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#21 |
May ALLAH curse the alawis and make them the slaves of the muslims very soon inshallah and alleviate the suffering of the Muslims of Syria and the whole world ameen. May ALLAH accept the martyrdom of all those who were killed and grant them janatul firdaws ameen. Its extremely heartbreaking.... |
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#22 |
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#23 |
Fresh attacks on Houla .
Alex Thomson of Channel 4 interviews Houla citizens. Follow up here on this blog: |
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#25 |
Rafida shiites and allawites are killing Muslims in name of Labbaika ya Ali. Same slogan, different place this time. Remember they uttered similar slogans when they
massacred Muslims at Lal-Masjid in Pakistan! Yet fools/hypocrites among us promote unity with shiites. Exclusive report from Alex Thomson's on Channel 4. Latest tweets form Alex at Exclusive Houla: At the mass grave of 100+ bodies, they already have an empty trench for more to come.#C4news 32 minutes ago via web Exclusive Houla: Lots of people report killers had Shia slogans written on their foreheads. #C4news 40 minutes ago via web Exclusive Houla If killers not connected to Assad, how come they entered a shelling zone without getting shelled? 43 minutes ago via web Exclusive Houla: I predict they will find more bodies rotting out there, but too close to Syrian army to collect. #C4news about 1 hour ago via web Exclusive Houla: We were passed house to house - rarely seen people so desperate to tell their story. #C4news about 1 hour ago via web Exclusive Houla: I've seen pieces of children with their throats so savagely hacked they are almost decapitated. #C4news about 1 hour ago via web Exclusive Houla: Everyone here says the killers came from a group of named Shia Alawite villages - so close you can see them #C4news about 1 hour ago via web EXCLUSIVE from Houla: residents say they expect more massacres. Begging for us to return to film after Friday prayer #C4news about 2 hours ago via web |
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#26 |
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#27 |
Beware of some fake pics on Houla massacre, which are circulating on the internet!
They are for disinfo purposes to discredit the actual crime. Usual suspects: Press TV, RT, and Zionist controlled alternative media outlets! The photo had actually been taken by Marco di Lauro in Iraq in 2003 and is featured on his website. According the Telegraph: Photographer Marco di Lauro said he nearly “fell off his chair” when he saw the image being used, and said he was “astonished” at the failure of the corporation to check their sources. The fake image was exposed and taken down the same day but that hasn't stopped various "Friends of Assad" from using it to imply that events in Syria are a creation of the western media. From Alex Jones' InfoWars we get Phony ‘Houla Massacre’: How Media Manipulates Public Opinion For Regime Change in Syria. Even the BBC have gone so far as to run 9 year old photographs from Iraq, and sell them as from this latest massacre of children in Syria. Any other foreign media outlet in the UK would have its broadcasting license pulled for such a propaganda stunt. In the face of such damning manipulation, why then would so many people still believe the mainstream media’s version of reality in countries like Syria? This website also use the photo snafu to imply the massacre is fake: Houla Massacre a fake? BBC illegally uses Marco Di Lauro's image of Iraqi victims as propaganda against the Syrian government (Must see!) From the pro-Assad Syria 360 we get the headline PHOTOGRAPHER, MARCO DI LAURO, EXPOSES BBC’S USE OF HIS IRAQ PHOTOS AS PROPAGANDA FOR HOULA MASSACRE From the Iranian PressTV we get Truth behind BBC’s vicious tactic. Britain’s state-run broadcast BBC has been heavily criticized for using a fake photo of Iraqi dead children in order to sell a new NATO-led invasion, this time targeting Syria. And from the pro-Russia Information Clearing House we get Engineering Consent For An Attack On Syria, Truth behind BBC’s vicious tactic and from Russia Today Oops, BBC: Iraq photo to illustrate Houla massacre? And so it goes all over the blogisphere among the network of websites and bloggers that developed a new level of sophistication in their failed defense of Mummar Qaddafi, and are now applying that same technique of flooding the Internet with their story to obscure the fact that a massacre really did happen in Houla. My question is: What is going on here? Clearly the BBC made a blunder by publishing the picture as it did. They claimed it was an unverified photo from an activist and I don't think anyone is seriously claiming that they used di Lauro's photo on purpose. It was on his website. They would have had to know it would be exposed as a fake in short order. They would have been setting themselves up for a fall. No, I think the BBC was setup by someone else. Most certainly the "Activist" that sent the photo to the BBC. That entity almost certainly knew the photo was fake, probably got it from the di Lauro website, and should have known it would be exposed as a fake in short order. Therefore their purpose was certainly not to expose the crimes of the Assad regime against the Syria people but instead to obscure then. All of these outlets harping on the fake photo are also using it to imply that the massacre was fake. The Assad government has been carrying out horrific crimes in Syria for 14 months. As with the Houla massacre, we know that the blame lies squarely with the Assad government because much of the killing is done with heavy weapons the opposition doesn't have. With regards to Houla, even the Russians and Chinese can't escape giving Assad part of the blame because many of those killed were killed by artillery, but they, like the other Assad supporters on the left, somehow see it as some sort of joint operation in which the Assad forces first used tanks and artillery to kill the anti-Assad civilians and then "armed terrorist gangs" [ATG] opposed to Assad, went in and killed the anti-Assad civilians that hadn't been killed by the pro-Assad shelling so that those civilian deaths also could be blamed on Assad. This is the kind of trash they are trying to peddle. Now this photo gets sent to the BBC and exposed. This is known as creating strawmen so that you can burn them down. There have also been fake videos that have been exposed as obvious fakes. The claim is that they were uploaded by "Activists," but who knows? Anyone can make a fake video and post it just as anyone can send a fake picture to the BBC, but over a hundred thousand videos of the struggle in Syria have been posted to YouTube in that last year and they make up a very convincing record that can not be faked. The only mistake the BBC made was publishing a picture that they couldn't verify from Syria, but amidst all the killing Assad is doing, he won't allow the BBC or other media he doesn't control to report directly so they are forced to rely on unverified reports from citizen journalist in the region. I would suggest that the true purpose of the fake photo episode is to have a chilling effect on the willingness of the major media to publish what may be the only images they can get of the crimes being committed by Assad in Syria. |
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#28 |
There is a theory that points to the perpetrators being Western terrorists deployed by those who want the overturn of Syria.... Allah knows best. Shirk of the Alawi religion: "Assad is our Lord". "We will push Allah into a corner" |
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#29 |
There is a theory that points to the perpetrators being Western terrorists deployed by those who want the overturn of Syria.... Allah knows best. A Malaysian’s view on Syria: Activist Mustapa Mansor who studied in Syria 20 years ago went back recently to have a look and shares his views on the situation there. WHEN Mustapa Mansor was in Jordan for an NGO event for Palestine last month, he couldn't resist hopping across the border to strife-ridden Syria for a few days to get a feel of the situation there. Syria is not new to the 49-year-old Malaysian businessman who heads the international bureau of the NGO Malaysian Islamic Organisations Consultative Council (Mapim). Twenty years ago, Mustapa had gone to Damascus with his wife and young children and spent two years in the country studying Arabic and religion. He has been back a number of times over the years. He even has a “foster” Syrian family there. His foster father is a medical doctor named Dr Khaled who spent 11 years in prison for activism in the 1980s. He was jailed by then president Hafiz Al-Assad, father to the present leader Bashar Al-Assad. “When I met Dr Khaled in 1992, he told me about how they tortured him in prison and broke practically every bone in his body but he managed to survive. There were thousands of others in prison with him, also jailed for their activism and politics. Some died and some went mad. His wife also spent a few years behind bars, where she saw and heard other female prisoners being raped. “Now, interestingly, Dr Khaled's son who is also a doctor is one of the young revolutionary leaders of the current uprising trying to oust Bashar from power,” says Mustapa, who has been getting information on the developments in Syria from activists who managed to flee and are operating from outside the country. While many see the Syrian uprising as being inspired by the revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya, Mustapa says that is just one factor. Many do not realise that with Syria, the roots go back to 1982, where an uprising against the ruling regime was brutally crushed by soldiers in what is known as the “Hama Massacre”. It left 40,000 to 70,000 people dead and another 100,000 expelled from the country. “Now, it is their children and grandchildren who have risen against the regime. They want to avenge the deaths of their family members and the extraordinary pain they suffered over the last 30 years. “This is the reason why, despite so many being killed every day in Syria, the revolution which is more than a year old is still going strong. Even if tens of thousands more die, there is no turning back. That is their promise,” says Mustapa. Since the uprising against Bashar started in March 2011, more than 12,000 people have died, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. (The Egyptian revolution to oust President Hosni Mubarak resulted in 841 deaths; the Tunisian uprising to bring down President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali cost 338 lives while in Libya, between 30,000 and 50,000 people died trying to force out President Muammar Gaddafi.) Mustapa, who visits the Middle East often because of his NGO work, was on the Asia Caravan to Gaza programme to break the siege on Gaza in January 2011 (two months before the beginning of the Syrian revolution). Their delegation of 120 was welcomed into Syria as “guests of the government” and stayed there for two weeks. He says he went by his foster father's house but found it all locked up and calls went unanswered. In Syria, says Mustapa, it is hard to seek information about a person's whereabouts because it is risky as there are government spies everywhere and one never knows whom to trust. “When I was living in Damascus from 1992 to 1994, students used to come over to my house. In the morning, there would be men sleeping outside my house. They pretended to be mad but we knew they were government spies to monitor who was going in and out of the house. So we always had to be on guard everywhere when speaking to people about their government. “The Syrians also told me that if they run into a friend whom they have not seen for some time, they would be careful about what they say in case the person has become a spy,” Mustapa relates. According to Mustapa, the Malaysian embassy in Jordan had advised him against making the trip to Syria last month but because of his affection for the country, he decided to give it a shot. “I have a business partner in Syria and I was concerned about him. I wanted to see how he was doing,” he says. At the border crossing which is about a two-hour drive from Amman, the Jordanian capital, the immigration officers tried to ignore his group-of-three at first, he says. But when they wouldn't leave, they were asked to explain why they wanted to enter Syria. “I told the immigration officer that if Syrians want to visit Malaysia, we would give them the visa and don't ask them why,” he says, adding that they were subsequently issued the visa and their small overnight bags were checked before they were allowed in. They had left their laptops and more expensive mobile phones in Jordan in case these were confiscated and brought cheap mobile phones instead. Their taxi from the border to Damascus passed through Daraa, one of the places where the uprising first started in March last year. It was where kids who wrote anti-Bashar comments on the walls were caught and tortured. As Mustapa and his group journeyed on, they saw blown-up bridges and army convoys, “The taxi driver himself is from Daraa but he didn't dare say anything about the revolution. We didn't say anything either,” he says. When they reached Damascus, Mustapa's Syrian business partner was waiting and quickly whisked them into his car and drove them to his apartment. “He thought we'd be less conspicuous and safer in his apartment than in a hotel where we might get picked up and questioned. We could feel the tension. We went everywhere in his car and met people who had fled from Homs (one of the worst “battle grounds” of the uprising) but we couldn't speak much to them because there were spies everywhere. “Shops were still open but the price of food had trebled. There was not enough fuel and electricity was being rationed.” And for obvious reasons, Mustapa didn't dare go anywhere close to his foster father's house. Mustapa is not new to dicey situations. In May 2010, he was on board the Mavi Marmara, the Turkish ship which was part of the freedom flotilla to break the siege on Gaza, when the Israeli forces fired at the ship, boarded it and detained the passengers. Nine activists on board were killed in that incident. Another time, when Egypt refused permission to let his group enter Gaza to deliver aid, the group crossed over anyway using one of the illegal underground tunnels. During the visit last month, Mustapa decided to leave Syria after just four days there. “We wanted to leave before Friday prayers because there are always demonstrations (and shootings) after the prayers. We left early and on our way out, we saw snipers on rooftops,” says Mustapa. A lot of information on the violence and shooting of protesters have been making their way out via social media sites like Youtube, Facebook and Twitter. Since the uprising started, Syria has tried to keep a lid on the revolution and is not allowing foreign journalists into the country. Those who do get in are allowed for a short period but are denied free access to information as they have to be accompanied by government minders wherever they go. Others who have managed to find their way in have found themselves targets of attack. This year alone, eight journalists have died covering the uprising in Syria. Medecins San Frontieres (MSF) says it has been trying for months to get official authorisation to work with Syrian medical personnel in the areas most affected by violence. Its medical teams have managed to reach Homs but found patients and doctors at risk of attack and arrest. “Being caught with patients is like being caught with a weapon,” says an orthopaedic surgeon whom MSF met in a village in Idlib Governorate. “The atmosphere in most medical facilities is extremely tense; healthcare workers send wounded patients home and provide only first aid so that facilities can be evacuated quickly in the event of a military operation. A number of Syrian colleagues are reported to be missing,” says Marie-Nolle Rodrigue, MSF's director of operations in Paris in a press release. While the MSF only has a partial view of the medical situation inside Syria due to the lack of authorisation to work in the country, its director of operations in Brussells Brice de le Vinge says MSF saw “militarised healthcare facilities” where access to medical care depended on which side a person belonged. An MSF surgeon relates how they worked as hard as they could for three straight days at a public hospital. “We operated on 15 wounded people and then had to pack everything up in 10 minutes after being notified of an imminent attack. In another place, an operating room was closed because it was simply too dangerous to perform surgery on wounded patients. “Doctors were threatened and they discouraged us from setting up a medical facility because the situation was so risky. Sometimes, the infrastructure is there and you can see medical equipment and supplies but the fear and risk of capture is so great that doctors hesitate to treat patients,” the MSF surgeon says. According to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), they and the Syrian Arab Red Crescent have distributed enough food and essential items to cover the needs of about 350,000 people inside the country since July 2011. It adds that tens of thousands of men, women and children are displaced because of the fighting and many are struggling just to make it through the day. For Mustapa, to say the uprising in Syria is due to outside interference and a play by the West to cause the downfall of an anti-US and anti West leader (Bashar al-Assad) is wrong. “That is belittling the people of Syria, their 30-year struggle and their suffering,” he says, adding that he hoped the UN and the Arab League would intervene to put an end to the violence and deaths before the country spirals out of control. |
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#30 |
There is a theory that points to the perpetrators being Western terrorists deployed by those who want the overturn of Syria.... Allah knows best. However, Iran openly gloats about sending troops to Syria to help asad. Soldiers of Lebanese Hezb-as-shaytan are in Syria to help asad since the beginning of the uprising. Shiite militias belongs to Jaish-Ad-Dajjal under the leadership of Moqtada al-Sharon of Iraq are killing Syrian Muslims. To see more proofs, please go to post #31 of this thread: I have Syrian Muslim friends from Aleppo, Hama and Homs. My friend from Homs told me that his family lost everything. They are now refugee. Already more than 50% of the city of Homs is destroyed. Only allawite neighborhoods remain intact. Have you heard of Stasi-style police state? In Syria there are about 17+ Mukhabbarat (secret service) organizations under the allawite asad regime. Syrian Muslims are under the oppression of this regime for more than 40 years. Enough is enough. No western conspiracy is needed. |
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#31 |
That is an outright lie. On the contrary, the Syrian Muslims are prevented from getting weapons by the very western-puppet regimes, e.g. Turkish, Jordanian, Lebanese. ############## ############# |
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#32 |
Another massacre happened in Hamoriya, Rif-Dimashq. At least 23 people were killed.
Warning! Dismembered bodies. |
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#33 |
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#34 |
The west has a hand in it? Yeah, the west is always to blame isnt it!
When did the ummah die? Where do I come to read the janazah? Syria is a country surrounded by other muslim countries, atleast half of it is surrounded by SUNNI muslim countries,other countries like Saudi Arabia who spend tens of BILLIONS on defence purchases, what and who will they use these arms against? Salam |
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#37 |
Sure west has a hand. The West (including Arab, Turkish and Israeli regimes) is and has been heavily betting on Asad's survival and giving him ample time crash the rebellion. Examples are casting vetoes via West's proxies like Russia and China, supplying weapons to Asad via Russia and Iran, preventing via West's proxies like Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan the asad's opponents from getting weapon. If the west sees asad can't subdue his opponents, it will go in damage control mode, i.e. try find a group from oppositions, which would represent West's interests aka the protection of Israel. Relevant info: Saudi religious authority forbids 'jihad' in Syria. Source: Code: Code A member of Saudi Arabia's highest religious authority prohibited on Thursday any acts of jihad in Syria. Sheikh Ali al-Hikmi of the Saudi Council of Senior Scholars issued a fatwa forbidding jihad after calls for such action have increased in recent months. Al-Hikmi warned, in a statement to the Saudi daily Alsharq, against the calls for jihad in Syria on online social networks, adding that different methods can be used to support Syrian people. “The Syrian people are facing injustice, persecution and the force of an arrogant and haughty regime, and needs our prayers and help in every possible way,” the Saudi sheikh said to the daily. Al-Hikmi explained that the act of jihad fell under the authority of the guardian – a reference to Saudi authorities – and any such act, which was not approved by the guardian, is a form of disobedience and should be prohibited. “The support for the Syrian people should be in harmony with the country's policy,” the scholar added. “Everything is linked to a system and to the country's policies and no person should be allowed to disobey the guardian and call for jihad.” The Saudi sheikh said that unapproved jihad would embarrass the country, adding that “there should be a coordination with the government, regarding organized support, because the government is fulfilling its duties towards the Syrian people.” Sunni scholars commended the kingdom's supportive stance of the Syrian uprising in all international bodies and its continuous call for arming of the opposition and backing of the Free Syrian Army, despite its fractured state. Another council member, Sheikh Abdullah al-Motlaq, said that “the Free Syrian Army is in charge of fighting and jihad in Syria and should be supported.” While the Saudi Council of Senior Scholar has been outspoken in its support of the Syrian uprising, it has forbidden any forms of dissent in Saudi Arabia, also a repressive dictatorship. Early last year, the council issued a fatwa, forbidding any form of protests or petitions for reforms in the oil-rich kingdom, fearing a similar uprising inspired by the Arab Spring. (AFP, Al-Akhbar) Inside Syria: You will never guess who arms the rebels Code: Code JABAL AL-ZAWIYA, Syria — At the Free Syrian Army base here, a group of men led a nervous prisoner from his cell to a car waiting outside. A few hours later, the rebels returned alone, with a trunkload of weapons. As they loaded the store room with new bullets and rocket-propelled grenades, Hamza Fatahallah, an army defector who joined the Free Syrian Army nine months ago, described the transaction that had taken place. “We have caught many army prisoners,” he said. “We send them back home for a small amount of money on the condition they do not return to the regime. We use the money to buy weapons.” For the release of this prisoner, Ahmed Haseeba, the group received $500. With this money, Fatahallah said they were able to buy ammunition from their main supplier: Syria’s national army, also known as the enemy. More from GlobalPost inside Syria: Video: Bloodshed mocks UN peace plan This strange cycle of exchanging prisoners for weapons has been playing out between rebel forces and President Bashar al-Assad’s army since the beginning of the revolution. Fatahallah estimated that his village purchased 40 percent of their weapons from the regime. Prisoner exchanges have so far contributed almost $80,000 toward weapons purchases, he said. And they obtain an additional 50 percent of their weapons during battle. The remaining 10 percent are donated and smuggled from outside the country, or are purchased from private merchants, mostly from Iraq. Occasionally, prisoners are also exchanged directly for weapons, Fatahallah said. They have received up to two Kalashnikov rifles in exchange for a prisoner in the past. For the regime, or at least the duplicitous members of it, supplying the enemy is a big business. Government officers also sell Kalashnikov bullets, which typically sold for less than 40 cents before the uprising, for about $4 each, according to Ahmed Al Sheikh, the leader of the armed opposition in Jabal al-Zawiya. He leads about 6,000 men from eight battalions that are collectively known as the Sham Falcons. Kalashnikovs are bought for about $1,000, he said. Rocket-propelled grenade launchers, complete with a set of four rockets, cost up to $4,000, as does a BKT machine gun. “These officers sell to us not because they love the revolution but because they love money,” Al Sheikh said of his chain of suppliers. “Their loyalty is to their pockets only, not the regime.” More from GlobalPost inside Syria: Syria's walking wounded While most of the sellers are corrupt officers, they said lower ranking soldiers have occasionally stolen supplies from government weapons storage and sold them to the rebel forces. The relationship is not always a smooth one. Back at the base, the men were relaxing after lunch when a loud explosion shocked everyone to their feet. As they feared, the previous night’s purchase of Kalashnikov bullets had been booby-trapped. This time their colleagues were lucky enough to survive the discovery. The men had learned from prior experience — bullets acquired from the regime are sometimes emptied of their gunpowder and filled with TNT designed to destroy the Kalashnikov and its owner, rather than the enemy. After several injuries and the loss of two rifles, the men had learned to spot the fakes. To everyone’s relief this had been a controlled explosion, by someone suspicious of the new batch. The damage inflicted was only a blackened hand, some singed hair and a hole in the table. “These ones here are good bullets,” said battalion leader Asad Ibrahim, showing the red marking on the base of one of the bullets. Holding up another with a slightly darker red off-center mark he said, “These are Bashar’s bullets to explode our guns.” The men said bullets like these have destroyed many guns and killed or seriously injured several of their fellow fighters. But desperate for ammunition, they take the risk. More from GlobalPost inside Syria: Chaos prevails as both sides blatantly ignore UN peace plan Commander Al Sheikh said that half of the Sham Falcon arsenal are seized from the enemy. Most are taken either during battle, or after attacks on government checkpoints. And the rebels carry out organized raids on government weapon stores whenever they can. During an attack on a checkpoint in Mughara last week, Al Sheikh proudly boasted that his men had managed a rare grab: a T62 tank along with anti-aircraft weapons. Another source of arms is from the army defectors themselves, who bring their own weapons along when they join the rebel forces. Sitting at the base, the men laughed as they recalled the story of two friends, both defectors, who told their superior they needed one of the gun-mounted vehicles and some heavy weapons to check on a call regarding rebel activity. Loading the truck with as much ammunition and weapons as they could find, they drove straight toward the rebels, checking in by radio with their boss with stories of hunting down “rebel traitors” hours after they had already betrayed sides. While the Free Syrian Army has been adept at obtaining weapons, it has also proven skillful in manufacturing their own. In a secret warehouse across town from the base, fertilizer and sugar were being boiled in a large pot. Everything from teapots to large metal pipes were being filled to make roadside bombs for attacks on tanks and army vehicles. 23mm bullet casings were filled with explosives with a small wick on top, looking more like an ACME special from a Loony Tunes cartoon than a deadly hand grenade. "We are using very simple weapons against the highly sophisticated weapons of the regime — tanks, rockets, missiles. What a government! What a regime. Doing nothing but killing their people,” Fatahallah said during a tour of the busy workshop. The men from the battalion spoke constantly of the need, not for military intervention from abroad, but for international help in obtaining more weapons. But with or without this support, they vowed to continue the fight until Assad is removed. “The Quran says to prepare whatever weapons you can to fight your enemy,” said Al Sheikh, the commander, as his local leaders discussed preparations for their next mission. “Even if no weapons are available and all we have left to use are stones, we will go on with our revolution until Assad falls.” |
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#39 |
Extremely graphic:
Infant and toddlers toddlers of Anadan, Aleppo after shelling by the asad's sectarian militias. |
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#40 |
Massacre of children in Haffe, Latakia from the heavy shelling. |
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