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Old 09-04-2012, 03:56 AM   #1

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Default What about Christian onslaught against Islam? What should be Islam's answer?
What about the severe onslaught against Islam from Christianity? Almost ALL the anti-Islamic websites on the internet are Christian apologetics websites. Christians are converting Muslims to Christianity all over the Muslim world. Why there's no 'fight-back' from Islamic societies? Christian apologist spend hours in "debunking Islam" on satellite televisions all over the West and now in the Muslim world too. Why Muslims are so far behind in Islamic apologetics and exposing Christianity and its true intentions? I have remained a member of two of the largest Christian forums on the internet and Wa'Allah (By Allah) there was soooooo much propaganda and slandering against Islam and Prophet Muhammad (SAW) that it was depressing.Everyday , there would be a thread about "debunking-Islam" and "women oppression" in Islam or about slandering Muhammad (SAW) ...Many Christians in these websites are really good human beings but when they see the so called "reality" of Islam in such forums , they become against Islam and start working to stop the spread of Islam . This trend can be very dangerous for the spread of Islam ,God forbid.

I think that Muslims with good apologetical knowledge and strong iman should also spend some time in these Christian forums and clear misconceptions regarding Islam. Also in real life , Muslims with good knowledge should clear misconceptions regarding Islam humbly.

NOTE : People who do not have appropriate command of Islamic apologetics should not engage in 'debates' because then they will loose the debate and hence hurt their imaan too...

So what must we Muslims do to handle this situation?
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:56 AM   #2

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Don't forget the '-' (hyphen) otherwise you will be forwarded to another website.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:56 AM   #3

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You'll be hard pressed to find many Muslims falling for these websites. The majority of people that are converting to Christianity are in Africa. And that is not because of some website but because Christian missionaries exploiting their need for food, medicine, education, and shelter. You'll also find many "Muslim" to Christian conversion involves some sort of hallucination, where the person saw "Jesus" or a cross or some other psychogenic effect occurred. So, none of these websites will make a dent in anyone who is genuinely in search for truth. People who declare themselves to be ex-Muslim are usually in the following category:

1. People who didn't want to practice Islam and observe its rules and regulations (majority of "ex-Muslims"); this concern is completely idiotic because it is based on base desires and convenience; it is also the most common in a Western context, where the deception of worldly life fools them
2. People who saw some sort of hallucination; these people were not knowledgeable about Islam, we impressionable, and had been hanging around missionary-type Christians for too long
3. People who are emotionally blackmailed coupled with lack of knowledge about Islam; this is what is most common in African countries, where missionaries work by offering food, clothing, etc. in return for attending church or having Bible study
4. People who weren't Muslims to begin with! A lot of the famous personalities out there that claim to be ex-Muslim can't even tell you the first kalimah nor anything about the basic beliefs of Islam. There are even ex-Qadianis turned Christian masquerading as "ex-Muslim"
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:56 AM   #4

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Firstly, with all due respect, they're not "converting Muslims to Christianity", you have no idea how rare that is compared to the Christians who convert to Islam.

Secondly, the reason why they have these obsessive threads is to try and deter Christians from converting to Islam. Islam is such a danger to their faith, the majority of Muslim reverts are ex-Christians. Christianity itself is in decline;

ReligionDate FoundedSacred TextsMembership4% of World5

Christianity 32% (dropping)
Islam 22% (growing)
Hinduism 13% (stable)

Religions of the world: numbers of adherents; growth rates

However, I agree with the part you said Muslims should do more, in terms of giving Dawah and encouraging others to do it aswell.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:56 AM   #5

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You'll be hard pressed to find many Muslims falling for these websites. The majority of people that are converting to Christianity are in Africa. And that is not because of some website but because Christian missionaries exploiting their need for food, medicine, education, and shelter. You'll also find many "Muslim" to Christian conversion involves some sort of hallucination, where the person saw "Jesus" or a cross or some other psychogenic effect occurred. So, none of these websites will make a dent in anyone who is genuinely in search for truth. People who declare themselves to be ex-Muslim are usually in the following category:

1. People who didn't want to practice Islam and observe its rules and regulations (majority of "ex-Muslims"); this concern is completely idiotic because it is based on base desires and convenience; it is also the most common in a Western context, where the deception of worldly life fools them
2. People who saw some sort of hallucination; these people were not knowledgeable about Islam, we impressionable, and had been hanging around missionary-type Christians for too long
3. People who are emotionally blackmailed coupled with lack of knowledge about Islam; this is what is most common in African countries, where missionaries work by offering food, clothing, etc. in return for attending church or having Bible study
4. People who weren't Muslims to begin with! A lot of the famous personalities out there that claim to be ex-Muslim can't even tell you the first kalimah nor anything about the basic beliefs of Islam. There are even ex-Qadianis turned Christian masquerading as "ex-Muslim"
Well I hear this alot about people being converted to Christianity in Africa..my question is....Where are the Muslims? These Arabs have so much wealth...what for? Why there are no Islamic missions going in the African countries and doing dawah? Why only Christians? Muslims should get organized and start a global dawah campaign...People should be trained in preaching with sweet tongue and rationale and defending Islam with logic (Apologetics).... Were Arabs sleeping when Africa was pagan and needed an organized religion? Christianity took millions of converts from right under the nose of Islam ...


Don't forget the '-' (hyphen) otherwise you will be forwarded to another website.
This is a great site. But the ranking of this site has fallen massively!!!! Check Alexa Stats....Anti-Islam sites are getting more and more traffic while Answering-Chrstianity.com is getting very,very low traffic!!!
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:56 AM   #6

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This is a great site. But the ranking of this site has fallen massively!!!! Check Alexa Stats....Anti-Islam sites are getting more and more traffic while Answering-Chrstianity.com is getting very,very low traffic!!!
Don't panic bro. Be steady and put your complete trust in Allah Ta'ala. Even if you are the only Muslim left in the whole world the truth doesn't change, be steadfast bro. Ofcourse action is necessary. we should try to expose the anti-Islamic websites and propagate Islamic website. The low traffic could be due to google tampering with search results. But don't worry, Allah Ta'ala is on our side, the end result is not with us, but we shall fight back with Allah's permission.

P.s. Also we shouldn't let such fitna change our focus from our own self. Its what shaytaan wants. First we have to start from self . May Allah Ta'ala make it easy for us. Ameen.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:56 AM   #7

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Well I hear this alot about people being converted to Christianity in Africa..my question is....Where are the Muslims? These Arabs have so much wealth...what for? Why there are no Islamic missions going in the African countries and doing dawah? Why only Christians? Muslims should get organized and start a global dawah campaign...People should be trained in preaching with sweet tongue and rationale and defending Islam with logic (Apologetics).... Were Arabs sleeping when Africa was pagan and needed an organized religion? Christianity took millions of converts from right under the nose of Islam ...

The difference between Christian missionaries and basically every other type of missionaries is that Christians missionaries are extremely well funded. People donate to the actual mission. So, these missionaries take the money and use it to help the poor communities at the expense of the beliefs of the local community. On the other hand, Muslim "missionaries" are all self-financed and thus do not have the ability to fund these communities with their money. The Tableeghi Jamaat for example is completely self-financed and thus people pay for their travel and food expenses themselves and cannot afford to help the poor in the locality without donations. And Muslims donate to charities, sure, but there isn't any real "missionary" work attached to these charities. A lot of these charities that Muslims donate to do not propagate Islam when they should. They say that they don't care about the religion of whoever they help which is okay, but they have a duty to at least bring the message of Islam to these people. The Christians are highly successful in this manner because a lot of Christian charities are not just involved in providing basic necessities, but also for providing spiritual guidance at the same time.

This is a great site. But the ranking of this site has fallen massively!!!! Check Alexa Stats....Anti-Islam sites are getting more and more traffic while Answering-Chrstianity.com is getting very,very low traffic!!! You'll find that most of the visitors to anti-Islamic sites are those who already hate Muslims and just want to give themselves a pat on the back.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:56 AM   #8

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Christian missioneries are very focused. Some of their websites are just only for detailing every village on earth where a christian does not exist.

Fact is that Muslims have abandoned using the wealth Allah has provided them to convert people to Islam. No doubt logic and arguments are needed. But that alone will not do. Many people in the world are merely try to make a meal for the day and barely considered with theological arguments. Muslims helping them out of poverty is a dawa. There is no deception in this as some people suppose. All nations flex their economic wealth to help others and bring them to their side. IF Christians are going to do more, then what else would you get other than christian influence ? Christians have made entries to places like Indian, China, Korea, Japan while Muslims are still sleeping.

Although its true that Muslims have their own house to put in order before expecting to help others, yet there are still places where Muslims can help in a long way. An example of Muslim irresponsibility with wealth can be seen in none other than the Arabian peninsula where despite the old rich kingdoms filling its space, Yemen is left in bitter poverty.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:56 AM   #9

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Just curious, isn't 'Auzer' the name of (non-Muslim) father of Prophet Ibrahim a.s. ??
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:56 AM   #10

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Just curious, isn't 'Auzer' the name of (non-Muslim) father of Prophet Ibrahim a.s. ??
and isnt pluto the name of a greek god?
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:56 AM   #11

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and isnt pluto the name of a greek god?
Isn't the greek god a myth?

@bro auzer, no offense.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:57 AM   #12

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Isn't the greek god a myth?

@bro auzer, no offense.
naqshbandiosmanli makes a valid point. You should get your username changed.

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Old 09-04-2012, 03:57 AM   #13

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naqshbandiosmanli makes a valid point. You should get your username changed.

my username is inspired (at-least that's why I chose it) from planet pluto (not even a planet anymore)
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:57 AM   #14

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You'll be hard pressed to find many Muslims falling for these websites. The majority of people that are converting to Christianity are in Africa. And that is not because of some website but because Christian missionaries exploiting their need for food, medicine, education, and shelter. You'll also find many "Muslim" to Christian conversion involves some sort of hallucination, where the person saw "Jesus" or a cross or some other psychogenic effect occurred. So, none of these websites will make a dent in anyone who is genuinely in search for truth. People who declare themselves to be ex-Muslim are usually in the following category:

1. People who didn't want to practice Islam and observe its rules and regulations (majority of "ex-Muslims"); this concern is completely idiotic because it is based on base desires and convenience; it is also the most common in a Western context, where the deception of worldly life fools them
2. People who saw some sort of hallucination; these people were not knowledgeable about Islam, we impressionable, and had been hanging around missionary-type Christians for too long
3. People who are emotionally blackmailed coupled with lack of knowledge about Islam; this is what is most common in African countries, where missionaries work by offering food, clothing, etc. in return for attending church or having Bible study
4. People who weren't Muslims to begin with! A lot of the famous personalities out there that claim to be ex-Muslim can't even tell you the first kalimah nor anything about the basic beliefs of Islam. There are even ex-Qadianis turned Christian masquerading as "ex-Muslim"
This is so true if you look into most the people claimed as ex-Muslims most of them were never real Muslims in their lives, their parents were weak or heretical Muslims or they came from people who had already been stripped of Islam in all but name generations ago.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:57 AM   #15

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What about the severe onslaught against Islam from Christianity? Almost ALL the anti-Islamic websites on the internet are Christian apologetics websites. Christians are converting Muslims to Christianity all over the Muslim world. Why there's no 'fight-back' from Islamic societies? Christian apologist spend hours in "debunking Islam" on satellite televisions all over the West and now in the Muslim world too. Why Muslims are so far behind in Islamic apologetics and exposing Christianity and its true intentions? I have remained a member of two of the largest Christian forums on the internet and Wa'Allah (By Allah) there was soooooo much propaganda and slandering against Islam and Prophet Muhammad (SAW) that it was depressing.Everyday , there would be a thread about "debunking-Islam" and "women oppression" in Islam or about slandering Muhammad (SAW) ...Many Christians in these websites are really good human beings but when they see the so called "reality" of Islam in such forums , they become against Islam and start working to stop the spread of Islam . This trend can be very dangerous for the spread of Islam ,God forbid.

I think that Muslims with good apologetical knowledge and strong iman should also spend some time in these Christian forums and clear misconceptions regarding Islam. Also in real life , Muslims with good knowledge should clear misconceptions regarding Islam humbly.

NOTE : People who do not have appropriate command of Islamic apologetics should not engage in 'debates' because then they will loose the debate and hence hurt their imaan too...

So what must we Muslims do to handle this situation?
The so-called ex-Muslims are the lowest of people,

if Allah had needed them He would have kept them, as it was they made themselves surplus to requirements.

Gary Miller, Yusuf Estes, Abdul Hakim Murad and many of the other learned ex-Christian Muslims can pull any Christian missionary apart in 100 ways, their talks on these subjects need more airtime and promotion.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:57 AM   #16

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my username is inspired (at-least that's why I chose it) from planet pluto (not even a planet anymore)
yes pluto the god is ofcoarse a myth, but you wouldn't call yourself Zeus or Mithra or Krishna, or whatever mythical gods kuffar made up. Pluto the planet was the symbol of the god and named after the god, just like Jupitar is the name of a 'god', Venus, Uranus, etc these are all the names of their batil gods.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:57 AM   #17

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yes pluto the god is ofcoarse a myth, but you wouldn't call yourself Zeus or Mithra or Krishna, or whatever mythical gods kuffar made up. Pluto the planet was the symbol of the god and named after the god, just like Jupitar is the name of a 'god', Venus, Uranus, etc these are all the names of their batil gods.
I'll think about it
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:57 AM   #18

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This is a great site. But the ranking of this site has fallen massively!!!! Check Alexa Stats....Anti-Islam sites are getting more and more traffic while Answering-Chrstianity.com is getting very,very low traffic!!!
That's because for months it wasn't being ranked in Google. Two things could've happened;

a) They had scripting problems (that they were unaware of) which blocked google indexing them.

b) They got hacked.

But I can tell you, for months they were unranked. Only after I got in contact with their owner, a few days after they were being ranked again.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:57 AM   #19

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Christian missioneries are very focused. Some of their websites are just only for detailing every village on earth where a christian does not exist.
wow! thats epic. Christian organizations take data from different parts of the world and prepare are strategy according to the behavior of the people in any region and then they preach accordingly to gain most converts. When will Islamic organizations start doing the same thing? It is so depressing to see that a theologically weak religion such as Christianity is getting converts while Muslims are sleeping. Is there any way that some Muslims could contact Arab kings and tell them the whole situation. Arabs should finance global dawah initiative that should be very efficient and effective,Inshallah. Giving $ 10 million for dawah is a piece-of-cake for rich Arabs.

Fact is that Muslims have abandoned using the wealth Allah has provided them to convert people to Islam. No doubt logic and arguments are needed. But that alone will not do. Many people in the world are merely try to make a meal for the day and barely considered with theological arguments. Muslims helping them out of poverty is a dawa. There is no deception in this as some people suppose. All nations flex their economic wealth to help others and bring them to their side. IF Christians are going to do more, then what else would you get other than christian influence ? Christians have made entries to places like Indian, China, Korea, Japan while Muslims are still sleeping. You make a very valid point. Christian influence in India , China ,Korea etc is increasing and that is very dangerous for the spread of Islam. Christianity is the most 'anti-Islam' religion out there. They do the most propaganda against Islam and I have already talked about it in my opening post. Muslims now better wake up or else the consequences would be very bad , Allah forbid.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:57 AM   #20

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It seems you (Auzer) are also one of their propagandists.
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