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Old 07-12-2010, 08:03 AM   #21

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Jazakumulah to the person with the long post which mentions the kitab name my sufi iqbal sahib rahmatula hi alyah..may Allah give you dunya and akhirat ki bhalai and grant you his qurbe khas and give you a life of itbae sunnat with ikhlas and give you a khas taluq with rasool ulALLAH salalahualyhi wa salam..jazakumulah soooo much4that post..
Do please remember me in your duas too and the ummat..slm
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Old 07-22-2012, 07:55 PM   #22

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Jazakumulah to the person with the long post which mentions the kitab name my sufi iqbal sahib rahmatula hi alyah..may Allah give you dunya and akhirat ki bhalai and grant you his qurbe khas and give you a life of itbae sunnat with ikhlas and give you a khas taluq with rasool ulALLAH salalahualyhi wa salam..jazakumulah soooo much4that post..
Do please remember me in your duas too and the ummat..slm

Ameen..May Allah grant u the same.. ..
could u post anything on Hazrat Sufi Iqbal sahab .. i find his books very beneficial..


wa assalam..
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Old 07-22-2012, 08:03 PM   #23

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Pg.15 - 16

The means of Ma’arifah:

Hazrat Sa’adun said to Hazrat Zinnun Misri that I have learnt you wish to listen about the means of ma’arifah..to which he replied that we should benefit from your uloom..

Hazrat Sa’adun then recited two couplets in Arabic which meant that the hearts of Aarifeen are always eager in the remembrance of the lord.. and they lament in eagerness.. such that they reach the higher stations of his proximity.. and they are delved so deeply in love of their lord ( with khuloos ) that there does not exist anything that would take them away from His love..

Our duty is spend the nights crying in love of the beloved..
Our sleep is to get annihilated in the thoughts of the dearest..

May Allah by his 'Fadl' give us the taufeeq to value this simple shugl as a means of attaining his proximity.. such that la’in shakartum la’azeedannakum it shall be increased further..



wa assalam..
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Old 07-22-2012, 11:37 PM   #24

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In SIQALAT UL QULOOB,a book written by Sufi Iqbal RA,almost all the relevant azkar of all the salasil,which are easy and beneficial for the salikeen of this age and time, are given in detail.Actually Sufi Iqbal RA,on the advise of Hazrat Shaikh ul Hadeeth,tried to make things easy for salikeen,and therefore,all his efforts were directed at sort of " Tajdeed" of the Azkar of various salasil,to make them more suitable for this age,when minds are weak and salikeen have less time as compared to the past.May Allah swt accept his efforts and give him immense Jaza.This combination of Bara Tasbeeh and pass anfas,is one such easy but very powerful tool.May Allah swt give us taufeeq to benefit from it.
One other such book by Sufi Iqbal RA is "SHAJARA E NAQSHBANDIA AUR TAREEQA E ZIKRE KHAFI", aimed at Tajdeed of Naqshbandi Asbaq.
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Old 07-23-2012, 03:43 AM   #25

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Essential Clarification

while discussing on the Pas anfas and its its various methods that mashaikh of sulook are acquainted with.. let it be known that it shall be practiced only upon the instructions of the shaikh..
it is universally accepted among all mashaikh that with each breath the Zikr of Allah is done.. and this similarity is attached with Pan anfas when it is done as a shughl..

but the motives and benefits of Pas anfas mentioned afore for eg. Purification of heart and remaining attentive of Allah if achieved by other ashghal & means.. then there is no need to stress only on Pas Anfas..

such that with Pas Anfas the maximum zikr one could recite would be about 24,000 times(per day) whereas with other methods like Zikr lisani and Qalbi it would reach in lakhs.. and those fortunate who pursue the above motives have their zikr more than lakhs.. and reach very high in their spiritual progress..
since such a sahib e Nisbat person would continue his zikr with Faraidh and sunnnah; carrying out the various ahkam of Shar’iah..

observing the Ahkam of Shari’ah with ikhlaas by even indulging in sale or purchase..or even fighting (for the sake of Allah ) or merely sharing a light moment.., according to their maratib.. would be all considered as Zikr..

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Old 07-23-2012, 03:54 AM   #26

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And the highest zikr would be achieved by fulfilling faraidh like salah..because Ahkam e Shara’iyya are the scales of his pleasure.. when every act shall be performed in accordance with the shari’ah.. remaining attentive of the lawgiver’s presence before you.. then each act shall contain the pleasure and remembrance of the Master..
in the Ahkam of Shar’iah the real Master (lawgiver) is definately Allah .. but the benefits of amal e Shari’ah like Pleasure (ridha) and zikr shall only be reaped when both the Dhaziri and Batini prerequisites of an amal are fulfilled..

Dhahiri precondition with Fiqh and Batini prerequisite being Iman and Ihtisab (contemplation), yaqeen and Ihsaan ( achieving it by either study of Kanz, Qudoori or indulging in Zikr and Ashghal).

Even in the virtues and benefits of salah these prerequisites are duly attached..and in the absence of these.. the status of these amals are incomplete.. in effective.. causal to distance away from Allah rather than gaining his proximity.. and is slapped back on his face as mentioned in Qur’an and hadeeth.. these prerequisites are precedent before the A’maal and forms its spirit..

On the other hand these very prerequisites are also known as A’maal e Batini.. and their virtue and acceptance is attached with A’maal e Dhaihir..
For example if someone sits indulged in the kaifiyat of Ihsaan and Huzoori and does not rise to offer salah.. or does not observe faraidh in his dealings.. then such an ihsaani sifaat are not acceptable..

Ofcourse when he combines this kaifiyat with Fiqhi understanding and observes the obligations of Shari’ah.. then such a salah would be a thousand times more effective and worthy than one prayed without Huzoori (attentiveness)..

contd tomorrow ..


wa assalam..
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Old 07-23-2012, 04:05 AM   #27

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In SIQALAT UL QULOOB,a book written by Sufi Iqbal RA,almost all the relevant azkar of all the salasil,which are easy and beneficial for the salikeen of this age and time, are given in detail.Actually Sufi Iqbal RA,on the advise of Hazrat Shaikh ul Hadeeth,tried to make things easy for salikeen,and therefore,all his efforts were directed at sort of " Tajdeed" of the Azkar of various salasil,to make them more suitable for this age,when minds are weak and salikeen have less time as compared to the past.May Allah swt accept his efforts and give him immense Jaza.This combination of Bara Tasbeeh and pass anfas,is one such easy but very powerful tool.May Allah swt give us taufeeq to benefit from it.
One other such book by Sufi Iqbal RA is "SHAJARA E NAQSHBANDIA AUR TAREEQA E ZIKRE KHAFI", aimed at Tajdeed of Naqshbandi Asbaq.

Siqalatul Quloob is really a wonderful book.. ive not read Shajara Naqshbandiya aur Tareeqa e Zikre Khafi.. apart from Hazrat Shaikhul Hadees sahab Nawwar Allahu Marqadahu he also had Khilafat from Mufakkir e Islam Hazrat Maulana Syed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi sahab and probably also from Hazrat Shaikh Ali Murtuza sahab Naqshbandi

so Bro Naqqash.. apart from Hazrat Maulana Shabbir Ahmed sahab Kakakhel db do u know of his other khulafa..


wa assalam..
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Old 07-24-2012, 04:23 AM   #28

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Its generally here that we see Ulema of Dhahir and sufis falling into error. Some people feel that the islah of Dhahiri A’maal is a means for islah of Batin.
Whereas the noble ahadith has given preference to the islah of Qalb..iza saluhat saluhal jasadu kulluh (hadith) and the other few struck with vanity; neglect taqwa in Ibadaat and Ma’amalat after islah of batin..

Such that in Hadith of ihsan it is mentioned an ta’budallah..meaning that worship when performed with this kayfiyat is known as Ihsan..that when Taqwa and Tawadhu is absent in Ibadat and Ma’amalat then it is not the kayfiyat of ihsan.. but only of subjective awareness..

so far Nisbat and Ta’alluq Ma’Allah has not been achieved because Yad Dasht (awareness) and Nisbat are both interlinked… even though Nisbat.., Islah e Akhlaq and Islah e Ma’amalat are separate entities.. but the evolution of these qualities after attaining Nisbat is so inevitable.. just like it is deemed necessary by all that a strong Iman should be covered with Islam..

Such that when Yad Dasht (awareness) shall be combined with an attachment of love.. then his every act shall be taken measured before the scales of the beloved omnipresent Lord.. and he shall be aware of Shar’ii injunctions.. and this is called as Ihsan..
Due to this, his every action becomes Ibadat and a means of achieving Ridha (pleasure) and Zikr..

The motive of this clarification was to highlight that by reading about the benefits and virtues of Pas anfas one should not assume that all of these are only contained in the Shugl of Pas Anfas.. and the mashaikh of tareeqat where this Shughl is not practiced should not be taken as empty of these barakaat..

For example the people of Nasqshbandiya do not have Shugl Pas Anfas per se but have Wuquf e Zamani (Reprising one's thoughts and actions) and Hosh Dar Dam (awareness of breath)..

shall continue with other topics later ..


wa assalam..
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Old 07-24-2012, 06:51 AM   #29

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MashaAllah,great posts, I wonder if I can request you to translate " Faiz E Shaikh" here. I personally prefer this small book over all the other books by Hazrat Sufi Iqbal RA.It is a unique book in many ways and is not less than a blessing for weak people like myself.I am sure for a person like you it's translation will not be a big issue.......and you will get duas of 'AHLE ZIKRE'.
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Old 07-24-2012, 08:41 AM   #30

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MashaAllah,great posts, I wonder if I can request you to translate " Faiz E Shaikh" here. I personally prefer this small book over all the other books by Hazrat Sufi Iqbal RA.It is a unique book in many ways and is not less than a blessing for weak people like myself.I am sure for a person like you it's translation will not be a big issue.......and you will get duas of 'AHLE ZIKRE'.

hazrat.. u only need to order me.. why not.. .. have u read Wisaal ke Baad by Hazrat Sufi Iqbal sahab ..? im trying to get hold of it.. i found his Faiz e Shaikh ka ek man'e yani ghosht khora (pyria- a gum disease) interesting too.. very short.. about 8 pages.. it seems he wrote it as he felt shy to directly advice his close ones to seek medical attention for bad breath.. that he also found it to be an obstacle in the faiz of mashaikh and against the adaab of masajid..
this is the one..

so where is Shaikh Ahle Zikr sahab db.. been missing him since long.. also Peer u know who.... that man owes me trip to mount Qaf....


wa assalam..
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Old 07-24-2012, 09:43 PM   #31

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Fortunately,I had the opportunity to sit in his Suhba in Haramain sharifain,Alhamdolillah.It was his faiz that I met the very sweet Hazrat Taliban db too.May Allah bless them both..
The Peer........When he is taking you to mount Qaaf,Don,t forget to take me along too..........!
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Old 07-25-2012, 07:41 PM   #32

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Fortunately,I had the opportunity to sit in his Suhba in Haramain sharifain,Alhamdolillah.It was his faiz that I met the very sweet Hazrat Taliban db too.May Allah bless them both..
The Peer........When he is taking you to mount Qaaf,Don,t forget to take me along too..........!

.. and do u consider it fair to keep all these fuyuz to urself...? guess Prof Maripat should invent something like a 'Faiz Router'.. so u can route all the faiz to me.. .. dont talk about The Peer.. he shortchanged me by only taking me to his neighbourhood masjid..

as for Maulana Taliban .. my fingers are itching today to irritate him..

wa assalam..
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Old 08-14-2012, 03:14 PM   #33

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Dr76 saheb,

Please continue with the translation as soon as you can. It has been very beneficial for me.
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Old 08-27-2012, 08:41 PM   #34

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Dr76 saheb,

Please continue with the translation as soon as you can. It has been very beneficial for me.

sure .. sorry for replying late.. somehow i don't get mails from SF..


wa assalam..
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Old 08-28-2012, 11:49 AM   #35

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sure .. sorry for replying late.. somehow i don't get mails from SF..


wa assalam..

dr. saheb. Eagerly waiting for you to continue the translation.

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Old 09-20-2012, 07:47 PM   #36

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The Zikr Bara Tasbeeh of Hazrat e Chishtiya

Once some one requested Hazrat Hafiz Dhamin Shaheeed sahab ..saying ‘ Hazrat teach us the bara Tasbeeh..’ Hazrat got upset hearing this and said…’All through life this is my only achievement..and you want me to give it to you.. the way I have toiled to get it.. you too should strive.. I shall teach at my own will.. and you wish to earn it without paying a dime..’

Hazrat Khwaja Azizul Hasan sahab Majzoob says that..

My chattels are earned save not of gratis.. with courage and ardor did I bleed..
And why should I give it away freely.. my merchandise is not at all gratuitous..

(Ma’arif al Akabir)

Hazrat Murshidi ( Hazrat Shaikhul Hadees sahab ) Damatbarakatuhu does not initiate anyone with this Zikr.. but gives out the printed copies of a beginners routine consisting of 16 points with advice to act on.
Only after a minimum of 6 months owing to the continuum in zeal..,contact with the Shaikh,..interest.., mental capacity,..flexibility of time.., eagerness to advance… and a stable mind that he would be instructed.

Whereas with Hazrat Hakeem ul Ummat Thanwi it was even more strict to teach it to a commoner..
Since these Adhkar are meant for Tazkiya and is similar to a purgative which when stopped in between is known to cause more harm… such that to abandon it after initiation or remaining inconsistent.. or after gaining Ahwal being disconnected with the shaikh.. lack of close contact.. and failure of compliance..are all known to cause deeni drawbacks..
(The details of its demerits can be read in Risala Mohabbat; P:107)

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Old 09-20-2012, 08:07 PM   #37

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So it is strictly Not recommended to begin without the permission & advice of one’s shaikh and also learn the method as instructed by him. The benefits of remembrance of Allah and the virtues of Afdhal us zikr Nafi asbaat can be read from Fadhail e Zikr written by my Murshid so as to evoke eagerness..

The method and pattern that would be mentioned here is intended for Tazkiya and seeking of Nisbat.. aside from, the means to achieve the goal is not compelling to be rewarded.. but since its being a tool to achieve the goal.. it shall also carry rewards..since to achieve Nisbat it is essential to observe the method.. order.. and requisites..

The exposition of Achievement of goal by Method and order

(excerpt from Risala shariat wa tariqat ka Talazum)

It begins with Two Tasbeehat (meaning 200times) of la ilaha illallah..then four Tasbeehat of Illallah (400times)..followed by six tasbeehat (600 times) of Allahu Allah.. and at the end the solitary name of Isme zaat Allah Allah..(100 times)

The goal of this zikr is Fana e Ilmi ghairullah and to gradually progress in Tawajjuh ilallah.. since there is aggravated Mash’hood ( either in the forms of dreams/visions/ etc).. such that with La ilaha illallah all these are negated..followed by affirmation..

Therafter when this level of negation has progressed up.. to establish the proof of his pure Zaat in the mind.. repetition of illallah is given.. even proof was fused as a medicine.. and now the gaze is lifted even higher above.. to fix the mind at Tasawwur of Zaat.. so the repetition of ism jalalahu is thrust..
The accomplishment of which leads to renouncing the detestable from the heart and a special longing for that which is so cherished.. Ingraining it deeply..

Thereby fulfilling the rights of the complete zikr and achieving its goal…and one day.. the real zikr ie, eternal Tawajjuh ilallah shall be achieved.
(Shariat wa Tareeqat ka Talazum)

The exegesis on evolution of love by Zikr.. its effects and benefits have been dealt with a detailed explanation in Risalah Mohabbat in which the answers to many objections shall be obtained.

contd later


wa assalam..
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Old 09-30-2012, 05:53 PM   #38

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This zikr of Bara Tasbeeh according to our Mashaikh is to be initiated all at once.but, if the Saalik is weak then he may begin with Two Tasbeeh. .then after each 40 days he can build it up gradually.

Even for this bondsman my affectionate Shaikh had begun with a single Tasbeeh then later on after a brief period was told to complete the entire Tasbeeh..

After Tahajjud or post Fajr at any fixed time of solitude and repose… it is advisable to sit facing the Qibla with ablution and recite durood and istighfar.. and with outmost humility recite the following dua..

Allahumma Tah’hir Qalbi an ghairika wa nawwir qalbi bi nuri ma’rifatika
And fix the thought that for all the time I would spend in zikr.. Allah kareem shall also remember me with his special mercy.. such that fadhkuruni adhkuru kum is his covenant..

With this.. recollection.. enthusiasm and tranquility shall be attained in zikr.. thereafter one should recite Durood shareef 11 times.. and Suarh ikhlas 11 times and send isaal e sawab to the Mashaikh of the silsila..and for a moment or two envision that Faizan e ilahi is being transferred from the heart of my shaikh towards mine..and my heart is in communion and before him….

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Old 09-30-2012, 06:00 PM   #39

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Then sit with legs crossed in front… back straight.. and with deep obeisance and solace begin the zikr.
( Obeisance means that apart from Radha e Haq there is no other motive)

Bending the head towards the heart and pulling out La forcefully from within thereby moving on to right shoulder with ilaha ..then bending head backwards envision that I have removed every Ghair ullah from my heart and thrown it far back… leave the breath with the Dharb of Ilallah hitting the heart.. and perceive that the love of Allah and his Nur is being transfused in my heart..

This way recite 200 of Nafi Asbaat and in between keep reciting Muhammed ur Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wasallam 10-11 times.
Thereafter momentarily keep on closing eyes and feel that Faizan e ilahi is flowing into my heart from the Arsh…

If the Zakir is strong then in a moderate voice but with an intensely powerful thrust dharb shall be done….and if he is weak then light dharb is advised.
Then he shall do the dharb of illallah back to back 400 times on the heart….then for a moment or two imagine the incoming of faiz.. ( by visualizing the incoming of Faiz to heart.. it shall certainly flow in. Faiz ie, effect and Noor is not necessarily perceived)

Then recite Allahu Allah such that the first word to be pronounced Allahu joined with second as Allah.. after closing eyes and bringing head to right shoulder both the Dharbs of Allahu Allah shall be hit on the heart repeatedly for 600 times.
And somewhere in the middle Allahu Haziri, Allahu Naziri and Allahu Ma’ee can also be recited.

Thereafter only the dharb of Allah shall be recited for a hundred times...

contd later ..


wa assalam..
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Old 09-30-2012, 06:46 PM   #40

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Dr76, any chance you could pass on your email address to me please?
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