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-   -   Planning to migrate elsewhere, but where? Please suggest (http://www.discussworldissues.com/forums/islam/91407-planning-migrate-elsewhere-but-where-please-suggest.html)

assonomaf 09-03-2012 11:21 PM

Planning to migrate elsewhere, but where? Please suggest

Living in a country like Bangladesh is a real pain. If I want to explain thoroughly, it'll be a massive article. Corruption, filthy politics, anti Islamic unavoidable traditions are just too annoying to tolerate. I need a break.

I'm planning to migrate to another state, not permanently but temporarily.
Please suggest me where can I go?

sXVUOUVC 09-03-2012 11:21 PM



Living in a country like Bangladesh is a real pain. If I want to explain thoroughly, it'll be a massive article. So I'm planning to migrate to another state, not permanently but temporarily.
Please suggest me where can I go?

By 'another state' you mean another country, correct?

How about Pakistan? Although If a country like Bangladesh is a pain for you, Pakistan may also be. What exactly is the problem with living in Bangladesh? (short version?)

[Edit: I just read your edit, lol. So modifying my response]

DO NOT go to Pakistan, its worse in all aspects. Would moving out of the middle east be a problem for you? How about Indonesia?

AlexanderDrew 09-03-2012 11:21 PM

I hear good things about South Africa.

Misebeita 09-03-2012 11:21 PM

Yah, South Africa is a great place for Deen...besides it having one of the highest crime rates in the world. But if you have jama'ah or ghetto neighborhood training, going there shouldn't be a problem in terms of changing life-styles.

insightmike 09-03-2012 11:21 PM



Living in a country like Bangladesh is a real pain. If I want to explain thoroughly, it'll be a massive article. Corruption, filthy politics, anti Islamic unavoidable traditions are just too annoying to tolerate. I need a break.

I'm planning to migrate to another state, not permanently but temporarily.
Please suggest me where can I go?
Walaikum Assalam!

Go to Turkey brother.

chuecalovers 09-03-2012 11:21 PM


http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...lies/jazak.gif for your responses. I'll not go deeper into my next query, because that may create a bad impression among readers about me. Please give me ONLY suggestion about the opportunity of cent percent Halal business/job in those countries?

BronUVT 09-03-2012 11:21 PM

One can only get so much from brief reasons. You should state what your profession is and the exact reasons of leaving because corruption, anti-Islamic environments etc, exist everywhere.

kylsq0Ln 09-03-2012 11:21 PM



Living in a country like Bangladesh is a real pain. If I want to explain thoroughly, it'll be a massive article. Corruption, filthy politics, anti Islamic unavoidable traditions are just too annoying to tolerate. I need a break.

I'm planning to migrate to another state, not permanently but temporarily.
Please suggest me where can I go?
assalaamu alaikum W R W B,

my dear brother Zahed. I know your background to a certain extent even though you may not be able to recognize me. with affection (and not sarcasm) i wish to draw your attention to the fact that it is human nature to feel that "the pastures are greener on the other side" apply your energy with the guidance of righteous and pious ulema towards practicing deen in your present environment. do not underestimate the importance of being in the suhbat of the ehlullah.
please forgive me if i have offended you in any way.

of course it is an entirely different matter if your shaykh/murshid himself has adviced you to migrate, in which case i ask to be excused.


NumDusthouh 09-03-2012 11:21 PM



Living in a country like Bangladesh is a real pain. If I want to explain thoroughly, it'll be a massive article. Corruption, filthy politics, anti Islamic unavoidable traditions are just too annoying to tolerate. I need a break.

I'm planning to migrate to another state, not permanently but temporarily.
Please suggest me where can I go?
Allah made the world wide and free for you to live in . Of course you can travel the world to fulfill your intentions.
The thing is you will be who you are where ever you go . The world we live in and its inhabitants is no more then a supporting character.
This is true from every individuals perspective who ever they may be.

You my friend are the main character of the play reacting / pro acting / responding in various colors and hues to their existence .
Allah is the one closer to your heart then any one aware of every symphony it makes . Even more so then yourself.

At the end you will be judged on how much of a good performance you put up .

So where ever you may travel the show must go on . http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...nnah_smile.gif

RayFairhurst 09-03-2012 11:21 PM


One can only get so much from brief reasons. You should state what your profession is and the exact reasons of leaving because corruption, anti-Islamic environments etc, exist everywhere.
I know those stuffs exist everywhere. And also I'm concerned about the "pasture is greener on the other side". But I believe strongly that still there are some places which may bring inner peace. It may be the desert of Sahara or extremely cold mountains. I'm exhausted and I need to change my environment temporarily.

autolubitelone 09-03-2012 11:21 PM



Corruption, filthy politics, anti Islamic unavoidable traditions are just too annoying to tolerate. I need a break.
LOL Allah swt bless your young heart.

Brother, sorry to break this to you but someone has to and I think its about time. What you mentioned above exists everywhere, sorry.

markbila 09-03-2012 11:21 PM



By 'another state' you mean another country, correct?

How about Pakistan? Although If a country like Bangladesh is a pain for you, Pakistan may also be. What exactly is the problem with living in Bangladesh? (short version?)

[Edit: I just read your edit, lol. So modifying my response]

DO NOT go to Pakistan, its worse in all aspects. Would moving out of the middle east be a problem for you? How about Indonesia?
LOL I first read your response and advice for him to move to Pakistan to avoid corruption, dirty politics and anti Islamic unavoidable traditions - I almost fell out my chair. I hadnt read your correction.

fhutiussk 09-03-2012 11:21 PM


I know those stuffs exist everywhere. And also I'm concerned about the "pasture is greener on the other side". But I believe strongly that still there are some places which may bring inner peace. It may be the desert of Sahara or extremely cold mountains. I'm exhausted and I need to change my environment temporarily.
It looks like you're following the meaning of your name. You should know that whatever peaceful place you may go, it will mean little if your batin is not at peace first.

Allah Ta'ala says in the Qur'an that He made Makkah a place of barakat and huda (guidance). See if you could go there.

Or go to any place where there's minimal amount of material things and maximum amount pious people.

viagraman 09-03-2012 11:21 PM

na kahin jahan mein aman mili jo aman mili to kahan mili
mere jurm-e-khanakharab ko tere azo-e-banda-nawaz mein

Madjostok 09-03-2012 11:21 PM

What does that mean, Shaikh?

yurawerj 09-03-2012 11:21 PM


Pataacculako 09-03-2012 11:21 PM


I know those stuffs exist everywhere. And also I'm concerned about the "pasture is greener on the other side". But I believe strongly that still there are some places which may bring inner peace. It may be the desert of Sahara or extremely cold mountains. I'm exhausted and I need to change my environment temporarily.
You of all people. You Tablighi guys , need reminding of your own lessons . What was it someone said here ....

Ohhh yeah you do not do khurooj of your physical surroundings but from your own inner self ....

Something around that line .... so anyway its gonna be a waste of money time and effort going to those places .
People around the world call it taking a vacation and its overrated .

PrareeLor 09-03-2012 11:21 PM


Been there done that . Previous generations made migration from there . Not so different from Bangladesh really . Just bigger .

iH1wMOhE 09-03-2012 11:21 PM


na kahin jahan mein aman mili jo aman mili to kahan mili
mere jurm-e-khanakharab ko tere azo-e-banda-nawaz mein


UHlVExs7 09-03-2012 11:21 PM


Something around that line .... so anyway its gonna be a waste of money time and effort going to those places .
People around the world call it taking a vacation and its overrated .
And I agree with you sir, I'd any-day wanna spend time with my niece's and nephew's.

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