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Old 10-08-2012, 10:44 PM   #1

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Default An observation : Becoming a wali of this time and age

I just want to share some observations I have made along with sulook. The observation about the easiest way to become a wali of this time and age.

When I was given azkaar by a shaykh, I was trying my best to get to the higher level. What I notice was that I was not progressing for some reasons, I did my wird/zikr daily, I would pray on time, I would even pray tahajudd, read quran e.t.c

but progress was not being made, even when I came back to the country I live in. I would call the shaykh very rarely, about after one month just to get some advice. He would always simply command me to do zikr at all states, through this kushoo would be attained in salah.

Everytime I would call, he would give the same advice. And then make dua for me to get the haqiqi love of prophet (saw), Allah (swt) e.t.c

Until I sat down and thought to myself what reasons could be that I am not progressing with my azkaars. Until, some time I wrote down few things which could be the reason of this.

1 - Not staying in the state of wudhu at all time
2 - Need to protect my eyes and thoughts all the time
3 - Need to make myself think that I am nothing, I have no value, to think that others are better then me.
4 - Doing zikr at all time. Talking less, and only talk when needed.

I started to act upon them. I would first stay in the state of wudhu all the time. Even if I was about to sleep, I would make sure I have wudhu. At all times I would maintain my wudhu.

Then if I would notice that there is a ghayr mahram who is very far, I would turn my way. If I would notice that there is ghayr mahram going to pass by, I would literally stop and totally close my eyes.

I would protect my thoughts by simply thinking what is happening now. Not to get myself in thinking about future, which can lead to desires for this duniya. Many benefits were aparent by this, I would easily concentrate on things. I would simply look at a page and memorize it on the spot, for example a whole page of the quran, it would take less then 3 minute I would have it smelted inside my head.

Wherever I would be, on the sofa, on the bed, outside with friends, in a group, in a meeting e.t.c I would have some form of zikr on my tounge, even if it is a small durood "Sallahu 'Allay Wa salam" or simply saying "Allah" by doing zikr I would talk really really less, sometimes my friends would come over and ask why are you not talking today? are you angry? e.t.c but I would just say that there is nothing of need to talk. Zikr is to be honest a good solution to control yourself from excessive talk.

And the final and the hardest part is to make myself think that I am nothing, of no value. Allah (swt) created me from dust, and I will go back to dust one day. If the person I meet is older, then I would simply make myself think that the person have more good deeds then I have, if it was a younger person then I would think, that I have more sins then the younger person. If someone would ask for something I would gladly give it, and if I would have a better piece of it I would give the better part, even if that person was not a muslim.

By implementing myself to act upon these things, I started to experience what I should be experiencing through the zikr. I did not only experience what I should be experiencing, but more then that. I will keep this secret.

After weeks of observing this. 'Eid came, I thought to call the shaykh to simply say 'eid mubarak. I just had my phone on my hears, he said "haan! aisay he zikr karo, jub tum aow meray pass dubara to main sirif tumhara dil noor ka tekho" [translation : Yes! thats how you should do zikr, when you come to me next time, then I want to only see your heart filled with noor"]

and then he asked when are you coming? I am waiting for you so that I can give you next lesson quickly! he also mentioned, ask anyone, who is in sulook/tassawuf/tazkiya, on how long did it took them to finish their first lesson. After few minutes he said, people take years to finish their first lesson, and you have finished it in just 1 week.

I also mentioned a dream out of many dreams I have seen. That I saw a buzurg that looked like me, face with noor e.t.c I could easily notice that the person is of high level. The shaykh simply replied "tumnay be aisa bana hay" "you have also have to become like this"


So my whole point of posting is that, I would simply like to share an experience and my observation on becoming a wali in this age of fitnah. If you do not believe what I have written, why not give it a try yourself?

amotoustict is offline

Old 10-08-2012, 10:47 PM   #2

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Logging out for the day.
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Old 10-08-2012, 11:28 PM   #3

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I just want to share some observations I have made along with sulook. The observation about the easiest way to become a wali of this time and age.

When I was given azkaar by a shaykh, I was trying my best to get to the higher level. What I notice was that I was not progressing for some reasons, I did my wird/zikr daily, I would pray on time, I would even pray tahajudd, read quran e.t.c

but progress was not being made, even when I came back to the country I live in. I would call the shaykh very rarely, about after one month just to get some advice. He would always simply command me to do zikr at all states, through this kushoo would be attained in salah.

Everytime I would call, he would give the same advice. And then make dua for me to get the haqiqi love of prophet (saw), Allah (swt) e.t.c

Until I sat down and thought to myself what reasons could be that I am not progressing with my azkaars. Until, some time I wrote down few things which could be the reason of this.

1 - Not staying in the state of wudhu at all time
2 - Need to protect my eyes and thoughts all the time
3 - Need to make myself think that I am nothing, I have no value, to think that others are better then me.
4 - Doing zikr at all time. Talking less, and only talk when needed.

I started to act upon them. I would first stay in the state of wudhu all the time. Even if I was about to sleep, I would make sure I have wudhu. At all times I would maintain my wudhu.

Then if I would notice that there is a ghayr mahram who is very far, I would turn my way. If I would notice that there is ghayr mahram going to pass by, I would literally stop and totally close my eyes.

I would protect my thoughts by simply thinking what is happening now. Not to get myself in thinking about future, which can lead to desires for this duniya. Many benefits were aparent by this, I would easily concentrate on things. I would simply look at a page and memorize it on the spot, for example a whole page of the quran, it would take less then 3 minute I would have it smelted inside my head.

Wherever I would be, on the sofa, on the bed, outside with friends, in a group, in a meeting e.t.c I would have some form of zikr on my tounge, even if it is a small durood "Sallahu 'Allay Wa salam" or simply saying "Allah" by doing zikr I would talk really really less, sometimes my friends would come over and ask why are you not talking today? are you angry? e.t.c but I would just say that there is nothing of need to talk. Zikr is to be honest a good solution to control yourself from excessive talk.

And the final and the hardest part is to make myself think that I am nothing, of no value. Allah (swt) created me from dust, and I will go back to dust one day. If the person I meet is older, then I would simply make myself think that the person have more good deeds then I have, if it was a younger person then I would think, that I have more sins then the younger person. If someone would ask for something I would gladly give it, and if I would have a better piece of it I would give the better part, even if that person was not a muslim.

By implementing myself to act upon these things, I started to experience what I should be experiencing through the zikr. I did not only experience what I should be experiencing, but more then that. I will keep this secret.

After weeks of observing this. 'Eid came, I thought to call the shaykh to simply say 'eid mubarak. I just had my phone on my hears, he said "haan! aisay he zikr karo, jub tum aow meray pass dubara to main sirif tumhara dil noor ka tekho" [translation : Yes! thats how you should do zikr, when you come to me next time, then I want to only see your heart filled with noor"]

and then he asked when are you coming? I am waiting for you so that I can give you next lesson quickly! he also mentioned, ask anyone, who is in sulook/tassawuf/tazkiya, on how long did it took them to finish their first lesson. After few minutes he said, people take years to finish their first lesson, and you have finished it in just 1 week.

I also mentioned a dream out of many dreams I have seen. That I saw a buzurg that looked like me, face with noor e.t.c I could easily notice that the person is of high level. The shaykh simply replied "tumnay be aisa bana hay" "you have also have to become like this"


So my whole point of posting is that, I would simply like to share an experience and my observation on becoming a wali in this age of fitnah. If you do not believe what I have written, why not give it a try yourself?

ماشاالله لا قوة إلا بالله
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Old 10-08-2012, 11:49 PM   #4

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great stuff bro. Actually I've been ill for a few days and have realized the powerful effect of being in wudhu all the time. It is definitely something that is very very effective. May ALLAH give me the ability to implement your wonderful advices. Bhai actually this accountability of oneself is probably amongst the greatest of amals. It opens up many things. So your findings are based on this accountablity what the mashaikh called muhasaba.
irrelaAnnekly is offline

Old 10-09-2012, 12:18 AM   #5

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great stuff bro. Actually I've been ill for a few days and have realized the powerful effect of being in wudhu all the time. It is definitely something that is very very effective. May ALLAH give me the ability to implement your wonderful advices. Bhai actually this accountability of oneself is probably amongst the greatest of amals. It opens up many things. So your findings are based on this accountablity what the mashaikh called muhasaba.


Wudhu indeed has a strong effect. Another effect I have noticed is that, the parts where you wash during wudhu (face, arms, legs e.t.c) they start to glow [noor].

Ameen to the dua you made. And may Allah (swt) cure your illness. May Allah (swt) also gives me the ongoing stength to act upon my own advices.
amotoustict is offline

Old 10-09-2012, 11:47 AM   #6

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Now I have read the OP.

There is a possibility of having a party.
Where are Shaikh Fusus, dr76 and nayyarsh, mastam, nazar-ba-qadam, transitory, lighthouse, faqir, ameer (), etc, etc, etc?
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Old 10-09-2012, 02:01 PM   #7

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masha Allah

just a question bhaisaab, how long were you praying/practising/doing tahajjud etc before you started acting upon those 4 things.

may Allah give us all the tawfeeq to act upon every advice we hear . Ameen
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Old 10-09-2012, 02:35 PM   #8

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Need duas from you all.

May i be as steadfast as you brothers.
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Old 10-09-2012, 10:51 PM   #9

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Now I have read the OP.

There is a possibility of having a party.
Where are Shaikh Fusus, dr76 and nayyarsh, mastam, nazar-ba-qadam, transitory, lighthouse, faqir, ameer (), etc, etc, etc?
These buzurgs you have mentioned are of very high calibres. So I am not worthy of recieving any of their comments.

masha Allah

just a question bhaisaab, how long were you praying/practising/doing tahajjud etc before you started acting upon those 4 things.

may Allah give us all the tawfeeq to act upon every advice we hear . Ameen
These practices should be ongoing for me, especially tahajudd. even when if I started acting upon the 4 things.

Since you asked the question, I had been praying for months, about 3-4 months, it has been about an year since I had my first lesson. And it really depends on the conditions in our family, about the chances of going back to the home country and sitting with the shaykh to get my other lessons.

And ameen to your dua.

Need duas from you all.

May i be as steadfast as you brothers.
It is always my dua that Allah (swt) make everyone of us wali of this time. Ameen.
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Old 10-10-2012, 12:38 AM   #10

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I just want to share some observations I have made along with sulook. The observation about the easiest way to become a wali of this time and age.

When I was given azkaar by a shaykh, I was trying my best to get to the higher level. What I notice was that I was not progressing for some reasons, I did my wird/zikr daily, I would pray on time, I would even pray tahajudd, read quran e.t.c

but progress was not being made, even when I came back to the country I live in. I would call the shaykh very rarely, about after one month just to get some advice. He would always simply command me to do zikr at all states, through this kushoo would be attained in salah.

Everytime I would call, he would give the same advice. And then make dua for me to get the haqiqi love of prophet (saw), Allah (swt) e.t.c

Until I sat down and thought to myself what reasons could be that I am not progressing with my azkaars. Until, some time I wrote down few things which could be the reason of this.

1 - Not staying in the state of wudhu at all time
2 - Need to protect my eyes and thoughts all the time
3 - Need to make myself think that I am nothing, I have no value, to think that others are better then me.
4 - Doing zikr at all time. Talking less, and only talk when needed.

I started to act upon them. I would first stay in the state of wudhu all the time. Even if I was about to sleep, I would make sure I have wudhu. At all times I would maintain my wudhu.

Then if I would notice that there is a ghayr mahram who is very far, I would turn my way. If I would notice that there is ghayr mahram going to pass by, I would literally stop and totally close my eyes.

I would protect my thoughts by simply thinking what is happening now. Not to get myself in thinking about future, which can lead to desires for this duniya. Many benefits were aparent by this, I would easily concentrate on things. I would simply look at a page and memorize it on the spot, for example a whole page of the quran, it would take less then 3 minute I would have it smelted inside my head.

Wherever I would be, on the sofa, on the bed, outside with friends, in a group, in a meeting e.t.c I would have some form of zikr on my tounge, even if it is a small durood "Sallahu 'Allay Wa salam" or simply saying "Allah" by doing zikr I would talk really really less, sometimes my friends would come over and ask why are you not talking today? are you angry? e.t.c but I would just say that there is nothing of need to talk. Zikr is to be honest a good solution to control yourself from excessive talk.

And the final and the hardest part is to make myself think that I am nothing, of no value. Allah (swt) created me from dust, and I will go back to dust one day. If the person I meet is older, then I would simply make myself think that the person have more good deeds then I have, if it was a younger person then I would think, that I have more sins then the younger person. If someone would ask for something I would gladly give it, and if I would have a better piece of it I would give the better part, even if that person was not a muslim.

By implementing myself to act upon these things, I started to experience what I should be experiencing through the zikr. I did not only experience what I should be experiencing, but more then that. I will keep this secret.

After weeks of observing this. 'Eid came, I thought to call the shaykh to simply say 'eid mubarak. I just had my phone on my hears, he said "haan! aisay he zikr karo, jub tum aow meray pass dubara to main sirif tumhara dil noor ka tekho" [translation : Yes! thats how you should do zikr, when you come to me next time, then I want to only see your heart filled with noor"]

and then he asked when are you coming? I am waiting for you so that I can give you next lesson quickly! he also mentioned, ask anyone, who is in sulook/tassawuf/tazkiya, on how long did it took them to finish their first lesson. After few minutes he said, people take years to finish their first lesson, and you have finished it in just 1 week.

I also mentioned a dream out of many dreams I have seen. That I saw a buzurg that looked like me, face with noor e.t.c I could easily notice that the person is of high level. The shaykh simply replied "tumnay be aisa bana hay" "you have also have to become like this"


So my whole point of posting is that, I would simply like to share an experience and my observation on becoming a wali in this age of fitnah. If you do not believe what I have written, why not give it a try yourself?


MashAllah brother, may Allah give you isteqamah and may He give me some part of your commitment to follow the path properly. One more thing, my Shaikh tells that we should not be too concerned with the number of lessons, rather we should focus on the Ultimate goal-Ridha of Allah at all times.
Any ways, who's your respected Shaykh?
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Old 10-10-2012, 12:38 AM   #11

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These buzurgs you have mentioned are of very high calibres. So I am not worthy of recieving any of their comments.

These practices should be ongoing for me, especially tahajudd. even when if I started acting upon the 4 things.

Since you asked the question, I had been praying for months, about 3-4 months, it has been about an year since I had my first lesson. And it really depends on the conditions in our family, about the chances of going back to the home country and sitting with the shaykh to get my other lessons.

And ameen to your dua.

It is always my dua that Allah (swt) make everyone of us wali of this time. Ameen.

Add this also in your routine :

Ummat ki haal par fikir karke din mein chal phir ke ummat ke beeich deen ki mehnat karna aur raat ko Allah ke saamne roona.

Ponder over situation of ummat now and in mornings give dawath and in later part of night cry in front of Allah.

This is to progress to the rank of Abdaal and Qutub.

Remember this sinner in your duas.
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Old 10-10-2012, 02:18 AM   #12

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Astaghfirullah Bhai....I can,t say about others,but at least I am not one of those 'High calibre ' buzargan!

Bhai,to me this highlights one very important 'usool'....." That every one on the path of sulook needs mujahida,in addition to ZIKRE" .Lately it has been the prevailing practice to depend solely on ZIKRE.Hazrat Hakim ul ummat RA has pointed it out in several Of his malfoozat and khutbat....that we need 'Mujahida' as much as ZIKRE to achieve the objectives of sulook.Depending 'only' on ZIKRE may not work.

Now mujahida is different for different people.You were lucky Allah swt directed you to a form of mujahida which best suited you.Every one might not be that lucky....and therefore this responsibility lies on the shoulders of a Shaikh to find a mujahida best suited to a particular salik.

Mujahida can be IJMALI or TAFSEELI:

IJMALI mujahida:

1) Eating less
2) Sleeping less
3) talking less
4) Less interaction with people.


taking each bad attribute one by one and try to remove them from self.....and then taking good attributes one by one and try to make them a permanent part of the self.

Initially these attributes are temporarily removed/ gained,which is called 'Haal'....later with constant effort,they become a part of our psyche,and is then called a "muqam".Tassawuf is all about gaining these muqamat.(The relevant details are present in the book "Shariat o tareeqat" by Ml Ashraf Ali Thanvi RA)

Alhamdolillah,through you a very important lesson is being reminded to us once again.May Allah swt give you 'Istiqama',keep you under HIS protection from all the games which our Nafs and Shaytan play with us....and grant you his RAZA and Husne khatima on destined time,as every thing depends on it.

Pls remember this ajez in your dua.
grinaJanoDant is offline

Old 10-10-2012, 02:48 AM   #13
jackie Obrian

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One question: When you suggest being in the state of wudu all the time, what does that really mean? Do you go on to renew your wudu the very moment it's broken?

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Old 10-10-2012, 03:46 AM   #14

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One question: When you suggest being in the state of wudu all the time, what does that really mean? Do you go on to renew your wudu the very moment it's broken?

Yup something like that. Do you remember the narration of Bilal and his practice which earned him glad tidings of Jannah when he was alive?
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Old 10-10-2012, 08:35 AM   #15

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Now I have read the OP.

There is a possibility of having a party.
Where are Shaikh Fusus, dr76 and nayyarsh, mastam, nazar-ba-qadam, transitory, lighthouse, faqir, ameer (), etc, etc, etc?
Salam u alaikum,

I am always ready to party with brothers from who there is much to learn, such as you and the list above...so bring it on.
GentlieGant is offline

Old 10-10-2012, 08:46 AM   #16

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I just want to share some observations I have made along with sulook. The observation about the easiest way to become a wali of this time and age.

When I was given azkaar by a shaykh, I was trying my best to get to the higher level. What I notice was that I was not progressing for some reasons, I did my wird/zikr daily, I would pray on time, I would even pray tahajudd, read quran e.t.c

but progress was not being made, even when I came back to the country I live in. I would call the shaykh very rarely, about after one month just to get some advice. He would always simply command me to do zikr at all states, through this kushoo would be attained in salah.

Everytime I would call, he would give the same advice. And then make dua for me to get the haqiqi love of prophet (saw), Allah (swt) e.t.c

Until I sat down and thought to myself what reasons could be that I am not progressing with my azkaars. Until, some time I wrote down few things which could be the reason of this.

1 - Not staying in the state of wudhu at all time
2 - Need to protect my eyes and thoughts all the time
3 - Need to make myself think that I am nothing, I have no value, to think that others are better then me.
4 - Doing zikr at all time. Talking less, and only talk when needed.

I started to act upon them. I would first stay in the state of wudhu all the time. Even if I was about to sleep, I would make sure I have wudhu. At all times I would maintain my wudhu.

Then if I would notice that there is a ghayr mahram who is very far, I would turn my way. If I would notice that there is ghayr mahram going to pass by, I would literally stop and totally close my eyes.

I would protect my thoughts by simply thinking what is happening now. Not to get myself in thinking about future, which can lead to desires for this duniya. Many benefits were aparent by this, I would easily concentrate on things. I would simply look at a page and memorize it on the spot, for example a whole page of the quran, it would take less then 3 minute I would have it smelted inside my head.

Wherever I would be, on the sofa, on the bed, outside with friends, in a group, in a meeting e.t.c I would have some form of zikr on my tounge, even if it is a small durood "Sallahu 'Allay Wa salam" or simply saying "Allah" by doing zikr I would talk really really less, sometimes my friends would come over and ask why are you not talking today? are you angry? e.t.c but I would just say that there is nothing of need to talk. Zikr is to be honest a good solution to control yourself from excessive talk.

And the final and the hardest part is to make myself think that I am nothing, of no value. Allah (swt) created me from dust, and I will go back to dust one day. If the person I meet is older, then I would simply make myself think that the person have more good deeds then I have, if it was a younger person then I would think, that I have more sins then the younger person. If someone would ask for something I would gladly give it, and if I would have a better piece of it I would give the better part, even if that person was not a muslim.

By implementing myself to act upon these things, I started to experience what I should be experiencing through the zikr. I did not only experience what I should be experiencing, but more then that. I will keep this secret.

After weeks of observing this. 'Eid came, I thought to call the shaykh to simply say 'eid mubarak. I just had my phone on my hears, he said "haan! aisay he zikr karo, jub tum aow meray pass dubara to main sirif tumhara dil noor ka tekho" [translation : Yes! thats how you should do zikr, when you come to me next time, then I want to only see your heart filled with noor"]

and then he asked when are you coming? I am waiting for you so that I can give you next lesson quickly! he also mentioned, ask anyone, who is in sulook/tassawuf/tazkiya, on how long did it took them to finish their first lesson. After few minutes he said, people take years to finish their first lesson, and you have finished it in just 1 week.

I also mentioned a dream out of many dreams I have seen. That I saw a buzurg that looked like me, face with noor e.t.c I could easily notice that the person is of high level. The shaykh simply replied "tumnay be aisa bana hay" "you have also have to become like this"


So my whole point of posting is that, I would simply like to share an experience and my observation on becoming a wali in this age of fitnah. If you do not believe what I have written, why not give it a try yourself?

Salam u alaikum,

MashAllah , and JazakAllah khayrun for sharing. Your post was of much benefit, and lot of lessons to learn. Overall what i learned was:

" If you adopt Taqwa, the result is guaranteed Qurb of Allah"
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Old 10-10-2012, 11:26 AM   #17

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UserInvalid, may I ask what you do professionally?
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Old 10-10-2012, 01:52 PM   #18

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Since reading your post yesterday Br User(in)Valid, parts of it keep resonating in my mind. Probably one of the most beneficial things I have read here.

I feel dispair at times at not being able to even reach the first step of sulook. I will try implementing the steps highlighted in your post, especially in the office environment and pray it benefits me.

1 thing which personally benefits me is to always try to increase in learning something new, whether that be memorising Imam Nawawi's Arba'oon, or learning a new riwaayah of Qur'an with a Qari, etc etc.

May Allah reward you and give you his ma'eeyat, ma'rifat and qurb.
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Old 10-10-2012, 02:39 PM   #19

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In my initial stage too a lot of things happened in quick succession.
Some old hands even noticed the quick progress.
Even then I was sort of impatient why my case is not routine like senior Seekers - they come, give a letter and get it back after a few days.
Now it bugs me why the journey is not as rapid as earlier!
Man is hardly ever complacent.
freddystone is offline

Old 10-10-2012, 02:44 PM   #20

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These buzurgs you have mentioned are of very high calibres. So I am not worthy of recieving any of their comments.

These practices should be ongoing for me, especially tahajudd. even when if I started acting upon the 4 things.

Since you asked the question, I had been praying for months, about 3-4 months, it has been about an year since I had my first lesson. And it really depends on the conditions in our family, about the chances of going back to the home country and sitting with the shaykh to get my other lessons.

And ameen to your dua.

It is always my dua that Allah (swt) make everyone of us wali of this time. Ameen.

Bhai User.. one does not tie a defective black pebble along with such lustruous gems..

i thought about adding something yesterday.. but my mind was over whelmed by ur post.. dont know when i shall get taufeeq.. pls make dua that Allah gives me ikhlaas.. that the meagre defective amals if i ever did would get accepted.. everything indeed lies in his fadhl..

an incident quoted by Hazrat Maulana Shah Wasiullah sahab ilahabadi comes to mind..

That a buzurg was once passing by a fort.. high above was seated the king gazing at the goings on down below.. the king wished to speak to him.. lowered a rope and signalled to come up..

the buzurg climbed up and presented himself.. after salams.. the king asked him.. ' Tell me how did u reach Allah ..?'
and the buzurg replied..' The same way i reached u..'

puzzled.. the king asked him to clarify.. and the buzurg replied..' in the same way u lowered me the rope and i reached u so easily bypassing all gates and durbans.. similarly Allah jalla jalalahu lowered the rope of his love in my heart.. and i climbed up..'

Hazrat Maulana Shah Wasiullah sahab ilahabadi (rah) further says that for the king to notice the buzurg coming his way.. the buzurg had to leave his home.. walk for a distance and then gain the sight of the king.. similarly to gain the rope of love from Allah (swt).. one has to do mujahida.. toil in his way.. then only one shall deserve his benovelent gaze..

the same applies when we go in jamaat.. we leave our environment.. our wishes.. desires.. make intention pure for Allah (swt) that we are setting out for our islah.. so the gaze of his mercy shall certainly descend..insha Allah..

May Allah (swt) give ikhlaas to all of us.. ameen..


wa assalam..
joulseenjoync is offline

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