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#21 |
Salam Alaykum,
It could be said by the Twelver Shias that the Fatwas are just mentioning the validity of the marriage, because as per their religion Mutah is allowed. So they might say that amongst us Sunnis, it is conceivable that a man may marry a prostitute and this marriage would be considered as legally binding. To this, I would answer that amongst us, we stipulate that a condition for marriage is that the guardian has to give his consent before the marraige goes ahead, which is not necessarily the case in Twelver Shiaism. Also, it is know amongst us that there is a need for witnesses from amongst the Muslims who must witness the marriage taking place, otherwise it is not binding according to us, which again is different than the Twelver Shia religion. So yes, it is possible for a Muslim man to marry a prostitute, but (1) her father or some male guardian would have to know and give consent for this marriage to take place and (2) the Muslim Ummah would need to be informed of the fact that this marriage has taken place. These two conditions would make it very difficult for a man to just go to a night club or any other evil place and legally marry a woman of bad character whichever way he feels like, without possibly being totally cut off from the Muslim society at large. |
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#22 |
tell that to the numerous muslim turkoman brothers i have met who had no choice but to leave their homeland in northern iraq. Concerning the turkmen Iraqis: Prior to his rule the Iraqi constitution stated that Iraq consists of three ethnicities (arab, kurd, turkmen)... then under the rule of Saddam this was changed and the constitution said that Iraq consists of two ethinicities (Arab and Kurd)... (so officially the turkmen didn´t exist anymore)... they changed it, because the Baath party wanted to "arabize" the turkmen... and now Barzani and Talabani want to "kurdisize" the turkmen... ![]() Even though Saddam made many wrong things... he was still thousand times better than our actual puppet government.... and as far as I know he even made tawba in prison.... (how he said the shahadatayn before his death was really amazing)... actually most turkmen Iraqis were sad about Saddams death (including me!). May ALLAH swt save us from asabiyya!! ![]() |
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#23 |
Saddam was really not a good man, when he ruled Iraq.... |
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#24 |
Hmmm forget about Saddam let's switch topics... Let' Talk about The Grand Wali al faqih RoohAllah Al Musawi al Khomeini:
![]() ![]() "فلو خرج سلطان على أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام لا بعنوان التدين بل للمعارضة في الملك أو غرض آخر كعائشة وزبير وطلحة ومعاوية وأشباههم أو نصب أحد عداوة له أو لاحد من الائمة عليهم السلام لا بعنوان التدين بل لعدواة قريش أو بني هاشم أو العرب أو لاجل كونه قاتل ولده أو أبيه أو غير ذلك لا يوجب ظاهرا شئ منها نجاسة ظاهرية. وإن كانوا أخبث من الكلاب والخنازير لعدم دليل من إجماع أو أخبار عليه..." [كتاب الطهارة: 3/337] Brief translation: "If a Sultan were to rebel against Ameer al Mumeneen (Ali RAA) to oppose him in Leadership or any other purpose Like Aisha and Zubair and Talha and Muawiyah and their likes, or If He built up hatred for Ameer al Mumineen or any Imam Then they are not necessarily Najis(Unclean) In their outer appearance Although They are More Malicious Than Dogs and Pigs..." Kitab al Taharah 3/337 or 457. So He says Aisha RAA and other companions RAA are dirtier than pigs and Dogs... Of course khomeini was later humiliated in his funeral march when the white shroud covering his body was torn and his naked body was grabbed by his followers (who did it to get blessings because they are human worshipers) Then the corpse fell to the ground and was stepped on and humiliated in a very un-organized funeral. And here is an image of his funeral For those who are interested: Salam Aleykum, |
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#25 |
Salam Aleykum,
Usually just about now a Shiite jumps in and starts talking about How Umar RAA banned Mutah marriage and How we Ahlul Sunnah allow the "Misyar" Marriage (Although I know almost all sunnies stay away from such a marriage). Well firstly from the Shiite books: قال أمير المؤمنين علي رضي الله عنه : (حَرّم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يوم خيبر لحوم الحمر الأهلية ، ونكاح المتعة ) انظر التهذيب 2/186 ، الاستبصار 3/142 ، وسائل الشيعة 14/ 441 Ali RAA said: The Prophet PBUH forbade The meat of Donkeys and the Nikah of Mutah on the day of Khaybar. Al tahtheeb 2/186, Al Istibsar 3/142, Wasael al Shia 14/441. So Ali RAA also forbade it. As for Misyar, take a look at the Fatwa of grand Ayatullah Al Sistani: 144 السؤال: هل الزواج المعروف بالمسيار الذي يجيزه العامة جائز حسب مذهب اهل البيت - عليهم السلام - ؟ الفتوى: إذا كان المراد عقد النكاح مع اسقاط حق النفقة والقسم فلامانع منه ، وإذا كان هناك شروط اخرى فيه فلابد من ذكرها لننظر فيه . Question #144: Is the marriage known as Misyar which the mainstream Muslims practice permitted in the Madhab of AhlulBayt? Answer: If the purpose of this is to Make the Nikah while dropping the right of Nafaqah and Al Qassam then it is permitted. Link (question 144): -end- Also this fatwa by grand Ayatullah al Roohani: السؤال: ما حكم زواج المسيار تفصيلاً حسب المذهب الجعفري؟ و ما حكم الزواج العرفي الموجود في مصر؟ الجواب: باسمه جلت اسمائه زواج المسيار ان كان هو الزواج المتعارف مشروطاً بعدم الإرث و عدم النفقة و ما شاكل فهو زواج صحيح و إن كان بنحو غير ذلك فلا ادري كيفيته حتّی احكم عليه بالصحة او عدمها Question: What is the ruling on the "Misyar" Marriage according to The Ja'afari Madhab? And what is the ruling on the "Urfi" marriage found in Egypt? Answer: If the Marriage of Misyar is the known marriage with the conditions Of Dropping the inheritance And The Nafaqah and their like Then this is a correct marriage, and if it was other than this then I don't know how it works so I cannot make a ruling on it. Link: Al Salam Aleykum, |
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#26 |
Salam aleykum,
You see this Fatwa here by Ayatullah Hussein Abtahi? ( آية الله سيد حسن أبطحي ) Here's a translation of it: Question #465: I'm a girl aged 15 years, my father is very religious, and I wear full hijab outside, and alhamdulillah (for that), but my father kisses me very often between my breasts or in my mouth or comes from behind me and hugs me and kisses me on my neck, so I tell him: 'are those actions not haram?' then he tells me: 'they are haram if (done) with lust, but I do this to you with fatherly passion, and the Messenger Muhammad used to kiss his daughter, sayyidah Fatimah, on her neck and between her breasts and on her mouth and suck her tongue, so...did the Messenger fall into indecency with his daughter??? No! And if the Messenger did that then this is a permission for any father to do that with his daughter!' [The girl proceeds:] And then he [her father] tells me: 'I don't touch the awrah, which is the front and the back private part, and all that's not an 'awrah' we're allowed to see, touch, or kiss', and [the girl proceeds] he (says that) he does that too out of worry over me from getting lured by young men, (saying) [i.e,. her father] that the girl who surrenders herself to any young man is one deprived of the feelings of love and tenderness at home, so....[and now she's asking Ayatullah Abtahi] is what my father doing with me halal or haram? And if it's haram, how was the Messenger doing that with his daughter sayyidah Fatimah al-Zahraa'? And Thank you on this useful website. Answer [pay attention to its LENGTH]: And may Allah's peace, mercy and blessings be upon you. What your father's doing is allowed provided that he abides by what he told you; and that's in his heart, don't think ill of him. And you're welcome." Now according To this site: I'll quote why his "" is no longer working: After our brothers in the Muslim (Sunni) forum "Defending the Sunnah" brought this scandal to light, the Abtahi website first changed his answer, then omitted the question, and then totally pulled down the entire website from cyberspace (to a no return inshallah)!!!!! That only proves how scared they are from their truth being known to the world, particularly their ignorant followers!!!! You can see in what they did the level of shame and embarassment he (who issued that 'fatwa' supposedly) and those working on his website felt after the real Muslims (Sunnis) exposed their Shia filth to the world!!!! We have proofs on the changes that were made to his website before it was completely shut down, and we'll present them soon inshallah). Another Funny fatwa by Ayatullah al Shirazi this time: Link: ScreenShot: Ruling on Smoking: Question: What is the general ruling on Smoking? Answer: Smoking is Permissible. ----------------------------------------- Advertising for Smoking: Question: Is it permissible in Sharia to encourage smoking via media outlets like TV and newspapers and cinema and art ect...? Answer: That is Permissible in itself. - end - Now you might be thinking, This guy probably doesn't know that smoking is an evil Addiction which is described as slow suicide BUT HE DOES KNOW CHECK THIS FATWA BELOW: Question: is it permissible to smoke near believers in the house or office ect ... if the smoker knows that it will harm them and disturb them? Answer: You should always consider what is best for the believers. JUST LIKE THEIR GRAND AYATULLAH AL KHOEI CONSIDERS WHAT IS BEST FOR THE BELIEVERS HERE: and here: Salam Aleykum, |
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#27 |
Salam Aleykum,
![]() Check out the Love poetry Section, Please use Responsibly. LINK: MUTAH-SITE Website has 103 Registered Male Profiles and 3 Registered Female profiles, I say Good for the Men who want to keep it clean and Islamic .... yea Also check this article ('Pleasure marriages' regain popularity in Iraq): ARTICLE_USATODAY Salam, |
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#28 |
Assalamu ALaykum
May Allah bless Ayatullah Rohani with a long life.. he has done a lot for fiqh studies. His fiqh ul Sadiq is an amazing book from what i can tell. By the way, many shia Maraji' taqleed do not allow for someone to do mut3ah with a prostitute (based on obligatory precaution) (for example Sayyid Sistani does not permit it based on obligatory precaution) Also as for your comment on regarding the spelling of بالمرأة, keep in mind that Sayyid Rohani himself does not type up the text on the website, others do it for him, so what makes you think that one spelling typo is necessarily his fault? Al Salam Aleykum, |
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#29 |
Salam Aleykum, ![]() The worst part is that there were actually women on there looking for a "mut`ah partner," describing their bodies and looks to help them find a match. May Allah ![]() |
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#30 |
SALAM ALEYKUM !!!! Finally we're back in business and we've got SO MUCH MORE!!
HUSSEIN's RAA Supposed GRAVE Now You gotta Be asking yourself WHERE DOES ALL THE GRAVE MONEY GO!!? Well I will show you why those scholars encourage Visiting and praying to the dead: ![]() Original image without censor: Expect more Corruption from those AYATULLAHS Soon. |
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#32 |
Salam, I Suggest try opening a separate TOPIC for Mutah on the forum or check if one already exists in the search and see what answers you'll get. NOW BACK TO SHIITES AND PROSTITUTION WITH FATWAS FROM GRAND Ayatullah and Marji'i Al Sistani: 164السؤال: يوجد في مناطق تكون الحالة الاقتصادية فيها سيئة ، والنساء في هذه المناطق يتمتعن من أجل كسب المال فقط لا من أجل الشهوة .. فهل يجوز التمتع بهن ؟ الفتوى: يجوز . Question 164: In some areas where the economic state is bad and some women do mutah only for the sake of getting money in return and not because of Shahwat(Desires) .. Can I do Mutah with Them? Answer By Ayatullah Sistani: It is permissible. Source: Screen Image: THERE YOU GO, IF THIS ISN'T SLEEPING WITH PROSTITUTES THEN I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS! Another SISTANI fatwa: 201- السؤال: هل يجوز أن تمتعهن المرأة ، أو الفتاة زواج المتعة كمهنة ضمن الضوابط الشرعية تعيش وتتكسب من خلالها ؟ الفتوى: يجوز Question 201: Is it permissible For a Woman or Girl to practice Mutah within the Sharia Law as a Job which she can live by and gain money? Answer: It is permissible. Source: Screen Image: Now here are two consecutive ones... 185_ السؤال: هل يستوجب زواج المتعة عقدا على الورق ؟.. وهل يستوجب شهودا ؟ الفتوى: لا يحتاج . Question 185: Does Mutah Marriage require a contract on paper? Answer: No. Screen Image: 183 السؤال: أنا متزوج ، وعندي زوجة واطفال .. فهل يجوز لي أن أتمتع بامرأة أرملة عفيفة ؟ الفتوى: يجوز. Question 183: I am married and I have a wife and kids .. So Can I make Mutah with a Pious Widow? Answer: YES Screen image: Source: thank you for your time, |
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#33 |
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#34 |
Salam Aleykum, Twelver Shiite people managed to Shut down the English YOUTUBE channel "ShiaRevealed" and take it off-line, however the channel had re-opened under the name of "ShiismRevealed", Subscribe and enjoy their latest releases:
Link to Channel: FATIMA WORSHIPED: Quran first revealed to ALI: Salam, |
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#35 |
AMAZING SHIITE ACTIVITY ON FACEBOOK THESE DAYS, check them out: Firstly there was a page (which is often under Attack by both Shiite and Zionist pirates) it's called "I Seek the Truth" ... thing is it exposes Zionists and Shiites at the same time and has many fans, then the Shiites Opened this Funny Group to attack them. "I am Shiite first, muslim second" Lots of Smart people seem to be there Haha: ![]() Then There was this group which will make you crack up laughing: In here I Guess they compete to see Who has more saints to worship besides Allah. LOL But this recent Book By Ayatullah muhammad al husseini al Shirazi took Shirk to the next LEVEL, did you know that you can Make Istighatha Via a Christian Now? YES!!! In his latest Book titled "The Mothers of Believ!!! Ooops....errrrr Sorry The title is "Mothers of infallibles" printed in my own home country He talk about doing tawassul by "Sayyedah" Narjis (Wife of Al Hassan al Askari RAA and supposed Mother of MAHDI) This WOMAN IS A CHRISTIAN AND SHE DID NOT ADOPT ISLAM! read here: ![]() translation: Making tawassul by Sayyedah Narjis PBUH: She is a door/Bab from the doors of Allah... They read the Ziyarat for her as a gift and she Removed The Evils from them All. Source: Umahat al Ma'asoomeen, Page 291-292, First print, Dar al Jawad, Beirut Lebanon. |
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#36 |
Ok You must have all heard of this narration which these Deviant Shiites included in their most Important and valuable book "Al Kafi" by Kulayni, The Narration is basically narrated by DONKEYS, yes Not humans, The DONKEYS are narrating, and this narration Confused even the biggest muslims scholars as they asked "How could This Kuylayni insert such a thing to his book? This Defies the Logic of Isnad!" well little did those scholars know that ISNAD is the last thing the twelvers care about... here is the Narration: In volume 1, page 237 there is this narration: Ali bin abi Talib RAA was told that the Prophet’s donkey, Ufair, committed suicide! So Ali said: That donkey spoke to the Prophet ASWS, he said: May my father and mother be sacrified for you, my father told me, that his father told him, that his grandfather told him, that his father was with Noah ASWS on the arc, so Noah ASWS approached him and wiped over his back and said: from the offspring of this donkey there will come a donkey which will be ridden by the best and final prophet. Ufair then said: so Alhamdulillah, that He made me this donkey. As for the authenticity of these Shia books especially al Kafi check here for an informative article: But this is OLD news eh? So What is new you ask? Well I'll tell you... THE DONKEY AYATUL'SHAYTAN KHAMINEI'I SAID THAT IT'S OK TO NARRATE FROM DONKEYS AND THAT THIS NARRATION SHOWS NO DISRESPECT TO THE PROPHET. السؤال: هل تجوز الرواية عن الحمير؟ كما ورد في في بعض الكتب والمراجع ما روي عن أمير المؤمنين:- إن غُفيراً -حمار رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله- قال له: بأبي أنت وأمي -يا رسول الله- إن أبي حدثني عن أبيه عن جده عن أبيه: (أنه كان مع نوح في السفينة، فقام إليه نوح فمسح على كفله ثم قال: يخرج من صلب هذا الحمار حمار يركبه سيد النبيين وخاتمهم، فالحمد لله الذي جعلني ذلك الحمار) (أصول الكافي 1/237). المرجع: سماحة السيد القائد الخامنئي الإجابة: الغرابة الموجودة في هذه الرواية تنتفي عندما تراجع النصوص القرآنية من كون الحيوانات تتكلم وتتصرف كما في قصة الهدهد والنمل و.... وعلى كل حال لا يوجد في الروايات ما يتنافى مع العقل أو الشرع أو ما يتنافى مع احترام الرسول (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) فلماذا ترفضها. Question: is it permissible to narrate from Donkeys? as we saw in some of the books regarding Ufayr ...(He states the narration)...? Marji'i: Sayyed al Qa'ed Khaminei'i. Answer: This narration isn't weird at all once you read the quranic stories about the Ants and the Bird... And regardless, There is nothing which contradicts Logic (Aql) or Sharia or hints towards any disrespect for our Prophet PBUH so why refuse it? -end- Link: Screen Image: ![]() BTW the Donkey is a trustworthy Narrator because animals can't commit Sins like lying. EDIT: Oh! I forgot, this moron Khamine'i who is saying it does not contradict LOGIC and Sharia, well when was prophet Noah PBUH alive? So that the donkey could say that his great grandfather was with Noah? wasn't it hundreds of years? How LONG DOES A DONKEY LIVE ACCORDING TO KHAMINEI'I ? Salam, |
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#37 |
Weird Twelver Fatwa By the BIG scholar Muhammad Tabtaba'ei Hakeem about not being able to have intercourse/sex with your wife if she's a Virgin.
سؤال (1) : هل يجوز العقد على باكر عقد متعة بدون دخول ؟ وإنما مداعبة فقط وبدون إذن ولي أمرها ؟ الجواب : نعم يجوز ذلك ، ويحرم الدخول حتى لو رضيت بذلك ، لكن ينبغي الحذر من الإغراق الذي يفقد به الطرفان السيطرة فيقدمان على الدخول المحرَّم . بل ينبغي الحذر مما قد يظهر عن الطرفين ويشيع عنهما مما يفقدهما كرامتهما ، ويشوِّه سمعتهما ، وقد يجرّ عليهما من المشاكل الشيء الكثير . Question (1): Can I make a Mutah marriage with a Virgin without entering inside her (Intercourse)? But just teasing and pleasuring without the knowledge of her Wali'ul Amr (Father)? Answer: Yes that is permissible, But it is forbidden to enter inside her even if she agrees, Also you should be cautious not to be too attracted to each other in a way that you won't be able to hold back and control yourself Then you enter inside her which is forbidden. rather you should be careful from what might appear around the both of you from news which may lead to destroying your Dignity and Honor (you & her) and tarnish your image while bringing you lots of trouble. -end- Source: Screen Image: WAIT A MINUTE, isn't this Mutah LAWFUL ISLAMIC MARRIAGE!? why can't he enjoy his LAWFUL wife like everyone else? and why all these warnings and secrecy? Like they're doing something illegal and wrong ![]() EDIT: on that same page or image, Just a quick translation of Question (3): If a Wise Adult virgin fears going into a HARAM relation and is resolved on making marriage And usually fathers do not publicly state that they allowed their daughters to make MUTAH, and she is beyond 30 years of age And is too scared to open such a topic with her father. Can she Do Pleasure Mutah marriages and then make her Partner agree to not Spread the news and to only pleasure her? Answer: That is permissible. You wouldn't want to fall into HARAM now would you? Salam, |
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#38 |
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
The Narration which i will present to you now is One which will change your life forever. Ameer al Mumeneen Ali RAA KNEW that Brazil would Be the Kings of FOOTBALL!!! Yes you heard it right you wahhabi Nasibies, Either you admit now to the greatness of Ali RAA or Perish. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته اللهم صلى على محمد وآل محمد أوردت جريدة القائم ( عج ) هذا الخبرالغريب عن الامام علي عليه السلام يتنبأ فيه بلعبة كرة القدم بشكل واضح بل ويقول ان البرازيل سوف تشتهر بهذه اللعبة.... اترككم مع الحديث: قال أميرالمؤمنين ( ع ) في مخطوطة قديمة أسماها الجفر: ( ولا غالب لأمر الله عندقوم لهم نهر عظيم اسمه أمزون يدعون للحق فيها مغاليس ، والظلم يفتن دهراً ، ينشر في أرضهم فقراً ،ولا يعلو لهم اسم الا في اللعبة السارحة،يمرح رجالها خلف مثل أضعاف بيضة نعامة،كرة من جلود ينصبون لأجلها الرايات ويعزفون المعزف ويرقصون رقص الأحباش..... ) كتاب( ماذا قال علي عن آخر الزمان). ذكر صاحب هذا الكتاب أن البرازيل هي المرادف لكلمة الامزون وهو احد اعظم انهار الدنيا. ( وقد وصف امير المؤمنين عليه السلام كرة القدم ببيضة النعامة لأن هذه البيضة هي البيضة الوحيدة ذات الشكل الكروي وكرة القدم اليوم هي مصنوعة من الجلود كما ذكرها عليه السلام) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = المصدر جريدة القائم العدد ( الفتح ) السنة الاولى - أواخر محرم الحرام1427 هجري كتاب( ماذا قال علي عن آخر الزمان) The "Al Qa'em" Newspaper in their first volume/release at the end of Muharram, 1427 hijri released this Hadith about ALI raa Talking about the game of Football and saying that Brazil will be the best Nation in this game. Ameer Ali RAA Said in an ancient scripture called "Al Jeffr" :Allah Is the greatest as a people with a great river called the amazon, Their religion is corrupt and there is oppression and Fitnah which will spread Poverty in their land and they will only achieve victory in a game with an Egg of an Ostrich,.. A Ball from leathers and for it they will place Banners and play songs and dance like the Ahbash. Source: Book: kitab "Maza Qal Ali an Akhir al Zaman". the writer of the book claimed Brazil is that country with the Amazon. Scan of the book mentioned in the Shiite newspaper: ![]() - END - This is the link to a Shiite forum called "Al Hawza" and they are talking about this here and saying how Amazing it is that Ali RAA knows the future HAHAHAhaha!!! Some guy was actually trying to explain the "Dance of Ahbash" part as The SAMBA LOL! Here's another Shiite forum were another guy Pastes this and all other Shiites start thanking him for this "Valuable" topic: here's another Shiite forum Discussing this and Saying "The Wahhabies must be dying in Anger from the greatness of Ali" So my friends this is the religion of Twelverism, A Religion for you to have a laugh at and enjoy, a religion I wouldn't buy for 5 $, full of fairytales, legends, Visions and myths with almost no Hadiths from the Prophet of this Religion PBUH. ![]() Salam Aleykum, |
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#39 |
The Narration which i will present to you now is One which has resulted in many Muslims shifting to the Twelver religion of Ahlulbayt and truth... After hearing this even I am considering to change my Madhab... Even if something obviously outrageous is being proposed by the heretics, it is not proper to joke about changing one's belief, even if sarcastically.
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#40 |
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