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Old 11-07-2007, 10:59 PM   #1

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Default Beard Length..?

Is the beard wajib acording to all 4 madhabs...??

some1 said that keeping a beard is wajib, but lengthing it is Sunnah..ie fist length...is that correct...?
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Old 11-07-2007, 11:19 PM   #2

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Is the beard wajib acording to all 4 madhabs...??

some1 said that keeping a beard is wajib, but lengthing it is Sunnah..ie fist length...is that correct...?
I believe that is right. Sunnipath has a number of more detailed articles here is one involving a conversation with Sheikh Habib Ali al-Jifry


Regarding the Beard
Answered by Sidi Omar Mahmood

Regarding the Beard

bismillah ar-rahman ar-rahim,

the following is supplemented by a recent conversation in which a brother asked al-Habib Ali al-Jifry (one of our teachers from Hadramawt, Yemen) about the madhab's opinion on the beard:

Growing the beard is a command from the Prophet Muhammad (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) to the men of his Ummah. More specifically, the prohibition is to not shave the beard (that is, a man who simply cannot grow facial hair at all has not disobeyed this command). Although Imam as-Shafi'i wrote an opinion that shaving the beard is haram...the mu'tamid or most relied upon opinion in our madhab is that shaving the beard is makruh.

Letting the beard grow is a sunnah that is highly recommended by our fuqaha, may Allah have mercy on them. Anyone who loves the Messenger of Allah (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) should know that following his sunnah is a sign of sincere love. Anyone who despises the beard or makes fun of it should know that belittling or making fun of the sunnah is prohibited.

Now, we must be clear as to what the definition of "beard" is. The arabic term is "liHya." The scholars of the Shafi'i, Hanbali, and Maliki madhabs take the linguistic definition of the word "liHya" to be: the hair that sprouts from the chin. In fact, as can be found in "Nayl ar-Rajaa'" the sharh of the text "Safinat an-Najaa'" the author, as-Sayyid Ahmad b. Umar as-Shatiri lists 20 different hairs on the face that have been defined by the fuqaha. some of them (with my own translations) are as follows:

liHya (beard): the hair that sprouts from the chin (goatee region).

`aariDayn (sideburns): the two patches of hair that descend from the ear level to the chin, along the jawbone.

shaarib (mustache): the hair that sprouts above the upper lip.

sibaalayn (connectors): the two lines of hair that extend from the ends of the mustache and connect to the goatee (not all men have this)

`anfaqah (soul patch): the tuft of hair that sprouts below the lower lip.

nafakatayn (I don't know how translate this): the two patches of hair on either side of the `anfaqah (some men don't have this).

khaddayn (mid to upper cheek hairs) the two patches of hair that sprout on the cheeks... it was named after its location.

Remember, out of all of these hair,..it is the liHya that the believing men are commanded to let grow. Letting the sideburns and mustache grow are considered acts of sunnah...the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) did this is but did not command the Muslim men to do this. Habib Ali al-Jifry said that at one time, some of the `ulama of the Arabian Peninsula used to let their goatees grow and shave their sideburns to indicate that they understood the hukm of which one was mandatory and which one was sunnah. For the overwhelming majority of the knowledgeable scholars, the stricter opinion of the liHya being wajib is taken. Habib Ali said that it would be despicable for a student of sacred knowledge to shave his liHya as well as for anyone who sincerely wishes to follow the footsteps of our beloved Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam).

Trimming the beard is permissible and the most recommended length is a fist-length. Be careful not to trim you beard to the point where it no longer fits the definition: the hair that *sprouts* (nabit) from the chin. (I personally don't think stubble would count, but Allah knows best).

Finally, (and this is very important), Habib Ali stated that we should remember that the beard in its essence is not a criterion for taqwa. People of other religions have been known to grow very long beards, but that says nothing of their position with Allah. To look at another Muslim and judge his closeness to Allah by the length of his beard (or whether he has one for that matter) would be a grave mistake.

wa Allahu a`lam

forgive me

Omar Mahmood
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Old 11-08-2007, 04:00 AM   #3

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Is the beard wajib acording to all 4 madhabs...??

some1 said that keeping a beard is wajib, but lengthing it is Sunnah..ie fist length...is that correct...?

From what I have gathered to date:

Hanafi - wajib (fist length)
Maliki - wajib (length different from Hanafi)
Shafii - sunnah
Hanbali - wajib/sunnah

I'm not so sure on Hanbali because there are legitimate and differing opinions from both sides. I heard that the strongest/stronger opinion is that it's wajib.

Allahu alam, wassalam alaykum.
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Old 11-08-2007, 04:37 AM   #4

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Is the beard wajib acording to all 4 madhabs...??

some1 said that keeping a beard is wajib, but lengthing it is Sunnah..ie fist length...is that correct...?
Allaamah ibnul Hummaam (RA) has mentioned that nobody has permitted the trimming of the beard upto less than a fist’s length. (Fathul Qadeer; Shaami)

Hereunder are quotations from the Ulama of the other Madhaahib which support this. However, we suggest that you also contact the experts of each of these Madhaahib for more clarity.

The Shaafi’ee Madhab

Allaamah Nawawi (RA) states, ‘The correct view (according to the Shaafi’ee Madhab) is to leave it upto as long as it grows and it is Makrooh to trim it whatsoever.’ (al-Majmoo vol.1 pg.290)

Allaamah al-Iraaqi (RA) states in his book entitled, ‘Tarhu Tathreeb’ (vol.2 pg.8): ‘… that the best is to leave the beard totally and not to cut anything from it at all, and this is the view of Imaam al-Shaafi’ee and his students.’

There are quotations from 2 great scholars of the Shaafi’ee Madhab that do not permit the trimming of the beard at all, not even upto one fist. However, there are some Shaafi’ee scholars who have permitted to trim upto one fist, such as Imaam al-Ghazzaali (RA) – see Ihyaa

The Maaliki Madhab

Imaam Abul-Waleed al-Baaji al-Maaliki (RA) has stated that: It has been narrated from Imaam Maalik that he permitted the slight trimming of those hairs that are overgrown and are outside the general growth of the rest of the hair, and that Imaam Maalik was asked about a beard that had grown extremely long, he replied that it should be trimmed a bit.’

Imaam Abul-Waalid further explains upto what extent could it be trimmed by saying, ‘And it has been narrated from Abdullah ibn Umar and Abu Hurayra (Radhiallaahu Anhum) that they trimmed upto one fist.’ Hence, this is what was meant by Imaam Maalik. (refer al-Muntaqa vol.7 pg.266)

Imaam al-Qurtubi al-Maaliki (RA) has also mentioned something similar to this in his commentary of Sahih Muslim. (see al-Mufhim vol.1 pg.513)

The Hanbali Madhab

Imaam Saamiri (RA) – who is an expert Hanbali Faqeeh (jurists) - states: And he should not trim any bit from the beard except if he wishes to do so upto the extent of one fist. However, it will be best if he doesn’t do so.’ (al-Mustaw’ib vol.1 pg.260 – see Hukm al-Lihya fil Madhaahibil arba’ah; Abdul-Aziz al-Nu’maani pg.50)

Another Hanbali scholars, Imaam Shamsuddeen al-Maqdisi states, ‘It is forbidden to shave the beard and it is not Makrooh to trim what is in excess of a fist’s length… because this is supported by the practice of Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Umar (Radhiallaahu Anhu).’ (Kitaabul Furoo vol.1 pg.130; Ibid)

imilar verdicts are found in other sources of Hanbali Fiqh such as al-Mubdi of ibn Muflih, al-Insaaf of al-Maawardi; Kashful Qinaa, etc. (Ibid)

All these quotations have mentioned that it is only permissible to trim the beard if it is done upto a fist’s length. In fact, according to some of these quotations, it will be better not to trim it at all.

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best
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Old 11-08-2007, 06:55 AM   #5

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I don't think it's wajib according to all 4 but yes according to some it is.
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Old 11-08-2007, 09:12 AM   #6

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Does it matter if it's Wajib or Sunnah??? It's a Command of Allah swt that all that matters...... So let those Beards grow brothers......
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Old 11-08-2007, 11:19 AM   #7

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agree. it's a handsome gift Allah has bestowed upon u brothers, so let it grow. imagine u shave off your beard clean, knowing that it will grow again. but what if Allah does not will so? Then u will be deprived of one of His gift.

I heard men in Jannah will all have beards, rich golden green in colour, and i think that's pretty handsome.
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Old 11-08-2007, 12:24 PM   #8

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I'm sure most of us have beards. I have a pretty much full on beard, but I'd still like to know what the exact ruling is and the differences of opinion.
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Old 11-08-2007, 04:13 PM   #9

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My sincere apologyz for bringing this subject up...i know its still a hot topic....?

but if it's more or less wajib on all 4 madhabs,, then why do alot of ulama of the middle eastern country's keep very short 1's.....ie

like egypt......palastine etc...are they shafi...?
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Old 11-08-2007, 08:04 PM   #10

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As-Salaamu Alaikum,

Yes, most of them are Shafi'iys.
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Old 08-22-2008, 04:52 AM   #11

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so in hanafi madhab is it permissible to trim the beard on the aaridayn or the hair between the the ear and lower jaw (side burns). Asking shuyukh especially
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Old 08-22-2008, 05:00 AM   #12

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agree. it's a handsome gift Allah has bestowed upon u brothers, so let it grow. imagine u shave off your beard clean, knowing that it will grow again. but what if Allah does not will so? Then u will be deprived of one of His gift.

I heard men in Jannah will all have beards, rich golden green in colour, and i think that's pretty handsome.

i am sorry, i have contrary info
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Old 08-22-2008, 05:17 AM   #13

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In Hanafi madhab,

Beard is Sunnah, not wajib. Shaving it all, is permissible. However, once you intentionally let it grove, then it is haram to shave.

Those who calim that it is wajib in Hanafi madhab, can you back it up with reference?
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Old 08-22-2008, 05:24 AM   #14

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As-salaamu 'alaikum,

In Hanafi madhab,

Beard is Sunnah, not wajib. Shaving it all, is permissible. However, once you intentionally let it grove, then it is haram to shave.
As far as i know the essence is wajib and the length is sunnah mu'akadah.
Hence according to the majority opinion(?) it would be concidered unlawful to trim it less than a fist length.

Now in the Shafi'i madhab there are two positions. Both are that the essence is sunnah.

1. It's makrooh to trim it.

2. The sunnah is fulfilled by keeping a small beard (this position is also existant in the Maliki madhab).

It's also important to understand that when makrooh is mentioned in the Shafi'i madhab, it is not that of makrooh tahrimi. Therefore one would not be concidered sinful for shaving the beard.

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Old 08-22-2008, 05:28 AM   #15

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In Hanafi madhab,

Beard is Sunnah, not wajib. Shaving it all, is permissible. However, once you intentionally let it grove, then it is haram to shave.

Those who calim that it is wajib in Hanafi madhab, can you back it up with reference?

please provide authentic reference from Hanafi Fiqh..

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Old 08-22-2008, 05:52 AM   #16

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In Hanafi madhab,

Beard is Sunnah, not wajib. Shaving it all, is permissible. However, once you intentionally let it grove, then it is haram to shave.

Those who calim that it is wajib in Hanafi madhab, can you back it up with reference?
i feel very sad for you, i never expected such unacceptable answer from yourside brother.

Imam Muhammed (R.A.) writes in his book "Kitabul Aathaar" where he relates from Imam Abu Hanifa (R.A.) who relates from Hadhrat Haytham (R.A.) who relates from Ibn Umar (R.A.) that he (Ibn Umar) used to hold his beard in his hand and cut off which was longer. Imam Muhammed (R.A.) says that this is what we follow and this was the decision of Imam Abu Hanifa. Therefore, according to Hanafies, to shorten the beard less than a FIST LENGTH is HARAAM and on this is IJMA (concensus of opinion).
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Old 08-22-2008, 05:53 AM   #17

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I heard men in Jannah will all have beards, rich golden green in colour, and i think that's pretty handsome.
waht i have read and heard is, lip beard.
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Old 08-22-2008, 08:32 AM   #18

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I believe that is right. Sunnipath has a number of more detailed articles here is one involving a conversation with Sheikh Habib Ali al-Jifry

what madhab does the shaykh folllow?
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Old 08-22-2008, 09:17 AM   #19

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so in hanafi madhab is it permissible to trim the beard on the aaridayn or the hair between the the ear and lower jaw (side burns). Asking shuyukh especially shafi and hanafi
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Old 08-22-2008, 11:36 AM   #20

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please provide authentic reference from Hanafi Fiqh..

Qadi Iyadh, says that trimming beard is makruh. (1)
Qaradawi says, beard is custom, no harm in trimming it (2)

1. ibn Hajar, p. 472.
2. al-Halâl wa'l-Haram, p. 81-82; Sharbasi, Yas'alunak, v. II, p. 23-25.
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