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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #21

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and now look at the Arab world

they are totally messed up with their obsession with all things American and western
is your sole purpose on Sunni criticizing the Arabs and making innacurate sweeping generalizations about them?

you are talking about a people ranging from the Gulf to the Atlantic,

who may be in the cities of the middle east, the deserts of Mauritania, the Sudanese bush or hundreds of other totally different places,

- do you really think that all of the Arabs in the dozens of different and varied Arab countries are 'totally messed up with their obsession with all things American and western?'
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #22

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Sahih Muslim 6853
'Iyad b. Himar reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him), while delivering a sermon one day, said:
Behold, my Lord commanded me that I should teach you which you do not know and which He has taught me today. (He has instructed thus): The property which I have conferred upon them is lawful for them. I have created My servants as one having a natural inclination to the worship of Allah but it is Satan who turns them away from the right religion and he makes unlawful what has been declared lawful for them and he commands them to ascribe partnership with Re, although he has no justification for that. And verily, Allah looked towards the people of the world and He showed hatred for the Arabs and the non-Arabs, but with the exception of some remnants from the People of the Book. And He (further) said: I have sent thee (the Holy Prophet) in order to put you to test and put (those to test) through you. And I sent the Book (al_kitaab) to you which cannot be washed away by water, so that you may recite it while in the state of wakefulness or sleep. Verily, Allah commanded me to burn (kill) the Quraish. I said: My Lord, they would break my head (like the tearing) of bread, and Allah said: You turn them out as they turned you out, you fight against them and We shall help you in this, you should spend and you would be conferred upon. You send an army and I would send an army five times greater than that. Fight against those who disobey you along with those who obey you. The inmates of Paradise are three: One who wields authority and is just and fair, one who Is truthful and has been endowed with power to do good deeds. And the person who is merciful and kind hearted towards his relatives and to every pious Muslim, and one who does not stretch his hand in spite of having a large family to support. And He said: The inmates of Hell are five: the weak who lack power to (avoid evil), the (carefree) who pursue (everything irrespective of the fact that it is good or evil) and who do not have any care for their family or for their wealth. And those dishonest whose greed cannot be concealed even in the case of minor things. And the third who betray you, morning and evening, in regard to your family and your property. He also made a mention of the miser and the liar and those who are in the habit of abusing people and using obscene and foul language. Abu Ghassan in his narration did not make mention of "Spend and there would be spent for you."

to be continued inshaa allaah
And verily, Allah looked towards the people of the world and He showed hatred for the Arabs and the non-Arabs, but with the exception of some remnants from the People of the Book. And He (further) said: I have sent thee (the Holy Prophet) in order to put you to test and put (those to test) through you. And I sent the Book (al_kitaab) to you which cannot be washed away by water, so that you may recite it while in the state of wakefulness or sleep.

Any commentary on this hadiyth?
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #23

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Is it possible to wash away the Qur'an with water?

...You guys realize, this person and people like him are the result of Imran Hussein, now everyone who can read ahadeeth thinks they can comment on them and come up with loony theories about whatever.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #24

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Is it possible to wash away the Qur'an with water?

...You guys realize, this person and people like him are the result of Imran Hussein, now everyone who can read ahadeeth thinks they can comment on them and come up with loony theories about whatever.
Can you explain?
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #25

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Are you a muhaddith. What is your scholastic credential. We don't like supposition and relative take on islamic scripture.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #26

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I was curious whether there is really a Hadith about the destruction of Arabs.
If not then we would like to sue for banning this person.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #27

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I was curious whether there is really a Hadith about the destruction of Arabs.
If not then we would like to sue for banning this person.
this guy claims to have another revelation with him that only he can teach and has begun teaching it on this site. isnt that enough of a reason to ban him???

yet colonel hardstone who has benefitted many many people and continues to work hard for the deen is banned!!!
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #28

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this guy claims to have another revelation with him that only he can teach and has begun teaching it on this site. isnt that enough of a reason to ban him???

yet colonel hardstone who has benefitted many many people and continues to work hard for the deen is banned!!!
i concur,
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #29

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I was curious whether there is really a Hadith about the destruction of Arabs.
If not then we would like to sue for banning this person.
from bukhari

Sahih Bukhari Volume 004, Book 053, Hadith Number 401.

Narated By Auf bin Mali : I went to the Prophet during the Ghazwa of Tabuk while he was sitting in a leather tent. He said, "Count six signs that indicate the approach of the Hour: my death, the conquest of Jerusalem, a plague that will afflict you (and kill you in great numbers) as the plague that afflicts sheep, the increase of wealth to such an extent that even if one is given one hundred Dinars, he will not be satisfied; then an affliction which no Arab house will escape, and then a truce between you and Bani Al-Asfar (i.e. the Byzantines) who will betray you and attack you under eighty flags. Under each flag will be twelve thousand soldiers. and IMO maybe this has relation with sahih Muslim hadith

Umm Sharik reported: I heard Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The people would run away from the Dajjal seeking shelter in the mountains. She said: Where would be the Arabs then in that day? He said: They would be small in number. these events will occurred before the Mahdi revealed

Allah knows best
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #30

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I was curious whether there is really a Hadith about the destruction of Arabs.
If not then we would like to sue for banning this person.

I was curious whether there is really a Hadith about the destruction of Arabs.
If not then we would like to sue for banning this person.
And if there is a hadiyth will you still want to ban me?

Ibn Majah
34 Narrated / Authority of: Abu Hurairah “The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Whoever attributes to me something that I have not said, let him take his place in Hell.'” (Sahih)
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #31

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this guy claims to have another revelation with him that only he can teach and has begun teaching it on this site. isnt that enough of a reason to ban him???

yet colonel hardstone who has benefitted many many people and continues to work hard for the deen is banned!!!
Is it because you lost an argument and now you gang up against me and now want to resort to these kind of American tactics. You went to Shiachat where I was banned and then asked me about a certain Hidden Book. You asked me at least once to explain it here but I was reluctant as I told you. Afterwards you asked again and then I decided to give more details by opening a thread called ALLAAH (A*),The Qur'aan, The Prophet (S+), The "Itrah and The Hidden Book. You did not once respond to that article. Every time you asked me to present to you a verse or a chapter of the book. I told you that it does not work like that. And I quote


The hidden book (al-kitaab) is a programme that anyone in the world can learn and begin to understand within three hours.It is not a book you can just write with your hand and then say "here it is". It is a mental programme.
It requires the revealed books of ALLAAH(A*) to explain it. Because the previous people tampered with their books the Book (al-kitaab) became hidden from them and then they began to argue about it and finally doubt it. ALLAAH (A*) sent his last messenger(S+) with the last revelation called the recitation/reading (al-Qur'aan) with the 'Ahaadiyth and the execution of it called the Sunnah to explain it to those whom he chose to explain it. The hidden Book (al-kitaab) contains all the 'aayaat (symbols, signs) of ALLAAH(A*). I have made another thread called
ALLAAH (A*),The Qur'aan, The Prophet (S+), The "Itrah and The Hidden Book
where I will first present the evidence for the existence of the Book (al-kitaab). Many Muslims are learning the Book (al-kitaab) right now all over the world. You will never be able to imagine what great knowledge is there but you do not have it. I promise if you are willing to learn it you will be of the most grateful of men. But it is also at this point where shayTaan (the accursed) comes in to cause dissension to prevent people from listening.

Allah's Messenger said:
"Oh, do look! I have been given the Book and the like thereof along with it.
Oh, do look! I have been given Quran and the like thereof along with it."
(Musnad Ahmad: 4/131)
23)*Narrated Umar ibn al-Khattab: Al-Aqra', the mu'adhdhin (announcer) of Umar ibn al-Khattab said:
Umar sent me to a bishop and I called him. Umar said to him:
Do you find me in the book (al-kitaab)? He said: Yes.
He asked: How do you find me?
He said: I find you (like a) castle.
Then he raised a whip to him, saying:
What do you mean by castle?
He replied: An iron castle and severely trustworthy.
He asked: How do you find the one who will come after me?
He said: I find him a pious caliph, except that he will prefer his relatives.
Umar said: May Allah have mercy on Uthman: He said it three times.
He then asked: How do you find the one who will come after him?
He replied: I find him like rusty iron.
Umar then put his hand on his head, and said: O filthy! O filthy!
He said: Commander of the Faithful! He is a pious caliph, but when he is made caliph, the sword will be unsheathed and blood will be shed. *(Book #40, Hadith #4639)

You said that You read what I wrote but then I found that you did not. The way I see it you have lied and have yourself become one who are not acting the sunnah of the prophet (S+).

If this forum is a sect with a hidden agenda and do not really wish to guide people may they ban me al-amiyr (muhammad al-qurashiy al-amjadiy) whose fore fathers were the foremost scholars of Islaam (43 generations one son after the other until the prophet (S+) and advising almost every Khaliyfah of Islaam of whom the last famous one was the Shaykh of Knowledge Abdullah Abu Bakr Effendi Al-Qurashiy Al-Amjadiy). The Shaytan has always made the world hate and kill this particular line of the prophet. Take heed.

Thirmidhi, Hadith 3786,

Jabir ibn Adbullah said:

“I Saw the Messenger of God (SAAW) during his Hajj .

He (SAAW) was upon his camel Al-Qaswa, giving a Khutbah ( speech),

so he (SAAW) said: O people! Indeed, I have left among you, that which if you hold fast to it, you shall not go astray:

The Book (al_kitaab) of ALLAAH , and my "itrah ("itrah = main branch or stem), the family or people of my House (ahl-ul-bayt).”

Thirmidhi, Hadith 3788:

Zaid ibn Arqam, narrated that the Messenger of God (SAAW) said, “Indeed, I am leaving among you, that which if you hold fast to them,

you shall not be misguided after me.

One of them is heavier than the other: The Book (al_kitaab) of Allah which is a rope extended from the sky to the earth,

and my "itrah (main branch or stem) – the family or people of my house (ahl-ul-bayt)

and they shall not split or separate until they meet me at the Hawd (Pond in after life),

so look at how you deal with them after me.

Sunan Ibn Majah, Hadith 4082:

It was narrated that Abdullah said :

“While we were with the Messenger of Allah, some youngsters from Banu Hashim came along.

When the Prophet saw them, his eyes filled with tears and his colour changed.

I said:” We still see something in your face that we do not like (to see).”

He (Prophet) said: “We are the members of a Household for whom Allah has chosen the Hereafter over this world.

The people of my Household will face calamity, expulsion, and exile after I am gone....

If this forum is just and wish to aid the cause of ALLAAH (A*) may it be successful inshaa allaah. And if it wish to ask me to leave just write me an email. Don't behave like the Kuffaar and the Munaafiqiyn.

wa "alaykum-us-salaam
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #32

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We are on a internet forum where anyone can make any claim and we cannot just accept something because someone says it. It is obvious that this is how it is.

Can I ask why you are posting in this way? If you have something to say why not post a link to the whole page containing all of the information regarding everything? Posting bits over days is annoying.

"And verily, Allah looked towards the people of the world and He showed hatred for the Arabs and the non-Arabs, but with the exception of some remnants from the People of the Book." Muslim hadith 6853

This means Allah hates all Muslim (Arab and non Arab) except 'the people of the book' who are usually translated as Christians and Jews?
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #33

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according to the implication of this poster Allah hates Muhammad (saws) the Mercy for the to the Worlds, the Best of Creation as he was an Arab too?

Allah save us from such confusion and misguidance.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #34

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And if there is a hadiyth will you still want to ban me?
The matter of fact is that I prefer conservative things. Yours are not conservative. So I am considerably suspicious of you. After you present the Hadith I shall wait for brothers to verify your veracity. And if they do not come up with verification or refutation then I shall assume that your claims are not serious enough for them and hence these are not serious enough for me.

So you will be justified in assuming that I am not one of those who are suitable impressed by your assertions. In other words you are not starting with a winning vibe, for me.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #35

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this guy claims to have another revelation with him that only he can teach and has begun teaching it on this site.

isnt that enough of a reason to ban him???
when you put it like that its a little funny
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #36

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Is it possible to wash away the Qur'an with water?

...You guys realize, this person and people like him are the result of Imran Hussein, now everyone who can read ahadeeth thinks they can comment on them and come up with loony theories about whatever.

A Reminder for such people..
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #37

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Instead of talking about destruction of Arabs kindly read Post# 20..

wa assalam..
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #38

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Is it because you lost an argument
which argument?

i didnt have an argument. you claimed to have a book. i asked you to show a chapter or verse from that book. but you refuse to show it.

and now you gang up against me and now want to resort to these kind of American tactics.
ganging up with who?

what american tactics?

You went to Shiachat where I was banned and then asked me about a certain Hidden Book. You asked me at least once to explain it here but I was reluctant as I told you. Afterwards you asked again and then I decided to give more details by opening a thread called ALLAAH (A*),The Qur'aan, The Prophet (S+), The "Itrah and The Hidden Book. You did not once respond to that article. Every time you asked me to present to you a verse or a chapter of the book. I told you that it does not work like that. And I quote
you are the one claiming to have a book. all i am doing is asking to see it. either you have a book or you dont. if you have then show it. if you dont then stop saying you have a book.

You said that You read what I wrote but then I found that you did not. The way I see it you have lied and have yourself become one who are not acting the sunnah of the prophet (S+).

If this forum is a sect with a hidden agenda and do not really wish to guide people may they ban me al-amiyr (muhammad al-qurashiy al-amjadiy) whose fore fathers were the foremost scholars of Islaam (43 generations one son after the other until the prophet (S+) and advising almost every Khaliyfah of Islaam of whom the last famous one was the Shaykh of Knowledge Abdullah Abu Bakr Effendi Al-Qurashiy Al-Amjadiy). The Shaytan has always made the world hate and kill this particular line of the prophet. Take heed.
dont worry. allah does not need an internet forum to spread the truth.

If this forum is just and wish to aid the cause of ALLAAH (A*) may it be successful inshaa allaah. And if it wish to ask me to leave just write me an email. Don't behave like the Kuffaar and the Munaafiqiyn.
dont kuffar and munafiqeen also write emails?
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #39

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you claim to have another divinely revealed book with you, which is not the quran or any of the other recognised revelations given to the other prophets...

can you tell me who else (from the living), apart from those that you have taught it to, also knows, recognises and accepts this revelation that you claim to have?
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #40

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I was curious whether there is really a Hadith about the destruction of Arabs.
If not then we would like to sue for banning this person.
The matter of fact is that I prefer conservative things. Yours are not conservative. So I am considerably suspicious of you. After you present the Hadith I shall wait for brothers to verify your veracity. And if they do not come up with verification or refutation then I shall assume that your claims are not serious enough for them and hence these are not serious enough for me.

So you will be justified in assuming that I am not one of those who are suitable impressed by your assertions. In other words you are not starting with a winning vibe, for me.
Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 5991 Narrated by Talhah ibn Malik
Allah's Messenger (saws) said, "One of the signs of the approach of the Last Hour will be the destruction of the Arabs."

I was curious whether there is really a Hadith about the destruction of Arabs.
If not then we would like to sue for banning this person.
I am still waiting for your answer. You have tried to stop a man from following the prophet's commands. So you have put doubts into some peoples hearts. If I was an honorable person I would ask forgiveness and repent. If that hadiyth is correct as I have presented it then you are in serious trouble. I don't know what you and your kind are doing here 'spreading' the religion of Islaam. Why don't you at least go an learn one book of hadiyth. You seem to know 'Absolutely Nothing.' I am definitely going to put this story in my books and websites. "Pick up a stone to stone a truthful man who speaks the words of the prophet (S+)."
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