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Old 04-04-2011, 06:58 PM   #1

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Default Tassawuuf, Cricket & Neurosciences
David Eagleman is a neuroscientist with the new book “Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain” in which he explains our conscious mind is just the tip of the iceberg and most of our daily behaviour, actions are not a result of our conscious mind and conscious thinking. Sometimes actions happen so rapidly that our conscious mind doesn’t even have the time to register the event let alone make a decision!

This isn’t a new concept but it’s fundamental to our understanding of “Tassawuff” and what it entails and what it certainly isn’t.

Consider the following delivery of Shoaib Akhtar who is the fastest bowler in the world, hurling the ball at close to 100mph at batsmen 22 yards away. David Eagleman postulates that at these speeds it isn’t possible for the batsmen’s conscious mind to register the delivery accurately, let alone play it AND YET we see batsmen taking evasive manoeuvres or even hitting the ball; it’s all down to the rest of the brain, folks!

At any given time our brains are processing millions of ideas and some of these ideas and actions are biologically hardwired into our brain e.g. attraction to certain attributes of the opposite sex, likeness to certain foods, certain scenery and even predisposition to violence and anger etc. Consider the time when an idea popped into your head and you thought “Wow! I just thought of that...”

No you didn’t!

The rest of your brain has been silently gathering facts, assimilating observations and it then passed the information (fully cooked) to your conscious and that’s when you perceived and realised it (i.e. actually got the idea).

So surely if most of our actions are a result of our “subconscious or unconscious mind” then why do we punish people or lock them in prisons etc...Surely they are not responsible for their actions?

Studies have shown that prisoners are deficient in “decision making process” and many of them have degraded “impulse control”. In other words (fortunately) most of us are not facing Shoaib Akhtar at 100 mph, rather our brains serves up an idea to our conscious mind and we simply “act on impulse”. We have certain pleasure impulses (e.g. smoking, looking at members of opposite sex) and we simply give up and act on it and off course it gives us instant “pleasure”.

We go for “instant gratification” because we lack “impulse control”

Now, consider another scenario...You are a broker and the price of the stocks in your portfolio has gone up, you have two choices:

  1. Instant Gratification: Sell and make instant money
  2. Delayed Gratification: Employ “impulse control”, evaluate your choices, do your research and delay selling and if you have made the right choice then your “delayed gratification” will yield considerably higher results and thereby greater satisfaction

Fortunately, Islam isn’t the stock market or some abstract theory and the issue is much simpler and the choices much easier.

  1. You are not punished for impulses which your “hardwired brain predisposes you to” i.e. if you find certain physical features of a strange woman attractive and stray thoughts come into your brain, there is no sin on you, as long as you don’t dwell on it
  2. Millions of stray thoughts come into your mind so simply let them go UNPROCESSED.
  3. There is a HUGE CARROT of “Jannah” to drive you to delay your gratification
  4. There is a HUGE STICK of “consequences” if you decide to steal a glance at the pretty woman i.e. you will be incurring a sin, Barakah will be taken away from your earnings and your life and your heart and mind will not be at peace.

You try and try and try and don’t look at her but you come home and you can’t help thinking about her so you give up and masturbate and achieve “temporary pleasure” and you think that it’s all over!


What you have just done is destroyed the little bit of natural “impulse control” which you had by giving in...Next time the impulse will be stronger and your control will be weaker and your “impulse control” will keep getting weaker and weaker and weaker until you have very little or none at all! That’s what happens to addicts, their addiction started with something very little and inconsequential (or so they thought). So you will be glancing at pretty girls and masturbating and may even go further and it will become harder and harder for you to stop!

Why Tassawuff?

The idea of Tassawuff is for the student to learn “impulse control” that’s all! Dhik’r and various exercises and methodologies are nothing but an aid to learning “impulse control”. Those who get bogged down into Dhik’r and experiences have actually missed the point.

Your brain serves up an idea, consider for a moment:

  1. Instant Gratification: If its HALAL you are free to act on the idea
  2. Delayed Gratification: If its HARAM, delay it until Allah (SWT) gives you Jannah which is infinitely more pleasurable.

In Tassawuff the Shaykh may even tell you to avoid certain “HALAL” and that’s because it’s part of your training to learn “impulse control” and once you have sufficient control (over your Nafs) and able to make sound decisions the restrictions will be lifted.

However, despite the best of “impulse control” you will sometimes slip up and that’s where Tauba (repentance) comes into play, turn to Allah (SWT) immediately and ask for forgiveness.
You slip up, repent and get up again.

But hopefully these slips ups will get to be less frequent as you get better and better at it.

Why contact a Shaykh?

Having a “Shaykh” isn’t a requirement to learn “impulse control” but it’s easier and gives you a much smoother ride to the destination. It’s like having a Coach!

Can you learn to play Shoaib Akhtar on your own? Off course you can but you may make a lot of mistakes and it may take longer. A Coach will independently look at your technique and advise you of suitable adjustments BECAUSE the coach is qualified and looks at other players’ day in and day out and he has learned from observing many others like you!

When you make a mistake, you can evaluate it on your own and adjust your technique OR consult a Shaykh and let him evaluate it for you and recommend adjustments.

Why stay in the company of a Shaykh or a Khanqah?

Your brain is able to pickup astronomical amounts of data when your conscious isn’t even aware of it. So staying in the company of Shaykh is more important than mere contact because remember the example of “how you get an idea in your brain?”

Your brain thinks up, evaluates, calculates and then serves up a “cooked idea” to your conscious mind.

Stay in a good environment and your “cooked idea” will be good because the observations, calculations were all good.

Stay in a bad environment and your “cooked idea” will be bad because the observations, calculations were all bad.

So when you are with a “Good (i.e. Sunnah following) Shaykh” you are constantly picking up habits which your conscious isn’t even aware of!

What’s wrong with many of the Shuyukh or the Tareeqas of today?

They have missed the mark!

It isn’t about Dhik’r or the Mujahada or the experiences, it’s about controlling your desires and ability to OPPOSE THE NAFS’!

The Dhik’r and other methodologies are to “aid” in the objective and where they are contradictory or conflict with “Shariah and Sunnah” then the goal won't be achieved.

Having the wrong Shaykh or being part of the wrong Tareeqa or practising the wrong “Dhik’r” is like having a bad Coach or using the wrong techniques so your game will get worse instead of improving!

Right Technique?

Since there is a danger of finding the wrong coach, or the coach with the wrong techniques while the search is on its safer to stick to the proven and guaranteed techniques and what are they for laymen:


OR for Salafees:


The basics won't change and the whole issue equally applies to Salafees or Non-Salafees or where-ever you come from...

The Summary is given below by our noble and respected Shaykh (Mufti) A.S Desai or Majlis(South Africa.
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Old 04-04-2011, 07:05 PM   #2

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Question 1:

our noble and respected Shaykh (Mufti) A.S Desai or Majlis(South Africa,

In response to a question about loud Dhikr in Jamaat and people shaking when Tawwajjuh is given, you replied on the 29th of March 2011: “In the present age it is best and safest to refrain from joining any Tasawwuf Tariqah. Follow a Math-hab, study the writings of the Auliya and consult with an Aalim any issue which you do not understand.

Hazrat, I am neither Bayt to anyone nor part of a Tareeqah but I would like to seek some clarification on your response:

  1. If Loud Dhik’r is not done in Jamaah or not done at all, should we avoid such a Tareeqa as well?
  2. If no Tawajjuh is given OR no shaking is done, would the Tareeqa still be problematic?
  3. What practises in a Tareeqa would render the entire Tareeqa impermissible?
  4. Hazrat, you well know the inclination of our Akabir towards Tawassuf and their advise to laymen about seeking “Islaah” so what has changed since the time of Shaykh (Maulana) Ashraf Ali Thanwi (RA), Mufti Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi (RA) etc since they both made loud Dhik’r?
  5. Hazrat, Do you know of any Tareeqas and Auliya today (anywhere) who are upon the Sunnah in your view?
  6. Hazrat, do you completely advise a laymen to refrain from Tassawuff and Tareeqas even the Khulafas of our Akabir like Shaykhul-Hadeeth (Maulana) Zakariyya Kandhalwi (RA)?

Jazakullah Khairun

Response 1:

26 Rabiuth Thaani 1432 (1-04-2011)

Abu Salih Muadh Khan

Respected Brother,

Your e-mail dated 31 March 2011 refers.

In our answer to the question, we also mentioned several countries (Turkey, West Africa, etc.). In those places ‘sufi’ism’ is pure Satanism. They convert Muslims into mushriks. The advice is based on the predominant situation prevailing.

Even khulafa of our Akaabireen are veering off into bid’ah. If there is a Tariqah which does not conflict with the Shariah, and its objective is purely Islaah-e-Nafs, then in our view it is Waajib to
join such a Tariqah. If there are still such Tariqahs, we are unaware of them. There may be. Allah Ta’ala knows best.

In 1970 while I was still in Jalalabad, Hadhrat Masihullah (rahmatullah alayh) visited Shaikh Zakariyyah (rahmatullah alayh) in his Khaanqah in Sahaaranpur. Hadhrat Shaikh was lying on his bed with a couple of his khaadims sitting around. Hadhrat Masihullah entered. When Hadhrat Shaikh Zakariyya saw Hadhrat Masihullah, he harshly barked at his khuddaam: ‘Get up and leave!” All of them made a quick exit. Hadhrat Zakariyyah then beckoned with his hand, calling Hadhrat Masihullah to come to him. When Hadhrat Masihullah was close by at the bed, Hadhrat Shaikh Zakariyyah grabbed hold of Hadhrat Masihullah, and broke down crying, and saying: ‘Take care of the khaanqas. All the khanqas are now desolate (weeraan).”

Brother, all the khaanqas which exist nowadays are not even shadows of khaanqas. Their emphasis is on halqah thikr, singing nazams, and eating sumptuous foods. Wallaah! Many of the khulafa have no understanding of the meaning of ‘Islaah’, hence they stay in business with halqah thikr.

If you know of a valid Khaanqah which emphasizes on Islaah-e-Nafs and which is free of bid’ah and nonsense, consider it a wonderful Ni’mat, and cling to it.

May Allah Ta’ala keep you with aafiyat.


A.S. Desai

Question 2:

our noble and respected Shaykh (Mufti) A.S Desai or Majlis(South Africa

I have read your response over and over again and tried my level best to understand and comprehend your response and may Allah (SWT) reward you for your time and effort in this world and the next (Ameen).

Hazrat, I would like further clarification on this matter.

Ever since I was a little boy I was fascinated and absorbed in the personalities of Hazrat Mujaddid Alf Thani (RA), Shah Waliullah (RA), Syed Ahmed Shaheed (RA) & Shah Ismael Shaheed (RA) and I read their books and books about them although due to my age and lack of knowledge I understood little and still don’t. However, I recognised that all of these personalities emphasised “Murqaba” and there is little or no mention of “loud and/or Halaqah Dhikr”.

Therefore my heart has always gravitated towards Naqshbandi-Mujaddidi Silsila, although I have attended the Majalis of many Mashaykh and participated in their Dhik’r. My heart and mind doesn’t agree with “Loud Dhik’r” and “Khatm-e-Khawajagan” but since I am neither a Scholar nor every knowledgeable I have abstained from these matters but left it to the discretion of Scholars & Mashaykh.

However, even in Naqshbandi-Mujaddidi Silsila in UK (& Pakistan) I have noticed Loud (& Halqah) Dhik’r and the Mashaykh have informed me that this is used in the SilSila as a medicine and not inherently part of the Silsila. I have also experienced that Durood and other Adhkaar are read in a rhythmic and melodious manner.

Recently, I attended the Majlis of a Khaleefa of Shaykh Zulfiqar Naqshbandi-Mujaddidi (HA) and the Shaykh (a Mufti) at the time of Dhik’r asked some of his Khadims to pass out photocopies of certain Ayaat and it was discovered that Khadims had forgotten. So the Mufti Saheb (HA) said that we don’t make loud Dhik’r & I wanted to pass these photocopies to you but now I will read loud (to point out the verses) and you should read (but don’t raise your voices) and if we had photocopies we wouldn’t even be reading loudly.

He also read Durood Shareef and other Adhkaar but it was not rhythmic, in fact it was very disjointed.

Thus there was no loud Dhikr and there was no rhythm in Durood Shareef etc. Hazrat Mufti Saheb (HA) explained and emphasised the importance of Sunnah and then detailed six (6) matters which everybody should adhere to:

  1. Daily Recitation of the Qur’aan: Starting from ½ juz daily.
  2. Daily Astaghfaar
  3. Daily Durood
  4. Wuqoof-e-Qalbi: Which Hazrat Mufti Saheb (HA) explained to mean that whenever possible simply turn attention towards Allah (SWT)
  5. Muraqaba of Allah (SWT)’s name:
  6. Contact with the Shaykh

I asked Hazrat Mufti Saheb (HA) in private if anyone can practise this and he said, “There are no secrets in our Tareeqa and anyone can practise this but the main point of Tassawuff is Islah and not Dhik’r”.

In addition to the Majlis being devoid of certain “practises” (which I have witnessed and observed in the Majalis of other Naqshbandi-Mujaddidi Mashaykh) I also observed Hazrat Mufti Saheb (HA) in his Salah and in his sleep and other habits and found him to be a follower of Sunnah.

I am not Bay’t to Hazrat Mufti Saheb (HA) but what are your comments on this matter and in your opinion Hazrat, as a layman and unknowledgeable person do you regard this as sufficient research and observation before participation in a Majlis?

Generally, what should we laymen and unknowledgeable people do for our Islaah and how should we engage in Dhikr?

Hazrat, I am asking for the benefit of us (who are not Ulama) and we don’t wish to criticise the Ulama & Mashaykh but we do wish to follow the Sunnah as closely as possible.

Jazakullah Khairun

Response 2:


28 Rabiuth Thaani 1432 (3-04-2011)

Abu Salih Muadh Khan

Respected Brother,

Your e-mail dated 1 April 2011 refers.

Islaah of the Nafs is Waajib. The Qur’aan and the Sunnah are emphatic on this issue. The Tareeqah of the Khaanqah is almost as old as Islam. It used to be the best way to gain Islaah. However, just as corruption has set in all Deeni institutions such as the Madaaris, corruption to a greater degree has overtaken the khaanqahs. It is for this reason that we advise extreme caution in this regard.

Before becoming bay’t to a Shaikh, sit for a number of days in his majlis. Listen to his bayaans and observe his personal life to ascertain if he is a man of the Sunnah. After being convinced that he is a genuine Shaikh, then if your heart inclines to him, adopt him as your spiritual guide.

We are not aware of the Tariqah of Shaikh Zulfiqar. After sitting in his company for some time, if you feel convinced that his Tariqah is on the Haqq, then you may become bay’t to him.

May Allah Ta’ala guide and protect you.


A.S. Desai


Mujlisul Ulama of S.A.

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Old 04-04-2011, 07:09 PM   #3

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What's the point of all this?

I believe that a man should be given a fair chance to make his case without being misunderstood and Shaykh (Mufti) A. S Desai (HA) has been implicated in a certain light and his views have been “spun” in a certain manner.

Here is Shaykh (HA)’s Fatwa clarified, explained and expounded to ensure that his point is 100% understood.

People have the right to disagree but they also have a moral duty to ensure that correct understanding is conveyed

I am neither Bay't to Shaykh Zulfiqar (HA) or any of his Khaleefas nor have any intention to. The observations in the query relate to Shaykh Mufti Kamaluddin (HA) in London that's all, as an example to Shaykh (Mufti) A. S. Desai (HA).
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Old 04-04-2011, 07:34 PM   #4

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Uncle. We miss your posts. Where have you been lately?
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Old 04-04-2011, 07:48 PM   #5

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Uncle. We miss your posts. Where have you been lately?

I am practising "Impulse Control" : -) but sometimes I have to go for "Instant Pleasure" and post!
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Old 04-04-2011, 07:57 PM   #6

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What's the point of all this?

I believe that a man should be given a fair chance to make his case without being misunderstood and Shaykh (Mufti) A. S Desai (HA) has been implicated in a certain light and his views have been “spun” in a certain manner.

Here is Shaykh (HA)’s Fatwa clarified, explained and expounded to ensure that his point is 100% understood.

People have the right to disagree but they also have a moral duty to ensure that correct understanding is conveyed

I am neither Bay't to Shaykh Zulfiqar (HA) or any of his Khaleefas nor have any intention to. The observations in the query relate to Shaykh Mufti Kamaluddin (HA) in London that's all, as an example to Shaykh (Mufti) A. S. Desai (HA).

Totally agree.
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Old 04-04-2011, 09:24 PM   #7

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Its also very important to know the person whose Fatwa you are reading so here is a first hand report from a Scholar about our noble and respected Shaykh (Mufti) A.S Desai or Majlis(South Africa:

I met Hazrat Maulana AS a couple of weeks back. He is absolutely a Wali of this time. Where would you find a person in this age with plain clothings, I counted 4 or 5 patches on his clothing. his hair was extremely oiled as though he just took a shower. He reminded me of the ahadeeth about Nabi salallahu alayhi wasallam. He was more like bubbly, would talk in hyperness. Extremely witty. Walked with firmly grounding his foot. When he met Mufti XXX's son the first thing he did was masnoon dua. In the entire time I spent in his company, I grew more and more closer to him. I felt being drawn to him like a magnet. His talk was none of the vocabulary of his writing, but simple English. At time he would explain something trivial but somehow the way he would speak would convince us.

He reminded me of no one but a Wali of Allah. Extremely Mutabi' sunnah, and pleasant to be in company of. Firm on his stance.

P.S: Now, his Fatwaas and views on Tassawuff make sense as he is close follower of Sunnah and doesn't like any deviation from it.
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Old 04-04-2011, 09:40 PM   #8

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P.S: Now, his Fatwaas and views on Tassawuff make sense as he is close follower of Sunnah and doesn't like any deviation from it.
Sorry bruv,but I have to flag this comment up. Are you implying that any person who disagrees with him is somehow not on the sunnah or less on the sunnah?

Im sorry bruv,the word sunnah is being too simplified and alot of the times, the different meanings the word 'sunnah' has in the different fields of Ilm gets interchanged without explaining how sometimes in different fields on ilm, the word 'sunnah' can and does mean different things.

Mufti A.S Desai sahib may well have very very different views to other scholars of other schools, so are you implying that those scholars of other schools are somehow not as close on the sunnah as Mufti Sahib?

Islam is not and has not been one size fits all.

No debate or argument intended CH.
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Old 04-04-2011, 09:46 PM   #9

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To state that a person is following the sunnah does not at all mean that anyone who disagrees with him does not follow the sunnah. It seems a bit far-fetched to suggest so.

I met Hazrat Maulana AS a couple of weeks back. He is absolutely a Wali of this time. Where would you find a person in this age with plain clothings, I counted 4 or 5 patches on his clothing. his hair was extremely oiled as though he just took a shower. He reminded me of the ahadeeth about Nabi salallahu alayhi wasallam. He was more like bubbly, would talk in hyperness. Extremely witty. Walked with firmly grounding his foot. When he met Mufti XXX's son the first thing he did was masnoon dua. In the entire time I spent in his company, I grew more and more closer to him. I felt being drawn to him like a magnet. His talk was none of the vocabulary of his writing, but simple English. At time he would explain something trivial but somehow the way he would speak would convince us.

He reminded me of no one but a Wali of Allah. Extremely Mutabi' sunnah, and pleasant to be in company of. Firm on his stance. This was a lovely description and much needed. I'm one of the people who has found his tone hard to stomach, due to my own shortcomings, but to come across such a description of him is inspiring and humbling.
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Old 04-04-2011, 09:47 PM   #10

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edit: Apa UmHasan said it better.

While I may not agree with Mufti Majlis in many issues or agree with the way he writes, he is certainly one of the 'ulama who I admire for his strict adherence to shari'ah. May Allah Ta'aala keep him in His Aman, Ameen.
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Old 04-04-2011, 10:08 PM   #11

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I am not questioning nor criticising his strict adherence to Deen. A incident from Al 'itedaal comes to mind which describes what im trying to say........

May Allah lengthen the Shaykhs life,and allow the ummah to benefit from him.
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Old 04-04-2011, 10:23 PM   #12

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Question 1:

Even khulafa of our Akaabireen are veering off into bid’ah. If there is a Tariqah which does not conflict with the Shariah, and its objective is purely Islaah-e-Nafs, then in our view it is Waajib to
join such a Tariqah. [B]If there are still such Tariqahs, we are unaware of them. There may be. Allah Ta’ala knows best.

Hadhrat Shaikh Zakariyyah grabbed hold of Hadhrat Masihullah, and broke down crying, and saying: ‘Take care of the khaanqas. All the khanqas are now desolate (weeraan).

Brother, all the khaanqas which exist nowadays are not even shadows of khaanqas. Their emphasis is on halqah thikr, singing nazams, and eating sumptuous foods. Wallaah! Many of the khulafa have no understanding of the meaning of ‘Islaah’, hence they stay in business with halqah thikr.

If you know of a valid Khaanqah which emphasizes on Islaah-e-Nafs and which is free of bid’ah and nonsense, consider it a wonderful Ni’mat, and cling to it.

May Allah Ta’ala keep you with aafiyat.


A.S. Desai


I am probably going to get a kicking for this....

But is this for real?

The khanqahs are now veeran? isnt that phrase of hadhrat sheikh taken out of context just a little bit? dont forget hadhrat sheikh used to emphasise the khanqhas because Allah's name was taken there, people islah was happening there. He undertook a journey to S.A just in the hope of reviving the khanqah system. His own khanqah was under the supervision of Maulana Talha during his lifetime, i have seen that same khanqah still alive and kicking and in ramadhan its there with full force. Maulana Hakeem Akhtar sahibs khanqah is still there, with full force, Maulana Zulfiqaar's khanqah systems works and is there in force. There seems to be more naqshbandi's now than previously. The Khanqah system of raipur is still alive, i have not been there but heard things about raipur. Maulana Yunus Jaunpuri still holds regular dhikr sessions daily and durood majlis on Fridays desipte of his frail health. He regularly holds ramadhan khanqah too. Maulana Yusuf Motala holds a service on Thursdays at his darul uloom, he is contactable at other times, Maulana Saleem Dhorat has a khanqah which is on the ascendancy, Maulana Adam has a full fledged khanqah too in Leicester.

With regards to dhikr, i have not heard Maulana Talha nor Sheikh Maulana Yunus Saheb's dhikr sessions where the dhikr is in unison. Mufti Mehmud Gangohi r.a gave a fatawa against it. Mufti Ebrahim Desai doesnt promote it.

As we are on the subject of naat, Maulana Thanvi's khanqah used to have naat in them. In what context i do not know. There is a famous naat written by his biographer which is still recited in circles now.

Naat's of Qari Muhammed Tayyib saheb are famous, he was a khalifa of Hadhrat Thanvi, Maulana Muhammed Ahmed Sahib Partabgadhi was a giant in Tariqat and he has many beautiful naat written in books which to date people sing.

Haji Saheb r.a used to write poems of his love for his sheikh and the Prophet Sallalahu Alayhi Wassalam. Isnt he seen as the source of tassawuf for all deobandi's?

Mufti Saheb doesnt know any that these people exist?? How can he give advice to someone when being totally ignorant of the effort that is already being made by the scholars i have mentioned.

I say totally ignorant in the context that he either musnt know these scholars iv mentioned exist or if he does then he must think they are not doing the job properly.
Also with regards to the definition of khanqah. These days if you have the Grand Sheikh of Tariqah in every town and gave him a building from where to perform islah of the masses due to our worldly commitments hardly anyone would attend. That isnt the fault of the Sheikh, nor does it literally mean the Khanqah is in ruins. It is the fault of the people, the people make the khanqah aabaad or veraan!!
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Old 04-04-2011, 10:30 PM   #13

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In our answer to the question, we also mentioned several countries (Turkey, West Africa, etc.). In those places ‘sufi’ism’ is pure Satanism. They convert Muslims into mushriks. The advice is based on the predominant situation prevailing.

There seems to be an organized attempt to destroy Sufism in Turkey. Still , you find some genuine sufi shaykhs in that country. In the following thread , you will find more info about those shaykhs.

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Old 04-04-2011, 10:32 PM   #14

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Is it also just me or were others too taken aback when Mufti Sahib mentioned he had not heard of Shaykh Zulfiqar sahib.

I don't expect him to know every shaykh in the world but Shaykh Zulfiqar sahib is pretty high up in 'our deobandi' circles,no?
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Old 04-04-2011, 10:40 PM   #15

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This one is for colonel sahib,

how do you think posting something like this creates unity? or even promotes good spirit?

this post of yours creates more controversy than actual guidance if that was your intention.

if you know something is of contention then its best not to even go there.
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Old 04-04-2011, 10:46 PM   #16

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This one is for colonel sahib,

how do you think posting something like this creates unity? or even promotes good spirit?

this post of yours creates more controversy than actual guidance if that was your intention.

if you know something is of contention then its best not to even go there.

i don't think there is any controversy in this thread. It enlightens people
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Old 04-04-2011, 10:48 PM   #17

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Is it also just me or were others too taken aback when Mufti Sahib mentioned he had not heard of Shaykh Zulfiqar sahib.

I don't expect him to know every shaykh in the world but Shaykh Zulfiqar sahib is pretty high up in 'our deobandi' circles,no?

if i just read it correctly, he only said that he not aware of Sheikh Zulfiqar sahab's actual tariqah. Sorry no time to re-read the posts again
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Old 04-04-2011, 10:51 PM   #18

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Hadhrat Gangohi said dhikr even without concentration takes an effect on a person.

My Sheikh says that say Allah a few times with the correct intention and some day that will take effect on you also.

So a khanqah where even if there is just the Sheikh doing Allah Allah for the sake of Allah isnt worth anything and those Sheikhs/Khanqahs are not worthy to be affiliated to??
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Old 04-04-2011, 10:51 PM   #19

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Thus there was no loud Dhikr and there was no rhythm in Durood Shareef etc. Hazrat Mufti Saheb (HA) explained and emphasised the importance of Sunnah and then detailed six (6) matters which everybody should adhere to:

  1. Daily Recitation of the Qur’aan: Starting from ½ juz daily.
  2. Daily Astaghfaar
  3. Daily Durood
  4. Wuqoof-e-Qalbi: Which Hazrat Mufti Saheb (HA) explained to mean that whenever possible simply turn attention towards Allah (SWT)
  5. Muraqaba of Allah (SWT)’s name:
  6. Contact with the Shaykh

I asked Hazrat Mufti Saheb (HA) in private if anyone can practise this and he said, “There are no secrets in our Tareeqa and anyone can practise this but the main point of Tassawuff is Islah and not Dhik’r”.

The bold part of the comments above should not be misunderstood and abused as a pretext to belittle the importance of spiritual bond ( Nisbat ) with a genuine sufi shaykh.

The prescribed exercise mentioned above is given at the beginning stage to a mureed. But , at higher stages there are many special types of zikr and muraqaba ( meditation ) done in special ways within the boundary of shariah.

Those spiritual exercises of higher stages in Tariqah must be done under the permission of a genuine sufi shaykh. Otherwise, that guy may become brain-damaged !!!

Regarding the spiritual bond , the following extract is quite important.

Source : p. 119-120

Imdaadus Suluk ,by Hadhrat Rashid Ahmad Gangohi ( RA ) in Farsi trans.

Irshadul Mulook , by Hadhrat Aashiq Ilaahi Merathi ( RA ) in Urdu trans.

Risalah Makkiyyah , by Shaykh Qutbuddin Damashqi ( RA ) in Arabic ,orignal


" Know that there is a difference between Taqleedi Thikr and Tahqeeqi Thikr. The Thikr which the laeity acquired from their fathers and seniors is known as Taqleedi Thikr (Thikr by following others). Although this Thikr does ward off shaitan and certainly strengthens and protects Iman, it is not as efficacious as thikr Haqeeqi, in that it cannot enable the Thakir to attain the lofty ranks of Wilayat and qurb (Divine proximity)

The Thikr which is acquired from a Sahib-e-Talqeen and Tasarruf (i.e a qualified Shaikh of Tareeqat) whose Silsilah of Thikr is an unbroken chain linking up with Rasulullah(PBUH), is known as Tahqeeqi Thikr. It is this high grade of Thikr which acts in the batin (heart,soul,etc.) of the mureed.

When this Thikr takes root in the heart of a sincere mureed by way of talqeen(instruction of the shaikh), it flourishes with obedience to the Sunnah and Amal-e-Salihah. In consequence the rays of the illumination of Wilayat strike the mureed. At that stage, by the command of Allah the fruits of mukashafat and mushahadat are continuously acquired by the mureed. By virtue of Ikhlas and honesty of intension, he will insha Allah, reap the gain of Marifat and Muhabbat. Talqeen plays a vital role in the deliverance of the Mureed to the goals of Marifat and Muhabbat. It is on this account that the Hadith likens the Mumin to a date tree. A date tree will not bear fruit if it has not been paired.

Similarly, as long a the mureed does not acquire Talqeen from a Shaikh-e-Kamil, his tree of Marifat will not bear fruit.

Abdullah Bin Umar (radiallahuanhu) narrates that Rasulullah(PBUH) said:

'There is a tree which does not shed its leaves and its similitude is like that of a Mu'min. Which tree is it?'

The sahabah began thinking about the trees in the desert.Abdullah bin Umar(radiallahuanhu) said:

'It occured to me that it is the date tree. However on account of the presence of seniors, I could not voice myself. Finally the sahabah said:

' O Rasulullah! Which tree is it?'

Rasulullah(PBUH) said:

'The date tree. Until it is not paired it will not bear.'

" Mukashafat and Mushahadat " mentioned above are relaetd extraordinary perception of the purified heard which can see the divine light through the inward eye.
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Old 04-04-2011, 10:52 PM   #20

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if i just read it correctly, he only said that he not aware of Sheikh Zulfiqar sahab's actual tariqah. Sorry no time to re-read the posts again

Jazak Allah.. your statment may actualy clarify for the brother. If us small fries dont have time to re-read posts, then why do we expect these ulama to be aware of all the personalities or their turuq. Their work is chalked out. They do that work, and sleep to wake up another day to do some more work lillah again..

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