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#1 |
Salam brothers and sisters. I've made this post so i can strenghten my faith. I feel like i'm losing it to the point of no return. Can anyone refer me to any talks they have heard which convinced or re-inforced their belief that Islam is the truth. Has anyone had any experiences, story's?, known any karamat from Awliya.I want to become practicing 100% with no doubt, if i'm able to do this inshAllah you'll all get the reward. Thank you in advance
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#2 |
Salam brothers and sisters. I've made this post so i can strenghten my faith. I feel like i'm losing it to the point of no return. Can anyone refer me to any talks they have heard which convinced or re-inforced their belief that Islam is the truth. Has anyone had any experiences, story's?, known any karamat from Awliya.I want to become practicing 100% with no doubt, if i'm able to do this inshAllah you'll all get the reward. Thank you in advance I suggest you go through the book section of Harun yahya and read some of the great works there. |
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#3 |
![]() Read the book "Hayatus Sahabah" which comes in 3 volumes. You can find the soft copy online too if you want to download inshaaAllah. |
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#4 |
Salam brothers and sisters. I've made this post so i can strenghten my faith. I feel like i'm losing it to the point of no return. Can anyone refer me to any talks they have heard which convinced or re-inforced their belief that Islam is the truth. Has anyone had any experiences, story's?, known any karamat from Awliya.I want to become practicing 100% with no doubt, if i'm able to do this inshAllah you'll all get the reward. Thank you in advance ![]() ![]() Mashaik e chisti It contains the seerah of Rasoolullah ![]() ![]() |
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#5 |
![]() Here are some superb superb lectures: Nouman Ali khan Never give up hope: Levels if faith: Who are the people of Taqwa: Sulaiman Moola Depression vs contentment: Shaykh Hasan Ali Wretched soul: Temptations of Dunya: Mufti Menk: Means Of Recognising And Fighting Shaitaan From Within: P.s. If you want more, search youtube with the above speakers names, there are short videos of 5-10 mins of them too. They are really good imaan boosters. Don't forget to make dua to Allah. |
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#6 |
Salam brothers and sisters. I've made this post so i can strenghten my faith. I feel like i'm losing it to the point of no return. Can anyone refer me to any talks they have heard which convinced or re-inforced their belief that Islam is the truth. Has anyone had any experiences, story's?, known any karamat from Awliya.I want to become practicing 100% with no doubt, if i'm able to do this inshAllah you'll all get the reward. Thank you in advance When I think about the general gist of your posts and threads to date it does not surprise me that you have a crisis of faith (if indeed you are genuine and are not a mischief maker). I suspect that stopping reading anti-Islamic materials and repeating their contents on Muslim forums would be a big step towards stronger imaan for you. Increase your worship and good deeds and decrease your sins and harmfulness if you want Allah to give you strong faith - faith is a gift from Allah he gives it to whom He wills and He opens up the path to disbelief to whomever He wills, so change your relationship with Allah if you want to be saved. |
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#7 |
Assalamualikum wr wb brother
please read the Quran; listen to it, and read a translation suitable for you; that initself is a great miracle to confirm/affirn one's belief in Islam also listen to any of the shaykh hamza yusuf videos on youtube; he is like a honey pot with sweet nectar just oozing out of him; mashAllah when i listen to him i can just hear the miracle [that islam is indeed the truth] just pouring out of him also think about the hell-fire brother; trust me you dont want to die a desbeliever and abide in there forever!; so hold on to Islam with your molars and never let go! let me tell you of miracles i experience every day; when my heart fills heavy and guilty with sin, when i turn to salaah, i can feel all that shed away and by the end of salaah, i feel at peace again and innocent like a baby [well nearly]; sin allways naturally brings on a terrible feeling while good deeds makes you feel good and restores peace in the heart; confirmation that indeed what Allah says is bad, is bad and what he says is good, is good i get attacked [grabbed and held down] by jins sometimes in bed [while i'm half asleep or sort of dozing, or sometimes i could swear i was awake!] and it is only zikr that makes them loosen their grip and flee and check the following surah out and witness the divine signs just flowing out of it; Allahuakbar!; it can only be from Allah!: [ps the same for all surahs]: may Allah guide you and save you ... ameen |
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#8 |
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#9 |
Quran 2:2 (Pickthall translation) "This is the Scripture whereof there is no doubt, a guidance unto those who ward off (evil). "
The odd and even number of surah; Quran, again; The statement of "seven heavens" is repeated seven times. "The creation of the heavens (khalq as-samawat)" is also repeated seven times. "Day (yawm)" is repeated 365 times in singular form, while its plural and dual forms "days (ayyam and yawmayn)" together are repeated 30 times. The number of repetitions of the word "month" (shahar) is 12. The number of repetitions of the words "plant" and "tree" is the same: 26 The word "payment or reward" is repeated 117 times, while the expression "forgiveness" (mughfirah), which is one of the basic morals of the Qur'an, is repeated exactly twice that amount, 234 times. When we count the word "Say," we find it appears 332 times. We arrive at the same figure when we count the phrase "they said." The number of times the words, "world" (dunya) and "hereafter" (akhira) are repeated is also the same: 115 The word "satan" (shaitan) is used in the Qur'an 88 times, as is the word "angels" (malaika). The word faith (iman) (without genitive) is repeated 25 times throughout the Qur'an as is also the word infidelity (kufr). The words "paradise" and "hell" are each repeated 77 times. The word "zakah" is repeated in the Qur'an 32 times and the number of repetitions of the word "blessing" (barakah) is also 32. The expression "the righteous" (al-abraar) is used 6 times but "the wicked" (al-fujjaar) is used half as much, i.e., 3 times. The number of times the words "Summer-hot" and "winter-cold" are repeated is the same: 5. The words "wine" (khamr) and "intoxication" (saqara) are repeated in the Qur'an the same number of times: 6 The number of appearances of the words "mind" and "light" is the same: 49. The words "tongue" and "sermon" are both repeated 25 times. The words "benefit" and "corrupt" both appear 50 times. "Reward" (ajr) and "action" (fail) are both repeated 107 times. "Love" (al-mahabbah) and "obedience" (al-ta'ah) also appear the same number of times: 83 The words "refuge" (maseer) and "for ever" (abadan) appear the same number of times in the Qur'an: 28. The words "disaster" (al-musibah) and "thanks" (al-shukr) appear the same number of times in the Qur'an: 75. "Sun" (shams) and "light" (nur) both appear 33 times in the Qur'an. In counting the word "light" only the simple forms of the word were included. The number of appearances of "right guidance" (al-huda) and "mercy" (al-rahma) is the same: 79 The words "trouble" and "peace" are both repeated 13 times in the Qur'an. The words "man" and "woman" are also employed equally: 23 times. The number of times the words "man" and "woman" are repeated in the Qur'an, 23, is at the same time that of the chromosomes from the egg and sperm in the formation of the human embryo. The total number of human chromosomes is 46; 23 each from the mother and father. "Treachery" (khiyanah) is repeated 16 times, while the number of repetitions of the word "foul" (khabith) is 16. "Human being" is used 65 times: the sum of the number of references to the stages of man's creation is the same: i.e. Human being 65 Soil (turab) 17 Drop of Sperm (nutfah) 12 Embryo ('alaq) 6 A half formed lump of flesh (mudghah) 3 Bone ('idham) 15 Flesh (lahm) 12 TOTAL 65 The word "salawat" appear five times in the Qur'an, and Allah has commanded man to perform the prayer (salat) five times a day. The non-Muslim always try to undermine the Quran, whereas it's them who are wrong. They say that the mountains were the result of the tectonic movement, and it's not as the stabilizer as mentioned in the Quran. But then they concede that without the mountains, the plate will continue to slid on top of each other. Then isn't that is exactly the roles of the mountains as mentioned in the Quran, that is as the stabilizer? So now they say the ants do not talk, they can't produce sound. Again, they were proven wrong. And again they are speechless. It's going like that everytime, on every subject mentioned in the Quran. About the "knocking stars", about the barriers within the seas, and so on. These occurences happen like these since the moment of the Prophet ![]() Every Muslim today is truly blessed with eeman. And this eeman, no matter how small, is worth more than this Earth and everything in it. We should be grateful to Allah ![]() ![]() Allah Knows Best. |
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#10 |
Imaan is a light from Allah. No amount of information load would be useful unless the information is under the light of Imaan. It is only with this light that you taste and appreciate the information you read and listen on Islam.
So to obtain this light you need to first of all make sincere dua to Allah and also seek refuge from satans wisperings. In addition you should sit and associate with ulema of zikr and the light of the imaan would pour through them onto you. Those who gone through periods of doubts are lucky in the sense that they can "taste" imaan. Knowing the taste requires going through absence of taste just as light cannot be aappreciated without darkness. You may have felt this breeze of nature that that makes you feel everythig around you is beautiful and in peace. Similarily Imaan is mike a breeze where you'd suddenly feel that everything is clear right there infront of your eyes all the time and for some odd reason you didnt feel it before. You'd want to fall in prostration and cry and magnify Allah's praise Finally,if you have some intellectual questions or dilemmas that you need answers for, perhaps you can ask here and we could help by answering it in our capacity and help dismantle the intellectual blocks. If your engaging in some debates, then you should know that you should engage in one only if you have the capacity and knowledge to do so. Ignorant cannot guide the ignorant. Either way, now since your already there, we could inshallah help if you have some really fundamental question that effects the basis of your submission to Islam. |
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#11 |
In addition to the good advice given by others here:
1) Give sadaqa (a little or alot it is up to you) every day, even if as little as 1 dollar. 2) Make sure your income is halal. 3) Make sure you are not harming anyone either verbally, physically or monetarily (including neighbours, friends, parents, siblings) 4) Try to have family meals together and pray the duas before and after eating 5) Try to be in wudu as often as possible 6) Remember Allah swt as often as possible, keep your gaze down and do not use your imagination to fantasize, block it. 7) Have a good opinion of Allah swt and other not even look down on unbelievers unless they are openly hostile to Muslims and want or desire the best for everyone. When you see someone with some blessings pray for them and ask for thyeir increase. 8) Be kind and gentle towards the young and old 9) Renew and strengthen ties of kinship, visit elderly and sick relatives or at least keep in touch and have good relations with them, if they are rude to you.. repay them with kindness. 10) Give up hope in having anything from anyone, only have your focus on Allah the Giver. |
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#12 |
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh may Allah save you from misguidance and give you strong imaan brother I wasn't expecting this sort of reply so thanks a lot, this forums a lot more helpful than any other forum, people are actually willing to help. For the moment, can people share stories or experiences which re-affirmed their faith. Also, is there any books i can read, or lectures which prove that Islam can not be from anyone but Allah, or lectures that have helped you yourselves realize this is the truth (without a shadow of a doubt), also lectures wherein learned shaykhs talk about the karimat they've experienced through their shaykhs, just stuff like that. Lectures on how the Qur'an is a miracle (seen some Nouman ali khan ones but others will be very useful along with this. I also once heard about a lecture by Hamza Yusuf where he talks about karamat of the awliya, it would be great if someone could locate this for me. Please help me on this, and may Allah reward you. Lastly, i want to devote myself 100% to Islam, and practice it full on, that's why i am asking all these questions. The prophet (peace be upon him) was right when he said holding on to your iman will be like having hot coal in ure hands (or something to that effect). I look forward to you all replying. jzk |
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#13 |
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#14 |
![]() Allah Azza Wa Jal has made an organ in the body of human being which is controller of the whole body, that organ is heart...! Heart is the king of body, whatever is in your heart, your actions follow it. If heart contains strong imaan (conviction that whatever happens , happens by the will of Allah), love of Allah, fear of Allah, Desire for Jannah(Paradise), Fear of Jahannam (hell), etc it will become easy for a person to put islam into his life and on the other hand if heart is empty of these qualities and it is filled in turn with love of world, hatred for muslims, doubt on existence of Allah and paradise and hell, then it will be difficult for a person to put islam into his to become a 100% muslim with strong imaan, one will have to make imaan strong and imaan increase by consistent (takraar) listening and talking of the unseen that is Allah, his qualities, paradise, hell, etc....this thing is not available anywhere these days , not in college, schools, not on internet, just one place that is company of pious people...and the easiest way to join them is to spent some time with least 3 days, so that imaan may boost up enough to give up sins and to obey Allah and his rasool ![]() Spent time with tabligh at least 3 days, and then do the aamals which they tell you..! Insha Allah, it is guaranteed that your imaan will surely increase, if someone doubts it, he should himself spent time with tabligh, there is no alternative proof of it...! |
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