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Old 11-30-2010, 01:26 AM   #21

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Dr Sahab and Sahiba
I am thanful to Allah for giving us saathi's like you'll
Infact I cannot express my happiness when I learned about ur family profile.
Grant medical college is one of most reputed institute/hospital in India. Its an honour to be associated with it.
We have plenty of doctors in mumbai but few handful of devout saathi's like u.

I am a liability in the Jama'h and I am not devout.
GMC and JJ maybe the largest Govt Med Institution in our State and one of the largest in India but it is typically Indian...corrupt, dirty, narrow minded and anti Muslim.

I have already sent a requisition to the moderator regarding ur email ID. I would like to keep dbase of a gynaecologist.

You need to send it in the Comments & Suggestion section. My wife is a Gynaec. So is her cousin. My younger sister is a Paediatrician and my other younger sister is a Pharmacist. Boring....

There is a famous eatery joint "Al-Rehman" opposite to JJ hospital, for seekh-kabab, I am sure u must be visiting it frequently when u were teaching.

Well, we have official quarters in JJH itself so its only 5 mins from our flat. But I don't go there now. I used to when I was doing my MD.

I have been to JJ college once in 1997 for admission but bcoz of low PCB score, got rejected. Finally secure admission in Saboo Siddik College in B.E. (Production engg)

So you are studying in Saboo Siddik now? Which year?

Where have u done ur medical studies?


How do u manage khurooj, I mean u arrange substitute in ur clinic or closedown.
One of my students manages my clinic. Some other consultants manage the other consultings and admitted patients. Baaqi baat cheet mail par, theek hai. WS.

Jazakallah for the replies.
I have completed my BE from saboo siddik in 2001.
Pls take my email I'd from the mods.

Off the topic.....when can we expect new transileration of Maulana Saad Sahab bayan?
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Old 11-30-2010, 01:42 AM   #22

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Take the medicine prescribed by your GP and keep an eye on your sugars. If they are persistently high inspite of treatment then show a specialist. No natural medication is available in India that can control/treat diabetes. Don't take any other medicines or your kidneys will be at risk. WS.
wa'alaykumus salam
jazakallah for advice..alhamdulillah on the whole its under control but i have to watch what i eat..or do extra walking!
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Old 11-30-2010, 02:21 AM   #23

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you can call them
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Old 11-30-2010, 02:56 AM   #24

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May I also ask you for some advice Dr abu tamim saheb?
I have been to my local doctor for years but their medication and advice is to no benefit. I suffer from constant back pains although I am relatively young. I can't sit in any position for too long as my back begins to ache. Also, if I get too cold my back aches really bad. I can't bend down for too long either, and hoovering the house is too much for me. Do you have any medical advice you can kindly offer?
Respected dr, I look forward to your reply. Make dua for me please.

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Old 11-30-2010, 03:10 AM   #25

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May I also ask you for some advice Dr abu tamim saheb?
I have been to my local doctor for years but their medication and advice is to no benefit. I suffer from constant back pains although I am relatively young. I can't sit in any position for too long as my back begins to ache. Also, if I get too cold my back aches really bad. I can't bend down for too long either, and hoovering the house is too much for me. Do you have any medical advice you can kindly offer?
Respected dr, I look forward to your reply. Make dua for me please.

You can call me Abu Tamim. There is no need for Dr before and saheb after.
You need to see an Orthopaedic surgeon and get an MRI of your spine done. Your illness seems to be seriously affecting your QOL(quality of life) and needs to be addressed aggressively. Secondly your BMD(bone marrow density) needs to be assessed to find out whether you have Osteopenia. You need to continuously take a Calcium with vit D3 preparation and pain relievers whenever necessary. If you are overweight then you need to drastically lose weight. Your Orthopedic surgeon will advise you in detail after reaching a diagnosis. WS.
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Old 11-30-2010, 03:26 AM   #26

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Respected Brother Abu Tamim, JazakhAllah for your swift reply. You are very right, It has an adverse effect on QOL. I have a physiotherapy appointment in a musculoskeletal centre which I'm quite scared about. My doctor tells me that my regular body positions is the only problem, though I think otherwise as I have tried to position my back straight when sitting and standing for a while now but it hasn't changed the pain.
I take regular intakes of calcium tablets and Alhamdulillah my weight is fine.
Also may I ask, What is Osteopenia?
Make dua that Allah relieves me of my pain or makes it a means of me pleasing him. May Allah reward you.
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Old 11-30-2010, 03:45 AM   #27

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MashaAllah it's very heartening to know that not all Muslims are taxi drivers and own takeaways.
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Old 11-30-2010, 03:54 AM   #28

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Respected Brother Abu Tamim, JazakhAllah for your swift reply. You are very right, It has an adverse effect on QOL. I have a physiotherapy appointment in a musculoskeletal centre which I'm quite scared about. My doctor tells me that my regular body positions is the only problem, though I think otherwise as I have tried to position my back straight when sitting and standing for a while now but it hasn't changed the pain.
I take regular intakes of calcium tablets and Alhamdulillah my weight is fine.
Also may I ask, What is Osteopenia?
Make dua that Allah relieves me of my pain or makes it a means of me pleasing him. May Allah reward you.
Physiotherapy is a very good idea. Osteopenia is a medical condition in which the bones are thinner and weaker than normal because of calcium deficiency. Hormonal problems may also play a role in this. WS.
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Old 11-30-2010, 04:47 AM   #29

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i don't like the term allopathy - why not just 'real doctor' ;-)
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Old 11-30-2010, 05:59 AM   #30

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Family and Emergency Med.

Check out this link for a transcribed talk given by Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam re: the responsibility of a Muslim doc.

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Old 11-30-2010, 06:03 AM   #31

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I had a question, Im hoping the doctors here can answer me inshaAllah.

How important is doing research, publishing it and presenting at conferences as a medical student?

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Old 11-30-2010, 01:30 PM   #32

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bole to 'non-medical doctor' bhai.

Dr sahab whenever i drink my tea, my left eye starts to hurt.
Any suggestions ?

p.s: this is great !, now we can have a resident doctor to keep our
blood pressures down and emaan high inshAllah.
hmmm...... In that case drink your tea with your right eye.
How is your BP now?
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Old 11-30-2010, 01:31 PM   #33

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I had a question, Im hoping the doctors here can answer me inshaAllah.

How important is doing research, publishing it and presenting at conferences as a medical student?

Very important. Go for it. WS.
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Old 11-30-2010, 03:16 PM   #34

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Deccani vai, ye aap keya kia? "Sunniforum" to "Sunniclinic" ban gaya!!!
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Old 11-30-2010, 04:53 PM   #35

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I'm a medical student. I haven't yet decided which speciality I want to become... what would you recommend me?

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Old 11-30-2010, 07:35 PM   #36

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FTJ(Tibb) or u can say qualified in eastren medicine.

Basically MSc Physics and BEd

my eldest brth is RADIOLOGIST in rawalpindi,Pak and his wife is retd.capt. in nursing from amc.
my elder brth is a fighter piolot and his wife is also doctor in PAF.
my nephew is in 2nd year of medical.
many of our relatives are doctors.

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Old 11-30-2010, 08:20 PM   #37

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I'm a medical student. I haven't yet decided which speciality I want to become... what would you recommend me?

Asalam Alykum brother,

That is totally dependent on you. Which year?
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Old 11-30-2010, 08:54 PM   #38

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I am an orthopedician from India with a fellowship in Physical medicine and Rehabilitation. My wife is a doctor too and a member of SF . She has an MD in clinical microbiology and is a faculty member in GMC.I am working as a traumatologist .
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Old 11-30-2010, 08:58 PM   #39

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I am an orthopedician from India with a fellowship in Physical medicine and Rehabilitation. My wife is a doctor too and a member of SF . She has an MD in clinical microbiology and is a faculty member in GMC.I am working as a traumatologist .
brother. My wife is also working in GMC. She is Head of Unit III in JJH in Gyn. Where are you located?
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Old 11-30-2010, 09:08 PM   #40

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FTJ(Tibb) or u can say qualified in eastren medicine.

Basically MSc Physics and BEd

my eldest brth is RADIOLOGIST in rawalpindi,Pak and his wife is retd.capt. in nursing from amc.
my elder brth is a fighter piolot and his wife is also doctor in PAF.
my nephew is in 2nd year of medical.
many of our relatives are doctors.


Mashallah good to hear.

My husband and I want to move out of UK in about 5 years. My husband will be ITU/anesthetic consultant then. I want to go to Pakistan my mum's side are in Rawalpindi- my husband is not keen at all because he is Sri Lankan and does not speak or understand urdu at all. Also beacuse ITU is highly specialised and so much clinical work is dependant on latest technology - he feels he won't be able to function properly there. He thinks going to Saudi or somewhere similar is better because he perceives it more high-tech and more people speaking English.

So just wanted some insight from your hospital doctor relatives- what are the chances for foreign UK doctors in Pakistan who cannot speak Urdu -can they get by in English or they will not get a good post because of it.

Is there demand for foreign (UK) doctors in the more modern/prestigious hospitals in Pakistan or do they favour local doctors more

What about a post linked to research - is that an easier route for foreigners. Is there demand for that.

Will he tend to face a lot of racism? More or less than the Saudi/Arab racism towards Asians

What is the state of Pakistan ITU medicine - does it keep up with research to some degree/new technologies or is it quite rudimentary.

Are there good hospitals with ITU that are not in major cities but in smaller more low-key areas with access to good Islamic education/ulema
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