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Old 03-23-2011, 02:24 AM   #1

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Default Fake Tawadhu, Overdose of Tawadhu.....
Assalam Alaikum,

There is an arabic saying:

كل شي اذا خرج عن حده رجع الي ضده...

Anything when it crosses its limits returns to its opposite..

People are overdoing tawadhu and it has become a trend to just keep on saying with your tongues Oh man i'm nothing, im a sinner.. And when you tell them yes you are the worst person on earth and you are a sinner then u see their faces change color.

These kind of people they want to be praised through tawadhu. People start praising them oh man how much tawadhu you have.

My partial sheikh, he's so overdoing tawadhu that he tells me oh im the worst person on earth and you are better than me.. I told him ok i'm better than you and you are the worst person so you benefit from me :P

Then you get those new khulafas who get khilafat from someone and they're dying to tell everyone we have khilafat but they pretend as if they are full of tawadhu so they say oh it's hazrat's good opinion of me i'm not worth it. If you are not worth it then why mention it in the first place? Why mention it in forums in the first place?

Then there are those who if u call Hazrat or Sheikh they will waste 10-15 mins just telling you that don't call me sheikh, don't call me hazrat. I don't like it. If you don't like it then why do u interact with people? Just go and sit in your own corner and do Allah Allah...

The summary is, why can't people be normal like Sahaba? Why cant they just be normal. If someone calls you sheikh ok let them.. Why go to extents to deny it and then get praised and then feel happy for their praise...???

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Old 03-23-2011, 02:28 AM   #2

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i read in 1 book of jumma khutbah 1 hadis in which aap saw told "ana bur-aao anit takalluf"
i m seaching refrence of this hadis
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Old 03-23-2011, 06:30 AM   #3

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I totally agree. Hadhratwala Maulana Hakeem Akhtar sahib [DB] also mentions that people should never regard themselves to be pious or having reached the status of piety, but rather always strive to apply piety to their lives. Similair other good qualities like Tawwadhu should be tried the utmost to be practised upon, but the thought of "Yes, I've done it!" shouldn't come to the mind. Shaykh Saleem Dhorat [DB] gave an excellent talk on this deception as well: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mozx1uVypY
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Old 03-24-2011, 12:19 AM   #4

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You can't tell what people are really feeling. They may seem like they are "overdoing" humility but how do you know that? Can you look inside their hearts and read what they are feeling and whether they are sincere?

I mentioned how i know. Read my post again. Hazrat Hakeem ul Ummah rahimahullah has also written about it. That people go on about how bad they are and when you tell them yes you are really very bad then you see their face color change. You can tell sometimes by looking at the faces what the person is really feeling. Allah has also mentioned this sign in Quran that when an ayat or a surah is revealed about ....... you see the munafiqeen, their faces change as if death has come on them... And then the simple sign is that they tell everyone we have khilafat from this this sheikh and when you call them hazrat they won't like it. So why mention it in the first place?

What if they may seem like they are faking it but in reality they are the most humble person in the sight of Allah and therefore the most Beloved, and then here we are thinking bad thoughts of the most Beloved of Allah. I'm not pinpointing any specific person or tell any specific person in his face that you are proud and you don't have humility. Who's thinking bad about them? Just telling them not to over do it. It's starting to get on my nerves

Anyway, Allah won't ask us on the Day of Judgment about whether or not so and so person had real humility or not. But what He will ask us is whether or not we had pride or humility, and another thing He will ask is why we had a bad opinion of someone. If we think negatively regarding someone then Allah will ask us to bring proof for that claim, whereas if we think positively about someone then that will only help ourselves, and I don't know about you but I'm sure that I have enough of my own sins to worry about for the day of judgement than to be thinking about other people anyway. Allah will not ask us about anyone else. So why do we waste our time on these forums doing tableegh when we should concentrate on our own selves. Because Allah will never ask us about anyone else.

You asked, "why can't people be normal like the sahabah?" Well the real question we need to ask ourselves is "Why am I not like the sahabah yet, and what can I change about myself to get there?" I won't come here and ask Why am I not like the sahabah yet? Would I? I'll just think it to myself. This forum is not a blog where I write my own thoughts. It's about telling people what's right and what's wrong.

These are all things I'm still trying to inculcate which is why I wrote it out so that I can remind myself, may Allah grant us all true humility and rid us of pride and grant us the tawfeeq to think only well of others.

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Old 03-24-2011, 01:25 AM   #5

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My Sheikh Yunus Jaunpuri once said that, Gujrati, Bihari & Bangali express the fact that they have khilafat, these things were not found in the elders, the elders used to hide their khilafat.

Anybody wishing to verify how khilafat was hidden should read Maulana Zakariyas khilafat incident and also of Mufti Mehmud Gangohi.
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Old 03-24-2011, 01:36 AM   #6

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Nonetheless, I believe even if another person seems to fake Tawwadhu it's our responsibility to keep husn-e-dhann and not accuse the person. But each person himself should try to get rid of Kibr hidden in Tawwadhu.

Anybody wishing to verify how khilafat was hidden should read Maulana Zakariyas khilafat incident and also of Mufti Mehmud Gangohi.
Where can we find these?
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Old 03-24-2011, 01:42 AM   #7

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Assalam Alaikum,

Then you get those new khulafas who get khilafat from someone and they're dying to tell everyone we have khilafat but they pretend as if they are full of tawadhu so they say oh it's hazrat's good opinion of me i'm not worth it. If you are not worth it then why mention it in the first place? Why mention it in forums in the first place?
Some poeple have got this tawadhu instilled in them very very deep, its a sign of the Chistiya that they think themselves to be very inferior. So although to me and you these things are obvious that its being overdone, the person might actually mean it.

Sheikh ul Islam Maulana Madani & Maulana Thanvi had very different ways of tarbiyah. Maulana Thanvi thought that you have to be very stern for islah whereas Maulana Madani was quite the opposite. There are incidents reported of Maulana Madani pressing the feet of visitors and incidents of him not rebuking visitors even when they did wrong.

Maulana Thanvi used to get some ajeeb people attending his khanqah. They used to have strict rules in Thanabhovan. You need to seek permission before coming, if you want to bring a gift you need to ask first etc. These dihatee's can sometimes be very stern too so you need an iron fist to rule them.

A mureed once asked Maulana Thanvi if he could bring something, so Hadhrat said to bring a few pieces of halwa/mithai. Now this mureed comes with big trays (i think it was 3), so Maulana Thanvi rebuked him, he turned around and says these are big pieces. You did say i could bring 3 pieces but not how big.

Another person who wanted to become bayt once came with some sugar so Maulana Thanvi, the latter accepted it. Now later on this person says to Maulana Thanvi make me a mureed, so Maulana Thanvi as per his habit declined (there was rules such as the sheikh needs to see something in you and you need to see something in the sheikh, and that you were comfortable with the teachings etc). So this mureed says give me my sugar back, so Maulana Thanvi says ok, and gets someone to fetch his sugar but it had already been used. Maulana Thanvi had no choice but to accept him

Har aik ki dunya alag hoti hei - Keep husne dhan that maybe these people genuinly think low of them, remember if he is following the sunnah and it is visible to you, and his teaching coincide with the deen of Muhammed Sallalahu Alayhi Wassalm then he could well have a strong dose of tawadhu in him therefore he keeps mentioning his low status. With regards to the others refer it to Allah and that he not make us one of them. Ameen
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Old 03-24-2011, 01:44 AM   #8

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Where can we find these?

On Mufti Mahmud al-Hasan sahib
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Old 03-24-2011, 01:49 AM   #9

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Nonetheless, I believe even if another person seems to fake Tawwadhu it's our responsibility to keep husn-e-dhann and not accuse the person. But each person himself should try to get rid of Kibr hidden in Tawwadhu.

Where can we find these?
Aap beeti, and Hadhrat Sheikh aur un ke Khulafa i think, or maybe both incidents can be found in Aap Beeti.

When Qutub al Aqtaab was given the duty to teach Bukhari Shareef by Maulana Saharanpuri he fell at his feet crying saying no no, I cant do this. Mufti Mehmud was told by Sheikh Zakariya to start accepting mureeds. The same goes for Sheikh Zakariya, he was once forced literally to take the women of his household as mureeds. He was forced by Maulana Ilyas Dehlavi. He got told to come into the room and when he did he wasnt given an option but was told!!
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Old 03-24-2011, 01:52 AM   #10

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My Sheikh Yunus Jaunpuri once said that, Gujrati, Bihari & Bangali express the fact that they have khilafat, these things were not found in the elders, the elders used to hide their khilafat.

Anybody wishing to verify how khilafat was hidden should read Maulana Zakariyas khilafat incident and also of Mufti Mehmud Gangohi.
In Gangoh there was a woman who had bayat with a Shaykh, when Mufti Sahib (rah) traveled to Gangoh, she came to him and said that "My Shaykh has passed away, please allow me to give bayat to you". Mufti Sahib (db) was quite surprised by this. While he and Shaykh ul Hadith (rah) were going to visit Maulana Thanvi (rah), Mufti Sahib (rah) narrated the incident, but had yet to finish when Shaykh ul Hadith (rah) said: "If she wants to give bayat to you, accept it". Mufti Sahib (rah) replied "Hadrat, How can I make someone my disciple?, My intention was that if there is a day when Hadrat Madani (rah) can visit here, so I can inform the woman, that he is coming and she can give bayat to him." Hadrat Shaykh ul Hadith (rah) replied: "Dont be shy...if you need to consult with me, just ask, this is my ijaazat (permission)".

Mufti Sahib (rah) did not take this to be an explicit ijaazat from Shaykh ul Hadith (rah) and went to Kanpur. Then Shaykh ul Hadith (rah) wrote him a letter stating: "I have no news if anyone has made bayat to you or not, if somebody wants to give bayat then give it to him". Mufti Sahib (rah) repied: "Hadrat, some people wanted to give bayat to me, however I advised them to approach other scholars. When somebody insisted repeatedly, then I told them 'I dont have ijaazat (permission) to give bayat'. Hadrat Shaykh (rah) replied: "Perhaps you dont remember that when we were going to visit Hadrat Thanvi (rah), I gave you ijaazat at that time, and any doubts you had I cleared them also". He wrote also "One should give advice to people to give bayat to someone else but when others insist then there is no harm in acceding to their request".

courtesy of the link by ibnummabd
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Old 03-24-2011, 03:32 AM   #11

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Nonetheless, I believe even if another person seems to fake Tawwadhu it's our responsibility to keep husn-e-dhann and not accuse the person. But each person himself should try to get rid of Kibr hidden in Tawwadhu.
Assalaamu 'alaykum
And this is the point sister fs89 was trying to make i think...in other words we should keep husne dhann as we cannot see what lies in the hearts and if there was fake tawaadhu present then it is between them and Allah ta'ala and He is not going to question us about it.... This way insha Allah it will not get on the nerves either.
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Old 03-24-2011, 11:01 AM   #12

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Assalam Alaikum,

There is an arabic saying:

كل شي اذا خرج عن حده رجع الي ضده...

Anything when it crosses its limits returns to its opposite..

People are overdoing tawadhu and it has become a trend to just keep on saying with your tongues Oh man i'm nothing, im a sinner.. And when you tell them yes you are the worst person on earth and you are a sinner then u see their faces change color.

These kind of people they want to be praised through tawadhu. People start praising them oh man how much tawadhu you have.

My partial sheikh, he's so overdoing tawadhu that he tells me oh im the worst person on earth and you are better than me.. I told him ok i'm better than you and you are the worst person so you benefit from me :P

Then you get those new khulafas who get khilafat from someone and they're dying to tell everyone we have khilafat but they pretend as if they are full of tawadhu so they say oh it's hazrat's good opinion of me i'm not worth it. If you are not worth it then why mention it in the first place? Why mention it in forums in the first place?

Then there are those who if u call Hazrat or Sheikh they will waste 10-15 mins just telling you that don't call me sheikh, don't call me hazrat. I don't like it. If you don't like it then why do u interact with people? Just go and sit in your own corner and do Allah Allah...

The summary is, why can't people be normal like Sahaba? Why cant they just be normal. If someone calls you sheikh ok let them.. Why go to extents to deny it and then get praised and then feel happy for their praise...???

What is normal?

This is a common misunderstanding I keep seeing on the forum. Let me clarify again, what one shaikh practices, his methodology, doesnt apply to everyone. Different people have different methodology. I think in Moulana Shah Hakeem Akhtar sahabs db silsilah the mureeds are forbidden to write or say these types of things. But in other shuyookh silsilah the mureed has to write or say such things. I think in many places in Fazail e Amaal Shaikh Zakariyyah ra calls many bad things to himself.

Sometimes tawadho instills deep in a person, cannot help but to say and feel such things. Sometimes even worse than to think such things, a person will wish to even committ suicide but doesnt because it is haraam - ghalba of tawazo can go to such an extent.

Person sometimes has to mention he has khilafath so that it shows he has some authority to speak on the topic. If a person gave fatwa on here we can ask him what authority he has to give fatwa.
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Old 03-24-2011, 11:35 AM   #13

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Just for the record, there are times when I really think I am better than most people. And I usually think my opinion is the best opinion. And what do I usually do when someone praises me? I say, "Oh no brother, I am nothing." But really I think I'm something amazing. And when I praise others, I do so grudgingly. This is the truth, but I would never say it.
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Old 03-24-2011, 12:26 PM   #14

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The question is what is the reality of tawadho?
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Old 03-24-2011, 02:41 PM   #15

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My Sheikh Yunus Jaunpuri once said that, Gujrati, Bihari & Bangali express the fact that they have khilafat,
So, it is a regional phenomenon?
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Old 03-24-2011, 02:42 PM   #16

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The question is what is the reality of tawadho?
Why don't you explain is short, bro Fusus?
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Old 03-24-2011, 03:16 PM   #17

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Nonetheless, I believe even if another person seems to fake Tawwadhu it's our responsibility to keep husn-e-dhann and not accuse the person. But each person himself should try to get rid of Kibr hidden in Tawwadhu.

Where can we find these?

All those who are posting things like this and like this is between Allah and him and we should not think bad etc etc.. Well my post was just a reminder to those WHO REALLY OVERDO TAWADHU AND IT'S VERY CLEAR THAT THEY ARE FAKE. I know because when you really tell them something they don't like it. Tawadhu is not just about saying oh man i'm so bad, i'm such a worst person. That's not what tawadhu is about. Tawadhu is about believing that you are nothing not just saying it. Then there are guys who will go to extremes to hide stuff and think they are doing tawadhu. Like if you ask someone are you an alim.. Oh man no, i'm not an alim im a jahil... When it's very obvious they are alim. Hazrat where have you studied from? Oh man i'm a jahil how can i study in a maderssah... And then you stop asking them again because you know they'll just keep on wasting time. And after sometime you see they are dying to tell you they are alim. Then they'll mention it... etc etc

Well this post is a reminder for this kind of people. Not pinpointing any person in particular. And no need to come and say well we should have husn e dhann, people have genuine tawadhu, because all those who have genuine tawadhu they are already exempted from this.

It's just like if someone posts about Muslims not reading Namaz and not praying Jummah, then people come and say why are you saying this? there are people who read namaz. You should have husn e dhann.. It won't make any sense because the post would be directed at those who don't read namaz not at those who read namaz..


If like some guys said here each person should worry about themselves, then why are they coming and posting here anyways? They should be worrying about themselves not me and telling me to have husn e dhann...

Sorry for being rude cause somethings are really getting on my nerves these days esp by deeni people
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Old 03-24-2011, 03:24 PM   #18

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Assalamu alaykum

Let me quote my personal experience.

I made a bayan in local masjid. I told about sifaat of Allah swt, he is razzaq, he is qadir etc. Allah gives us rizq etc.

After the bayan one brother teased me "when are you resigning from your job" I asked "why", he said "you only told now that Allah swt is razzaq"

Should I be tested for what I said. If that is the case no one will open his mouth on sifaat.
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Old 03-24-2011, 03:45 PM   #19

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All those who are posting things like this and like this is between Allah and him and we should not think bad etc etc.. Well my post was just a reminder to those WHO REALLY OVERDO TAWADHU AND IT'S VERY CLEAR THAT THEY ARE FAKE. I know because when you really tell them something they don't like it. Tawadhu is not just about saying oh man i'm so bad, i'm such a worst person. That's not what tawadhu is about. Tawadhu is about believing that you are nothing not just saying it. Then there are guys who will go to extremes to hide stuff and think they are doing tawadhu. Like if you ask someone are you an alim.. Oh man no, i'm not an alim im a jahil... When it's very obvious they are alim. Hazrat where have you studied from? Oh man i'm a jahil how can i study in a maderssah... And then you stop asking them again because you know they'll just keep on wasting time. And after sometime you see they are dying to tell you they are alim. Then they'll mention it... etc etc

Well this post is a reminder for this kind of people. Not pinpointing any person in particular. And no need to come and say well we should have husn e dhann, people have genuine tawadhu, because all those who have genuine tawadhu they are already exempted from this.

It's just like if someone posts about Muslims not reading Namaz and not praying Jummah, then people come and say why are you saying this? there are people who read namaz. You should have husn e dhann.. It won't make any sense because the post would be directed at those who don't read namaz not at those who read namaz..


If like some guys said here each person should worry about themselves, then why are they coming and posting here anyways? They should be worrying about themselves not me and telling me to have husn e dhann...

Sorry for being rude cause somethings are really getting on my nerves these days esp by deeni people
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Old 03-24-2011, 03:47 PM   #20

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Assalamu alaykum

Let me quote my personal experience.

I made a bayan in local masjid. I told about sifaat of Allah swt, he is razzaq, he is qadir etc. Allah gives us rizq etc.

After the bayan one brother teased me "when are you resigning from your job" I asked "why", he said "you only told now that Allah swt is razzaq"

Should I be tested for what I said. If that is the case no one will open his mouth on sifaat.
person was a perfect idiot...
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