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Old 03-01-2011, 05:45 PM   #1

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Default Murabitun 2011

I just want to know your thought about Murabitun. Because the threads about Murabitun in this forum is as old as from 2004. The reason I want to know about your thought is because in my country Indonesia they have strong presence. They have organization: Wakala Induk Nusantara (WIN) - dinar & dirham coin minting, Baitul Mal Nusantara (BMN) - the only amil zakat who accepts dinar & dirham, JAWARA - a network of merchants who use dinar & dirham, Festival Hari Pasaran (FHP) - A traditional market where they trade with dinar & dirham.

In the neighbor country, one of Malaysia's state: Kelantan pass a law about dinar & dirham as a second official currency of the state and their initial coin minting is supplied by WIN and I've heard that Kazakhtan will soon minting their own dinar & dirham and use the same standar as WIN.

They do this where there are islamization of banking and their products. Now in Indonesia besides "syariah" banking there are "syariah" stocks market, "syariah" etc... Everything that was haraam before now has "syariah" label in it.

After reading "I Want The Earth Plus 5%" by Larry Hannigan, I think I know why there are a lot of islamization efforts of banking products in the world. The murabitun wants muslims use the real syariah money: dinar & dirham not the same banking products with "syariah" label.

But it just my thought. How about yours, is it positive or negative? Is there murabitun movement in your country?
Because I've heard some negative comments in the Internet about murabitun and Syeikh Abdalqadir As-Sufi. Is it because what they do to bring back dinar & dirham after the last Khilafah in 1924.
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Old 03-01-2011, 06:22 PM   #2

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Heard about the whole dinar & dirham thing but can't comment much on it. The movement is big in Cape Town (a lot of white reverts to Islaam affiliate with the movement.) I was invited by this other revert bro last year when I was down there to accompany him for zuhr salaah. I ended up at the Murabitun masjid (not realising at the time, but the big poster about the dinar at the entrance should have caught my attetion in hind sight.) Found the salaah a bit strange/wierd (hard straw carpet throughout the masjid, but then again it is a valid Maliki opinion.) Was a problem making wudhu because they were still renovating the wudhu khana (dust & cement) all over the place. The imaam who lead seemed to be lacking seriously in tajweed skills...I declined the bro thereafter and attended the other (and there are one on almost every corner) traditional masjid in the area.
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Old 03-02-2011, 03:12 PM   #3

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Even though there are some flaws in some of Murabitun's views, I don't think anyone can have other than praise for the results you described in implementing a Shari'ah-compliant system, alhamdulillah.
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Old 03-02-2011, 03:46 PM   #4

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Even though there are some flaws in some of Murabitun's views, I don't think anyone can have other than praise for the results you described in implementing a Shari'ah-compliant system, alhamdulillah.

Agreed, good start.
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Old 03-02-2011, 04:15 PM   #5

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Agreed, good start.

The gold dinaar started in 2000, and kelantan had dinar and dirham as alternate payment system as early as 2006. I believe now is officializing of it.

Here is some more info : http://www.dinarkel.com/index.html

There seems to be a monopoly of agency at present, meaning the sale of these coins is controlled. It nice to see that how kelantan banks and govt regulate shar'ii issues which arise with the presence of the dinar and dirham.

Somethig nice to keep an eye on.

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Old 03-02-2011, 04:58 PM   #6

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Yes, it is something nice to keep an eye on. What Kelantan achieved is one step ahead, because there's a law supporting it. Kelantan is the first state in the world to do this.
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Old 03-10-2011, 10:15 PM   #7

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The dirham (silver) coins are now available in the US.

Dinar Wakala (US)
Wakala Nusantara
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Old 03-11-2011, 12:02 AM   #8

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i know sidi ismail bryant from charlotte. real good brother. not too familiar with the movement overall but i do support them in their dinar/dirham initiative
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Old 04-12-2011, 02:33 PM   #9

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Old 04-12-2011, 03:33 PM   #10

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Bro Riyaaz

This is the mosque you went to http://www.jumuamosquect.com/index.php?id=26
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Old 04-12-2011, 07:41 PM   #11

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Bro Riyaaz

This is the mosque you went to http://www.jumuamosquect.com/index.php?id=26
Slm, Bro

Yes, the brother in most of the pic's with the red beard and green amamah is the imaam (Habib Bewley?) I was referring to in my first post. Just could not get accustomed to the format and tajweed of the salaah...Jzk.
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Old 04-12-2011, 08:53 PM   #12
Corporal White

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The dirham (silver) coins are now available in the US.

Dinar Wakala (US)
Wakala Nusantara
Are silver coins also available in Germany ?
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Old 04-12-2011, 09:08 PM   #13
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There is a good rappor between the UK based Deoband Affilate scholar and Murabit scholars. I know Imam Abdasamad Clark has high regard for some of the Deoband Lumianries of the past that he is aware of. I remember taking an orthodox Deobandi Sufi brother to Norwich. He disagreed with some of the practices like reading Nasri Dua in a group but as a whole he appreciated the Murabit brother and their general outlook. He said to me different people fullfilling differnt need of the ummah in their won ways. Murabits drive for Gold & silver currency inshallah be adopted through out the muslim world. The batil uses money to manipulate people. When we muslim apply the golden principle, batil will inshallah lose its grip on the people of the world. All is needed is our conviction and taqwa to manifest in daily matters of life.
May Allah keep them steadfast in all that is good and guide all of us to haq and unite our heart.
Famous Deobandi Sufi shaykh and scholar, Mawlana Hussain Ahmad Madani (RAH) , mentioned the danger of paper based money in the book " prisoners of Malta ". He gave this warning during the second world war when the Murabitun was not even bron !!!
So, I think , the hoax of paper money is already well-known to some Deobandi scholars .

A question may arise that why Deobandi Movement could not initiate something like Murabitun has done. This , I think , depends on the tawfiq granted by Allah. It is sign of Allah's great wisdom that He does not put all eggs in the same basket.

So you find a good number of Islamic groups each of which giving service to the establishment of Islam in various ways. As long as each of these
groups respect each other and does not make mistake of " seeing the trees , not the forest ", then there will no bad feeling .
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Old 04-12-2011, 09:24 PM   #14

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Are silver coins also available in Germany ?
There is Murabitun Rais: Abu Bakr Rieger in Bonn, but right now I haven't got any information about wakala in Germany. I'll ask our local wakala first, then I'll let you know.
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Old 04-12-2011, 10:41 PM   #15

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The imaam who lead seemed to be lacking seriously in tajweed skills...I declined the bro thereafter and attended the other (and there are one on almost every corner) traditional masjid in the area.
Are you sure he was lacking in tajweed skills? The Malikis tend to stick only to the Warsh and Qalun recitations and also tend to avoid overly embellishing the voice in recitation.
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Old 04-12-2011, 10:46 PM   #16

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Famous Deobandi Sufi shaykh and scholar, Mawlana Hussain Ahmad Madani (RAH) , mentioned the danger of paper based money in the book " prisoners of Malta ". He gave this warning during the second world war when the Murabitun was not even bron !!!
So, I think , the hoax of paper money is already well-known to some Deobandi scholars .

A question may arise that why Deobandi Movement could not initiate something like Murabitun has done. This , I think , depends on the tawfiq granted by Allah. It is sign of Allah's great wisdom that He does not put all eggs in the same basket.

So you find a good number of Islamic groups each of which giving service to the establishment of Islam in various ways. As long as each of these
groups respect each other and does not make mistake of " seeing the trees , not the forest ", then there will no bad feeling .

the basis of opposition to paper money in early 30's and before is not based on the same reason as that of Murabitun. That particular reasoning is no longer valid. In those times paper currency would have been an invalid form of tranferral of debts, while once the gold backing was lifted, the paper currency became thaman urfi instead of debt.

Nonetheless, I do applaud the murabitun for their effort. As infeasible as their course of action seems, if it brings positive results then why not give their due applaud.

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Old 04-13-2011, 03:12 PM   #17

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Are you sure he was lacking in tajweed skills? The Malikis tend to stick only to the Warsh and Qalun recitations and also tend to avoid overly embellishing the voice in recitation.

I apologise if I mentioned that the imaam was 'lacking' in tajweed, you right...it was a combination of the above that sounded odd on the ear as we (mostly ahnaaf and Shawafee) have not been exposed that much to other madhaabs (here in SA) and what we get used to hearing as almost only our imaams recite all the time. Just one question is puzzling me though, why so many 'white' reverts affiliate with Murabitun?
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Old 04-13-2011, 08:37 PM   #18

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1.Similar background - educated/ middleclass, learned and Experienced
If one is ‘educated and middleclass’ (experienced in what exactly?) but this does not mean the person is drawn to a specific group…
2. A lot of emphasis on building a community with meaning ( not like our desi lot with inarticulate, village mentaility).
If one is not desi (let’s say white like myself and many murabits) should one not still respect all cultures even if they have ‘village mentality’…
3. Common rational objecitive driven by Malaki fiqh (heavily based on Mumalaat- finanical matters)
No problem with that (it’s commendable.)
4. Reverts are looking for more then rituals so they find the tassawuf more to their liking. Dislike of literalism with all the pit falls.
But we also find ‘literalist’ reverts who do not agree with the concept of tassawuf in any form. (I do not necessarily agree with them.)
5. Driven by conviction to better themselves individually and collectively
Does one need to belong to a group (movement or turuq) to achieve this?
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Old 04-13-2011, 09:14 PM   #19

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1.Similar background - educated/ middleclass, learned and Experienced
If one is ‘educated and middleclass’ (experienced in what exactly?) but this does not mean the person is drawn to a specific group…
2. A lot of emphasis on building a community with meaning ( not like our desi lot with inarticulate, village mentaility).
If one is not desi (let’s say white like myself and many murabits) should one not still respect all cultures even if they have ‘village mentality’…
3. Common rational objecitive driven by Malaki fiqh (heavily based on Mumalaat- finanical matters)
No problem with that (it’s commendable.)
4. Reverts are looking for more then rituals so they find the tassawuf more to their liking. Dislike of literalism with all the pit falls.
But we also find ‘literalist’ reverts who do not agree with the concept of tassawuf in any form. (I do not necessarily agree with them.)
5. Driven by conviction to better themselves individually and collectively
Does one need to belong to a group (movement or turuq) to achieve this?
Another thing that I think is attractive is that they speak on issues that are important to many converts, and they tend to understand western political issues better than other groups.
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Old 04-13-2011, 10:03 PM   #20

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Another thing that I think is attractive is that they speak on issues that are important to many converts, and they tend to understand western political issues better than other groups.

Ok...I'll sign up with them right now if someone can tell me some of the issues that they can help me (as a revert) with.
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