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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #21

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"Upon your quote that salwar kameez is a hindu attiare, I hardly see any hindu wear shalwar kameez, what they may rarely wear is a Kurta / Kurti."

But salwar kameez is "close" to a Kurta / kurti - it could be argued you are trying to imitate Hindus?
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #22

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I believe from one of zakir naiks followers that he, zakir naik always rolls up his trousers above the ankles.
Mashallah, but why does he just not waer the islamic sunnah kurta. ?
Buincchotourb is offline

Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #23

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i have read in the past (not sure where) that in the early days ulama of india prohibited people from wearing coats, as this was introduced by the british, and people started adopting this piece of clothing to emulate the british.

now of course, wearing a coat is widespread and is not worn in order to emulate a particular people or culture. so it is safe to say that its ok to wear any modest clothing as long as it is not done to emulate non muslims?
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #24

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An under-current issue I am constantly seeing among the Muslim community actively engaged in dawah work whether it be dawah to non practicing Muslims or dawah to non Muslims (especially when dealing with youth) is leniency, how lenient do we become when giving dawah? Do we take the most lenient taqwa fiqhi position ourselves just so that we can attract the crowd or do we keep ourselves on our position but use wisdom with the audiance? What was the dawah method of Huzoor salallahu alayhi wa sallam and what were his instructions to his governor appointees in the different lands he sent them to? Did he tell them "look Muaz, look so and so, in order to give dawah in the area you are going youre going to have to dress like the people act and look like the people then give dawah and build them up to how you are now." or did he say, "First call the people to belief in Allah, then call the people to salaah, then call the people to zakaah....etc" gradually building the practicing capacity of the public?

I think when buzrughs of the common dawat and tabligh format we have today sat down to make the usool of the work of dawat they never had the approach of taking the daee off of a'maal and then give dawah but rather they wanted the daee himself to first be out in the path of Allah swt leave his home stay in masjid environment, meaning, be actively engaged in a'maal and then give dawah.
Assalamu alaykum

Let us analyze the results:

Dawah with "jaisa desh waisa bhes" (you be a roman when you are in rome)

Dawah with sunnah.

Let us collect the results (I mean results, not who were your receivers).

I can say that the contributions towards deen are exponentially higher with sunnah culture.

But publicity through media is higher in "jaisa desh waisa bhes". Our collection of information is only through TVs.

But I don't criticize ZN for the culture he follows. There is a saying "jaisee praja waisa raja", (the king reflects the public). The people around him, I mean the sponsors, the audience feel it hurts; (it hurts them or the dawah) if they follow the sunnah culture.

I heard a lecture given by ZN claiming the suit with tie is the culture started by Spanish Muslims............ (Is it sunnah to follow the spanish muslims?)

One of his followers was claiming that if Rasulullah SAS would have been alive today he too would have been wearing the western dress!!!!!!!!!!!!! Laa haula wala quwwata illa billah!!!!!!!!!!!1
Assalamu alaykum

And this for them who are really serious about sunnah of Rasulullah SAS


In Madinah Munawwarah even now a teacher, SHIEKH ABU BAKAR JABER AL-JAZA-IRI, is present in whose Hadith lecturers nearly four hundred Arab scholars used to present themselves-the teaching circle would be held between Maghrib and Isha prayers.

MOULANA ABDUL HALEEM SAHAB jodhpuri (rh) heard the following (his letter is present with me)in that circle, he said that (one day) he came for the lecture, opened the book and soon got overwhelmed by hick-ups (of crying).

The crowd was looking at him with surprise. Shaikh today you are rather overwhelmed, they said. His eyes were already swollen and rather than starting the lecture his again went into weeping with hick ups. After that he closed the book and came to the courtyard of Maslid-e-Nabwi and made the announcement that today I saw a dream.

In the dream I saw a grave in the courtyard of Masjid-e-Nabwi and it is open and there is the restlessness of changing sides in the grave. I was puzzled as to why a person is changing sides in the grave-in that life after death. Immediately I heard a voice that to the pious we life and to the doers of good deeds Allah(SWT)'s dealing is of the highest level.

If this is the dealing of Allah(SWT) with the pious then what will be His dealing with the leader of the pious Muhammed Rasoolallah ? When I raised my eyes I got the glimpse of the Leader . He is strolling from his chambers towards Bab-us-Salam. I thought of presenting my Salam in the service of the Leader . I went behind him with cautious steps.

(The whole gathering is listening in Masjid-e-Nabwi and the teacher of the times of Hadith is narrating his dream.)

He continued-when I reached near him he sat on a stone chair that I saw near Bab-us-Salam. I presented my Salam with courtesy and Rasoolallah answered my Salam. I said O Prophet of Allah kindly supplicate for the Ummah. When I said this then the Leader's expression changed and he took his forehead in his palm. When he raised his blessed face an Egyptian youth, completely engrossed in European culture, was passing by. He looked at him with disgust and asked should I supplicate for such an Ummah? Then he continued that you people have given me lots of pain and you have made me restless. I feel like migrating to India.

The Shaikh said , at this, a sharp shriek escaped me. 'O beloved Leader if you go away then what will remain in Madinah. I woke up with the same shriek and since then I am crying. I am saying this same to you also, tell me what is there so special in India that our Leader wants to go there? If it is there then it is Dawat-il-Allah that people are in Allah's path with their beds on their heads and they have left their wives and children behind them. You traveled to USA for enjoyment, you traveled to Paris but you did not make the pain of Rasoolallah your own pain. Then what else do you want to do?

Thus the Shaikh cried himself and made others also cry and with this the courtyard resonated with hick ups. After that he said that promise to me that you'll make Dawat-il-Allah your object of life and you'll work for this.

Friends Allah(SWT) is helping this effort with unseen helps. So be active in this till your death.

for Fusus bhai for saying what needed to be said and for bro ahamed_shariff for sharing such an amazing story.

I humbly request brother ahamed to start a blog and share such anecdotes or it'll be just buried here on Sf.


Just ask yourselves - Did the Sahabah [ra] do such a thing? Did they adopt Roman culture when in Rome to give dawah?

To know Dawah, all you need is the Glorious Quran + Seerah of Nabi [saws] + Hayatus Sahabah.

The latter is a gist of all.

Trusted by the greats of Dawah & Tabligh.

And read every single day at the markaz.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #25

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"Upon your quote that salwar kameez is a hindu attiare, I hardly see any hindu wear shalwar kameez, what they may rarely wear is a Kurta / Kurti."

But salwar kameez is "close" to a Kurta / kurti - it could be argued you are trying to imitate Hindus?
Can you show me where you have read or understood that the kurti is the religious attiare of the hindu religion ?

Have you also researched about Dhoti, Lungi and bare chest with regards to hindu religious identities ?
theatadug is offline

Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #26

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"Can you show me where you have read or understood that the kurti is the religious attiare of the hindu religion ?"

I can't because I don't find the word "attiare" in the English language.
Broker15015 is offline

Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #27

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Qamis, kurta, tunic, abaya, jalaba...whatever you want to call it. The basic principle behind this is that it's a long, loose shirt that comes down to at least mid-thigh. Then you have the lungi/sarong/izar/futa. Both articles of clothing, if worn correctly, cover the satr well, and don't reveal the shape of the body. If you look at most traditional clothing around the civilized world, the idea is pretty much the same. Even Europeans wore something similar from the time of the ancient Greeks up until a couple hundred years ago.

Modern pants/trousers, however, usually reveal the shape of the body, especially when a person is doing ruku or sujud (unless we're talking about sweatpants or baggy jeans). I honestly don't know how and why the modern Europeans came up with such uncomfortable attire- tight pants with shirt tucked in and a heavy coat and tie even in hot weather. Ajeeb.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #28

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"Can you show me where you have read or understood that the kurti is the religious attiare of the hindu religion ?"

I can't because I don't find the word "attiare" in the English language.
One does not have to be a Mojo-Jojo to understand this.

See attire.JPG.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #29

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I'm guessing but since all his dawah activity was inspired by the late Ahmed Deedat (who always wore a tie-less suit) he is copying him in dress (and lecture content). Most of the other speakers on his Peace TV station wear a more typical Islamic style dress. Not a criticism of ZN just an observation!
Sister there is no need to discuss this topic. He is fully clothed that's enough.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #30

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One does not have to be a Mojo-Jojo to understand this.

See attire.JPG.
it is attire not attiare ...see again the google page, there it is written, showing results for attire not attiare

Sister there is no need to discuss this topic. He is fully clothed that's enough.

bahut achhay...husn zun....sifat of muslims...!
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #31

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it is attire not attiare ...see again the google page, there it is written, showing results for attire not attiare
I understand that brother, what i was trying to showcase is that even if someone spells any word incorrectly it is simple to take googles help and understand the correct spelling. So, what is the point of pointing out spelling mistakes when common sense can help.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #32

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I knew you meant attire - I was being sarcastic. Unfortunately you thought I was serious. I thought someone might have guessed I was kidding!
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #33

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bahut achhay...husn zun....sifat of muslims...!
Walaikum Assalam!

JazakAllah Kher Akhi
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #34

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@ the back-and-forth about the "attire" thing.... You gots to be kidding me! LOL.

(now please someone don't tell me that "gots" is not a word).

P.S. If anyone ever thought it's impossible to fill a thread with 4 pages of "why-are-we-even-talking-about-this"... well then, please read this thread from the beginning and reconsider the possibilities (of course, all of my posts included as well).
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #35

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I understand that brother, what i was trying to showcase is that even if someone spells any word incorrectly it is simple to take googles help and understand the correct spelling. So, what is the point of pointing out spelling mistakes when common sense can help.

yes brother, you are right...

May Allah Azza Wa jal bless you...!
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #36

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Let us all make dua for Dr. Zakir Naik that he adopts complete sunnah and also doesn't get into fiqhi matters, and also may Allah SWT grant him success in his daawah even though we or our Scholars don't agree with his method.

We disagree.
We don't disrespect.

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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #37

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Let us all make dua for Dr. Zakir Naik that he adopts complete sunnah and also doesn't get into fiqhi matters, and also may Allah SWT grant him success in his daawah even though we or our Scholars don't agree with his method.

We disagree.
We don't disrespect.

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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #38

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I am not sure if western clothing can be considered un-islamic. Maybe the tight fitting imodest dress is unislamic but a suit for men cannot be considered un-islamic...westerners who embrace Islam do not have to start dressing like Pakistanis or Arabs to be better Muslims. In salah western dress does not look good...and a robe would cover the body better but these are all side issues. In the west if we want to spread Islam should we be dressing so differently from the other people? An argument can be made that no we should fit in more and this might attract more people. What if a Muslim was brought up wearing western clothes and they feel uncomfortable in other type of clothes?
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #39

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I understand that brother, what i was trying to showcase is that even if someone spells any word incorrectly it is simple to take googles help and understand the correct spelling. So, what is the point of pointing out spelling mistakes when common sense can help.
Google won't help you if you type "Profit" instead of "Prophet"?
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Old 12-08-2017, 06:01 AM   #40

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