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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #21

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You should read the book which was signed and approved by the same scholar of such caliber. The book says that deobandis are mushriks esp Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi.

And I never expected the scholar of such caliber to come and say that the whole peace of the islamic world depends on the peace of Saudi Arabia.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #22

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whats lattest news?
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #23

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Which Kalimah Haq did he speak before a tyrant ruler?

His khutbah was full of praise for the rulers.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #24

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Which Kalimah Haq did he speak before a tyrant ruler?

His khutbah was full of praise for the rulers.
sorry shaikh that post is not for here
i changed it
afterall whats going on about our 1 work if u remember?
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #25

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Tell me the names/authors of the books and the person i have to give the books.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #26

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Which Kalimah Haq did he speak before a tyrant ruler?

His khutbah was full of praise for the rulers.
true, the khutbah was full of phraise for the rulers, however one has to remember that the shias that reside in the eastern provinces are quite influential within the kings circle. its more of historical cultrual agreement that dates back to the king abdul azeez aaal saud era, hence the reaction from the government towards the shaykh.

in my opinion, i think we should see shaykh back within the next few days/weeks inshallah. theres some pressure being mounted as to why he was removed.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #27

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in my opinion, i think we should see shaykh back within the next few days/weeks inshallah. theres some pressure being mounted as to why he was removed.
aameen. masha-ALLAH shaikh huzaifi is very against the shia's... this is the second time he has been banned bcoz of talking against them. if i remember correctly the last time he spoke out against the shia's was after he saw nabi salallahu-alaihi-wasallam in his dream upset with those shia gusets who visited madinah munawwarah & displayed total disrespect at the qabr of hazrat abu-bakr and umar (R.A). i wonder if something similar has happened this time, which led the shaikh to again speak against them.

btw where is the source of this info?
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #28

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You should read the book which was signed and approved by the same scholar of such caliber. The book says that deobandis are mushriks esp Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi.

And I never expected the scholar of such caliber to come and say that the whole peace of the islamic world depends on the peace of Saudi Arabia.
Molana which book is it ? Strange
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #29
Jon Woodgate

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We must preserve Mecca and Madinah no matter what.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #30

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as salaamu alaykum,

I respect Shaykh Abdur Rahman al-Hudhayfi and he is a very bold shaykh. He has removed several times, punished by having him imprisoned ( i heard this but not confirmed ) few times
* His support for Algerian Islamist Revival from the mimbar of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
* His opposition for Modernist, corrupt , Saudi Officials who want to make Saudi Arabia like any other western country
* His opposition for Rawafid -- at the time of when Iranian foreign minister was present he gave a khutbah against ****es ( his was another occasion he was removed -- but SHaykh Huzaifi says he saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a dream and asked him to defend his companions )

Shaykh Abdur Rahman Huzaifi is very old, and probably this time will be his final removal as the Saudi government is looking for puppet imams who just lead salah and give simple khutbas.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #31

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You should read the book which was signed and approved by the same scholar of such caliber. The book says that deobandis are mushriks esp Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi.

And I never expected the scholar of such caliber to come and say that the whole peace of the islamic world depends on the peace of Saudi Arabia.
One will read the book only if you mention the name of the book. I would be interested in reading such a book in which such an irresponsible statement "the deobandis are Mushrik" has been written and it has been attested by Shaykh Huzaifi db. The other astonishment for will be the criticism on Abul Hassan Ali Nadvi rahimahullah in a book attested by the shaykh. If its a hear-say then i would advise you to change your mind about it and if its real , kindly name the book.
As far as the obedience of the "tyrants" by the Shayookh about which you talked in your earlier post , then its not limited to the Saudi scholars. The Deobandi scholars have equally been respecting them. Here is Syed Arshad Madani infront of the "tyrant". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHybVUlDeUw
If you have any issues with the obedience of non caliph rulers , then here is Sonia Gandhi chairing a convention of Jamiat Ulama e Hind. http://www.jamiatulamaihind.net/JAMIAT.htm
Similarly Indra Gandhi chaired the hundred years celebration function in Dar ul uloom Deoband back in 1970s. You can read the whole account in 'Jahan e deeda' of Mufti Taqi Uthmani db. He has expressed his displeasure over it.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #32

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Khutbah of Sheikh Hudhaify in front of Rafsanjani and his Iranian companions:

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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #33

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Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah reported that Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said,
“A salah in this, my mosque is better than a thousand in any other except the Masjid Haram.”
[Ahmed 7257, Bukhari 11901, Muslim 1394, Nisai 2899, Ibn e Majah 1464]

MashaAllah the sheikh was the Imam for many years, imagine the reward.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #34

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MashaAllah the sheikh was the Imam for many years, imagine the reward.

For those who have been inquiring about Sheikh 'Ali al Hudhaify, according to news that we have received, he has been suspended from leading salaah and delivering khutbah in Masjid al Nabawi for the near future. He is still currently in Madeenah and does pray salaah behind the imaam in Masjid al Nabawi at times. Allah knows best when he will return.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #35

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any updates?
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #36

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I Assume He Is Not Leading For His Own Safety At The Moment Due To The Amount Of People And People Who May Have Something Against Him Since The Khutbah.

The Haramain Thread: http://www.sunniforum.com/forum/show...g-live-prayers
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #37

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The Respected Mufti Saheb Mentioned Between The 8th And 10th Min Of The 1st Audio Two Points Which Sheikh Hudhayfee Had Said In Khutbah.


Haramain Thread > > > http://www.sunniforum.com/forum/show...g-live-prayers
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #38

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Ebrahim Moosa – Cii Broadcasting (22-03-12) As South Africa welcomes one of the more recently appointed Imaams of the Haramain to its shores, speculation is rife that one of the Holy Land’s veteran Imaams may have resigned. Sheikh Ali bin Abdur Rahmaan al Hudhaify, the Imaam and Khateeb of Masjidun Nabawi for over 30 years, recently found himself embroiled in a controversy over remarks he made during a Friday Khutbah that were critical of the actions of anti-government protestors in Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province. According to a report in the English daily Arab News, during the Khutbah delivered on October 7, 2011,* Sheikh Hudhaifi condemned the riots by mostly Shi’ite protestors in Awamiya in the Saudi city of Qatif. “If those rabble-rousers and hooligans had imagined the horror of chaos and destruction they were making, they would not have committed those crimes,” Al-Hudhaifi was quoted as saying, expressing his disgust at the rioters’ alleged use of motorcycles and petrol bombs to terrorize local people.The State run Saudi Press agency further reported that the imam urged the congregation to use their common sense and keep away from subversive activities. Cii’s Mufti Abdool Kader(AK) Hoosen, who was present when the Khutbah was delivered confirmed the comments of the Sheikh. He indicated that Sheikh Hudhaifi also advocated for the revoking of the protestor’s citizenship due to the chaos that they had allegedly created. According to Mufti AK, the Khutbah, which also co-incided with the onset of the Haj season,* resulted in the Sheikh’s suspension from all his duties. Reports from Saudi Arabia at the time confirmed the suspension. According to one account, when Sheikh Hudhaifi was asked whether rumours of his suspension were true, he confirmed that they were, and that he had been asked to attend a meeting. News of the suspension soon reached online fora, and users of the popular Arabic and English websites, Mazameer and Sunniforum, amongst others, wasted no time in posting their reactions. “I am disgusted how low they went again to remove such a Senior Sheikh, who has been Imam of the Haramain for 34 years. How dare they? It shows they have no respect for the scholars, ” read one impassioned response on a forum. Other users expressed hope that the suspension was temporary and that Sheikh Hudhaify would make a speedy return. Despite the popular outcry, hopes for the Sheikh’s reinstatement have been dealt a blow by his absence from the Imaamate of Masjidun Nabawi for almost 6 months. Fuelling the speculation that the suspension may have become permanent was a posting on the popular Haramain Recordings website, which suggested the Sheikh had resigned. “According to the information received, he[Sheikh Hudhaify] has retired from being Imaam in Masjid al Nabawi,” read the message from the administrators of the site dated 28 February 2012. If confirmed, this would be the second time Sheikh Hudhaify’s outspokenness has landed him in hot water with the authorities. On March 13, 1998, he delivered a lengthy sermon in Masjidun Nabawi that has become immortalised as the “Historic Khutbah” across the Muslim World. This Khutbah, which culminated with his first suspension, was also highly critical of Shi’ites and their denigration of senior companions of the Prophet PBUH. More significant though, was its comprehensive assessment of the condition of the Muslim world and its condemnation of America and the presence of her troops on the Arabian peninsula. Implicit in his comments was a critique of the Saudi Arabian monarchy and other Arab regimes. “The maintenance of peace and security in the Arabian peninsula lies with the governments of Arabia themselves. In fact it is a Fardh(compulsory) upon them to guard their borders. There is no need of foreign intervention,” he said. Ironically, the Sheikh’s pronouncements this time were deemed to be offensive even though they were staunchly echoing the official Saudi government line on the Qatif unrest.However, it is the climate in which he made the statements, that may have rendered them controversial. Some have suggested that his suspension from official duties may be motivated by concerns for the his own safety, as Sunni-Shi’ite tensions continue to simmer in Madinah and elsewhere in the Kingdom. In 2009, the arrest of 5 pilgrims on the premises of the Baqi graveyard gave rise to skirmishes that pitted almost a thousand pilgrims against Saudi security forces. A year later, Saudi police arrested 38 people in Madinah after fighting erupted near the Quba Mosque on the Day of Ashura. Although police said the chaos was triggered by “an argument between teenagers during a football match,” some Saudi newspapers blamed the violence on “young zealots who were wearing black clothes,” in a reference to Shi’ites participating in mourning rituals. Sheikh Hudhaifi still resides in Madinah and reportedly still performs some of his Salaah at Masjidun Nabawi. However, his continuing suspension and possible retirement will deprive millions of Muslims of his beautiful Quranic recital, educational advice and outspoken advocacy of the truth – all being the hallmarks of his three decade long legacy of service to the Haramain. ebmoosa@ciibroadcasting.com
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #39

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Sheikh Hudhayfee Inshallah Will Be Returning To Lead The Congregation At The Prophets Mosque Very Soon Inshallah As Very Reliable Sources State He Was Suspended And Has Been Promised He Will Return.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:22 PM   #40

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off my memory, the shaykh began by speaking about one of the blessing that allah has bestowed upon us which is the 'aql saleem. he then went onto to speak about the actions of the so called demonstraters in dammaam who last week decided that they wanted to revolt against the government. he mentioned the ploy was from the shaytaan. he also kept repeating the name muhammad ibn hassan al-'askari, who is supposed to be their awaited one, calling him mal'oon.

subhaanallah, this coincided with the first batch of dirty iranians rawaafidh coming for hajj. they reached madinah just in time to listen to the khutbah!!!!
Yes i'm sure you are getting lots of sawab for talking like that because look at you, you're on the haqq.
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