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#1 |
as-salaamu "alaykum
In June and July 1992 the following two articles appeared in the local Muslim newspaper called Muslim News (Cape Town, South Africa). I would like to hear what the opinions of the brothers and sisters are about the article. I will discuss further inshaa allaah. The Qur’aan Cosmological Model Article One Muslim News, a newspaper, re-awakening after a forgotten thought of death, is about to make a great contribution to the optimal omnilateral expatiation of The Qur’aan; knowledge of ALLAAH (God), put to writing via leaves, books and/or computers, containing knowledge of everything, whereof everything is explained in detail to those who possess optimal omni-dimensional knowledge. This contribution, however, is about a book that is still being written which is going to turn the way of thinking of the whole world up-side-down. A book which is going to smash philosophies, theologies, cosmological and other theories, deductions, interpretations, and assumptions about all matters as it had existed for thousands of years. It is going to affect every branch of knowledge and how humanity had viewed Science, Religion, History, Politics, Economics, and to that end. It is going to bring to ruins the entire world system and bring about a total transformation for a complete new world system; a new social system: a new political system; a new economic system; with a complete reinterpretation of the definition of Knowledge. The name of this book is The Qur’aan Cosmological Model. The Qur’aan Cosmological Model is based upon two verses of The Qur’aan. The Qur’aan is composed of about 6300 verses. These two Qur’aanic verses contain within themselves the plan or cosmological structure and design of the entire universe from before T = 0 (Time was equal to zero) until again when T = 0 (Time will again be Zero) and after. The two Qur’aanic cosmological verses state as follows; Qur’aan Chapter 021:030 -that the entire universe i.e. the sun, moon, stars and all other extra-terrestrial phenomena as well as the earth became ‘a singular mass’ in higher dimensional time reversed. -that ‘the singular mass’ underwent a splitting apart as observed at present time. Qur’aan Chapter 021:104 -that the universe would continue in its splitting apart phase until it had reached a maximum splitting apart or maximum expansion. -that the universe would one day again contract and become ‘a singular mass’. -that ‘the singular mass’ would again undergo a splitting apart to form another universe. The implications of the analyses of the data derived from the above two Qur’aanic cosmological verses are earthshaking. Firstly, it took thousands of years, thousands of the most intelligent men and women who ever lived, studying many branches of knowledge to reach the same conclusion as chapter 021:030 of The Qur’aan, the first mentioned cosmological verse that states that the universe was ‘a singular mass’ which then split apart. Secondly, this was contained in Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity which he published in 1916, soon afterwards explained by Alexander Friedman in 1922 and later verified by Edwin Hubble in 1929, when he was commissioned to search the depth of the universe through the most advanced scientific instrument at the time, the newly built one hundred inch diameter Mount Wilson Telescope. Humanity’s knowledge about the universe was drastically changed at Hubble’s discovery and set her thinking on a completely different path. The world thought and to this date still thinks that it was a new discovery, but within the Qur’aan the statement laid dormant for thirteen hundred years. Up to that date not even the greatest Muslim scholars of The Qur’aan fathomed its meaning. Even to this date [1991, the Era of The space Telescope] very few are aware of it. Muslim News Newspaper June 1992 Article Two Profoundly more confounding of the two Qur’aanic verses is the fathoming of verse 021:104.The analysis of this verse indicates that the universe in its vertical evolution, since the time of its primordial distention has not yet reached maximum expansion. It is also further adduced via inference and allusion that the universe in its horizontal evolution has not yet reached maximum expansion limitation. It also categorically asserts that the universe would eventually start a phase of contraction. Thus having reached the singular mass stage again would it split apart as expressed in verse 021:030. The above data derived from the Qur’aan are not only astounding but as has been said before also earthshaking. The analyses of the data answer many questions that have puzzled and are still puzzling the minds of the greatest scientists of the twentieth century. For example, cosmologists would like to know what the deceleration parameter of the universe is. From the highest present level of knowledge is it; q < ½ q = ½ q > ½ (q = deceleration parameter) According to the models of Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking and other cosmologists it is q = ½. According to Fred Hoyle and others who support the static universe concept it is q = -1.Yet others have described a universe that makes q = 0. According to another group it is q > ½. The Qur’aan Cosmological Model delineates it q > ½. The preponderance of the evidence at present indicates that the universe is open (q < ½).The Hubble Space Telescope and other advanced scientific instruments being built will through much light upon these matters. We would probably in the next ten years know what the deceleration parameter of the universe is. Until then, we must all await the outcome of the evidence. As far as self-assertion is concerned, the Qur’aan is the only scientific document that categorically asserts the correctness of its delineation i.e. that the deceleration parameter of the universe is q => ½ .Others have not bound themselves in this way as yet in whichever way. To back up its statement the Qur’aan challenges the five billion three hundred and fifty million people on earth to investigate more than one hundred branches of knowledge. After having done so, the Qur’aan continues, “then humanity will reach the same conclusion”. It then wants to know from humanity why they will not accept its being the Truth- that it is knowledge of ALLAAH (God), the Evolver of existence, that was revealed via the brain of an illiterate man whose lecturing and teaching thereof then revolutionized and overturned the religious, political, economical, sociological and military systems of the world within a few years about one thousand four hundred years ago. Muslim News Newspaper July 1992 PartTwo After another 27 posts and various discussions I have added this section below to give further clarity. Please be patient for I am going to explain everything very clearly. I first have to make the initial statements and then provide all the relevant proofs inshaa allaah. Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa "alaykum us-salaam wa rahmatullaah Contents Preface Introduction Section One Cosmological wonderings, speculations, and views of man up to 200 ACE (AD) Section Two Muhammad (S+), the Qur’aan, and Islaam Section Three Cosmological ideas and thoughts of man up to 1929 ACE (AD) Section Four Modern Cosmological Observations and Models Section Five The Qur’aan Cosmological Model Section Six The Final Analysis Appendix Glossary Bibliography Index We shall discuss Section Five: The Qur’aan Cosmological Model inshaa allaah That ends the two quoted articles I wrote about the Qur’aan Cosmological Model just over twenty years ago aged twenty six. If I had written it today I would probably have written it a little different. Nevertheless it serves its purpose here as an introduction to what the Qur’aan Cosmological Model is. As well as not hiding the high hopes the author had as to its unveiling. And to everything that I shall say I shall add “if ALLAAH (A*) (God) had willed”. So in more detail, what is the Qur’aan Cosmological Model? We have already discussed what the Qur’aan is; what Cosmology is; what Models and Cosmological Models are. We now have to define only what the Qur’aan Cosmological Model is and then we can proceed to the purpose of the book. The Qur’aan Cosmological model is a mathematical and graphical presentation of the origin, evolution, and ultimate fate of the universe as it is contained in just two verses of the Qur’aan. These two verses provide us with the key words that describe the general evolution of the universe. Khalqan = Tayyan +Ratqan +Fatqan +2Tayyan +2Ratqan +2Fatqan. Creation = Turn in +Rotate + Fire out +2Turn in +2Rotate +2Fire out. The initial letters of these key words produce the following algorithmic compression; Kh = T +R +F +2T +2R +2F Arabic is a language based on what we call root letters. From these root letters the entire language is built up. They are all consonants which are formed into patterns of two’s three’s or four’s. The Arabic language has 28 consonants and a special letter we call laam ‘alif. There are also only three vowels and vowel signs in the language which can be either short or long and when used are written either above or below the consonants to produce the words and in this case the root letters which are all verbs in the third person past tense. Don’t worry about all the details at this stage because they will all be wonderfully and easily explained further on and then everything will be easily understood. It will be seen that when we run the Qur’aanic cosmological algorithmic compression Kh = T +R +F +2T +2R +2F through the fundamental structure of the Arabic language then we witness a magnificent display of verbs, nouns, and adjectives that go back to describe each and every phase of the universe at its exact time and place in great detail. We are presented without exaggeration hundreds of beautiful drawings of the phases the universe undergoes from its cosmological origin, through its cosmological evolution, and until its eventual cosmological end. And upon that we also see that many simple and logical abbreviations derived that precisely describe each and every phase of the universe. And then further beyond that we realize and see how the universe drives life into the dead and empty of meaning fundamental building blocks of the language. Which are all the fundamental verbal patterns from which are derived the words of the language. That in a nutshell is the Qur’aan Cosmological Model. Let us now proceed inshaa allaah. Please give your full attention! in the next part we shall give a brief description of the universe and after that begin to discuss in detail the two qur'aanic cosmological verses inshaa allaah to be continued right here inshaa allaah |
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#2 |
as-salaamu "alaykum |
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#3 |
al-amiyr (the leader???)
Can you please explain your opening post in a way that is understood by laymen who are not versed in the sciences, scientific terms and scientific theories that have been utilised in the opening post. I request that you explain it in a concise manner keeping your audience in mind, as per the sunnah of the Prophet ![]() Also, i asked you in a different thread about 'The Hidden Book' that you have mentioned on one of your sites. I did not see your reply. Can you please explain this hidden book. Thank you. |
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#4 |
al-amiyr (the leader???) Firstly I have asked the brothers and sisters if they could comment on an article I have quoted, therefore it was not necessary for me to explain it at the first instance. If you look at all my other posts so far you will see that I have always explained matters in subsequent posts. As I have said when I started this thread I will discuss further inshaa allaah. and that is written right at the top of the first post. As for the Sunnah of the messenger of ALLAAH (A*) (S+)'s teaching methodology we can go in detail into this also sometime in the future inshaa allaah. I hope that I have explained myself at this point al-hamdu lillaah. Thanks for your reminder. Also, i asked you in a different thread about 'The Hidden Book' that you have mentioned on one of your sites. I did not see your reply. Can you please explain this hidden book. Destruction of The Arabs !!! About to happen or not? Prophecies of the Prophet (S+). then you asked me the following question in post #5 are you the hidden book guy from this site? [url] as_salaamu "alaykum Yes. It is a little video I have made to show especially Christians and Jews how to rise to the script of ALLAAH (A*). That is only a pixel of the big picture. then you asked in post #18 can you explain a little what this hidden book is. a short introduction if you will. |
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#5 |
The analysis of this verse indicates that the universe in its vertical evolution, since the time of its primordial distention has not yet reached maximum expansion. It is also further adduced via inference and allusion that the universe in its horizontal evolution has not yet reached maximum expansion limitation. What is the vertical and horizontal evolution in this context?
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#6 |
![]() According to your post on another forum (shia chat) 'The Qur’aan Cosmological Model' was a lecture that you conducted. I quote part of the post below... Couple of years ago I met a brother who was about 15 years previously in a lecture of mine called -The Qur'aan Cosmological Model- I have read the article that you posted in your OP. I find it difficult to understand due to the points i previously highlighted. Seeing as how you have conducted a lecture on this very subject, it would be better if you were to explain it in laymans terms so that we can all understand it. If you already intend to do this then i look forward to it. I have come across one of your sites and a few of your posts on the web. Im sure you will understand when i say that your posts/articles are quite strange and unheard of to mainstream muslims. Could you maybe explain a little of the nature of this knowledge that you are disseminating on the web. As for 'The Hidden Book', i have read one of your posts on a different site regarding it, but i will leave it for you to explain it on this site. |
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#7 |
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#8 |
okay, 'the leader' (??),
i have just had a chance to read some more of your posts on shia chat (not read them all yet)... so you claim that apart from the quran and the other divine books that have been revealed to various Prophets (as), there is another divine book which is simply called Al Kitab (the book). this book was from before creation of the heavens and the earth and was revealed/possessed(?) by all of the Prophets (as) and still exists today, and has been passed down through the line of Hazrat Ali (rd) - and currently you are the one that possesses this book??? |
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#9 |
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#10 |
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah |
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#11 |
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah inshaa allaah you will have it right here. Free knowledge for all the world if they would want to have it. |
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#12 |
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#14 |
can you post the first few verses from this 'hidden book' here in arabic and english please. The hidden book (al-kitaab) is a programme that anyone in the world can learn and begin to understand within three hours.It is not a book you can just write with your hand and then say "here it is". It is a mental programme. It requires the revealed books of ALLAAH(A*) to explain it. Because the previous people tampered with their books the Book (al-kitaab) became hidden from them and then they began to argue about it and finally doubt it. ALLAAH (A*) sent his last messenger(S+) with the last revelation called the recitation/reading (al-Qur'aan) with the 'Ahaadiyth and the execution of it called the Sunnah to explain it to those whom he chose to explain it. The hidden Book (al-kitaab) contains all the 'aayaat (symbols, signs) of ALLAAH(A*). I have made another thread called ALLAAH (A*),The Qur'aan, The Prophet (S+), The "Itrah and The Hidden Book where I will first present the evidence for the existence of the Book (al-kitaab). Many Muslims are learning the Book (al-kitaab) right now all over the world. You will never be able to imagine what great knowledge is there but you do not have it. I promise if you are willing to learn it you will be of the most grateful of men. But it is also at this point where shayTaan (the accursed) comes in to cause dissension to prevent people from listening. Allah's Messenger said: "Oh, do look! I have been given the Book and the like thereof along with it. Oh, do look! I have been given Quran and the like thereof along with it." (Musnad Ahmad: 4/131) 23)*Narrated Umar ibn al-Khattab: Al-Aqra', the mu'adhdhin (announcer) of Umar ibn al-Khattab said: Umar sent me to a bishop and I called him. Umar said to him: Do you find me in the book (al-kitaab)? He said: Yes. He asked: How do you find me? He said: I find you (like a) castle. Then he raised a whip to him, saying: What do you mean by castle? He replied: An iron castle and severely trustworthy. He asked: How do you find the one who will come after me? He said: I find him a pious caliph, except that he will prefer his relatives. Umar said: May Allah have mercy on Uthman: He said it three times. He then asked: How do you find the one who will come after him? He replied: I find him like rusty iron. Umar then put his hand on his head, and said: O filthy! O filthy! He said: Commander of the Faithful! He is a pious caliph, but when he is made caliph, the sword will be unsheathed and blood will be shed. *(Book #40, Hadith #4639) Abudawud |
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#15 |
i have already read your proposed evidences that you have put forward for 'the hidden book' on your site and on shia chat.
but the biggest evidence for the existence of this book will be the book itself. please post a few verses of the book in the language that it was divinely revealed, and if it was revealed in different languages depending on who was receiving it, then can you provide the verses in the language that it was revealed to the final Prophet ![]() |
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#16 |
also another request... I will do that inshaa allaah. |
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#17 |
i have already read your proposed evidences that you have put forward for 'the hidden book' on your site and on shia chat. Have you read everything? If you did then I can begin with the first journey into the hidden Book (al-kitaab). To do this we need to be better organized so that others who enter do not cause disruption. It would be helpful but not necessary if there could be 3 or 5 or 7 brothers for organization and confirmation. This would be the first time on an open forum like this that I would be teaching the hidden Book (al-kitaab) which I set to present to the world in December 2012 inshaa allaah. |
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#18 |
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#19 |
For now can you just show me and whoever is interested, a few verses of the book in the format that it was revealed. |
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#20 |
You told me that you read everything.It is clear that you have not. I am willing to spend night and day so that you can see and understand it. But just listen to my guidance on the matter then inshaa allaah we can proceed. I teach the Kitaab almost everyday. all i want you to do is post some verses, or a chapter if possible, in the format that it was revealed to the Prophet ![]() if you wish to give an explanation of the these verses/chapter then you may do so if you wish, but first please post from the actual book itself. thank you. |
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