numerous shuyukh from worldwide came to honour the Sheikh of Kerala). |
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#12 |
As for the shadow and the picture, it might just be a picture problem or that something else is giving the shadow or that the camera caused it. That's shown by the observation that the shadow doesn't follow the shape of the Hairs (like it doesn't go down like the hairs do, nor are they bent in the shadow) Allahu A'lem. ![]() the shadow follows the shape of the hair exactly. |
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#13 |
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#14 |
![]() You'll be responsible to Allah for your flimsy accusations against different shuyukh, including the ones of Kerala (it seems your jealous because of your sectarian beliefs and that numerous shuyukh from worldwide came to honour the Sheikh of Kerala) Fear Allah brother, stop issuing judgement about your brother whom you do not even know. Iam free from your accusations, i do not belong to any sect or any group ! I do not ascribe myself any particular title other than being a muslim. Iam not a salafi either. I was exposed to each and every sect in my locality from child hood, so i know the good and bad in them.. the same reason why i dont ascribe myself to any group. and just to clarify, i wasnt accusing Khazraji i was actually referring to his son who handled the ceremoney.. even then, i didnt accuse him of anything personally, may be he whole heartedly believe what he is saying. I didnt even mention the name of the Sheikh from Kerala, i havent laid any personal accusations against him other than describing an incident that happenned as described by who went to him, though i disagree with him like many others do. I personally do not like slandering others even if i disagree with them. and brother xs11ax, clearly shows the details on the shadow. I wish to stop with this, and i dont like dragging this anymore, you are free to believe whatever you want.. since as a muslim iam not required to believe every claims of miracles thrown at me other than whats in the scriptures, i'll stay away from them. (otherwise, the hindus and christians around here would have more miracles and proofs from them than what muslims have..) May Allah guide us all in the right path and not go astray in these times of great Fitna. |
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#15 |
Wa salam,
Well you did say its "fake" which is an accusation. And your accusation is against the whole of the khasraji family if you see before. Plus Sheikh Muhammed is included because it's he who passed the hairs to Sheikh Ahmed. And both are shuyukh. Well if it isn't a flaw with the picture, not the mention the fact that I couldn't find the picture in any of the links so I'm not sure if its related to the hairs., then the other explanation is quite possible. That explanation is the one mentioned before that its accepted that SOME of the hairs grow, etc. That means that its possible that only SOME of the hairs would have shadows. Its entirely up to Allah. Can you provide a link for the picture so I can see where you've got it from? Now scriptures force us to accept authenticated miracles of the Prophets and Awliya. In this case its about the Prophet, thus we HAVE to accept authenticated miracles. But if you're doubtful, you have no right to go and say hairs are fake without evidence. If you think the hairs are fake, go and disprove the sanad recited in the video. But lets sake that is true for the sake of argument, if according to you and the article you quoted it should be growing and splitting and then again growing and splitting and they should all be ridiculously long since according to the article.. " The Shaikh tells that some hairs in his collection grow 1.7 to 2.5% in a year " thats 1400yrs x 2.5% (or bet it even 1.7) do your math, that should be even ridiculously longer than what was shown in the picture. There is a serious flaw to your logic. You first accept that the hairs split after they reach a certain length, thus the hairs multiply and the length is limited. Then you say that they should be much longer, implying that they would reach a mile or so. A contradiction in arguments. its from the set of photographs along with the one which you saw in the link to arabic page I checked the link many times and searched the internet but couldn't find the picture you pasted. What is the source of the picture? |
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