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Old 10-11-2012, 07:10 PM   #1

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Default 14-year-old schoolgirl shot in Pakistan
Teenage rights activist shot in Pakistan
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Old 10-11-2012, 07:22 PM   #2

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This is really thinkable thing... What is happening in our country.
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Old 10-11-2012, 07:25 PM   #3

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I had posted this thread previously but it got deleted for some reason. Since I got no message with an explanation as to why it was deleted, I am guessing it was a mistake and so I re-posted it.
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Old 10-11-2012, 08:15 PM   #4

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^It's probably a bug.
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Old 10-11-2012, 09:29 PM   #5

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here she is praising obama, bacha khan and benazir:

she was not a rights activist or anything. she was propped up by the government and US to further the bias against taliban. look at her blog on bbc, filled with utter propaganda and jokes against niqab, shariat and basically. and the blog was from swat. have anyone of you been published on BBC?

it was due to her ('her' as in the whole franchise) propaganda that pakistan armed forces got a free ticket and were able to rally popular support and attack swat, kill as much as they can and demolish shariah.

and now we dont have shariah in swat. this is the same propaganda used against afghan taliban when it was invaded 'we are going to liberate the women'.

her parents and government are responsible for this. and she is not a child. she is 14 and baaligh. yet still the parents are primarily responsible.
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Old 10-11-2012, 09:46 PM   #6

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here she is praising obama, bacha khan and benazir:

she was not a rights activist or anything. she was propped up by the government and US to further the bias against taliban. look at her blog on bbc, filled with utter propaganda and jokes against niqab, shariat and basically. and the blog was from swat. have anyone of you been published on BBC?

it was due to her ('her' as in the whole franchise) propaganda that pakistan armed forces got a free ticket and were able to rally popular support and attack swat, kill as much as they can and demolish shariah.

and now we dont have shariah in swat. this is the same propaganda used against afghan taliban when it was invaded 'we are going to liberate the women'.

her parents and government are responsible for this. and she is not a child. she is 14 and baaligh. yet still the parents are primarily responsible.
But still a true mujahid cant be petty and baghairat. Even if she was being used, she was a kid. I highly doubt mujahideen would do such a thing. Most probably its the same forces who advertised her before and then using this incident to further take the respect of deen out of the hearts of ordinary muslims.
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Old 10-11-2012, 10:01 PM   #7

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Even if she was being used, she was a kid.
no she wasnt.

the balooghat age isnt 18 in islam. for women its around 10 to 12.
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Old 10-11-2012, 10:10 PM   #8

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no she wasnt.

the balooghat age isnt 18 in islam. for women its around 10 to 12.
A 14 year old baligh kid in these times and age cant be taken serious for their tantrums, especially by true mujahideen . Either the ttp are at the same mental level at 14 yr olds or i still beleive this was a propaganda stunt to change the masses impression about the deen and religious people.
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Old 10-11-2012, 10:15 PM   #9

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A 14 year old baligh kid in these times and age cant be taken serious for their tantrums, especially by true mujahideen . Either the ttp are at the same mental level at 14 yr olds or i still beleive this was a propaganda stunt to change the masses impression of the deen and religious people.
well this 14 year old wasnt just throwing a tantrum. for three years you cant throw a tantrum. she was a symbol. and she was old enough to recognize it. 'in this age' doesnt abrogate the age of maturity, in fact it reinforces it more given how quickly children mature because of media and television. in US i remember a 12 year old running a successful business. 10-11 year olds know stuff that probably our women in the villages dont know until they are married. they can speak on a wide variety of topics and have extensive knowledge these modern 'kids'. they are not dumb.

you want to see what real mujahideen do and don't do then i suggest you go to them and learn under them. it is an advice
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Old 10-11-2012, 10:23 PM   #10

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well this 14 year old wasnt just throwing a tantrum. for three years you cant throw a tantrum. she was a symbol. and she was old enough to recognize it. 'in this age' doesnt abrogate the age of maturity, in fact it reinforces it more given how quickly children mature because of media and television. in US i remember a 12 year old running a successful business. 10-11 year olds know stuff that probably our women in the villages dont know until they are married. they can speak on a wide variety of topics and have extensive knowledge these modern 'kids'. they are not dumb.

you want to see what real mujahideen do and don't do then i suggest you go to them and learn under them. it is an advice
If u think by looking at todays media kids are getting matured then u are deluded. Knowing more layani doesnt make you mature. Real maturity is dependent how much a person understands the deen and their talluq with Allah. Its stupid of your so called mujahideen to do this. And i think you just have some mujahideen made up in ur mind. Mujahideen didnt do this.
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Old 10-11-2012, 10:34 PM   #11

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Spend your time doing better things than arguing about such stuff.

Today is Thursday.

Recite Suratul Kahf and get 1 weeks Noor.
Atleast spend 7 mins to recite Suratul Dukhan and get the dua of 7000 angels till morning.
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Old 10-11-2012, 10:39 PM   #12

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Spend your time doing better things than arguing about such stuff.

Today is Thursday.

Recite Suratul Kahf and get 1 weeks Noor.
Atleast spend 7 mins to recite Suratul Dukhan and get the dua of 7000 angels till morning.
Walaikum salam,

Great advice. Before i get caught up its beter to leave now this thread. JazakAllah khayrun.
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Old 10-11-2012, 10:43 PM   #13

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look at her blog on bbc, filled with...jokes against niqab, shariat
I don't see any of this on her BBC blog to which I have provided a link below.

Diary of a Pakistani schoolgirl

Perhaps she has made the types of statements you speak of elsewhere. Could you please possibly provide me with a source for them?

and she is not a child. she is 14 and baaligh.
Are you saying that you believe her shooting was Islamically-justified? If so, please explain your position and base it upon authentic, scholarly Islamic sources.
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Old 10-11-2012, 10:52 PM   #14

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Real maturity is dependent how much a person understands the deen and their talluq with Allah.
right. so i guess a 40 year old secular man is also a na baligh?
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Old 10-11-2012, 10:58 PM   #15

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I don't see any of this on her BBC blog to which I have provided a link below.

Diary of a Pakistani schoolgirl

Perhaps she has made the types of statements you speak of elsewhere. Could you please possibly provide me with a source for them?
please see bottom three paragraphs:

Are you saying that you believe her shooting was Islamically-justified? If so, please explain your position and base it upon authentic, scholarly Islamic sources.
I am inclined to believe that. though my education in this respect isnt complete. if i am not wrong they are classifying her as a 'harbi' (combatant). then again such discussions are banned on this forum so I cant help you much. i suggest you either pick up books on J written by those who fought it or visit J forums to see what contemporary J ulema say.
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Old 10-11-2012, 11:02 PM   #16

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please see bottom three paragraphs:
Unfortunately, I can't read that nor do I even know Urdu. Could you please possibly recommend a good translation tool online?
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Old 10-11-2012, 11:09 PM   #17

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Is there any relation between the Afghan taliban and the Pakistani taliban?
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Old 10-11-2012, 11:18 PM   #18

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Unfortunately, I can't read that nor do I even know Urdu. Could you please possibly recommend a good translation tool online?
i am sorry I do not know of any such tool.
anyways save the link.
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Old 10-11-2012, 11:19 PM   #19

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Is there any relation between the Afghan taliban and the Pakistani taliban?
yes. better not go into too much detail here.
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Old 10-11-2012, 11:36 PM   #20

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While I am suspicious whenever Westerners and their lackeys talk about 'women's education' (what exactly does that mean?) I am appalled every time some hot head goes and fires his gun off in the Muslim World or sets off a bomb, killing or injuring others, thinking that violence will solve the situation. I'm sure this supposed project to 'educate women in the Muslim World' is nothing more than a plan to corrupt the women of the Ummah (having already corrupted so many of the men of the Muslim Ummah). However, instead of resorting to violence, how about these communities try and provide an alternative...as in, an education that fuses the moral and spiritual teachings of Islam with the study of secular subjects such as math and the sciences? Also, can one be so surprised that there are Muslims (men and women) going around bashing the faith they were brought up in, when they're given such an extreme black-and-white picture of things, while living under the rule of extremists such as the Taliban? Such an experience would make anyone a prime target for the brainwashing the of the godless Western imperialists, to be honest. Besides, such a knee-jerk reaction is bound to serve only as a means for said imperialists to morally prop up their invasion and subjugation of such countries as Afghanistan, etc. We need to show more compassion towards our fellow Muslims in cases such as this and provide a more nuanced, intellectually rigorous defense of our principles and present them to those who have been misguided or are confused. As a Muslim living in the West and a convert at that, I know many things that so many of the naive ones who fall for the lie that the Western/non-Muslim/hedonistic way is liberating or better than Islam...things which, if presented to those willing to listen, would probably change their minds (though there might be others who could convey the message better than I). All in all, instead of a violent response, we need to provide an alternative to both zealotry (as practiced by groups such as the Taliban) and imitation (as practiced by many modernist Muslims, who think that being exactly like a non-Muslim is the way to go, if you want a better quality of life). We need to recognize that there is a problem with the state of the Muslim World (many have talked of such a thing, but it seems like no one wants to really present an actual, viable solution that isn't out of line with people's day-to-day realities, etc.). Ultimately, if women's education in particular and the education of the Muslim World in general were handled far better, I'm sure (due to the resulting LACK of ignorance concerning morals, faith, and other practical knowledge), there would be a lot less of these kinds of stories (or at least the material to give birth to them) or more success stories about the Muslims rising up out of the mess they are currently in. I'm sure things are far more complex than just this, but we need to start somewhere...Just my two cents...

Wa Salams,

Tempest Desh
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