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Old 02-20-2008, 02:14 PM   #1

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Default Tasawwuf for Tablighis
From : Ashrafiya

Hadhrat Shaykh Sayyid Raziuddin Ahmad was khalifa of Shaykh Fakhruddin Illahabadi, who was a mureed of Mawlana Mohammad Hussain Illahabadi and recieved khilafat from Shaykh Afzal Bukhari, both of the latter were khulafa of Hadhrat Haji Imdadullah mohajir Makki (may Allah have mercy on them).

After migration to Pakistan Shaykh Sayyid Raziuddin Ahmad (may Allah have mercy on him) resided in Karachi. He had a Khanqah behind Islamiya College, Gurumander and was very active in the work of jamat dawat o tabligh.

He authored many books, Tum muskarao tu sab muskarain, Ahl e sulook per achi buri sohbet kay aseraat, Zikirullah, and others.

His prominent khulafa include his youngest son Hadhrat Sayyid Wahajuddin Ahmad and Hadhrat Mansoor Wasif sahib (may Allah preserve them). Both of them are very active in jamat dawat o tabligh. It is highly recommended to the brothers and sisters involved in tabligh to benefit from them by formally traversing the sulook under their guidance (without any alienation to tablighi activities at all). Halqa e zikr is still held at khanqah on Tuesday evenings. Daily majlis is in morning at ishraq time.

Hadhrat passed away in mid 1990s and was burried at Darul Uloom Karachi’s new grave yard.

May Allah have mercy on him and raise his status manifolds. And allow us to benefit from him abundantly. Ameen!

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Old 02-20-2008, 02:51 PM   #2

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essential ..molana ilyas said so too

the bighaar of some tablighis is
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Old 02-20-2008, 03:30 PM   #3

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Tabligh itself is seen as a form of reformation. However this is non existent today because although many Ulama are active in Tabligh not every Jamaat has an Aalim in it (this by the way was the true desire of Ml Ilays (ra) ) thus many laymen go together in Tabligh and somehow one is singled out as a Interlectual on deeni matters (he might not be the amir) so then all listen to him.

This doesnt allow for true reformation.
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Old 02-20-2008, 04:47 PM   #4

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Tabligh itself is seen as a form of reformation.
Tablighi activities provides a unique opportunity for self-reformation. However, the mode of involvment should be correct. That is to do all activities under the guidance of one's Shaykh and not as dictated by our own corrupt NAFS or any other person's similar nafs.

There are still many mashaykh who encourage their murid to take part in tabligh activity.
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Old 02-20-2008, 05:23 PM   #5

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Mashallah a very good topic i would like add a thought here:

If reformation is achieved by mujahada then nowadays you can not get a greater sacrifice than leaving the comfort of your home and families which is in line with how the khanqas used to operate in previous times when the mureed would stay there for even years sometimes.

Saying that today how many khanqas are there in the uk where people actually spend quality time with there shaikh?

The other point i would like to make is this, The brothers who are involved in jamaat work (tablighis incorrect term) follow the mashaikh ardently as do the brother who are connected with a shaikh and attend only a majlis per week.

Imagine today if there shaikh turned round and said leave your job and family for a few weeks and sit in the khanqa.

Yet Jamaat workers upon the Advise of there Mashaikhs leave for 40 days, 4 months and years at a time.

It is a misconception to say Jamaat Workers are not connected to Aulia Allah in the contrary they more connected.

And lastly i take offence to the comment


I can turn round a say your "SHAIKH BAYAAN....THIS IS TASAWWUF"

Just to get the record straight I am a murred of a shaikh not connected with jamaat work in it's apparent form, but nevertheless i can never be ungrateful to Jammat work as they were the ones who took time out and knocked on my door and were a means for me trying to seek ALLAH (aza wajal) and his Rasul (sallallahu alaikhe wasallam)
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Old 02-20-2008, 06:17 PM   #6

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The people involved with the effort of jamaat are told to recite the third kalimah, durood sharif and istighfar daily. And im sure ive read that Hadhrat Maulana Yusuf saab stated that if one recites the prescribed zikr with punctuality and all the pre-requisites, with ikhlas and istikhlas, then that person will passaway as a wali of Allah.
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Old 02-20-2008, 06:57 PM   #7

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The people involved with the effort of jamaat are told to recite the third kalimah, durood sharif and istighfar daily. And im sure ive read that Hadhrat Maulana Yusuf saab stated that if one recites the prescribed zikr with punctuality and all the pre-requisites, with ikhlas and istikhlas, then that person will passaway as a wali of Allah.
Asslamo Allaikum,

Exact quotations of Mualana Yusuf (RA) are:

1) Ilm (Knowledge) and Zikar (Remeberance of Allah (SWT) are like the two wings of the bird, unabalanced and the Bird cannot fly properly.

2) Tableegh (Dawah), Ilm (Knowledge) and Zikar (Remeberance of Allah (SWT) have to be balanced and a person must strive to Proportion them within themselves. (*)

(*) Hazrat Jee Maulana Inaamul-Hasan (RA) expanded on this quote and added a few bits to it.
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Old 02-20-2008, 07:04 PM   #8

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Just to clarify, the comment I stated about the the zikr from Maulana Yusuf could have been stated by Hadhrat Jee Maulana Inam ul hasan .
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Old 02-20-2008, 07:06 PM   #9

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Bro SAIFULLAH did you click on the link preceeding the sentence



i dont think you did , or else you wouldnt have pointed out an ill feeling to it
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Old 02-20-2008, 08:45 PM   #10

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I would recommend for brothers who are really active in the Jama'at effort (not only spent some time sometimes, but are engaged regularly in this effort) to do bay'ah to a Shaykh engaged in this effort or to one of the Mashaikh of the world's Marakiz. In my honest opinion it will make a lot easier.

Hadhrat Maulana Zakariyya gave the same advise in his majlis, that is for the "tablighi" brothers to take Hadhrat Inaamul Hassan (correct if I'm wrong) as their Shaikh.
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Old 02-20-2008, 09:27 PM   #11

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I know alot, I mean alot of brothers in the effort who are Bay't to a shaykh. They just do not actively announce it to others. In my masjid war jamaat, about 90% of the brothers are bay't to various shaykhs, some shaykhs are actively participating in the effort, and other shaykhs who are not. That last sentence is in no way meant to demean a shaykh. Just stating that sathis get bay't to various shaykhs.
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Old 02-20-2008, 09:35 PM   #12

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Apologies bro you are right "mospike"

Please forgive me.
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Old 02-20-2008, 10:07 PM   #13

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Apologies bro you are right "mospike"

Please forgive me.
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Old 02-20-2008, 10:08 PM   #14

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it cant even be criticised by anti tablighees
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Old 02-20-2008, 11:38 PM   #15

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Tabligh itself is seen as a form of reformation. .
Very true akhi
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Old 02-20-2008, 11:48 PM   #16

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Very true akhi
salamu `alaykum

That may or may not be true. Unfortunately, many of us have limited the science of tasawwuf to a minimal goal of being merely good and pious Muslims. This is a praiseworthy goal for some, but not the ultimate goal - rather not a goal at all but a means to the true goal: Allah.

Even wilaya has levels. Every Muslim, by taking the shahada, is a wali of Allah. Thus, when the scholars state that "doing such and such will make you a wali" it does not necessitate that it means the elect of the elect, or that one becomes an `arif.

Tabligh is a blessing, but Tabligh itself is not enough nor sufficient to bring about the ultimate state the science of tasawwuf aims for, a very very high and unimaginable state to most of us.

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Old 02-21-2008, 12:01 AM   #17

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sidi Salman

Though at a level I get what you are saying, but I feel your statements (eventhough praising tabligh) are lowering a bit too much in its involvement in raising the levels of Wilaya in the true sense of sufiyaa. Tablighi work if done properly has many qualities of mashq and mujahada found in the traditional sufi teachings. If sincerety is put into actions, then it has the potential of raising one to high levels ... however it may apparently seem untraditional..

But alas the masses do not even have the maqsad of tazkiyatun Nafs and Ma'rifa...

BTE what do you mean the maqsid is is Allah. can you please explain this true goal...Jazak Allah

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Old 02-21-2008, 12:26 AM   #18

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one man went to a great sheik who is not personally involved in tabligh,
i know him personally.
the man said 'sheik i want to do bayah on your hand'

He asked what is ur background ?
the man answered i have been going in tabligh since many years

then the sheik replied to him " Follow the usool(rules) of tabligh sincerely, that is more than enough for you "

I feel this is the main problem, we dont follow what is said

the sheik was iftekhar-ul-hasan (most probably), they were two brothers so i am getting confused in their names and other was izhar-ul-hasan(rah) who was involved in work of tabligh.
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Old 02-21-2008, 12:37 AM   #19

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sidi Salman

Though at a level I get what you are saying, but I feel your statements (eventhough praising tabligh) are lowering a bit too much in its involvement in raising the levels of Wilaya in the true sense of sufiyaa. Tablighi work if done properly has many qualities of mashq and mujahada found in the traditional sufi teachings. If sincerety is put into actions, then it has the potential of raising one to high levels ... however it may apparently seem untraditional..

But alas the masses do not even have the maqsad of tazkiyatun Nafs and Ma'rifa...

BTE what do you mean the maqsid is is Allah. can you please explain this true goal...Jazak Allah

salamu `alaykum

Imam Junayd al-Baghdadi stated that the goal is for one to be in the state in which he was in at the very beginning, before creation existed. Shaykh Nuh explained this by quoting the hadith of Bukhari that stated, "Allah was and there was nothing besides him."

As for me explaining it, as Shaykh Nuh says, "If they were my words, I would have, but they are not."

After this comes the stage of baqa' - and Allah Knows Best the reality of it.

Remember, sidi, that tasawwuf and its true secret is naql min al-sirr ila al-sirr, from shaykh to the murid. All these acts of worship, mujahada, the adhkar, are simply necessary means to the goal.

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Old 02-21-2008, 01:21 AM   #20

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It is very ironic that whereas, most of the common lay Muslims are not aware of the basics of Islam we have people here talking about realities which are beyond the grasp of most of us.

Tabligh is for one's self and these simple lay public. Not for elite and intellectual individuals.

Tasawwuf can not be a mass movement (tehreek). It needs lots of self motivation on an individual level. That may be the reason that akabir of tabligh kept it like this way. That is, on individual level tasawwuf is to be promoted and encouraged.
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