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10-10-2007, 07:35 AM | #21 |
Assalamu alaikum
Quoted from Riyadul Jannah Feb 2005 Questions & Answers (by Shaykh Mufti Abdur Raheem Lajpuri rahmatullah) Q Fashionable people walk around bare headed. When the time for Salah comes, they either have a handkerchief around the head or wear a hat. When they leave the Masjid they remove their headgear and leave it in their pocket. What is Sharee'ah's ruling in this regard? A Without a Sharee'ah excuse or reason it is obviously detestable and contrary to etiquettes to make a habit of remaining bare headed, and this is the sign and practices of the Fussaq (open transgressors). It is also detestable according to Sharee'ah and necessary to refrain from. Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (rahmatullah) writes that: "It is detestable to disclose the head and those parts of the body which are not satr but are generally concealed by pious and civilised people." (Gunyatut Talibeen - page 13 Vol 1) Allamah Jowzy (rahmatullah) says: "It is not a hidden fact from an intellectual and clever person that to disclose the head in front of people is detestable and not looked upon favourably. It is contrary to nobility, humility, etiquettes and civilisation of noble people. The Sharee'ah has only ordered the head to be disclosed whilst in the stat of Ihram of Hajj (or Umrah) where the purpose is Ta'abbud i.e. to express your humility, humbleness and submission towards Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, which is not permissible with regards to anyone else, rather haram. End quote. Brother Muadh, I have read the quotes you've put in the first but believe these add a bit more.. Am I right in thinking from the above - we have to cover our head at all times? Jazak Allah |
10-10-2007, 07:50 AM | #22 |
I read about a sahabi, possibly Abdullah ibn Umar, who would
get off his mount when he went for Hajj/Umrah and act as if he was relieving himself, even though he had no need to relieve himself. Just pure imitation of the action. Because RasullAllah did it. If that doesnt carry the point across of how important it is to try to follow each and every aspect of the sunnah, then I am sure nothing else will. |
10-10-2007, 11:34 AM | #23 |
Imām Bukhārī, رحمه الله in his Sahīh, mentions the statement of Hasan Basrī رحمه الله :
كان القوم يسجدون على العمامة و القلنسوة“The Sahābah would perform sajdah (prostrate) on turbans and topīs.” Wāil Ibn Hujr mentions that he performed salāh with Nabī and the Sahābah who were wearing burnuses (i.e. covering their heads with hoods). (1) Ibrāhīm An-Nakha`ī رحمه الله mentions that it was the practice of the Sahābah to perform salāh wearing burnuses. (2) Faltān Ibn `Āsim mentions that he found Nabī and the Sahābah performing salāh wearing burnuses. (3) ---------------------------------- 1- ابن خزيمة 1/233 و قال محققه: إسناده صحيح, و رواه أبو داؤد ص 105 (728) 2- المصنف لعبد الرزاق 1/401 و رجاله رجال الصحيح 3- رواه ابن قانع في معجمه (1534) و أبو نعيم في تاريخ إصبهان 2/567 و الطبراني في الكبير و قال الهيثمي في المجمع (2226): رجاله موثقون. |
10-10-2007, 11:42 AM | #24 |
Narrations explicitly mention that the following great personalities were seen performing salāh with their heads covered:
1.`Abdullāh Ibn `Umar 2.Suwayd Ibn Gafalah 3.Shurayh 4.`Alqamah 5.Aswad 6.Masrūq 7.Abū Mushir 8.`Abdur Rahmān Ibn Yazīd 9.Sa`īd Ibn Jubayr 10.Ahmad Ibn Abī Hawārī 11.Sālim Ibn `Abdullāh 12.`Āmir Ibn `Abdullāh 13.`Abdullah Ibn Mudrik 14.Imām Ahmad Ibn Hambal 15.Ibn `Abdus Salām رحمهم الله -------------------------------------------- 1-ابن سعد 4/131 و رجاله رجال الصحيح 2-ابن سعد 6/133 و رجاله موثقون 3-المصنف لابن أبي شيبة 1/297 و ابن سعد 6/190 و رجاله رجال الصحيح 4-المصنف لابن أبي شيبة 1/298 و ابن سعد 6/ 152 و رجاله رجال الصحيح 5-ابن سعد 6/137 و المصنف لابن أبي شيبة 1/297 و رجاله رجال الصحيح 6-المصنف لابن أبي شيبة 1/298 و ابن سعد 6/139 و رجاله رجال الصحيح 7-تاريخ دمشق 33/434 8-المصنف لابن أبي شيبة 1/297 و ابن سعد 6/175 و رجاله رجال الصحيح 9-المصنف لابن أبي شيبة 1/298 و رجاله رجال الصحيح 10-تاريخ دمشق 49/120 11-أوجز المسالك 3/202 و ابن أبي شيبة 1/298 و فيه أسامة بن زيد العلوي هو ضعيف 12-الزهد لأحمد ص 326 و رجاله رجال الصحيح إلا محمد بن مصعب و قد وثق 13-تاريخ دمشق 33/34 14-سير أعلام النبلاء 11/209 15-در الغمامة ص 20 |
10-10-2007, 11:45 AM | #25 |
The Fatwā of Shaikh Rashīd Radhā
The Egyptian scholar , Shaikh Rashīd Radhā, the author of ‘Tafsīrul Manār’, who in spite of being very famous for his modern views, authored the following article, which was published in the Egyptian magazine ‘Al-Manār’ : “While it could be considered correct to say that it is not Makrūh (disliked in Sharī`ah) to perform salāh with the head uncovered, its not being Makrūh is only applicable when performing salāh alone at home without forming a habit of leaving the head uncovered. As for one who: - A. Makes a habit of leaving the head uncovered, or B. Keeps his head uncovered when performing salāh in jamā`ah with others whose heads are covered, or C. Insists on leaving his head uncovered in the masjid in the presence of such people who dislike this action of his and will engage in his criticism then in all these instances, it is makrūh (reprehensible) to leave the head uncovered. The reason for the first instance being makrūh is that he has adopted a habit that is not backed by any legitimate proof. Rather what he is doing is in direct conflict to what was the accepted practice from the beginning of Islam. The second instance is Makrūh because he is opposing the majority, which is forbidden in Islam. As for the third instance, it is Makrūh because this person would be the cause of people falling into the sin of backbiting and this action will result in his becoming ill- reputed. As for the statement that it is sometimes better to perform salāh with the head uncovered as this leads to greater humility, this is nothing but expressing one’s opinion in a matter of Sharī`ah (Islamic Law) which does not accept anyone’s subjective opinion (Some of our jurists disagree with him on this point). This argument can be challenged by the fact that it actually leads to one adopting a resemblance to the Christians and others who are in the habit of praying with their heads uncovered and it is well known that we have been prevented from imitating them even in habits (not to speak of acts of worship). It can also be countered by the fact that the accepted trend around us is that the proper attire to be adopted when visiting the `Ulamā and the pious, consists of (amongst others) a topī or turban.” |
10-10-2007, 11:59 AM | #26 |
The Fatwâ of `Allâmah Kowtharî
The following is a summary of a fatwâ by `Allâmah Muhammad Zâhid Kowtharî رحمه الله , a world-renowned Muhaddith and Faqîh who held a prominent post in the Ottoman Khilâfah in Turkey and who later went on to emerge as one of the greatest scholars Egypt has ever seen. `Allâmah Kowtharî رحمه الله writes: People often ask concerning the ruling of performing salâh bareheaded without an excuse. This question has come to the fore, due to the emergence of a group who seem to take delight in denying those actions, which are accepted by the Muslims and have been passed down from generation to generation. They strive hard to cause discord in the masjid and greatly resemble the Khawârij (a deviant sect which emerged in the time of `Alî رضي الله عنه) in that they lay great stress on trivial matters while ignoring major issues. The ruling concerning the salâh of a person bareheaded without an excuse, it that it is valid if all the conditions and pre-requisites are met, however this is in direct conflict to what has remained the practice of all the Muslims throughout the ages. It also entails emulation of the Christians in that they worship bareheaded, as is well known. Allâh Ta`âlâ has ordered the Muslims: خذوا زينتكم عند كل مسجد “Adopt clothing of beauty when performing salâh” Leaving the head uncovered is discarding this beauty. Imâm Baihaqî رحمه الله narrates that Nabî said: - “When performing salâh, one should wear two items of clothing as the most deserving being for whom you should dress up, is Allâh.” Imâm Baihaqî رحمه الله has also mentioned the following incident. Nâfi`رحمه الله, the slave of Ibn `Umar says that Ibn `Umar saw him performing salâh wearing only one item of clothing. He rebuked him saying, “Have I not given you clothing?” “Yes, you have!” replied Nâfi`. “So who,” asked Ibn `Umar “has more right that you dress up well for him? Allâh Ta`âlâ or the people!” It is on this basis, that the fuqahâ (jurists) say that it is Makrûh (reprehensible) to perform salâh wearing such clothing in which one would not normally present oneself in front of those whom he holds in high esteem. There exists absolutely no doubt in the fact that it has always remained the practice of the Muslims not to appear bareheaded in front of those whom they respect. In the very same way, salâh performed bareheaded would be reprehensible in the light of Sharî`ah. A few doubts cleared `Allâmah Kowtharî رحمه الله has also most graciously provided us answers to a few doubts, which arise on this topic. 1. Misconception: The âyah “Adopt clothing of beauty when performing salâh” was revealed to censure the disbelievers who would perform tawâf (circumambulate) around the Ka`bah, naked and has nothing to do with covering the head. Answer: It is a well-known principle of Tafsîr (commentary of the Qur`ân) that an âyah is not restricted to the particular incident concerning which it was revealed. Rather it would encompass all such situations that fall under its scope. Therefore we find all the mazhâhib are unanimous on the point that it is mustahab (preferable) to wear a topî (or turban), upper garment and lower garment when in salâh. This is mentioned by Imâm Nawawî رحمه الله in Al- Majmû` and by `Allâmah Halabî رحمه الله in Sharhul Munyah. 2.Misconception: The âyah concerns covering the private parts, not the head. Answer: `Allâmah Abû Hayyân, the renowned Mufassir (commentator of the Qur`ân), has beautifully explained this point in the following manner: - “The order to adopt ‘beauty’, in this ayah, is specific to salâh. Therefore ‘beauty’ cannot refer to covering the private parts since we are ordered to cover them at all times, not only during salâh. ‘Beauty’ will therefore, in this case, have to mean something else viz. that with which one beautifies himself.” Thus we can say without any doubt that the covering of the head is part of ‘beauty’ and this has always been the custom from the early days of Islâm. It is for this reason that in no time or place has this ever been seen (in the past) that the Muslims are forming the rows for salâh, bareheaded. Anyone who denies this is just being pigheaded. We hereby understand that there exists no proof at all to show that ‘beauty’ does not include covering the head. 3.Misconception: It is Sunnah to perform salâh bareheaded as Nabî صلى الله عليه وسلم performed salâh without a topî. It is reported that he would remove his topî and place it as a sutrah (barrier) in front of him during salâh. Answer: It is mentioned in Sharhush Shamâil and other books that this narration is weak; therefore no attention should be given to it. It has not been mentioned in any of the reliable collections of hadîth, so how can it contest the covering of the head in salâh, which has remained the accepted practice of the Muslims throughout the ages! Yes, we do find that Hadhrat `Umar would stop the women slaves from covering their heads, so those who insist on keeping their heads open, probably count themselves among the women slaves and would like to emulate them during salâh, as this is not becoming of men. (If we do accept that Nabî used his topî as a sutrah, then we find that `Allâmah Munâwî has mentioned that this was at an instance when Nabî did not have anything else to use as a sutrah. This was done to show that it is permissible to perform salâh without a topî, even though this would be makrûh for us, not for Nabî . This is similar to the instances where Nabî urinated or drank standing. These actions are makrûh for us, but were carried out by Nabî to show that they are not harâm. The paragraph between the parentheses is by the author not by `Allâmah Kowtharî 4.Misconception: The head is left uncovered during Haj; there should therefore be nothing wrong with leaving it uncovered during salâh. Answer: Haj is a unique act of worship performed at a specific time and place; therefore leaving of the head uncovered at other times cannot be established from it. The gist is that it is not proven that Nabî ever performed salâh bareheaded without an excuse, whereas leaving the head uncovered when praying is the habit of the Christians. |
10-10-2007, 12:11 PM | #27 |
10-17-2007, 03:55 AM | #28 |
I read about a sahabi, possibly Abdullah ibn Umar, who would You have the source for that? JazakhAllah khair saalam |
10-17-2007, 05:44 AM | #29 |
saalam, |
10-17-2007, 04:40 PM | #30 |
Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullah
On eid day I went to visit this family. This old uncle who watches peace tv all day ( Dr. Zakir Naiks channel ) seeing my thawb and amama started lecturing me that dressing like that _ long clothes and tupi and things like that is not necessarily islamic. Then it got really interesting. He told me even abu jehel wore long loose clothes. He said ppl shouldnt really wear long loose clothes as they are wasting material and wasting money and its a burden on the economy. He said he feels its a waste and he despises ppl who do not think about the economy and dress in long clothes. The climax was when he told me to think deeply about it and realize that if someone just wants to dress like Rasulallah sallalahu alayhi wasallah in the hope of getting sawab/neki/reward then its shirk. as that person is_ ahem_ associating partners with Allah. I was so dumbstruck that I couldnt even come up with an anwser. My conclusion _ watching peace tv encourages this sort of insane ijtihad. My poor Uncle. |
10-17-2007, 07:14 PM | #31 |
The quicker Ulama realise the menace of these Satellite Channels the better, unfortunately our Ulama simply stay away from Media and the path is wide open for people to wreck Fitnah and Fasad... Once this came up in a conversation and very very senior ulama were present so I coudnt ask an informal question or discuss it in a way that id have liked. But that senior Alim was very traditional and his stance is that he even stays away from conferences where he may be videoed and might get his pics taken. The thing with peace tv is that a lot of people here in desh end up thinking that these people speak in english and seem well dressed, some even dress western , and so obviously naturally theyre way cooller and smarter than our local scholars( what do they know/understand anyway attitude). So they think lets watch TV and take our diin from these " educated people ". No offence to anyone tho. I respect the Peace TV folks, except its confusing and misleading people in my opinion. |
10-19-2007, 08:58 PM | #32 |
Asslamo Allaikum, brother Muadh can you please just give me the gist of the above ^^^ Im not really that great with urdu How come I never see you in the brothers section. Can I get your email address? The whole central mosque effort is well appreciated. Jazakumullahu Khairan. Wassalam |
02-02-2011, 07:56 PM | #34 |
This story is about a man who was very pious. He always tried to keep away from sins and greatly loved the Sunnah of the Prophet (sallalahu alahi wa sallam). He wore a topi (Islamic cap) all day along and hence Shaytan was very annoyed with him One day after having a bath he noticed his curly black hair and wished he could once in a while move around without a topi so that people could see his beautiful hair. At that instance Shaytan appeared before him and said, My dear friend I know you are a God-fearing person but that does not mean you should wear the topi all the time. You can wear it when you are in the Masjid and once you come out of the Masjid you can remove your topi. Our friend liked the idea and started putting it into practice. A few days later Shaytan appeared to him again and said, Why do you insist on putting on the cap even at the time of the salaat? Because our Prophet (sallalahu alahi wa sallam) used to do so, said our friend. My friend, there is no concrete proof that he used to cover his head either outside the Masjid or inside it said Shaytan. Do you mean to say at the time of salaat he used to stand bareheaded before his Master? Our friend retorted. Thats absolutely true. said Shaytan. If a person like him did that then who are we to cover our heads? Consequently the topi disappeared permanently from our friends head. Now he stands bareheaded even in front of Allah the most High, the Almighty, the Creator of this Universe, the Protector, the Sustainer, the Benefactor list of His attributes are inexhaustible. Like our friend thousands of other Muslims have now fallen prey to this trick of the Shaytan and have thus discarded completely the topi or the male Muslim headgear. The sad part is that they think they are, naudhubillahi min dhalik, following the Sunnah of the Prophet (sallalahu alahi wa sallam). The Shaytan is now celebrating his tremendous success!!! |
02-02-2011, 11:54 PM | #35 |
Also some Brothers in the community were also arguing that women can touch the Qur'aan without Wudhu as it was answered on Peace TV; men/women in Asian culture tend NOT to touch the Qur'aan without being in the state of Purity as it is something which is hard-wired into them (albeit culturally)! |
02-03-2011, 12:40 AM | #36 |
02-03-2011, 02:26 AM | #37 |
A book by Maulana Fazlur Rahman 'azmi may also help
Turban Kurta Topee in the light of Sunnah and Practice of Sahabah and Tabieen. |
12-12-2011, 10:17 PM | #38 |
09-23-2012, 03:08 PM | #39 |
Islamic Headgear Mufti A. Desai Style of dress is among the salient features (Sha-aair) of Islam. The Shariah accords great prominence to a Muslim's way of dress. Detailed rules enacted by the great rulers of Islam among the Sahaabah, Taabieen and their followers illustrate the emphasis which Islam lays on the dress of a Mu'min. Among the prohibited factors pertaining to dress is the emulation of the non- Muslim dress styles. In all ages of Islam such emulation has been regarded as among the major (kabaair) sins. Tashabbuh bil kuffaar (emulating the kuffaar) is an evil with far reaching effect on the heart of a Muslim. Hence, Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: "Whoever emulates a people becomes of them". In this article we propose to discuss one particular aspect of Islamic dressing, viz., headgear. In these times of intense kufr and dhalaal, when many Muslims have sacrificed their intelligence to become slaves of western culture, there is a great desire among modernists to abandon the wearing of Islamic headgear. Among the styles of Islamic Headgear is the popular topee which innumerable millions of Muslims have donned over the past centuries of Islamic history. Now in this belated century modernists are at pains to discard this compulsory dress style of Islam. Fallacious arguments are fabricated to deceive innocent and unwary people into accepting that the topee or Islamic headgear has no relevance in the Shariah. But, such claims are false and calculated to appease western mentality. It should be understood that the ways and styles of Islam did not originate from dubious sources nor were its originators non-entities as are the votaries of western styles. Furthermore, Islamic dress styles were inherited by the Ummah from generation to generation. Each successive generation obtained its Islamic dress style from its preceding generation. In this way the chain links up with the Sahaabah who disseminated nothing other than the Sunnah of Rasulullah (S.A.W.). Headgear in Islam is not a new development. The villifier of the topi must present his proof to indicate the point in time in Islamic history when this headgear became an accredited Islamic head -dress. If he contends that the topi has no Islamic relevance , let him prove his case with Islamic facts and Shar'i proof. The assertion that many people presently in the Middle East pray without headgear is not Shar'i evidence for the fallacy that the topi has no Islamic status. What is presently being perpetrated in Muslim countries cannot be cited as Islamic evidence for a claim. Only an ignoramus who suffers from colossal ignorance will advance such puerile and ludicrous 'proof' for his claim. When the weight of Islamic practice of the past fourteen hundred years upholds Islamic headgear as an integral and incumbent part of a Muslim's dress, then by what stretch of intelligent reasoning can any Muslim decry and vilify such head dress? When all the illustrious authorities of Islam from the time of the Sahaabah emphasized the donning of headgear, not only for Salaat, but at all times, then it is only necessary to dismiss with contempt the arguments against the topi blustered out by the enemies of the Sunaah of Rasulullah (S.A.W.). The topi is the head-dress, which distinguishes a Muslim from a non- Muslim. The importance of this headgear is amply illustrated by the following command of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam): "The difference between us and the mushrikeen is turbans. Rasulullah (S.A.W.) detested resemblance with them. Emulating non- Muslims is forbidden by Islam, hence Rasulullah (S.A.W.) ordered that Muslims wear topis under their turbans even though the topis are totally concealed and not visible under the turbans. Even the style of headgear which the Muslim adopts should not resemble the head dress of the kuffaar, hence Shaikhul Islam Zakariyya (rahmatullah alayh) states: "In our time it is not permissible to wear green and yellow turbans" (Husnus Siyar of Dimyaati Shaaf'i). Since green and yellow turbans were among the particular dress styles of the Yahood and Nasaara of that time, the authorities of the Shariah banned the wearing of such turbans so that Muslims do not violate the Shar'i prohibition of emulating the kuffaar. The following verdict appears in Fataawa Khaazin and Fataawa Hindiyah: "A man will be proclaimed a kaafir for adopting the head dress of the Majoos (fire worshippers)". The famous verdict appears in the famous Maaliki Kitaab, Mukhtasarul Khaleel: "A Muslim will be proclaimed a kaafir if he wears the hat of the Nasaara". Strutting about bare headed is undoubtedly the style of the western man who has discarded the norms of true civilization. It has never been the style of any Muslim community, anywhere in the world, right from the time of Rasulullah (S.A.W.) to emerge in public bare heads. One who walks around the bare headed is mardoodush- shahaadah, i.e. his testimony in an Islamic court is not admissible. Those Muslims who are desirous of abandoning the Islamic topi are undoubtedly influenced by western fashions and styles. The fact that they opted for a kaafir style at the expense of an Islamic style-- a style which the Ummah has always accepted-- speaks volumes of their way of thinking. It points to the direction in which their hearts have inclined. Overtly they proclaim themselves to be Muslims while covertly their hearts are saturated with love for the styles of kufr. But, Allah Ta'ala warns them: "Do not incline towards the zaaalimoon". Inclining towards the kuffaar is banned by Islam in all aspects. A Muslim is not allowed to unnecessarily adopt the ways, methods, institutions and styles of the kuffaar. Islam demands head dress --Islamic head dress-- for its adherents. Western Modernity demands a bare head. I n order to conform to western standards of dress, the westernized Muslim conjectures the most baseless arguments to bolster his case against the ways of Islam. This attitude borders on Kufr and threatens the Imaan of such deviated modernists. Clarifying the Islamic ban of Tashabbuh bil Kuffaar, Hadrat Umar (radiallahu anhu) dispatched a detail decree to the Muslims of Aazarbaijaan (now in Russia). Among the many prohibitions contained in this decree, the following appears: "The dress of your father Ismaa-il (alyhis salaam) is incumbent on you. Beware of the luxuries and the styles of the Ajam (non-Arabs)". Allaamah Ibn Hajar Haithami (rahmatullah alayh), in his Kitaab Azzawaajir an Iqtiraafil Kabaa-ir, records the following narration of Muhaddith Maalik Bin Dinaar (rahmatullah alayh): "Allah revealed to one of his nabis: Say to your nation: Do not wear the garments of My enemies .. for then you will become my enemies like they are my enemies". From the aforementioned discussion it will be clear that dress style is of vital importance for the Muslim. It is essential for his spiritual development that the Muslim differentiates himself from non- Muslims by even his external appearance. His external appearance must testify that he is a Muslim. A Muslim dressed in the style of the Kuffaar cannot be recognized as a Muslim by another Muslim who is not acquainted with him. A Muslim in western garb and western appearance can be reasonably be mistaken for a Kaafir and he (the imitator of the kuffaar) is solely responsible for such a serious mistake committed genuinely. In so far as the Shariah is concerned, the topi or any Islamic head dress is essential for a Muslim in Salaat as well as all times. The arguments of the denigrators of the topi arise from kufr mentality and should be dismissed with contempt. BASIS OF UNITY People struggle to achieve unity, but they have shunned the basis of unity. The basis of unity is humility. Unity always arises out of humility. True humility is that a man considers himself to be inferior to the next man. [Hakimul Ummat] BARE-HEADEDNESS Fatawa Rahimiyyah, Vol. 3, Page 154 Question: It is an era of bare headedness; it is a fashion of the present age. Only at the time of prayer, people cover their heads. How is it in the light of the Shariah? Answer: The Holy Shariah does not like bare-headedness. It is the way of the graceless people and a repulsive custom. A Muslim should not adopt it. Hadhrat Shah Abdul Qadir Jilani (Rahmatullah Alayh) says: "One should not uncover one's head or those parts of the body which the righteous and cultured men keep covered" [Ghunyatul Talibeen, Vol. 1, Page 13] Allamah Jauzi says: "A wise man's natural feeling is that bare-headedness is a disgrace, immoral and an uncivilized way. The Shariah ordains bare-headedness only during the state of Ehram (Hajj Pilgrimage)- because that is a peculiar occasion of expressing one's utmost humility and humbleness before one's lord". |
09-25-2012, 09:51 PM | #40 |
Here is the book that most definitively proves the emphasized status of one of the most salient features of the Muslim. Revisionist versions of Islam today will of course seek ways to circumvent such clear evidences: |
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