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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #21

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I am sorry to say but his books on the dajjaal are a joke. They should never be even considered to translate. Too much fantasy out there.
do you mean that the book about dajjal by Mufti Abu Lubaba shah mansoor is a "joke"?
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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #22

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I am sorry to say but his books on the dajjaal are a joke. They should never be even considered to translate. Too much fantasy out there.
I have read all the books of Maulana Asim Umar and Mufti Abu Lubaba Shah Mansoor ; i would not call these books as jokes rather i would appreciate that atleast our contemporary Scholarship is awakening to the realities though i don't agree with everything written in these books.
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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #23

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Perhaps its best to stick with the classical scholars.

Many on youtube do not seem to be classical scholars...maybe someone[qualied] should make a list of the classical scholars and their students.Insha Allah

[I do feel that Shaykh Imran] is correct about the real threat of Zionism]
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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #24

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Asslamo Allaikum,

"Maulana" Imran Hosein studied in Karachi and was Bayt to Dr Israr Ahmed (RA) and then he moved away from Dr Israr Ahmed (RA).

He is very similar to Dr Israr Ahmed (RA) in his views with the main exceptions being:

a) "Maulana" Imran Hosein practises the Qadri Chishti Silsila and practises Tassawuff while Dr Israr Ahmed (RA) had no Tareeqa. I have no idea who gave him Khilafah and who is his Shaykh.

b) "Maulana" Imran Hosein is Barelwee leaning while Dr Israr Ahmed (RA) was very Deobandi leaning. Please note that I am not saying that he is "Barelwee" but he is Barelwee leaning BUT he does criticise Barelwees a lot and makes fun of them

Some examples where "Maulana" Imran Hosein differs with our Ulama, actually Ulama of the whole world

a) He thinks Yajuj/Majuj are the White European (Jews) while Shaykh Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (RA) has thoroughly refuted this idea in the last book of his life entitled, "Al-Bawadirun-Nawadir". For examples of "Maulana" Imran Hosein views read "Jerusalem in the Qur'aan"

b) He thinks that the Island where Dahjjal is chained up is UK while our Ulama say "Allah knows best"... How can Britain be the Island refered to in Hadeeth when Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) said Dajjal is "East of Madina" and last time I checked Britain is not "East of Madina". For examples of "Maulana" Imran Hosein views watch his videos on Dajjal

c) He thinks that Dajjal is already out while almost ALL Ulama believe that Dajjal is YET to emerge. For examples of "Maulana" Imran Hosein views watch his videos on Dajjal

d) He thinks that Paper currency is Haram while Mufti Taqi Usmani (DB) and others differ with him. For examples of "Maulana" Imran Hosein views watch his videos on "Islamic Monetary System"

Other then these weird and wacky ideas "Maulana" Imran Hosein has some good political insight and his thoughts about Monetary system and Dajjal are very good to read and interesting...

But on a thorough discussion on Dajjal and end times I recommend reading the latest "Dajjal" books by "Maulana Asim Umer" which are currently being translated into English by people in Karachi.

Maulana Asim Umer's thorough research has been summarised by "Mufti Abu Lubaba Shah Mansoor" who is the Khalifah of Shaykh (Mufti) Rasheed Ahmed Ludhyanwi (RA) and currently at Jamia Rasheediya (Karachi) and I believe that the book is available for free (in English) on the web or about to be finished. Brother TN007 on Sunniforum is co-ordinating the translation work.

Nice research..Sheikh Imran Hossein really has some good insight into the current issues.Yes there's a room for disagreement.
As far as Mufti Abu Lubaba sb and Present Jamia tur Rasheed is concerned well lets not discuss that.
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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #25

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I am sorry to say but his books on the dajjaal are a joke. They should never be even considered to translate. Too much fantasy out there.
Your comment is a joke. There are somethings which might be far fetched from your point of view but its certainly not from Maulana Asim Umer's
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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #26

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I think you are used to enjoy being a part time Muslim that's why you can not accept views of Maulana Imran Hosein!!!
Maulana Imran Hosein say's in most of his lectures: "When i give an opinion please do not accept it, unless and until you are convinced that i am right"!!!
Maulana Imran Hosein after any given opinion say's: -Allah knows best- as all the scholars of Islam!!!
Maulana Imran Hosein is making a wakeup call to ummah while other "maulana's" sleeping!!!
And there are no -yet- any scholar of Islam that has told him that he is wrong and i think that's because he arguing with Ayah and Hadith about modern age!!!
So, be careful if you know the punishment of man who says lies about scholars!!!
Salam - peace
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Old 09-04-2012, 12:21 AM   #27

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Ignore his opinion on Syria?!! Hi is supporting people there and giving them advice not to do the same mistake as Libyan people allying with western pro Israeli governments!!! And this does not mean he support that pig Bashar!!!
salam - peace
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Old 09-04-2012, 12:22 AM   #28

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You know what mujahideen means, i am sure does not mean -fighting for NATO interests. Khalifah brother, this is all what he wants, we also!!!
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Old 09-04-2012, 12:22 AM   #29

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You know what mujahideen means, i am sure does not mean -fighting for NATO interests. Khalifah brother, this is all what he wants, we also!!!
Ask any Syrian brother fighting on the ground if they are fighting for Allah or NATO. They will give you the answer.
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Old 09-21-2012, 09:15 PM   #30

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Maulana Asim Umer's thorough research has been summarised by "Mufti Abu Lubaba Shah Mansoor" who is the Khalifah of Shaykh (Mufti) Rasheed Ahmed Ludhyanwi (RA) and currently at Jamia Rasheediya (Karachi) and I believe that the book is available for free (in English) on the web or about to be finished. Brother TN007 on Sunniforum is co-ordinating the translation work. ]
I am sorry to say but his books on the dajjaal are a joke. They should never be even considered to translate. Too much fantasy out there.
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Old 09-22-2012, 03:10 AM   #31

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Guys why dont actually quote what he says and be more accurate? alot of stuff is incorrect. A lot of what he says makes sense. and regarding his own opinions he always states that is infact only that "his opinion and could be wrong"

regarding Gog and Magog. What he says does make sense to be honest but would need to be looked into further. and Hadiths are open to interpretation everyone these days has an opinion so whos right and whos wrong? you back it up authentically and its a strong case but not the definitive answer its good to have dialogue and discussion.

If you dont agree with the man dont listen and take it all in. his background into History is quite strong as to how the Caliphate fell etc. But go research it yourself.

What sort of "interpretation" is it when you disregard ahadeeth as mere dreams based on no evidence from the narrations themselves but based on a posteriori logic??
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Old 09-22-2012, 07:09 AM   #32

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(4:160-161) Because of the wrongdoing of the Jews We forbade them good things which were (before) made lawful unto them, and because of their much hindering from Allah's way (sabeelillah). And of their taking usury when they were forbidden it, and of their devouring people's wealth by false pretences. We have prepared for those of them who disbelieve a painful doom.

With at most respect, I would like our contemporary Scholars to give explanation as to why we are being deprived of our rightful wealth overnight ; why we pay more today for the same set of items than we paid last year. Why we lose our wealth when we don't have any say in decision making matters.

I would also like to know as to how our Scholars explains/interprets the A'yaats posted above (4:160-161) i.e the connection of "wrongdoing of Jews" with "devouring people's wealth by false pretences"

Having understanding of economics/money etc., i believe the analysis/opinion of Maulana Imran Hosein on paper currency makes sense.
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