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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #1

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Default The official Iranian sunni muslims' website


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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #2

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May Allah bless the Sunnis of Iran and save them from the persecution of the Rafidites.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #3

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There are plenty of Sunnis in Iran that live peacefully in Iran!! I just want to point out that anyone speaking out aganist the current Islamic regime faces prosecution, Doesn't matter what their religion is. You can be Sunni,Shia,Bah'ia,Jewish,Christians,Zarthost even atheist face......problems if they say something out of line.... So please pray for EVERYONE.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #4

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and this is an Iranian Sunni blog :

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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #5

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Sadly sister it is clear that for the Iranians Sunnis they don't have to speak out against the government to experience problems from them.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #6

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May Allah bless the Sunnis of Iran and save them from the persecution of the Rafidites.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #7

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So, I looked at these Websites, One is better than the other one. But is there a website that compares Sunni and Shia beliefs. Is there a website for Iranian Shias interested in learning more about Sunni Islam?
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #8

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Sister salam,

You may inquire about sunni creed and aqeeda here, there are many knowledgable brothers around.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #9

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Salam PirBaba,
well I have over 100 different question right now. I looked at these websites, one of them has good content, but there is not much info on the differences. I'm looking for a through website that Puts Shiasm and Sunni Islam in good perspective. I looked at youtube , but the videos are horrible.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #10

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Salam PirBaba,
well I have over 100 different question right now. I looked at these websites, one of them has good content, but there is not much info about or help. I'm looking for a through website that Puts Shiasm and Sunni Islam in good perspective. I looked at youtube , but the videos are horrible.
Sister i dont know unfortunately of such a website, but indeed if you ask the questions here, inshAllah brothers can help you. Mutual respect will be maintained and if every one makes the intention of not offeding the other person then all the answers can be extracted.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #11

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I can tell you my intentions about finding the truth are geniune, I'mn interested to know more about Sunni. But I'm afraid one of the website that is posted here is very Offensive. It pretty much mocks Iranians... , are these websites posted here to help people looking for the truth or just mock us?
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #12

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I can tell you my intentions about finding the truth are geniune, I'mn interested to know more about Sunni. But I'm afraid one of the website that is posted here is very Offensive. It pretty much mocks Iranians... , are these websites posted here to help people looking for the truth or just mock us?
Often they are based on some reaction, we both have to admit there is alot of tension out there between shia and sunnis, but as seekers of truth we can for once get away from these wars and sit and have a healthy discussion right about the fundamental beliefs, and look for the authenticity of our proofs. This forum is a great place, mind you all kinds of mature and immature users come here, but over all its a pretty safe place to have this discussion. Lot of knowledgable and wise sisters and brothers here.Feel free to ask good questions. Leave the sectarian/political stuff out and just focus on the fundamental creed.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #13

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So the Sunnis really call Iranians pagan worshipers behind our backs? Is this a belief among the majority or minority?
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #14

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I personally always observed sunnis believe iranians majorly as Shias, Its a known history that before islams paganism was common amongst Persians but it was then also the same case with arabs and some other communities that later all became muslims.

But i believe you can answer it better , arent Iranians purely Shia, and not Pagans?
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #15

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yes, we are Shia. I would say about 80%. But one of these website says Shia=Pagans.. My question is , is this something that most non-Iranians think about Shiasm, that basically since we are Shia we are pagan? Also , we had a god, before Islam. We weren't pagans. Is this also known among non-iranians? So , what I'm understanding from these websites is that, foreign powers are trying to create instability and ultimately divide Iran up among themselves? Funny thing this is what Khomeini warned us Iranians about this agenda, before he passed away.The Americans wanted our Oil and now some other entity wants our land??Right? I mean I browse all over both websites, hoping I can find something appealing about Sunni Islam , which I'm curious about! But all I got was political vibe and also very offensive mockery of my culture and people... SO HERE'S MY QUESTION, The majority of Iranians are tried of SHIA ISLAM and It's political Agenda, BUT The alternative which is SUNNI ISLAM is basically the same Political agenda just packaged differently?? seriously? Is this ISLAM?? just politics for OIL and LAND??? Please I need answer, B/C I'm literally the voice of my generation now.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #16

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yes, we are Shia. I would say about 80%. But one of these website says Shia=Pagans.. My question is , is this something that most non-Iranians think about Shiasm, that basically since we are Shia we are pagan? Also , we had a god, before Islam. We weren't pagans. Is this also known among non-iranians? So , what I'm understanding from these websites is that, foreign powers are trying to create instability and ultimately divide Iran up among themselves? Funny thing this is what Khomeini warned us Iranians about this agenda, before he passed away.The Americans wanted our Oil and now some other entity wants our land??Right? I mean I browse all over both websites, hoping I can find something appealing about Sunni Islam , which I'm curious about! But all I got was political vibe and also very offensive mockery of my culture and people... SO HERE'S MY QUESTION, The majority of Iranians are tried of SHIA ISLAM and It's political Agenda, BUT The alternative which is SUNNI ISLAM is basically the same Political agenda just packaged differently?? seriously? Is this ISLAM?? just politics for OIL and LAND??? Please I need answer, B/C I'm literally the voice of my generation now.
Sister, current day Iran is a known fact that its Shia. Regarding the Shia beleifs we havnt got to them yet. When we get there you can tell us about what you believe and we will tell you the sunni creed. One trend that i myself have noticed here in the west is that a lot of Iranians who are not very religious do tend to sometime be very proud of their persian history before Islam or Shia iran. And i guess this has led some people to get the impression that they prefer that historical era which was basically full of paganism. I guess the western history highlights that era of persia in an illuminated way, and some extremely secular iranians have come out proud of it, so people might have assumed that Iranians prefer their pre-islamic era over the islamic era.

This is just my personal analysis i can be severely wrong, but what do you say , what are the common everyday people's practice in Iran life, how islamic is it, what do you really believe in? we would like to know it all frankly from you.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #17

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I lived In Iran my whole life. I moved to America very very recently. But Now that I'm free and I want to practice the right Islam.But now it's becoming clear to me that the same religious political stuff that we are feed in Iran are also hugely part of Sunni Islam as well? Right? please correct me if I'm wrong. Most iranians, in Iran and here in America are very proud of the Iranian culture, pre-Islamic and Islamic. We are aware of both, We study them in school . Our schools in Iran are Islamic. So we get a very good Islamic education as well. We read the Quran and we Have Deen classes. We also have history classes at school starting 3rd grade. But looking at these websites, some of them mock our history and also our Deen? are these website representative of real SUNNI ISLAM ? Is Sunni Islam extremely Politcal?? B/C SHIA ISlAM is extremely Political. And that's what turns us off and that's why we are leaving Iran, B/C we are tried of the political side of religion, which only taints the real message of Islam, to only serve ALLAH and not anything else. SO please explain to me about the SUNNI Islam? Is SUNNI ISLAMI ALL POLITICS TOO? I mean I looked at all the Sunni vs. Shia website, all have a very political vibe to it, even the videos on youtube have political Agenda. You should know it's such a turn off....for me and probably millions of Iranians my age...it's like what's left our faith Islam? ONLY LAND AND OIL ?
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #18

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I lived In Iran my whole life. I moved to America very very recently. But Now that I'm free and I want to practice the right Islam.But now it's becoming clear to me that the same religious political stuff that we are feed in Iran are also hugely part of Sunni Islam as well? Right? please correct me if I'm wrong. Most iranians, in Iran and here in America are very proud of the Iranian culture, pre-Islamic and Islamic. We are aware of both, We study them in school . Our schools in Iran are Islamic. So we get a very good Islamic education as well. We read the Quran and we Have Deen classes. We also have history classes at school starting 3rd grade. But looking at these websites, some of them mock our history and also our Deen? are these website representative of real SUNNI ISLAM ? Is Sunni Islam extremely Politcal?? B/C SHIA ISlAM is extremely Political. And that's what turns us off and that's why we are leaving Iran, B/C we are tried of the political side of religion, which only taints the real message of Islam, to only serve ALLAH and not anything else. SO please explain to me about the SUNNI Islam? Is SUNNI ISLAMI ALL POLITICS TOO? I mean I looked at all the Sunni vs. Shia website, all have a very political vibe to it, even the videos on youtube have political Agenda. You should know it's such a turn off....for me and probably millions of Iranians my age...it's like what's left our faith Islam? ONLY LAND AND OIL ?
Sunni Islam is not political, infact the political system all accross the muslims world is unislamic initself, because islamic lands have been hijacked by politicians hungry for power or kings and sultans hungry for their kingdoms.

So i would say just leave and ignore the politics of the muslim lands. And put all your focus and efforts in understanding the islamic creed. Learn the Sunni creed and analyze the arguments of the sunnis regarding it, and then compare with your Shia creed and ask Allah to guide to the truth. But i will insist leave the politics of the lands for now, go step by step, first understand the creed and see what is the right way to believe in this Deen, believe in Quran and its verses, what is the status of Sahaba in reality, and what were the reasons shiaism came into existence, and are those reasons any good, these are the questions you should be pondering over and looking the answers in my opinion. Because if you will base your judgements by looking at the political systems currently in muslim world or some website, then its not possible to reach to the ground realities.

Islam encourages muslims not to give their hearts out to money power oil etc, but rather we are created to worship Allah and follow the deen brought by Mohammad S.W. And then the best community of Islam were the pious people of the first three generations. Which includes the Ahlul bayt and Sahaba. The deen is the teachings of Prophet Mohammad S.W , and islam was completed with him. after him the revelation was stopped. Its is important to find out what are the authentic sources which will take us to the Prophet S.W and his teachings and his teachings are passed to us through those individuals who were close to him , day and night, so we must know what are the authentic sources or ways to reach to those people. And in following them is the ultimate success. And it is Allah alone who guides to the sincere seekers.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #19

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It is so difficult to leave the politics out of it. I thought religious politics are only present in Islamic Republic of Iran, but evidently NOT. I mean Shia was created for political reasons to secure our freedom from invadors at the time .Or at least this is my conclusion regarding Shiasm...but NOW the Sunni sec seems to have a very HEAVY Political Tone to it as well. Almost as bad as the Islamic republic of Iran politics.... I mean it's like X10000.... Is there a sec where we don't follow any thing except ALLAH and his Prophet. I mean the more I read these forums , the more I do reasearch the more political it gets...
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #20

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If your visiting Wahhabi sites, then your sure to read ssuch ridiculous protrayal. They consider majority of Sunnis themselves as "pagans" let alone shias.

Probably someone can provide some non-wahhabi book written by scholars with a civilized rational presentation of sunnism and its objections to shias.
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