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Kufr Ocd
Salam Aleikum, i suffer from waswas in pretty much everything. The problem is now i suffer from the hardest one which is kufr. I think every statement or action cause kufr. Can anyone try to explain o me what kufr really is, i tried other websites but none were too helpful. Thanks
Here is a small book on how to deal with such waswas. I had a similar waswas for years, i didn't know what I was doing, but the following book helped me deal with it. I have attached it. |
Bismillah Ir-Rehman Ir-Raheem
Walekum-Assalam, my precious sister in Islam: Thank you for coming to us, my sister. Dear sister, please do not fear and kindly elaborate on this problem more so that we may be of some help with the permission and will of Allah: What do you mean, Sister, that every action and statement you make is kufr? Would you please, dear sister, give examples? If I have said anything that is good and true, it is from Allah, and anything other than that is my own mistake. |
It depends. I usually do the shahadah right before i make wudu, and then dhikr stays in my mind, and while i am changing or use the bathroom, i think of dhikr, and then i think i insulted allah swt, so i go out and do the shahadah again. Sometimes, i say things not that i remember any lol, but i think i may have committed kufr, and this goes on for more than 30 times a day
I just looked at it now, and i have read this one in the past. Also, in prayer, sometimes, i forget if i did obligatory parts. When i want to ingore the prayer and not to do the prostration of forgetfulness, i get the whisper that my prayer is not going to be accepted. When i make wudu, half the time, my clothes are so wet because of how much water I use and i know it is a waste and i try so hard but it just does not work. However, i can always work my way through that but the major concern is committing kufr. I read soemwhere that it can happen without you desiring it or evn knowing so that is why i am alwys scared i may have said something or did soemthing to constitute kufr. I beleive in allah swt, the prophets, angels, and everything. Sometimes, i fear that i may ahve did something that would mock something in the religion. Also, sometimes, my family does things which i think may be kufr, and if pray with them, i fear that my prayer woudl be invalid, and i know takfeer is really bad because if you call them a kafir and they are not, you become a kafir.
Recite the Ayahs of Manzil from the Quran. I have attached the pdf file for it. Here is the video for recitation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoxtiDB4oXo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWYTbIiUVF8 |
Bismillah Ir-Rehman Ir-Raheem
Assalam-Alaikum, my dear Sister: Dear Sister, the resource Brother Amr has provided you "Whisperings of Shaitaan" is very good in this regard. Even if you have read the book, Sister, read it again. You see, my dear sister, the problem is that man's nature is to forget and so we often forget and have to do something again to remember. So, it definitely may be that something we have read or heard something that carries within it precious advice for us and we remember for a while and then we forget. So, to remember, we have to go back and reread or do again. So, please do that, my sister. Sister, you do not have to say your shahada every time such whispers come, because Allah accepted your shahada the day you made the intention in your heart to live Islam. You see, Sister, shaitaan loves to make people act crazy, if he sees you are creating less room for him in your life by doing good deeds, keeping good intentions. Then, shaitaan comes to that person, hating him for being good, and makes that person feel like they are acting badly towards Allah or doing acts of kufr. Shaitaan's intention is to devastate you on a mental level, make you feel no-good, and give up those good intentions and good deeds. Therefore, at this juncture, Sister, once you realize shaitaan's tricks, it becomes incumbent on you and more prudent for you to ignore them. Sister, if you think of dhikr or some holy words in the bathroom, do not be frightened or upset. Allah never takes anyone to task for what is in their minds (and not intention). Sister, when you get the thought that your prayer is not going to be accepted, that is a sign of shaitaan hating the prayer that you did because it makes him weaker against you. However, if you pay attention to the whisper, then you give him power over you and he becomes happy. However, Sister, your job is to pray, not judge your own prayer; the judgment of prayers rest with Allah. And tell me, dear Sister: Is man in a position to usurp the place of Allah and appoint himself Judge over his prayers? Please, Sister, whenever such thoughts come to your mind, say in your mind, "My Lord accepted my prayer, which the shaitaan hates." After a while, when in this way you keep rejecting shaitaan, he is going to lose hope in you and the waswas will be reduced greatly till it is Insha-Allah minimal or non-existent. However, shaitaan will then try to get you in other ways, but you have to get at this level, Sister, first wherein such waswas will be nonexistent or negligible. Otherwise, you will make shaitaan happy, and our job as slaves and servants of Allah is to make our Lord happy and not the disobedient creature called shaitaan. Also, Sister, waswas is a sign of faith, in that as much as you want to please your Lord, shaitaan is coming against you to make you feel bad. Sister, you are Muslim, maybe not perfect, but you are a Muslim. And none of us are perfect. Allah will not take us to task for our imperfections, only our bad actions. When such whispers come, Sister, you must also say "Amantu billahi wa rasulihi" at least 3 times. Also, every morning and night, please read Surah Kafiroon at least once, as that will keep you Insha-Allah from feeling like an unbeliever or one who commits acts of unbeliefs. Sister, Allah is extremely, extremely, extremely merciful, but shaitaan is the opposite. Choose, Sister, to believe that you are under the umbrella of Allah's mercy rather than pay attention to shaitaan who wants you to believe that you are not. And yes, Sister, this is a choice. Make the right one, Sister. And my dear Sister, know that Allah knows best. If I have said anything that is good and true, it is from Allah, and anything other than that is my own mistake. |
I have also suffered from these was wasaawizs and alhamdulillah I'm recovering it from nw... I made big mistake by acting to those thoughts and chasing them....pls pls pls pls don't do that...it will ruin ur life...just pray to Allah to help u from this situation .only he can help u from this. This is all shaitaan. He will nw try to put doubts in our hearts or may even whisper that u r nt a Muslim.or u did something wrong which has ruined ur imam.all are nonsense thoughts.i was also stuck in the same problem.pls don't worry.be happy and do lot of zikr.u r not a kaafir at all. |
Does anyone know if you suffer from waswas and you doubt if you read fatiha whether you should pray again?
Recite manzil daily, once a week is "not" sufficient.
Try to memorize kursi and recite when any ill thoughts come. Finally. Realize that we are humans and far from perfect, no man/woman can say they have never had bad thoughts come upon them. Ps. Mind what you read or watch, if you constantly read up dark or evil topics it's natural for our brain to constantly think of them and even have dreams of the darkness. Inshallah all will be well May Allah give you guidance and protect you from any evil |
I do not have time to read or waych anything dark or evil because I am usually busy with my ocd which by the way affects school and work. |
I'm sorry sis pinkflower ... i don't mean to hijack your thread but I was wondering if something can recommend something for me?
I'm always suspicious and paranoid about other people. It's always something like they are always out to get me or hurt me or my family. If someone does something, I start to think they are doing it for their own benefit? I never used to be like this, I don't know whats wrong with me .. its starting to get worse now, where I always think ppl (esp family members) are always lying to me. Do I have mental issues http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...icon_frown.gif |
The best thing to be done with the wasawis is to ignore them. I have a friend who is mufti graduated from darul uloom deoband, an awesome personality. he once told me that if you dont leave the wasawis, ur gonna be devastated and told me a story about a guy who wanted a futwa for suicide because he was so frustrated by the wasawis. So it is better to nip in the bud. http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...lies/jazak.gif |
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