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anaisdannyxys 12-11-2011 04:53 AM

shaykh huzaifi has been removed

according to a few a sources here in madinah, shaykh huzaifa was relieved of his duties until otherwise. the primary reason was the khutbah which shaykh delivered last week against the rawaafidh/shias of saudi arabia who have been trying to cause unrest in the eastern region. the khutbah was deemed too offensive although he was staunchly supporting the saudi government. it must be added that no one is sure for how long this will continue.

please listen to the khutbah- quite intresting.

hayyaaka wa bayyaak

Bigroza 12-11-2011 04:55 AM


wasnt he removed many years ago for speaking out against the saudis as well?

MightyMasd 12-11-2011 05:12 AM



wasnt he removed many years ago for speaking out against the saudis as well?
yes he was removed many years ago for speaking against the iranian rawaafidh and americans. he was then re-instated. this latest incident took place last week.

russianstallian 12-11-2011 05:14 AM


May Allah http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...lies/taala.gif safeguard the life and wealth of the ulama and destroy the rawafidh.

G778G9P0 12-11-2011 05:16 AM


can you summarize the talk for those who don't understand Arabic (like me)


kanchouska 12-11-2011 05:26 AM



can you summarize the talk for those who don't understand Arabic (like me)

off my memory, the shaykh began by speaking about one of the blessing that allah has bestowed upon us which is the 'aql saleem. he then went onto to speak about the actions of the so called demonstraters in dammaam who last week decided that they wanted to revolt against the government. he mentioned the ploy was from the shaytaan. he also kept repeating the name muhammad ibn hassan al-'askari, who is supposed to be their awaited one, calling him mal'oon.

subhaanallah, this coincided with the first batch of dirty iranians rawaafidh coming for hajj. they reached madinah just in time to listen to the khutbah!!!!

Finkevannon 12-11-2011 05:29 AM


he also kept repeating the name muhammad ibn hassan al-'askari, who is supposed to be their awaited one, calling him mal'oon.

subhaanallah, this coincided with the first batch of dirty iranians rawaafidh coming for hajj. they reached madinah just in time to listen to the khutbah!!!!
الله أكبر

Can you give me a link to the khutbah? http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...lies/jazak.gif

GooogleGuy 12-11-2011 05:41 AM

i dont know how to post a link, but haramain recordings defo have the khutbah.

plantBanceper 12-11-2011 05:46 AM

I remember once he gave a Khutbah and many Iranians were there including some leaders of Iran like Rafsanjani and he basically wiped the floor with them and they couldn't reply.

Arr34ston 12-11-2011 05:49 AM


hubua990 12-11-2011 05:51 AM

Remember Saudi has accused Iran of trying to assassinate their ambassador in Washington so this may escalate before Hajj.


JoZertekAdv 12-11-2011 05:53 AM



Frodogzzz 12-11-2011 05:56 AM

yes it is definatly the seventh october one.

EsAllCams 12-11-2011 06:02 AM

to be honest, the story of assasination is more of a bogus attempt by the americans to whip up some hatred between the saudis and iranians. if you read the guardian news on this topic, experts in this matter are of this view, that iran is not stupid enough to send dopey spies like the one arrested into usa.

infinkPoode 12-11-2011 06:04 AM


to be honest, the story of assasination is more of a bogus attempt by the americans to whip up some hatred between the saudis and iranians. if you read the guardian news on this topic, experts in this matter are of this view, that iran is not stupid enough to send dopey spies like the one arrested into usa.
Definitely, I found it ridiculous as well.

Fact is things are escalating and this "attempt" has a purpose, the next few days will show what the purpose was.

phsyalcvqh 12-11-2011 06:06 AM

iranians may be stupid, but not that stupid

soajerwaradaY 09-03-2012 11:21 PM

Interesting escalation of facts and Hajj coming soon... We'll see insha'Allah..

LSDDSL 09-03-2012 11:21 PM


There is no salah of him after he has led Isha Salaat on friday.

jaydicassdhy 09-03-2012 11:21 PM


Don't know if he has been removed or not. Didn't hear anything here about it.

But I want to say a few things.

Yes, Haramain is more beloved to ME than any other place in the world.
Yes, I love Saudia more than any other country in the world.
Yes, there is alot of peace in Saudia.
Yes, the rulers here are better than in other muslim countries.
Yes, if Saudia is attacked by someone I will fight to defend it.

BUT still,

Shaikh Huzaifi was PUNSIHED because of distorting the truth and misleading the Ummah. (If the news is true)

He said in his Khutbah that if there is peace in Saudi Arabia, there will be peace in all the Islamic world. And if there is instability in Saudi Arabia, there will be chaos throughout the Islamic world.

But let's make excuses for him.

Maybe he doesn't read newspapers.
Maybe he doesn't watch news.
Maybe he doesn't know what is going on in the islamic world.
Maybe he doesn't know how millions of muslims were killed in his neighbouring countries.
Maybe he doesn't know what is going on in Filisteen.

...... etc etc

That's All.


salomal-qask 09-03-2012 11:21 PM


Shaikh Huzaifi was PUNSIHED because of distorting the truth and misleading the Ummah. (If the news is true)

He said in his Khutbah that if there is peace in Saudi Arabia, there will be peace in all the Islamic world. And if there is instability in Saudi Arabia, there will be chaos throughout the Islamic world.

Ajeeb. I never expected from you to criticize a scholar of such caliber based on what? Pretty much nothing, but a "punishment".

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