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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #21

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By hook or by crook, you have to ignore them. I was suffering from a similar problem and it used to take me 45 mins for ghusl and i was kinda frustrated by it, but since the mufti told me about its negative side, i completely ignored them n feel very relaxed now.
I know how it feels after ignoring it because it worked for me in the past and now I'm doing it again because it camr back, again thank you for the advice and may allah swt reward you and everyone who has helped me in this and outside of this forum, please for other members, add some information if you have some, I think that everyone will benefit, including me and others who have the same problem
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #22

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No apologies necessary! we are all here to help each other inshallah. Honestly, i have ocd but not in that way. The only thing i can tell you is no one is going to just come and hurt your family unless allah swt wills it. If he does not will it then it will not happen, no matter how hard or scared you fell about it happening. what do you mean for their own benefit? also, why would they lie to you? like for what reasons do you think they are lying to you about?
jazakallah khair sis.

I don't mean strangers will just come and hurt us, lol. I can't explain properly. Just thoughts in my head all the time. I guess its because we have through alot in the past. and its only natural to have ones guard up? but its getting excessive now. For example, I think my sister lies to me? I have to concrete evidence? IF she is too nice to me, I think she wants something in return? Thats just one example at home. At work, I feel my team mates don't want me in their team or always talking about me 'behind' my back and they have never given me a reason to? In short, I feel these 'suspicions' and 'paranoias' are just there from Shaytaan to break relationships? Does that make sense

Either its shaytaan or I'm going crazy. I wasn't like this before and I don't like thinking ill of ppl all the time. Theres a part of me that is becoming judgmental and I trying to fight this as much as I can, before it becomes as strong as my paranoia. Think I'll go crazy literally if this keeps up.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #23

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Dont know about the mental issues but spiritual issue is there. Its better to consult a shaykh for reformation n taking all these maladies out from ur heart. If u dont have a shaykh, engage in zikrullah and tilawat with steadfastness. select a portion to be done everyday and be consistant.
What would you prescribe bro? And what is meant by portion?
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #24

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jazakallah khair sis.

I don't mean strangers will just come and hurt us, lol. I can't explain properly. Just thoughts in my head all the time. I guess its because we have through alot in the past. and its only natural to have ones guard up? but its getting excessive now. For example, I think my sister lies to me? I have to concrete evidence? IF she is too nice to me, I think she wants something in return? Thats just one example at home. At work, I feel my team mates don't want me in their team or always talking about me 'behind' my back and they have never given me a reason to? In short, I feel these 'suspicions' and 'paranoias' are just there from Shaytaan to break relationships? Does that make sense

Either its shaytaan or I'm going crazy. I wasn't like this before and I don't like thinking ill of ppl all the time. Theres a part of me that is becoming judgmental and I trying to fight this as much as I can, before it becomes as strong as my paranoia. Think I'll go crazy literally if this keeps up.
Oh ok i get what you mean. Not necessarily, some people are just nice a lot. It is true that some people may be really nice if they want something, allahu a3lam but most of the time people dont want something especially if its family. Soemtimes, i feel like when i pass by some people and theys tare and whisper i think that they may be talking about me, allahu a3lam, i think it is just our natural instincts, but we should ignore it, even if they are talking about us, who cares? they are the ones backbiting. Some are from shaitan, i think, and allahu a3lam, but maybe he is just jealous that you are having a good relationship with people and he does not have one, so the best thing to do is ignore, give people things they need if u can, and always say inshallah i will get reward for everything i do, and allah knows best!
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #25

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Salam Aleikum, i suffer from waswas in pretty much everything. The problem is now i suffer from the hardest one which is kufr. I think every statement or action cause kufr. Can anyone try to explain o me what kufr really is, i tried other websites but none were too helpful. Thanks
Just ignore it this is the best solution.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #26

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Bismillah Ir-Rehman Ir-Raheem

Walekum-Assalam, my precious sister in Islam:

Thank you for coming to us, my sister.

Dear sister, please do not fear and kindly elaborate on this problem more so that we may be of some help with the permission and will of Allah: What do you mean, Sister, that every action and statement you make is kufr? Would you please, dear sister, give examples?

If I have said anything that is good and true, it is from Allah, and anything other than that is my own mistake.
Do not ask a person who is victim of waswasa to repeat their waswasa because it makes it stronger.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #27

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Just ignore it this is the best solution.
i cant ignore certain things like doubt of saying fatiha wrong, or number of rakas, or forgetting rabbi ghfir li in between. i have to keep repeating my prayers and cutting them in half, and im really tired, and im exhausted. i dont know how i can handle the waswas anymore, insh'allah it will go away forever
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #28

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Ignoring is difficult if it's always just there. Often it is difficult to distinguish between that which is of genuine concern and should be given due attention, and that which is waswasa. Reading Majlisul Ulalama (South Africa) is what exacerbated my waswasa as, in his articles, kufr is a recurring theme. In fact, a couple of muftis have advised me not to read the works of Maulana AS Desai as he lacks adab; first he will slander you, and then he may or may not answer your question.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #29

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What would you prescribe bro? And what is meant by portion?
Shaykh Hamza Yusuf in his commentary on Purification of the Heart, recommended that we read the "wirid al-latif" by Imam Al-haddad rh, in the morning after fajr and evening..http://halaqa.org/Audio/Prophetic%20...d_al-latif.pdf
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #30

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i cant ignore certain things like doubt of saying fatiha wrong, or number of rakas, or forgetting rabbi ghfir li in between. i have to keep repeating my prayers and cutting them in half, and im really tired, and im exhausted. i dont know how i can handle the waswas anymore, insh'allah it will go away forever
Thats what I am telling you, just focus on doing it right and ignore anything after that.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #31

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i cant ignore certain things like doubt of saying fatiha wrong, or number of rakas, or forgetting rabbi ghfir li in between. i have to keep repeating my prayers and cutting them in half, and im really tired, and im exhausted. i dont know how i can handle the waswas anymore, insh'allah it will go away forever
Al Salamu 3alaykum

Sister OCD is a dangerous thing if you give any attention to it, you MUST struggle really hard to ignore them. I know this is easier said then done and ultimately Allah (swt) is testing you and only if He wills, can you overcome them.

I used to have really bad OCD that started when I was really young and while these can begin as something that seems insignificant you should not be fooled as they can evolve into something a lot more dangerous.

Regarding your question on whether you need to repeat your salat or the Fatiha, I would strongly recommend that you don't, there are many fatwas out there that support what I'm telling you and I have never heard or read a different opinion.

Remember the general principle "doubt does not remove certainty". If you are sure you have made wudu, then you are in a state of purity unless you are 100% certain otherwise, so decide yes/no. There is no "just incase" third choice as this can open the door to wasawis. Eventually, if you keep doing this and Allah swt wills it, then you will look back and smile at how silly the whole thing was. Inshallah.

The best advice I can also give you is to give some serious attention to learn the religion and you will be surprised how ALL your questions will be answered. I recommend you sign up for a fiqh course, perhaps at seekersguidance.org. Their courses are really good and they are free of charge, may Allah reward them.

Finally, put your faith in Allah that he will rid you of this evil, supplicate abundantly and even thank him for this challenge. Allah know best but you may one day wake up and find these wasawis are completely gone or (as in my case) a few days may pass and you find it easier and easier to completely ignore them until they are removed Inshallah.

I will make dua for your and the other sister Inshallah.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #32

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Al Salamu 3alaykum

Sister OCD is a dangerous thing if you give any attention to it, you MUST struggle really hard to ignore them. I know this is easier said then done and ultimately Allah (swt) is testing you and only if He wills, can you overcome them.

I used to have really bad OCD that started when I was really young and while these can begin as something that seems insignificant you should not be fooled as they can evolve into something a lot more dangerous.

Regarding your question on whether you need to repeat your salat or the Fatiha, I would strongly recommend that you don't, there are many fatwas out there that support what I'm telling you and I have never heard or read a different opinion.

Remember the general principle "doubt does not remove certainty". If you are sure you have made wudu, then you are in a state of purity unless you are 100% certain otherwise, so decide yes/no. There is no "just incase" third choice as this can open the door to wasawis. Eventually, if you keep doing this and Allah swt wills it, then you will look back and smile at how silly the whole thing was. Inshallah.

The best advice I can also give you is to give some serious attention to learn the religion and you will be surprised how ALL your questions will be answered. I recommend you sign up for a fiqh course, perhaps at seekersguidance.org. Their courses are really good and they are free of charge, may Allah reward them.

Finally, put your faith in Allah that he will rid you of this evil, supplicate abundantly and even thank him for this challenge. Allah know best but you may one day wake up and find these wasawis are completely gone or (as in my case) a few days may pass and you find it easier and easier to completely ignore them until they are removed Inshallah.

I will make dua for your and the other sister Inshallah.
Thank you so much for the reply, and may allah reward you and everyone who tries to help. Insh'allah i will do my best. it recently got worse especially the kufr part. this morning i had to repeath the shahadah 6 times, i think allahu a3lam because i thought i said somehtng that constituted kufr.. I dont know for prayer, what to do i forget if i did every movement. its really hard, but like you said, insh'allah it will go away after a while
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #33

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Recite the ayahs of Manzil daily: http://www.sunniforum.com/forum/show...l=1#post704187
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #34

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What would you prescribe bro? And what is meant by portion?
3rd kalima 100 times, istigfaar 100 times, durood 100 times in morning n evening.some amount of tilawat consistantly.
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Old 09-04-2012, 01:31 AM   #35

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Just wanted everyone to know that this waswaas came back again after leaving me for months now, and it all started again, it came back and i dont know what to do, it started with me saying in my head last night: i guess its okay for me to lsiten to msuic sometimes even though i know it is orbidden, but i did nto mean that music is allowed or it is not haram, then i was worried in themorning aboutmy issues and i thought it is unfair which i meant that it is unfair that the shaytan can bother us in this way, but i didnt mean that islam is unfair audo billah, so i dont know what to do
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