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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #21

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Its important to recognize that the real attacks from Christianity are not from the traditional majority of Christians (Catholic, Anglican etc) who are mostly more worried about secularism than us, although they will have a go where they get the opportunity.

the real attacks against the Muslims are from Evangelical Protestant Christians who really really hate us, raise money for mission instead of for charity and are often well connected with the Zionists (especially in America).

these people are just hot air with rhetoric, showmanship and money where the other Christians would have theology and prayer (in their confused way), but if Muslim dawa organizations do not start to track their missionary activity in the detailed way that they do ours, then it gives them an advantage,

despite the fact that what they are trying to sell to ignorant "half-Muslims" and to Muslim children and youths through mission and so-called "charity" or "development" work, is self-contradictory superstition that even a child would reject if they really thought about it,

but sadly foolish people don't think they just follow their nafs.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #22

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Its important to recognize that the real attacks from Christianity are not from the traditional majority of Christians (Catholic, Anglican etc) who are mostly more worried about secularism than us, although they will have a go where they get the opportunity.

the real attacks against the Muslims are from Evangelical Protestant Christians who really really hate us, raise money for mission instead of for charity and are often well connected with the Zionists (especially in America).

these people are just hot air with rhetoric, showmanship and money where the other Christians would have theology and prayer (in their confused way), but if Muslim dawa organizations do not start to track their missionary activity in the detailed way that they do ours, then it gives them an advantage,

despite the fact that what they are trying to sell to ignorant "half-Muslims" and to Muslim children and youths through mission and so-called "charity" or "development" work, is self-contradictory superstition that even a child would reject if they really thought about it,

but sadly foolish people don't think they just follow their nafs.
Well I agree , evangelicals are real duckheads (sorry lol) ..

It seems you (Auzer) are also one of their propagandists.
Oh another conspiracy theorists? I am the one that is highlighting this issue because as far as I know , Muslims (like you) are just sleeping without analyzing the real problem.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #23

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Well I agree , evangelicals are real duckheads (sorry lol) ..

Oh another conspiracy theorists? I am the one that is highlighting this issue because as far as I know , Muslims (like you) are just sleeping without analyzing the real problem.
The problems have been analyzed centuries ago. It's time for action. Can you brief us on an action plan so we can get working?
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #24

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Let us continue our Dawah (start if you have not already done that) and soon they shall be enumerating those villages that have Christians. For few days I have been watching Deedat vs Sjoberg - I feel sorry for the pastor.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #25

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The problems have been analyzed centuries ago. It's time for action. Can you brief us on an action plan so we can get working?
1-Establish high-quality (secular) Islamic universities all around the Muslim world and tell students about apologetics , theology , history of Islam etc . By secular , I mean that Shi'a , Sunni , Sufi etc etc all should be welcomed. NO sectarianism.

2- Develop Satellite Islamic channels that appeal to Muslim audience. Discuss Christianity's "attacks" against Islam and provide answers to those attacks. Make general Muslim population aware of Islamic apologetics and tell them how Christian apologists attack Islam etc

3- Train D'aees in institutions and target people that are easily "convertable" ...e.g Chinese villagers that are hungry for spirituality , pagan Africans that want organized religion (Christianity already did that and took lead on Islam in both cases...thanks to great Muslims like you) ... etc etc

ALL the things I mentioned are practical and Christians have been doing this for decades now and now these things are showing "results" ... whereas Muslims are busy in arguing "Does Satan pee in your mouth when you slumber" or "Should Hijab be made compulsory on all women" etc etc ... See how sad the situation is? When Hazrat Umar (RA) did mass conversions , they didn't ask people to get circumcized or instantly quit drinking etc..first they brought them into Islam and then those people got educated about Islam step by step slowly..Muslims should do the SAME!

All the "supposed actions" I proposed require funding..any of your great "Islamic brother" in Arab ruling families can fund this with very little effort (considering how much money they've got) ...

The are soooooooooo many other "actions" that one can do but alas! who cares in Muslim world? They are busy in "Shi'a bashing" ...
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #26

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Salam brothers and sisters,

Here is a video by Abdul Hakim Murad - "Dealing with the extreme evangelicals"


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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #27

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am I seeing free mixing in this video? ok

in a mosque???
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #28

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am I seeing free mixing in this video? ok

in a mosque???
you are seeing men in front women at back like in the Prophets (saws) Mosque during the time of the Sahaba.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #29

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any really intelligent Muslim really thoroughly reads and understands these two books can pull apart a Christian missionary (so long as they have a good knowledge of Islam and are confident, forceful and strong)


books that need to be written are ones that respond to particular arising slanders that they make against Islam

but most of these are rehashes of ones that were first used and debunked long ago.

Dr Gary Miller is good on these subjects


Everyone knows Zakir Naik


Khaled Yasin Has some good talks in this area too


as do Hamza Yusuf and others etc...


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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #30
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you are seeing men in front women at back like in the Prophets (saws) Mosque during the time of the Sahaba.
Not full truth here but because it's Shayk Murad I give him benefit of doubt.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #31

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1-Establish high-quality (secular) Islamic universities all around the Muslim world and tell students about apologetics , theology , history of Islam etc . By secular , I mean that Shi'a , Sunni , Sufi etc etc all should be welcomed. NO sectarianism.

2- Develop Satellite Islamic channels that appeal to Muslim audience. Discuss Christianity's "attacks" against Islam and provide answers to those attacks. Make general Muslim population aware of Islamic apologetics and tell them how Christian apologists attack Islam etc

3- Train D'aees in institutions and target people that are easily "convertable" ...e.g Chinese villagers that are hungry for spirituality , pagan Africans that want organized religion (Christianity already did that and took lead on Islam in both cases...thanks to great Muslims like you) ... etc etc

ALL the things I mentioned are practical and Christians have been doing this for decades now and now these things are showing "results" ... whereas Muslims are busy in arguing "Does Satan pee in your mouth when you slumber" or "Should Hijab be made compulsory on all women" etc etc ... See how sad the situation is? When Hazrat Umar (RA) did mass conversions , they didn't ask people to get circumcized or instantly quit drinking etc..first they brought them into Islam and then those people got educated about Islam step by step slowly..Muslims should do the SAME!

All the "supposed actions" I proposed require funding..any of your great "Islamic brother" in Arab ruling families can fund this with very little effort (considering how much money they've got) ...

The are soooooooooo many other "actions" that one can do but alas! who cares in Muslim world? They are busy in "Shi'a bashing" ...
MashaAllah these are good ideas, but please don't knock Shiah bashing it is so much a cheaper hobby than golf or dirt biking.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #32

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am I seeing free mixing in this video? ok

in a mosque???
Ye it is clear from the beginning of the video that it is women at the back and the men at the front. And what do you mean by "not full truth" i don't understand what that meant... Are you saying that it is not true that women sat at the back and men at the front in the time of Muhammad (pbuh) or in the video it is not true that women are at the back and men at the front.

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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #33

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Ye it is clear from the beginning of the video that it is women at the back and the men at the front. And what do you mean by "not full truth" i don't understand what that meant... Are you saying that it is not true that women sat at the back and men at the front in the time of Muhammad (pbuh) or in the video it is not true that women are at the back and men at the front.


A few things:

It is not clear cut how the women are sitting. If the women were supposedly seated in the back, it should be obvious, but it isn't since there are women who are right up there at the front (see the left side) and some men are at the back. We shouldn't be compromising the shari'ah for the sake of learning. Also, we should not lay blame at the shaykh since he is not the management and he may have alerted the masjid management of the situation who may not have heeded but ultimately the blame lies upon the management of the masjid.

Furthermore, Umar separated men and women because of the fear of fitnah. We are talking about the time of the sahaba , the best of generations, and Umar separated the men and women with a physical partition. In fact, he initially banned women from the masjid. 'Aisha also shared the same opinion.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #34

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A few things:

It is not clear cut how the women are sitting. If the women were supposedly seated in the back, it should be obvious, but it isn't since there are women who are right up there at the front (see the left side) and some men are at the back. We shouldn't be compromising the shari'ah for the sake of learning. Also, we should not lay blame at the shaykh since he is not the management and he may have alerted the masjid management of the situation who may not have heeded but ultimately the blame lies upon the management of the masjid.

Furthermore, Umar separated men and women because of the fear of fitnah. We are talking about the time of the sahaba , the best of generations, and Umar separated the men and women with a physical partition. In fact, he initially banned women from the masjid. 'Aisha also shared the same opinion.
Yes you are right on the left side it does seem women are level with the men. And yes we should not blame Abdul Hakim Murad for this, as he is the speaker not the management.

Regards to the second point, Umar (ra) was known to be very hard and strict in all regards. I am not saying He was incorrect, God forbid... only Umar (ra) knows what the situation was at the time and if Umar (ra) thought it was necessary to actually ban women from coming to the Masjid He must have had a good reason. And Ayesha (ra) agreeing with him just proves that more, that there must have been a good reason.

but I am sure women were allowed to learn from home with other women, with the best of women like Ayesha and Hafsa (ra) during the time of the ban. Because we should never ban women from learning, this goes against the Prophet (pbuh) anyway.

I just think sometimes modern Muslim men seem to have a mentality to stop women from doing everything and anything because it "might cause fitnah". I think it goes both ways, Muslim men must obey Allah and His messenger, by lowering their gaze, by covering themselves, by honouring women, by giving them their rights, by following the Sunnah of the Messenger (pbuh).

My family is from Pakistan and the majority of men there are quick to jump at women for "causing fitnah", yet never follow the Fardh, let alone the Sunnah.

Yes, mixing of genders more often then not will cause trouble. So this should always be avoided obviously. But I just feel sometimes men have a mentality to use "fitnah" to stop women from the most harmless things. I know personally women can be a handful (lol), but if men just follow the Sunnah of the Messenger (pbuh) and be patient, this fitnah will be long gone.

The point is, if men in present times obey Allah and His messenger, women would happily follow and all fitnah would vanish. If we do not obey and blame women for fitnah it is narrow-minded... we must look at it both ways.

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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #35

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Yes you are right on the left side it does seem women are level with the men. And yes we should not blame Abdul Hakim Murad for this, as he is the speaker not the management.

Regards to the second point, Umar (ra) was known to be very hard and strict in all regards. I am not saying He was incorrect, God forbid... only Umar (ra) knows what the situation was at the time and if Umar (ra) thought it was necessary to actually ban women from coming to the Masjid He must have had a good reason. And Ayesha (ra) agreeing with him just proves that more, that there must have been a good reason.

but I am sure women were allowed to learn from home with other women, with the best of women like Ayesha and Hafsa (ra) during the time of the ban. Because we should never ban women from learning, this goes against the Prophet (pbuh) anyway.

I just think sometimes modern Muslim men seem to have a mentality to stop women from doing everything and anything because it "might cause fitnah". I think it goes both ways, Muslim men must obey Allah and His messenger, by lowering their gaze, by covering themselves, by honouring women, by giving them their rights, by following the Sunnah of the Messenger (pbuh).

My family is from Pakistan and the majority of men there are quick to jump at women for "causing fitnah", yet never follow the Fardh, let alone the Sunnah.

Yes, mixing of genders more often then not will cause trouble. So this should always be avoided obviously. But I just feel sometimes men have a mentality to use "fitnah" to stop women from the most harmless things. I know personally women can be a handful (lol), but if men just follow the Sunnah of the Messenger (pbuh) and be patient, this fitnah will be long gone.

The point is, if men in present times obey Allah and His messenger, women would happily follow and all fitnah would vanish. If we do not obey and blame women for fitnah it is narrow-minded... we must look at it both ways.


People who are not even fulfilling the faraaidh should definitely look at themselves before criticizing others. As for women, the reason many scholars do not recommend women from coming to the masajid for salah is that it is unnecessary and that there is much more reward for a woman to pray within her home. It is also not that women are the cause of fitnah when they come to the masajid for salah; it is that the outside environment is a fitnah for women. That is why the ulama recommend women to not leave their houses without necessity and without their mahrams. But, the masajid should have a section for women when there are lectures and women should be allowed to come and listen, albeit from the women's section.

Also, the partition policy that Umar instated was carried over by the other khulafa as well. And not just Umar , but 'Aisha was also displeased by the women attending the masajid, making a distinction between how women behaved during the time of Rasoolullah and how they were behaving after he passed away. And these are the women of the best of generations. If the sahaba had issues with women coming to the masajid for salah, especially when there was no partition, then who are we to demand that women must be able to attend a masjid? If there is a partition and if women come with their mahrams, sure. But, if there is no partition, I think it is ridiculous to demand women to be able to come to the masjid.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #36

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People who are not even fulfilling the faraaidh should definitely look at themselves before criticizing others. As for women, the reason many scholars do not recommend women from coming to the masajid for salah is that it is unnecessary and that there is much more reward for a woman to pray within her home. It is also not that women are the cause of fitnah when they come to the masajid for salah; it is that the outside environment is a fitnah for women. That is why the ulama recommend women to not leave their houses without necessity and without their mahrams. But, the masajid should have a section for women when there are lectures and women should be allowed to come and listen, albeit from the women's section.

Also, the partition policy that Umar instated was carried over by the other khulafa as well. And not just Umar , but 'Aisha was also displeased by the women attending the masajid, making a distinction between how women behaved during the time of Rasoolullah and how they were behaving after he passed away. And these are the women of the best of generations. If the sahaba had issues with women coming to the masajid for salah, especially when there was no partition, then who are we to demand that women must be able to attend a masjid? If there is a partition and if women come with their mahrams, sure. But, if there is no partition, I think it is ridiculous to demand women to be able to come to the masjid.
This is all true, but at the end of the day it is basically an issue of Fiqh with Hanafis very much following on this line of thought and some other Muslims, including some of the Malikis holding a different view, i.e. that Masjid should ideally have space and facilities for women

A lot of women are unable to learn from works like Behishti Zewar etc due to motivational factors and other reasons, because of this

there are a lot of Muslim women who are very ignorant of Islam as first their family and then their husband have been good at protecting them from non-mahrams....but not at getting them an Islamic education...

as a result they may fail to practice the essentials of the religion because they are ignorant of them or of their importance and they often fall into superstitions and wrong beliefs.

During the life of Sheikh Uthman ibn Fodio (ra) he initially caused some controversy in West Africa by encouraging the Muslim women to come and learn Islamic knowledge at his talks and those of his representatives,

but before hand many of them did not even know correct Aqeedah or the basic practices of Islam, afterwards many of them became very learned as a result and were able to pass on what they had learned to other Muslim women.

As you say however, it is good for there to be a partition.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #37

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This is all true, but at the end of the day it is basically an issue of Fiqh with Hanafis very much following on this line of thought and some other Muslims, including some of the Malikis holding a different view, i.e. that Masjid should ideally have space and facilities for women

A lot of women are unable to learn from works like Behishti Zewar etc due to motivational factors and other reasons, because of this

there are a lot of Muslim women who are very ignorant of Islam as first their family and then their husband have been good at protecting them from non-mahrams....but not at getting them an Islamic education...

as a result they may fail to practice the essentials of the religion because they are ignorant of them or of their importance and they often fall into superstitions and wrong beliefs.

During the life of Sheikh Uthman ibn Fodio (ra) he initially caused some controversy in West Africa by encouraging the Muslim women to come and learn Islamic knowledge at his talks and those of his representatives,

but before hand many of them did not even know correct Aqeedah or the basic practices of Islam, afterwards many of them became very learned as a result and were able to pass on what they had learned to other Muslim women.

As you say however, it is good for there to be a partition.
Exactly brother, obviously what brother "AbdulWahhab" said was correct, but I just feel the Ummah would be stronger with women who are also knowledgeable. Non Muslim women would take more notice of Muslim women who are practising from knowledge, i have seen from experience that non Muslim women will not take Muslim men seriously due to the mentality that "Men do not understand women" and it would be hard for men to encourage non Muslim women to enter Islam... so if Muslim women were more involved then we would get a huge increase in female converts, even more than the present.

For women the best example after the Prophet (pbuh) are the noble wives of the Prophet (peace be upon them all), and none of them would be shy or back down in telling people about Islam. Ayesha (ra) was obviously very knowledgeable as Ayesha (ra) lived with Muhammad (pbuh) and Muhammad (pbuh) never discouraged women coming to men in matters of deen and vice versa. Muhammad (pbuh) stated "there is no shyness in Deen". In matter of worldly affairs then women can go to women or their mahrams or if it is necessary like in a workplace then other men but in matters of deen women should not be shy to come to men for advice, InshAllah.

The Quran states "O wives of the Prophet! You are not like any other women, provided that you remain [truly] conscious of God. Hence, be not over-soft in your speech, lest any whose heart is diseased should be moved to desire [you]: but, withal, speak in a kindly way" (Quran, 33:32).

So the Quran does not state women cannot talk or make their voices heard, as long as it is direct, and not soft speeched, but it still has to be in a kind manner.

Ayesha (ra) gave answers to men who asked about Muhammad (pbuh), Ayesha (ra) made her voice heard when speaking up against the killers of Uthman (ra).

The point is, yes we should be aware of all the rules that are in place to make sure evil is kept at bay. But let us not barricade women from becoming a good force for this Ummah, like the Mothers of the Believers were. Let women follow their noble example.

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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #38

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Reply to Christian Dawah.
Dearly beloved,

You are so precious to GOD. Thanks for calling me dear. I know many more things.
“In an acceptable time I have heard you, And in the day of salvation I have helped you.” Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. Sorry, for me it was in the past. I am already saved. Thank you for your concern.
GOD says that'' When you pass through the waters, I will be with you and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire you will not be burned, the flames will not set you ablaze. Sorry again, I understand that better. Those who have faith in one true God are saved while those who talk of trinity are doomed. Worry about yourself - I am freeing you from worrying about myself. Do not blame me later when you are in deep waters and blazing flames because of your beliefs that you hold and are trying to push on me. Did I do anything wrong to you?
Again GOD says that '' Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give men in exchange for you, and people in exchange for your life. Everybody is responsible for his or her own actions. That someone will be give in exchange for me is balderdash - it does not make sense. Stop fooling yourself and, more importantly, others. Yo did not pay attention to even common sense implications of your statements.

You exist in India because the Christian Britain forced its way on us in past and now that we threw them out long back you are trying preacher's tricks on us? If there was any truth in your beliefs then why did Christianity not take root in India for colonial onslaught?
GOD can not afford to loose you, because he paid a high price for your redemption.
That price is JESUS (the son of the living God) died for you. That must be a miserable God who can not afford something. We do not need such a God. Our God is free from all wants. Your God is both foolish and merciless for killing his own son for your sake. Why and when did you stop using logic and common sense? Will it not be better to shut up rather than opening your mouth and betray the silly side of your thinking?
GOD demonstrates his own love for us in this; while we were still sinners, JESUS died for us. No he (AS) did not die for us - we shall face our Lord with our own sins, if we do not repent from them in this world itself. In fact Jesus Christ (AS) did not die at all, God lifted him up as such.
Again the word of God says that ''Jesus was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification. This raising should be in this world but we can not see him at the moment - kindly talk sensible things. Religion should be clear cut, not muddled up semi-nicety.
Jesus is the only way to God and to heaven. In his time he (AS) was. Now it is the way of beloved Prophet (PBUH) - be not scared of accepting Islam.

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father (God) except through Me(Jesus). That was for the guidance of Jewish people, majority of whom rejected him. Talk to them, they call him bastard. Come to Islam we can tell many things more.

If a person lives in this world without accepting Jesus as his Lord and Savior, he will end his life in hell. That was true in case of the Jewish population and only for the duration till beloved Prophet (PBUH) came to this world. Now latter must be followed.
The blood of Jesus, his (God's) son, purifies us from all sin. God is above such things as having sons or daughters. It is a mighty lie to attribute such things to Him.
He (SWT)is not so silly as to sacrifice His son for our sins, He (SW) is free from such blames and accusations.
To purify myself from sins I simply have to repent before God in a proper manner and that is all that is needed. Let us keep the simple things simple.
If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. What you do not realize is that purification of sins does not follow through punishing of Jesus Christ (AS) - some one has pulled a cruel joke on you.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. Confession is a rather facile thing - God knows about our sins and we know about them. No confession is necessary - repentance is that is the way out. Please do not be deluded by this confession thing.

Drop this anachronous confidence in European Christianity - British are out of India and Christianity is out of west - west is Christian in name otherwise the majority has turned into atheists. You did not keep them close to religion and now you are dreaming of spoiling our faith.

For every one who calls on the name of the Lord (Jesus) will be saved. Lord is God, not Jesus Christ (AS).
You can receive Jesus now by saying and believing the following Jesus Christ (AS) will come at the time appointed by God. I shall receive him then, if I am around.
That if you confess with your mouth, '' Jesus is Lord'', and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. No Jesus Christ (AS) is not Lord. He was a slave of Lord like us except for the fact that he was also a big time messenger of Lord. No he did not die. And you will be saved only if you enter Islam. All other doors are by now closed. Please do not blame us later for not telling you. Your faith and your offer is completely and finally rejected and you are invited cordially to Islam.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified and it is with your mouth you confess and are saved. Provided you have chosen the correct faith - Islam. And distanced yourself from other faiths including Christianity. Preaching Christianity for the few bucks received from Europe and the US is no different from robbing people on the highway, for few bucks. In fact it is more heinous crime for you are destroying people's hereafter.
And the word of God says that '' yet to all who received him to those who believed in his name (Jesus),
he gave the right to become children of God. Prophethood of Jesus Christ (AS) is over and now Prophethood of beloved Rasoolallah (PBUH) reins. Even Jesus Christ (AS), in his second coming to this world, will follow the Doctrine of beloved Prophet Muhammed (PBUH).
Jesus Christ is the only name by which we must be saved, “Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Time for that has lapsed more than fourteen hundred years ago. Please wake up. At least read Bible itself.

So believe in Jesus Christ, He loves you and he will be coming soon. I believe in Jesus Christ (AS) as Allah (SWT) likes me to believe and it is quite different from your belief. You better worry for yourself, do not worry about me - I exonerate you from worrying about me. Be a Muslim.
With Regards It is difficult to have regards for you for you are slapping huge lies upon God - He (SWT) has a son, He (SWT) killed his son for you and me, His son died and so on.
For any Prayer help +91-44-25 600600 & +91-44 – 44 600600 (use only for prayer) these are Chennai numbers. It is clear that you have not been able to fool the people from there. Quit this desperation and come to the shelter provided by Islam.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #39

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Salam alaykum,

As some of the members may know, my site is available and I would like to be more involved in Da'wah activities, at least from the theological viewpoint (which is something that should not be undermined ever, no matter what else is done). But as some of the members noted above, the problem is that as of now, most of the Da'wah efforts are self-funded, so that really does not allow those who wish to go deeper into the field of Islamic propagation to leave all their other obligations and go into this matter totally.

This is one issue. The other issue is that those few places that do have money are either problematic (such as Saudi Arabian Salafism) or outright heretical (Iranian Twelverism). If we conisder the more theologically sound regions (Syria, Yemen, Pakistan, etc.) we see that they are mired in chronic poverty and warfare, an there is no way they can possibly contribute monetarily towards propagation of Islam. The proper 'Ulama from these places are mostly busy in trying to teach Islam to the Muslims first, since the waves of trials have to be repelled first by safeguarding the Muslims before going out to convert others.

Related to this matter is the fact that not all the arguments put forth in favor Islam are the proper ones. The site 'answering-christianity' was mentioned, and while it does have certain proper things, the site as a whole shows that the main authors do not have a proper grasp of traditional Islamic sciences, which obviously sinks the overall effort. So it is important to have a proper 'Aalim spearheading the efforts in order to better utilize the fusion between the possibel zeal of the layman and the knowledge of the scholars. I have to say that in my case at least, I have more or less stopped writing articles for my site, since it was recommended that an 'Aalim should take care of the verification of what is written before it is uploaded. But as of now, such help has not been coming, but Insha Allah it will come in the future.

On the basis of this, are there any suggestions in this respect so that the Dawah effort may be remedied accordingly?

Finally, we need to remember that people generally accept what is in front of them without much philosophical reasoning behind it. This is why everyone accepts the current political and economic systems in place in the world today, even though there are many criticisms of such systems by academics, even non-Muslim ones. This is relevant to note because Muslims today are in a position of total subjugation to non-Muslim powers, and no one generally wants to join or be a part of a group that shows no power or strength in the world arena; this has been true from teh beginning of human history and is true today, and is in fact one of the wisdoms behind the rulings of Islamic warfare (even though we may not discuss it directly in here, but it has its relevance to the matter at hand).
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