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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #21

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STOP THIS NONSENSE> It's a known fact all over the world, That iranian, cyrus the great made slavery Illegal! HOW CAN You say something so stupid? Have you read the bill of rights that Cyrus the great had in place???? WOW.I just realized You know nothing about iran. It's useless to talk to you.
How is the '12th Imam' Persian if he is descended from the Prophet ?

The entire Shi'a religion is based on the supremacy of Ahl al-Bayt... who are Arabs.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #22

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Do you feel like Islam is Arab-imperialism?
Dear IranianGirl! Why does it appear like you are jumping all over the place like a grasshopper with nothing to say. Hope that is not your culture! Sit down, think and say something so that all of us can learn. با تشکر از شما
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #23

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Dear IranianGirl! Why does it appear like you are jumping all over the place like a grasshopper with nothing to say. Hope that is not your culture! Sit down, think and say something so that all of us can learn. با تشکر از شما
Chera in Arabha vagheyatoo nimigan?? Hamash dooroogh migan? Chera?
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #24

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It's useless to talk to you.
then please dont, and take a bow out of this forum. You've caused too much fitna.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #25

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If you claim to be a Muslim, whether shia or sunni, then why on Earth are you glorifying Kafrs that used to rule Persia before Islam. This is honestly ridiculous, its just a pathetic ploy some shias use b/c they disrespect the great Khalid ibn Walid, Sa`d ibn Abi Waqqas, Umar ibn Khattab RA, amongst others, who relieved Persia of its pathetic lifestyle and beliefs and brought them Islam despite being outnumbered 10:1 in the battlefield. But you wont see them saying the same things about Imam Ali, Al-Hussein, Al-Hasan RA who are also Arab.

That being said me as an Arab, believes that Arabs without deen are culturally some of the most misguided people. From our history till now its evident most pan-arabs and nationalist care very little of their deen and only about their country and go about life backbiting, fighting, "hustling" their governments etc.

When Tarik ibn Zayed was building his army to go to Al-Andalus he wanted mainly non Arabs only b/c those who converted to Islam rather than be born with it had much stronger Iman.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #26

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Chera in Arabha vagheyatoo nimigan?? Hamash dooroogh migan? Chera?
Yes and the same to you...!http://www.sunniforum.com/forum/show...l=1#post812021
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #27

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If you claim to be a Muslim, whether shia or sunni, then why on Earth are you glorifying Kafrs that used to rule Persia before Islam. This is honestly ridiculous, its just a pathetic ploy some shias use b/c they disrespect the great Khalid ibn Walid, Sa`d ibn Abi Waqqas, Umar ibn Khattab RA, amongst others, who relieved Persia of its pathetic lifestyle and beliefs and brought them Islam despite being outnumbered 10:1 in the battlefield. But you wont see them saying the same things about Imam Ali, Al-Hussein, Al-Hasan RA.
Obviously your soo preoccupied with your Shia hate. You don't even understand what I'm saying!!!!! WE ARE HURT that the Arabs treated us soo bad, and now they deny everything.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #28

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Obviously your soo preoccupied with your Shia hate. You don't even understand what I'm saying!!!!! WE ARE HURT that the Arabs treated us soo bad, and now they deny everything.
Wallahi i do not hate any Shia just for being shia and i consider the moderate ones within the fold of Islam. As a matter of fact i have plenty of shia friends who grew up with me and my community who alhamdulillah are now "sunni" since we accepted them with open arms and the became like those they surround themselves with. I understand what you are trying to say b/c i have heard it before. The problem is what you are saying is not based off of any facts at all what so ever. Let me ask you again what do you think of Imam Ali, Hussein, and Hasan RA, who Arab as well.

Maybe you are hurt that our great MUSLIM sahaba conquered your Persian "ancestors" with relative ease despite being heavily outnumbered all due to the will of Allah SWT.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #29

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I find this types of dishonest questiong with hidden agenda quiet pathetic and frankly insulting. Perhaps in absense of intelligence, one need to stoop such level. The christian evengelical bible bashers seem to think being disshonest is way to get ahead.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #30

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Wallahi i do not hate any Shia just for being shia and i consider the moderate ones within the fold of Islam. As a matter of fact i have plenty of shia friends who grew up with me and my community who alhamdulillah are now "sunni" since we accepted them with open arms and the became like those they surround themselves with.

I understand what you are trying to say b/c i have heard it before. The problem is what you are saying is not based off of any facts at all what so ever. Let me ask you again what do you think of Imam Ali, Hussein, and Hasan RA, who Arab as well.

Maybe you are hurt that our great MUSLIM sahaba conquered your Persian "ancestors" with relative ease despite being heavily outnumbered all due to the will of Allah SWT.
very true, I don't think her/his brain was capable of grasping that if he/she was even a Shiah or an Iranian - which is far from certain.

Some things that she/he said displayed a dislike of Islam so severe that it is hard to imagine it being present in anyone brought up Muslim.

However as others have pointed out many christian evengelical bible bashing type people and rabid atheists like to troll Muslim forums.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #31

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ha? you don't even make sense. I went to the Musuem and I've seen the "bill of right cylinder" Cyrus had in place. There was an translation English and modern Persian. YOU LIE. Never admit to the truth. Why lie, why nt just admit then we can move on.
Cyrus was in fact a Muslim who associated with Biblical Prophets and was Prophesied by Isiah. He is also one of the most likely suggestions as to who was Dhul Qarnayn (ra). The one lying is the one trying to use him to say kaffir Persia was better than Muslim Persia.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #32

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Nationality of Muslims is Islam.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #33

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Salam Alaykum,

I want to state that whether the member was a troll or not, the mentality of 'metaphorically' linking 'wild Arabs' with Sunnis and 'civilized Persians' with Shiaism is very much a part of Iranian Twelver Shia mentality. So when we go out into the real world, the objections from most nominal Iranian Shias concerning 'Sunnism' or 'Islam' will derive in a large way from the Arab invasion of Iran.

From my viewpoint, there is no other way to handle this other than treating it from the basis of Allah's Existence as seen in Islam, then moving on to the absolute truth of the Qur'an and the sayings of Muhammad (SAW)... basically how one would handle a normal disbeliever who asks to know why Islam allows or does such-and-such. Getting into how the Muslims liberated the Persians from their previous state will not work, since such Iranians are predisposed to seeing their pre-Islamic way of life as the best thing ever to exist, and that in fact all the languages, religions, and cultures of the world are due to the existence of ancient Persian culture... if they were more intellectually oriented, we would show them that the Zoroastrian conception of twin uncreated forces of light and darkness is rationally impossible, since such people have mixed a type of nominal pseudo-Shiaism (it is 'pseudo' since the Imams were not Iranian but Arabs, much to their potential chagrin) with Zoroastrianism, so this has to be attacked if at all possible.

Anyway, I see this attitude also among many of the Indian Hindus, who likewise believe that the whole world was eating and drinking their own filth until the 'enlightened Hindu Indians' (as per their claim) came and took the world by its hand and gave it all of civilization and manners. Not to be outdone, the whole paradigm of the world today itself is based on similar notions of Western European post-Enlightenment supremacy. Maybe we can start another thread to highlight how this issue stops people from becoming Muslims or following Islam properly, but this is just a short introduction.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #34

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Nationality of Muslims is Islam.
exactly unlike this racist person who was just banned the Holy Prophet (saws) (who was of course an Arab) taught us that all races were equal and from Adam and that calling to racial or tribal groups/separating the Muslims based on race etc i.e. calling to Jahiliyyah - is one of the coals of the hellfire.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #35

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Cyrus was in fact a Muslim who associated with Biblical Prophets and was Prophesied by Isiah. He is also one of the most likely suggestions as to who was Dhul Qarnayn (ra). The one lying is the one trying to use him to say kaffir Persia was better than Muslim Persia.
Isn't debatable as to whether Dhul Qarnayn RA was Alexander or Cyrus? Either way Allah SWT knows best since the history has been tarnished by western fairytales but I guess it doesn't matter since whoever Dhul Qarnayn was he has already come and passed and did his duty for Allah SWT.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #36

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Salam Alaykum,

One thing which we need to investigate (perhaps for future discussions) is the policy of the Ummayah dynasty is favoring Arab Muslims over non-Arab Muslims, even though 'Arabism' is 'acquired' by learning the Arabic language in Islam (an 'Aalim can verify this). Also I heard that when Umar bin Abdul Aziz came to power, his governors complained about not receiveing Jizya due to mass conversions. Consider the following (http://historyofislam.com/contents/t...-abdul-aziz/):

Following the example of the Prophet, Omar bin Abdul Aziz sent out emissaries to China and Tibet, inviting their rulers to accept Islam. It was during the time of Omar bin Abdul Aziz that Islam took roots and was accepted by a large segment of the population of Persia and Egypt. When the officials complained that because of conversions, the jizya revenues of the state had experienced a steep decline, Omar wrote back saying that he had accepted the Caliphate to invite people to Islam and not to become a tax collector. This text seems to be from a non-biased source, and others can verify this Insha Allah. At the end of the day, whenever someone comes with these objections, we have to stick to what the pure Islamic religion said (which might require a lot of investigation, since we may have to ask scholars as to whether a given practice is allowed or not, etc.) But we should not let the opponent's hatred of Islamic conquest mitigate the fact that some violations of the Shariah did occur, and that in such cases, the priority goes to the Islamic Shariah.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #37

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Dhul Qarnayn (ra) was Alexander
aaaaaah yes that has sometimes been suggested but it is (I believe) because of a confusion amongst the stories of the pre-Islamic Christian Syrian Arabs on the subject that later influenced some Muslims. According to practically every historical source Alexander of Macedonia was a bloodthirsty gay non-Muslim, whereas Cyrus (ra) had many of the described qualities of Dhulqarnayn - a righteous believer. That said it could be that Dhulqarnayn could have been an earlier figure that we don't know about which has some things going for it as an idea.

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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #38

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Salam Alaykum,

One thing which we need to investigate (perhaps for future discussions) is the policy of the Ummayah dynasty is favoring Arab Muslims over non-Arab Muslims, even though 'Arabism' is 'acquired' by learning the Arabic language in Islam (an 'Aalim can verify this). Also I heard that when Umar bin Abdul Aziz came to power, his governors complained about not receiveing Jizya due to mass conversions. Consider the following (http://historyofislam.com/contents/t...-abdul-aziz/):

This text seems to be from a non-biased source, and others can verify this Insha Allah. At the end of the day, whenever someone comes with these objections, we have to stick to what the pure Islamic religion said (which might require a lot of investigation, since we may have to ask scholars as to whether a given practice is allowed or not, etc.) But we should not let the opponent's hatred of Islamic conquest mitigate the fact that some violations of the Shariah did occur, and that in such cases, the priority goes to the Islamic Shariah.
The point is that the sins of the Ummayads were just those of a monarchy - they were nothing to do with Ahlus Sunnah (which they most only nominally followed),

the Ummayad rulers mistakes were their own deeds that had nothing to do with Orthodox Islam and they are not the fault of the Arabs either.

We must remember that the Muslim enemies of the Ummayads were from Ahlus Sunnah and they were Arabs as well.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #39

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Yes we (alhus Sunnah) are not responsible for anything Ummayad dynasty did and our scholars have never thought much of most of the Ummayads apart from Muawiyya (raa) and Umar ibn Abdul Aziz (ra).

Indeed many Sunni scholars faced problems from both the Ummayads and the Abbasids - they were Muslim dynasties - and not rightly guided states apart from under a few blessed rulers.

Furthermore contrary to the ignorant understandings of the Shiah - Ahlus Sunnah would have preferred the Ahlul Bayt and many others rather than the Ummayads in general and many Sunnis went as far as resisting or supporting resistance to Ummayad rule on occasion.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #40

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That said, the Ummayads of Spain were rather good and were definitely not tyrants.
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