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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #1

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Default Important Advice to workers of Tabligh Jamaat

By Mufti Ahmed Desai:



*The Tablighi Jamaat is a Jamaat of Haqq which propagates the true teachings of Islam. As such, we advise and encourage people to join the Jamaat and participate in its activities.

*Many Muslims throughout the world write to us about the Tablighi Jamaat. People who are not associated with any particular group, but who sincerely wish for self-reformation and Deeni guidance wish to know whether they should join the Tablighi Jamaat or the Jamaat-e-Islaami. Our advice invariably is for them to link up with the Tablighi Jamaat since we believe the Jamaat-e-Islaami of Maududi to be a deviated sect which has strayed from the Path of the Sunnah.

*Join the Jamaat with the sole intention of islaah (self-reformation) and acquiring Deeni Ta'leem (instruction) in the basics of the Deen such as the Sunnat way of Wudhu, Salaat, etc. Do not enter the Jamaat with the understanding that you will be reforming others. Shaitaan will then deceive you. You will become swollen with pride, arrogance and a holier than thou attitude. Instead of acquiring self- reformation, you will then perpetually dwell in self-deception. If Allah Ta'ala wishes to extract service from any person, He will draw that person into the service of the Ummah. But, you the one who joins the Jamaat, do not enter with any fancy ideas. Consider yourself a spiritually diseased person entering a spiritual hospital.

*If you contemplate going with the Jamaat for a few days or weeks, then make adequate arrangements at home. Never simply abandon the family on a misconceived understanding that Allah Ta'ala will take care of them. This ignorant attitude is not permissible because Allah Ta'ala has imposed the obligation of caring for the family on the head of the home. It is haraam for a man to strand his family on the mistaken belief that he is rendering service in the Path of Allah. Service in the Path of Allah does not advocate abandonment of obligations and casting others into difficulty.

*When leaving home for any period, be it short or long, ensure, that there is a reliable mahram male to see to the needs of the family. It is haraam for a man to leave his wife and children in the care of a ghair mahram male who will have free access to his wife and daughters. Many people who join the Jamaat are guilty of this notorious and grave kabeerah sin.

*It is haraam to leave the wife in charge of the shop while you are out in Tabligh. Your participation in the Tablighi Jamaat is meritorious, but your wife's standing in the shop is haraam. It is haraam to commit a haraam act for the sake of a meritorious act.

*Do not regard with scorn those who do not join the Tablighi Jamaat and those who do not sit in your bayaan. No one is under any Shar'i compulsion to sit in your talks or in your Kitaab-reading even though it is highly meritorious. When you feel affronted by those who do not sit in your bayaan or in Kitaab-reading, then understand that you have become arrogant and that you have adopted a holier than thou attitude and that shaitaan is manipulating you. When such an attitude develops in you, immediately arrest your nafs and caution it.

*Adopt absolute humility. Think of yourself as a spiritually diseased person. Be concerned with your own islaah (reformation). When you, the layman, has been appointed to give a talk, then do not stand with chest puffed out and arms folded as if you are some ocean of knowledge with ignoramuses seated at your feet. Ignorant workers adopt such an arrogant attitude sometimes. When you have to speak in a bayaan then understand that you are the most insignificant entity or speck in Allah's creation. Convince yourself that you are most unworthy of standing and speaking to a group of people and that you are doing so only because of instructions from your elders and superiors.

*Neither make stupid and un-Islamic statements, nor entertain stupid thoughts such as: Those outside the Tablighi Jamaat are doomed. The methods of Tabligh of the Tablighi Jamaat are the only valid methods for this time. The Madaaris and the, Khaanqahs, have outlived their utility. Tablighi Jamaat methods are more beneficial than of those Ulama not associated with the Tablighi Jamaat, etc., etc. Such thoughts are evil whisperings of shaitaan who is ever diligent in his scheme of deflecting the people of Haqq.

*If your wife and daughters are Purdah Nasheen (i.e. they observe Purdah; they remain at home; they do not wander around), then do not permit them to participate in Tablighi Jamaat activities. Join the Jamaat by all means and participate in its Deeni programmes. But, observe the limits of the Shariah. Transgression of the limits will deflect the people of Haqq from the Straight Path of the Sunnah. It is against shaitaani inroads which the Elders of the Jamaat should be ever diligent. It is a fatal blunder to misinterpret the advice and admonition of sincere of friends.

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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #2

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And this advise should be taken by all those involved in any other effort of deen, specially our tj brothers and those who go to visit thier shaykhs or attend khanqha for 40 days etc
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #3

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Assalamu alaykum

Regarding the booklet, I have few comments.

From the booklet:
It serves no purpose to cite Mufti Mahmood (rahmatullah alayh). We do not agree with his views on this issue. Furthermore, while we respect and honour Hadhrat Mufti Mahmood (rahmatullah alayh), we do not follow him.

My comments:

The authors of the said booklet can be compared with people who are living in posh luxurious villas and writing the manual of jihaad, the do's and don't in jihad etc. One who is really in jihaad is eligible to write those manuals, because he knows the requirement of jihaad, the requirements of the participants, the real scenario on the battle field etc.

The authors have said the work of tableeg is a MUSTAHAB activity, I quote "The specific Tabligh of the Tabilghi Jamaat is MUSTAHAB for men only, ". Either they should travel round the globe among the ummah or they should get feed back from the TJ workers. The villages of Indian sub-continent to hitech cities of the west, the dire status of ummah in Venenzula, Chile, Brazil etc., the happenings in Jeddah and Riyadh. Then only they can do justice in categorizing the tableeg work.

A day is not too far when these authors will oppose deeni and wordly education for women. Instruct to close all the madrasah-e-niswaaan.

Quote from the booklet:

"The ladies programme is beneficial for the education of women in the field of Islamic knowledge, hence it is wrong to prohibit the ladies programmes of the Tablighi Jamaat."
In reply we say:
While acknowledging that a degree of Islamic knowledge is Fardh upon Muslim women as well, and while acknowledging that most of our women-folk are ignorant of Islam – like most of our men-folk – we reject the ladies jamaat as being the solution for the malady.

But they fail to propose a practical alternative from their experience for the malady. No theoratical alternatives from luxurious villas will be accepted.

I quote:
Furthermore, in these days when women travel, they have to intermingle with kuffaar, fussaaq and fujjaar at regular intervals during the journey – at the airports, at the immigration, at the customs, in the taxis, buses, in the streets, etc. They are subjected to body searches at airports, and now their entire satr will be portrayed on screens at airports. It is only a man bereft of the slightest vestige of hayaa and honour who can tolerate that his wife's entire body, including her satr-e-ghaleez should be scanned and revealed by the kuffaar on the pretext of checking for explosives. In such circumstances it is haraam for a woman to travel for even Hajj and Umrah. If she has to expose her satr to the kuffaar examiners at airports, then the fardhiyat of Hajj is waived for her. To a far far greater degree will it be HARAAM for her to go on a journey for participation in tabligh which is not the role which Allah Ta'ala has created for her.

So what about traveling for worldly purpose, the lady has to go to her home country etc.

Regarding waiver of haj, we shall wait till a message comes on this waiver was utilized.

Also I request these scholars to consult their safeers (who collect charity for madrasah", how difficult it is to collect these amounts to run the madrasah. Then only they understand the work of dawah.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #4

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And this advise should be taken by all those involved in any other effort of deen, specially our tj brothers and those who go to visit thier shaykhs or attend khanqha for 40 days etc
Assalamu alaykum

Also for those on tours on work, months, years etc.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #5

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*Join the Jamaat with the sole intention of islaah (self-reformation) and acquiring Deeni Ta'leem (instruction) in the basics of the Deen such as the Sunnat way of Wudhu, Salaat, etc. Do not enter the Jamaat with the understanding that you will be reforming others. Shaitaan will then deceive you. You will become swollen with pride, arrogance and a holier than thou attitude. Instead of acquiring self- reformation, you will then perpetually dwell in self-deception. If Allah Ta'ala wishes to extract service from any person, He will draw that person into the service of the Ummah. But, you the one who joins the Jamaat, do not enter with any fancy ideas. Consider yourself a spiritually diseased person entering a spiritual hospital.

If some one has different ideas he will not move far. Allah SWT mechanism will act and he will be filtered out.

*If you contemplate going with the Jamaat for a few days or weeks, then make adequate arrangements at home. Never simply abandon the family on a misconceived understanding that Allah Ta'ala will take care of them. This ignorant attitude is not permissible because Allah Ta'ala has imposed the obligation of caring for the family on the head of the home. It is haraam for a man to strand his family on the mistaken belief that he is rendering service in the Path of Allah. Service in the Path of Allah does not advocate abandonment of obligations and casting others into difficulty.

That is what the instructions from the nizamuddin markaz, "put the best effort, rest leave to Allah SWT, but taqdeer cannot be changed.

*When leaving home for any period, be it short or long, ensure, that there is a reliable mahram male to see to the needs of the family. It is haraam for a man to leave his wife and children in the care of a ghair mahram male who will have free access to his wife and daughters. Many people who join the Jamaat are guilty of this notorious and grave kabeerah sin.

May be instead of writing MANY, it would be appropriate if A FEW is replaced there. But the instructions from markaz are clear on that.

*It is haraam to leave the wife in charge of the shop while you are out in Tabligh. Your participation in the Tablighi Jamaat is meritorious, but your wife's standing in the shop is haraam. It is haraam to commit a haraam act for the sake of a meritorious act.

It is totally haram to make the wife incharge of the shop also during normal times.

*Do not regard with scorn those who do not join the Tablighi Jamaat and those who do not sit in your bayaan. No one is under any Shar'i compulsion to sit in your talks or in your Kitaab-reading even though it is highly meritorious. When you feel affronted by those who do not sit in your bayaan or in Kitaab-reading, then understand that you have become arrogant and that you have adopted a holier than thou attitude and that shaitaan is manipulating you. When such an attitude develops in you, immediately arrest your nafs and caution it.

If the person has such an attitude, no one will be benefited including the bayan giver or the book reader.

*Adopt absolute humility. Think of yourself as a spiritually diseased person. Be concerned with your own islaah (reformation). When you, the layman, has been appointed to give a talk, then do not stand with chest puffed out and arms folded as if you are some ocean of knowledge with ignoramuses seated at your feet. Ignorant workers adopt such an arrogant attitude sometimes. When you have to speak in a bayaan then understand that you are the most insignificant entity or speck in Allah's creation. Convince yourself that you are most unworthy of standing and speaking to a group of people and that you are doing so only because of instructions from your elders and superiors.

Allahumma alhimna murashida umoorina wa aizna min shuroori anfusina wa min sayeeathi aamaalina. There is a famous sayings from the elder, before starting the talk, don't try to recall what to say, but recall your bad deeds and do taubah on that and think you are the worst sinner, then start the bayan.

*Neither make stupid and un-Islamic statements, nor entertain stupid thoughts such as: Those outside the Tablighi Jamaat are doomed. The methods of Tabligh of the Tablighi Jamaat are the only valid methods for this time. The Madaaris and the, Khaanqahs, have outlived their utility. Tablighi Jamaat methods are more beneficial than of those Ulama not associated with the Tablighi Jamaat, etc., etc. Such thoughts are evil whisperings of shaitaan who is ever diligent in his scheme of deflecting the people of Haqq.

The elders say, ours is not a newpaper, every day a new story. We shall repeat and repeat the same six sifaats. Be on the main high way, don't enter the by-lanes.

*If your wife and daughters are Purdah Nasheen (i.e. they observe Purdah; they remain at home; they do not wander around), then do not permit them to participate in Tablighi Jamaat activities. Join the Jamaat by all means and participate in its Deeni programmes. But, observe the limits of the Shariah. Transgression of the limits will deflect the people of Haqq from the Straight Path of the Sunnah. It is against shaitaani inroads which the Elders of the Jamaat should be ever diligent. It is a fatal blunder to misinterpret the advice and admonition of sincere of friends.

The weekly collective taleem for sisters is in a house in neighborhood. If the sisters are not at all leaving their house, then that condition will apply. If they are moving out of house for other things, then a few steps walk on road to a neighbor's house for weekly taleem should not be a problem.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #6

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always we must listen to elders and Markaz, they will guide us.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #7

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One famous mufti, graduate from India, advised me explicitly not to read the works of The Majlis citing their lack of adab and examples of their double standards. One Mufti from Darul Uloom Bury said they are 'extreme.' A friend of mine, who is a Mufti, graduate from Maulana Yusuf Banuri's madrassah did not, from his tone, appear to take The Majlis seriously. I would therefore advise caution.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #8

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The authors of the said booklet can be compared with people who are living in posh luxurious villas and writing the manual of jihaad, the do's and don't in jihad etc. One who is really in jihaad is eligible to write those manuals, because he knows the requirement of jihaad, the requirements of the participants, the real scenario on the battle field etc. do you actually know how much muftis saheb does and how he lives? or did you just assume he lives in luxury? someone posted a short biography on the forum once. i cant remember much but i do recall that mufti saheb wears clothes with patches. where is this luxury that you speak of?

The authors have said the work of tableeg is a MUSTAHAB activity, I quote "The specific Tabligh of the Tabilghi Jamaat is MUSTAHAB for men only, ". Either they should travel round the globe among the ummah or they should get feed back from the TJ workers. The villages of Indian sub-continent to hitech cities of the west, the dire status of ummah in Venenzula, Chile, Brazil etc., the happenings in Jeddah and Riyadh. Then only they can do justice in categorizing the tableeg work. so if taking part in tabligh jamaat is not mustahab then what is it? fardh?

A day is not too far when these authors will oppose deeni and wordly education for women. Instruct to close all the madrasah-e-niswaaan. what do you base this statement on? or is it just slander?

Quote from the booklet:

"The ladies programme is beneficial for the education of women in the field of Islamic knowledge, hence it is wrong to prohibit the ladies programmes of the Tablighi Jamaat."
In reply we say:
While acknowledging that a degree of Islamic knowledge is Fardh upon Muslim women as well, and while acknowledging that most of our women-folk are ignorant of Islam – like most of our men-folk – we reject the ladies jamaat as being the solution for the malady.

But they fail to propose a practical alternative from their experience for the malady. No theoratical alternatives from luxurious villas will be accepted. hazrat zakariyyah (ra) was also against masturat jamaat and there are also old fatwa from deoband against masturat jamaat.

as for proposing an alternative, maybe he HAS proposed an alternative elsewhere in a different book.

I quote:
Furthermore, in these days when women travel, they have to intermingle with kuffaar, fussaaq and fujjaar at regular intervals during the journey – at the airports, at the immigration, at the customs, in the taxis, buses, in the streets, etc. They are subjected to body searches at airports, and now their entire satr will be portrayed on screens at airports. It is only a man bereft of the slightest vestige of hayaa and honour who can tolerate that his wife's entire body, including her satr-e-ghaleez should be scanned and revealed by the kuffaar on the pretext of checking for explosives. In such circumstances it is haraam for a woman to travel for even Hajj and Umrah. If she has to expose her satr to the kuffaar examiners at airports, then the fardhiyat of Hajj is waived for her. To a far far greater degree will it be HARAAM for her to go on a journey for participation in tabligh which is not the role which Allah Ta'ala has created for her.

So what about traveling for worldly purpose, the lady has to go to her home country etc. ask mufti saheb about it. mabe he feels the same way about travelling for dunya. but in this instance he was addressing travelling in the context of tabligh jamaat.

Regarding waiver of haj, we shall wait till a message comes on this waiver was utilized. i have no idea what this means.

Also I request these scholars to consult their safeers (who collect charity for madrasah", how difficult it is to collect these amounts to run the madrasah. Then only they understand the work of dawah. what?? are you saying mufti saheb does not understand dawah?
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #9

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One famous mufti, graduate from India, advised me explicitly not to read the works of The Majlis citing their lack of adab and examples of their double standards. One Mufti from Darul Uloom Bury said they are 'extreme.' A friend of mine, who is a Mufti, graduate from Maulana Yusuf Banuri's madrassah did not, from his tone, appear to take The Majlis seriously. I would therefore advise caution.
can you give me one example of their double standards please.

one mufti from darul uloom bury sent out christmas cards to their neighbours and sent a card for the royal wedding not so long ago lol.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #10

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If some one has different ideas he will not move far. Allah SWT mechanism will act and he will be filtered out. mufti saheb gave very good advice. when we go in jamaat we forget that we go for our own islah and not for others islah.

That is what the instructions from the nizamuddin markaz, "put the best effort, rest leave to Allah SWT, but taqdeer cannot be changed. again mufti saheb gave very good advice. what did he say wrong?

May be instead of writing MANY, it would be appropriate if A FEW is replaced there. But the instructions from markaz are clear on that. apples and oranges. swings and roundabouts

It is totally haram to make the wife incharge of the shop also during normal times. its good that you corrected muftis saheb on this point. im sure mufti saheb did not know this. or maybe he addressed going out in jamaat and leaving women in charge of businesses as the topic is about jamaat.

If the person has such an attitude, no one will be benefited including the bayan giver or the book reader. again mufti saheb gave good advice that will only help a person going out in jamaat.

Allahumma alhimna murashida umoorina wa aizna min shuroori anfusina wa min sayeeathi aamaalina. There is a famous sayings from the elder, before starting the talk, don't try to recall what to say, but recall your bad deeds and do taubah on that and think you are the worst sinner, then start the bayan. mufti saheb addressed a very important point that affects people when going out in jamaat. taubah when i went for my first 4 months i came back thinking i was a mufti!

The elders say, ours is not a newpaper, every day a new story. We shall repeat and repeat the same six sifaats. Be on the main high way, don't enter the by-lanes. again mufti saheb addressed a very important point as this does happen a lot.

The weekly collective taleem for sisters is in a house in neighborhood. If the sisters are not at all leaving their house, then that condition will apply. If they are moving out of house for other things, then a few steps walk on road to a neighbor's house for weekly taleem should not be a problem.
maybe you missed the part where muftis saheb said 'if they do purdah and do not leave the home'.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #11

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The mufti mentioned regarding Maulana Desai that (a) he was against ladies taleem but then started doing it (b) he was anti-american and/or anti-american products but drives a chrysler.

He then mentioned that Maulana Desai's answers regularly begin with insults namely fasiq, fajir etc and then he may or may not answer your question.

He also mentioned that his Shaykh Maulana Maseeshullah (RA) had serious reservations about Maulana Desai.

As for youry bury mufti you mention, it does not mean all muftis from that institution are the same.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #12

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The mufti mentioned regarding Maulana Desai that (a) he was against ladies taleem but then started doing it (b) he was anti-american and/or anti-american products but drives a chrysler.

He then mentioned that Maulana Desai's answers regularly begin with insults namely fasiq, fajir etc and then he may or may not answer your question.

He also mentioned that his Shaykh Maulana Maseeshullah (RA) had serious reservations about Maulana Desai.

As for youry bury mufti you mention, it does not mean all muftis from that institution are the same.

i wont ask you the muftis name as i doubt you would want to give it. i will send an email to mufti desai asking him about the accusations.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #13

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some words from mufti ebrahim desai regarding moulana desai can be read in the following fatwa...

Question :

About a year ago my wife and I decided to stop watching tv for the sake of pleasing Allah (SWT). Instead I bought a satellite decoder that receives channel Islam as well as radio Islam over the radio. A lot of people are saying that with this decoder I can get ITV (an Islamic tv channel), but I am unsure if Islam allows tv at all or not. We had not tuned in this channel as we do not want to anger Allah (SWT).

1) Is it permissible to watch an Islamic channel such as Itv?

In a recent addition of “the Majlis” ( a paper written by a prominent PE Imam), an article was written harshly condemning Islamic radio stations, mainly because some of the programs have female presenters. This article states that these radio stations “prostitute” our Muslim sister’s voices. I know that on channel Islam, Mufti AK Hoosein has a daily q&a program, and Mufti Siraaj Desai took over this program when Mufti AK went for Hajj this year. If the radio station is indeed haraam (these stations are refered to as radio shaitaan by the majlis), whould well known respected Ulama associate themselves with it? Unfortunately many Muslim brothers accuse the editor of "The Majlis" as “over-extreme” in his views, and advise that readers take things with a pinch of salt. This does not sit well with me, and I am confused and do not know where to draw the line, as this paper is distributed by most Masaajid in PE.

2) Can Mufti Saheb advise as to how this publication can be viewed?

3) Is listening to channel Islam and radio Islam Haraam?


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh

The editor of the Majlis, Hazrath Moulana Ahmad Sadeck Desai Saheb Madda Zilluhu is an Aalim of a very high calibre. He has a deep understanding of Shariah. This is clearly gauged from his innumerable publications. Hazrath Moulana is the Khalifa of Hazrath Maseehullah Khan Saheb rahmatullah alayh. Hazrath has been selflessly dedicated to Amal bil Maroof and Nahi Anil Munkar for the past few decades. Hazrath is also engaged in various other activities. It is surprising how much one person can do. Allah has granted Hazrath great courage and strength. He is a person of high level of taqwa and mujahadah. He does not go after position and fame. If that was the case, Hazrath would not have selflessly and openly condemned many wrongs and evils for the fear of becoming unpopular. Many people throughout the world continue to benefit from Hazrath Moulana’s publications.

Television is haram and we concur with Hazrath’s view on that. It is possible that the different radio stations err in some issues. If Hazrath points that out, it should be accepted and corrected. It is incorrect to brand Hazrath of being over extreme when he is fulfilling his obligation on Nahi Anil Munkar. Those that claim that Hazrath is extreme, what is their measure to claim that? If people violate the laws of Shariah and Hazrath rightfully condemns that, how can that be extremism? What do such people expect Hazrath to do? Keep quiet? What will that be then? Complacence, which is a sin.

It should also be pointed out that differences of opinions among academics is regarded as academic honesty. This is common even among academics in secular qualifications. The different views among the Ulama, based on academics is a mercy upon the ummah and should be tolerated. If other Ulama have differing views from Hazrath’s views and both are based on academic substantiations, then it will be incorrect to brand any one view as being an extreme view. While we concur with Hazrath on the issue of television and open wrongs of television and radio stations, we may differ with him on other issues. However, we will respect his view and tolerate it as Hazrath’s views are generally substantiated by Shariah.

If anyone claims to have an academically different opinion and he does not stand up to the academic challenges made to him, that is academic dishonesty and such an opinion cannot be tolerated as that is regarded as academic dishonesty.

Another issue is the tone and manner of condemning a vice. This is based of hikmah and wisdom. At times, the Quran condemns certain wrongs in certain ways, medium to harsh. This is based on what is best in the interest of that time and matter. An Aalim of Deen is imbued with hikmah. He exercises that hikmah and whatever he honestly feels between him and Allah is the most efficient tone in condemning a wrong, he does that.

The different ways of Ulama condemning wrongs, some with softness and others harshly etc. should be viewed in this light. Concentrate on the actual issue pointed out rather than focus on the style and tone.

When the laws of Shairah are violated and people, especially Ulama, keep quiet, that incurs the wrath of Allah. The silence of Ulama will lead to distortion of Shariah and Deen. Allah condemned the Ulama of theYahood and Nasaara for keeping quiet against open violation of the Shariah. Rasulullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said, “This knowledge of Deen will be carried by just people from pious predecessors. They will refute distortions of extremists, refute baseless claims and wrong interpretations of ignorant people”.

And Allah knows best


Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #14

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And this advise should be taken by all those involved in any other effort of deen, specially our tj brothers and those who go to visit thier shaykhs or attend khanqha for 40 days etc
Be aware of infiltration !! Check this.

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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #15

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mufti saheb gave very good advice. when we go in jamaat we forget that we go for our own islah and not for others islah.

again mufti saheb gave very good advice. what did he say wrong?

apples and oranges. swings and roundabouts

its good that you corrected muftis saheb on this point. im sure mufti saheb did not know this. or maybe he addressed going out in jamaat and leaving women in charge of businesses as the topic is about jamaat.

again mufti saheb gave good advice that will only help a person going out in jamaat.

mufti saheb addressed a very important point that affects people when going out in jamaat. taubah when i went for my first 4 months i came back thinking i was a mufti!

again mufti saheb addressed a very important point as this does happen a lot.

maybe you missed the part where muftis saheb said 'if they do purdah and do not leave the home'.
Assalamu alaykum

Brother xs11ax;

We have missed here. There are two issues here, one is the booklet by those authors, second is article by mufti desai sahib quoted by these authors.

My first post was on the views of authors in the booklet. Can you please comment on this from that booklet

It serves no purpose to cite Mufti Mahmood (rahmatullah alayh). We do not agree with his views on this issue. Furthermore, while we respect and honour Hadhrat Mufti Mahmood (rahmatullah alayh), we do not follow him. And my second post was in appreciation of the advice by Mufti desai sahib. What I was saying was that "mufti sahib your advices are respectable and TJ elders also have the similar views"

So Mufti sahib's advice appearing in the booklet is a non-issue.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #16

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Assalamu alaykum

Brother xs11ax;

We have missed here. There are two issues here, one is the booklet by those authors, second is article by mufti desai sahib quoted by these authors.

i apologise if i misunderstood. forgive me.

My first post was on the views of authors in the booklet. Can you please comment on this from that booklet my comments are just the ramblings of a hot headed person with too much time on his hands. even though i give my opinions, they are definitely not worthy of being asked for. there are much more knowledgeable brothers and sisters on this forum who's opinions are much weightier than mine.

on the surface of it, i dont see anything wrong with the comment as long as their is no malice in their intentions. ulama and people all over the world have differences of opinions. as long as the opinions have foundation and are based on the deen then i dont see anything wrong with that. us deobandis really need to move away from our hero worshipping attitude of 'well if hazrat said it then it must be right'. the whole foundation of deoband was built on being progressive even if it meant going against the norm. as deobandis our ulama today should be doing the same. if they did then they would regain the glory of deoband throughout the world. mashallah our ulama gave us so much. may Allah bless them all and fill their graves with noor and grant them the highest stages in jannah.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #17

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o n the surface of it, i dont see anything wrong with the comment as long as their is no malice in their intentions. ulama and people all over the world have differences of opinions. as long as the opinions have foundation and are based on the deen then i dont see anything wrong with that. us deobandis really need to move away from our hero worshipping attitude of 'well if hazrat said it then it must be right'. the whole foundation of deoband was built on being progressive even if it meant going against the norm. as deobandis our ulama today should be doing the same. if they did then they would regain the glory of deoband throughout the world. mashallah our ulama gave us so much. may Allah bless them all and fill their graves with noor and grant them the highest stages in jannah. We shall take the advice of Mufti Desai sahib with deep respect. But the original booklet looks to be like "we are better than you" kind of attitude.

If these authors of book would have a difference of opinion they would have approached the elders in Nizamuddin markaz. Compiling and publishing their opinion in an booklet format and the booklet reaching the laymen won't serve any purpose.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #18

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We shall take the advice of Mufti Desai sahib with deep respect. But the original booklet looks to be like "we are better than you" kind of attitude.

If these authors of book would have a difference of opinion they would have approached the elders in Nizamuddin markaz. Compiling and publishing their opinion in an booklet format and the booklet reaching the laymen won't serve any purpose.
Allah does not keep all the eggs in one basket. If an Islamic group or institute or organization gets infiltrated or corrupted in one place , Allah raises another group with pure Islamic spirit in a different land .

Remember how the British banking elite corrupted Al-Azhar from where Muhammad Abduh issued fatwa permitting Riba !! Remember the partition of India which was so cleverly divided by the bankers.
More on infiltration and deception is here.

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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #19

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Assalamu alaykum

We shall take the advice of Mufti Desai sahib with deep respect. But the original booklet looks to be like "we are better than you" kind of attitude.

If these authors of book would have a difference of opinion they would have approached the elders in Nizamuddin markaz. Compiling and publishing their opinion in an booklet format and the booklet reaching the laymen won't serve any purpose.

Not a single line of Hazrath desai sahab's article looks like "that he have any self respect attitude". From the article, I'm thinking hazrath's taqwa is so vast and he doesn't have any hesitation in explaining the haq to Ummah.

The words which you have quoted carries no weight in any way. Don't use these words from next time.

We are we( that includes all tableeghies, khanaqas and madaris of haq).

Differences, there will always be, but such differences should not be construed as 'splits' in the ranks of the Haqq.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #20

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One thing i have found on this forum and generally in our day to day lives that everyone has got advise for the tablighees!! everyone else is either not in need of advise/islah or admonition or they mashallah have perfected their deen because they are bayat to a shaykh or study some uloom of deen so in default they are on haqq and are not in need of either of the above!

But atleast us tabligees can be proud of one thing which is doing amaal on this hadith

"The Messenger Muhammad (saw) said: ‘Ad deenu naseeha, ad deenu naseeha, ad deenu naseeha’ (Sahih Muslim) – The Deen is advice, the deen is advice, the deen is advice.
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