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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #21

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Mashallah great stuff. So give us some info from the book guys....
All the top sufiya(barring a few) on one thread, you menz are on another level

top stuff, people, deep...

finally a thread that i can get my head around
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #22

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Shaikh ra himself has summarized it as follows :
"The summary of all 'tareeq' are only TWO things:OBEDIENCE TO ALLAH SWT AND REMEMBERING HIM.Now 'sins' are against obedience,and Ghaflat is against rememberence;Therefore the actual thing to do is to be steadfast in obedience and always remember Allah swt,.....and to leave sins and Ghaflat"
So simply explained

How i see things is somehow in the mix of things these aims get lost in translation (not literal translation), but in reality the concept is so easy to understand.

This should be the reality of Tassawuff, this should be the face of Tassawuff

may allah give me and us the ability to understand the true message of his deen,ameen
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #23

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Woah Woah Woah you guys are too fast man. Look I am a slow person, I need to analyze one line at a time. Can we please go back to first hidayath and restart there? I am still lost about the vocabulary in that line.

(1) Faqeer - where in the Quran has this word come and in what context and can we provide some sort of a short tafsir from a good tafsir about it?

Brother Talib e Ilm has introduced something with his translation of the word aaraasta, he translated "adorn" - what does this mean also?

Is it ok to restart again slowely from first line or shall we continue on with the discussion?
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #24

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Woah Woah Woah you guys are too fast man. Look I am a slow person, I need to analyze one line at a time. Can we please go back to first hidayath and restart there? I am still lost about the vocabulary in that line.

(1) Faqeer - where in the Quran has this word come and in what context and can we provide some sort of a short tafsir from a good tafsir about it?

Brother Talib e Ilm has introduced something with his translation of the word aaraasta, he translated "adorn" - what does this mean also?

Is it ok to restart again slowely from first line or shall we continue on with the discussion?

If you are planning to dig deep Shaikh then this Fake Mureed will evaporate away faster than brother Fake Shaikh. So please, please keep the things simple.
If have lost some thing and then I show patience on this loss hoping for reward from my Lord Most High then I have adorned myself with patience-Sabr.
When I get a good company, like Shaikh Fusus, Fake Shaikh, Talib-e-Ilm, Nayyar Arsh etc, and then I say to Allah (SWT) that it merely by your Mercy that I got this company then I have decorated myself with thankfulness-Shukr.
When I control my urge to burst out at the irritation caused by the trolls at SF I have made myself fanciful of fear of Allah Jallajalaluhu-(part of) Taqwa.
When a visitor just keeps rejecting all the evidence in favour of hadith and I accept it as his choice then I am also accepting Allah(SWT)'s decision to keep him away from a crucial piece of guidance (however painful the decision is) then I am clothing myself with the acceptance of Allah(SWT)'s Will-Rada.
And so on so forth. (I love this one-I pious teacher of mine used this as his takiya kalam=pet phrase.)

Of course firmness (istaqamat) on these things is the next crucial thing. And that is it.

So what is is so deep about it? Of course it is difficult. No one is saying that it is easy. And if it is easy for some one then Allah(SWT) is indeed very kind to him.

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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #25

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Woah Woah Woah you guys are too fast man. Look I am a slow person, I need to analyze one line at a time. Can we please go back to first hidayath and restart there? I am still lost about the vocabulary in that line.

(1) Faqeer - where in the Quran has this word come and in what context and can we provide some sort of a short tafsir from a good tafsir about it?

Brother Talib e Ilm has introduced something with his translation of the word aaraasta, he translated "adorn" - what does this mean also?

Is it ok to restart again slowely from first line or shall we continue on with the discussion?
Yes,shaikh,it is perfectly ok.Infact i already felt it,but then it was too late,i restricted myself only to word Faqeer in my last post,and i agree we should go along with the Book under discussion,and add any information needed accordingly.So yes,let us see what Quran and Hadeeth says about Faqeer,if any........but later,not now !
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #26

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Ok so this is what we gain so far:


He is saying that the objective is to attain the pleasure of Allah swt and the means to attain the pleasure of Allah swt is to bring our life totally and completely on the commandments of Allah swt, to live our life how Allah swt wants us to live. Then he says that some of these commandments are "zaahiri" (the definition of "zaahiri" will come later on scroll down), then he lists some of these "zaahiri actions" by mentioning: salaat zakaat such and such, he gives a list of what is termed as "zaahiri" actions, and we will see later down this post what the brothers have given definition of "zaahiri actions."

And then we are entering into this:


(3) Some of the contributions from brother Talibul Ilm and brother Maripat and Nayyarsh (basically the English translation or gist of what is posted above in Urdu):

"Hidayat No 1:

The meaning of Faqeeri is to adorn one's zaahir (the body, the external acts)
and baatin(the heart and soul).The zaahir is adorned by means of acts related to and rendered by the physical body.
Practising such acts is essential. Such acts are Salaat, Fasting, etc.

The "baatin" is adorned by the cultivation of true beliefs and virtuous qualities such as Ikhlaas[sincerity],
shukr[gratitude], sabr[patience], zuhd[elimination of worldly love] and tawaaadhu' [humility].

This description, vis. adornment of the zaahir and baatin, is one stage of Faqiri."

"Literal meaning is of course beggar hood but actual meaning is detachment from this world (zuhd) which is further refined by Shaikh to signify adorning one's internal and external character.
Zahir is external. This not only includes physical appearance but also the appearance of actions-in deed this latter thing is the main meaning of Zahir. This is the manifestation of character.
Batin is internal. This is about the soul and the psyche. There are many atheists who have excellent external character. (This sinner painfully knows few of them.)"

"Faqeeri in this context probably means "the one whose heart is not attached to dunya"."

I think that the word "faqeeri" used here is to describe those who are engaged in tasawwuf, not defining the quality of faqr itself. What I mean is that the author here in Tas-heel Qasdus Sabeel is saying that "those who are engaged in tasawwuf, those who study tasawwuf, those who teach tasawwuf, those who are associated and connected in any way to tasawwuf, they have adorned their zaahir and baatin...."

He isnt talking about the quality of faqr itself but he is using faqr and faqeer to describe those who are associated to tasawwuf (peeri-faqeeri is a synonym for tasawwuf in Indo/Pak). Did I understand his usage of the term faqeeri right or wrong?

Now, he has said something that is absolutely outstanding and has totally uplifted my spirits, reading this is like putting on a beautiful attar:

After mentioning the zahiri ahkaam, or as the brothers have defined as "the external acts" that we do, such as offering 5 times prayer, such as performing Hajj, such as giving zakaat, such as nikkah, etc. those actions carried out by the limbs of our body, after briefly mentioning some of these actions then he says that these rules are related to the field of fiqah (Islamic jurispudence, Islamic law). So for those who are engaged in tasawwuf, it seems that the field of Islamic law jurispudence is indispensible, absolutely necessary, they cannot carry on without the field of Islamic law and jurispudence, its a necessity.

What do you guys think so far? Is the first hidayath being understood properly or what am I missing? What can you add on?
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #27

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Yes realized later that I should have said that faqiri is meant in the sense of tasawwuf.

Please edit the pot to put quote marks around my words so that people do not get confused.

Finally since I have not gone through the book it will be nice to have khulasa of khulasa.

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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #28

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This hopefully will erase from the minds of people the misunderstanding that tasawwuf is something outside of Quran and Hadith and that Islamic law has nothing to do with tasawwuf. From the get-go the first thing mentioned are the external actions and then it is mentioned that these actions are governed by the Islamic law - fiqah.

Does this mean that we all have to become a mufti before we can tread the path of tasawwuf?
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #29

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Yes realized later that I should have said that faqiri is meant in the sense of tasawwuf.

Please edit the pot to put quote marks around my words so that people do not get confused.

Finally since I have not gone through the book it will be nice to have khulasa of khulasa.

Well, we have discussed a good portion of the first hidayat from the book. We even posted the original and also the tas-heel. You gave some very good input also and contributed to the discussion. But tell me, after reading all this so far on the thread about the teachings of the 1st hidayat, what is coming to your mind? What ideas are developing? What are you thinking about?
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #30

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Yes realized later that I should have said that faqiri is meant in the sense of tasawwuf.

Please edit the pot to put quote marks around my words so that people do not get confused.

Finally since I have not gone through the book it will be nice to have khulasa of khulasa.


My dear bro, if you need a khulasa of khulasa. then i'll need a khulasa of khulasa x 6!
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #31

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My dear bro, if you need a khulasa of khulasa. then i'll need a khulasa of khulasa x 6!

Even there this sinner will be with you.
When it comes to Hazrat Thanwi(RA)'s books then language has to be solidly on your side.
I have made several attempts at Kamalaat-e-Ashrafia and in every attempt I get fizzled out in few malfoozat-not few pages. I have never touched Bayan-ul-Quran. For years I was stuck with a phrase in Ta'alim-ud-Deen-never got the courage to ask my Shaikh about its meaning. In this case I knew what the answer most probably would be-I'll be told not to indulge in technical things. Once I saw a video in which a westernized brother was puzzled that there was Urdu to Urdu translation of a book by Hazrat Thanwi(RA). So there we are. We can do with all the help that comes in our way.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #32

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I hear you bro...

I think it was bro colonel on another thread where he gave a example of this (language of Hardrat Thanwi (RA) and many people were not able to grasp his style of language and the depth of his words), i think it was the muadudi thread (allah knows best)
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #33

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Once i saw a video in which a westernized brother was puzzled that there was urdu to urdu translation of a book by hazrat thanwi(ra). So there we are. We can do with all the help that comes in our way.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #34

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I have written all the "ART" for you.
Here is my poor joke of the day. What is the meaning of ART?
A for Aakhirat, R for Risaalat and T for Tauheed. That is the ART of Islam.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #35

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You can download the book here: http://islamicbookslibrary.wordpress...li-thanvi-r-a/

Risala starts at p. 489.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #36

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Here is my poor joke of the day. What is the meaning of ART?
A for Aakhirat, R for Risaalat and T for Tauheed. That is the ART of Islam.
MashaAllah Maripat,may Allah swt increase your wisdom even further.
This reminds me of one Shaikh of silsila Ashrafia from Waziristan,telling me his dream.He said "I saw Hazrat Thanvi ra in my dream,i asked,i have heard that you(Hazrat Thanvi ra) have written more than 1400 books,i am a simple tribal man,how can i be expected to read all of them ?. Hazrat smiled and said,'All right then i must tell you the summary of what i have written in those books.ME KO CHORO...MEEM KO PAKRO"".The Shaikh who saw this dream reported it to his Shaikh,Molana Abdul Hameed Hurmazi ra,a khalifa of Hazrat Thanvi in Waziristan,and asked the meaning.The reply was "LEAVE YOUR ANA (me) AND FOLLOW MEEM( Muhammad swallallaho alaihe wa sallam.)
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #37

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Masha'Allah guys nice discussion. Let us keep our focus now as we introduce a new aspect - can anyone go into the books of Hakeem ul Ummat and either post something or quote a passage referring to the same concept found in Hidayat 1? Insha'Allah. Let us see in 1 or 2 other books of Hakeem ul Ummat and compare to Qasdus Sabeel. Then move on to hidayat 2, discuss compare contrast, move onto hidayat 3 etc.

I was thinking regarding "zahiri actions", can we post something about zahiri actions from Hakeem ul Ummat books such as Hayatul Muslimeen? Can anyone post something? Then we will compare contrast discuss and then move on.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #38

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I think shaikh you have covered the major portion of it in post 26,but as you said Zahir is not only physical appearences,it also includes,in addition to Ibadaat, Muashirat,Muamilat,and where applicable,"Adle ejtemai" or Politics.The necessary things about all these are written in "Taleem ud din" and other related books.Let us collect some relevant information and post it in a day or two.
One thing must be noted:In Hazrat,s views,Full Din comprise of
1) Aqaed
2) Ibadaat

Each one of these catagories encompases both Zahir and Batin.Just to give an example,Praying salat is a Zahiri,physical,act,but "Khushoo and khuzoo" in salat are Batini acts.Giving "Sadaqat" is a Zahiri act but keeping pure intentions in it is a Batini element,So there might be overlapes everywhere in practice,but for the sake of going in an orderly way,we should keep both separate,pointing towards it only when necessary.
I remember (probably from Tazkirae Suleman),that some one asked syed sb ra:"Qasd us
sabeel is a complete book,but it does not mention Jehad in it". Syed sb asked "Is jehad part of Sharia?",The Answer was 'Yes'......."Then it is mentioned in the very First Hidayat to Follow Sharia in Zahir and Batin,which includes Jehad too"
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #39

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I think shaikh you have covered the major portion of it in post 26,but as you said Zahir is not only physical appearences,it also includes,in addition to Ibadaat, Muashirat,Muamilat,and where applicable,"Adle ejtemai" or Politics.The necessary things about all these are written in "Taleem ud din" and other related books.Let us collect some relevant information and post it in a day or two.
One thing must be noted:In Hazrat,s views,Full Din comprise of
1) Aqaed
2) Ibadaat

Each one of these catagories encompases both Zahir and Batin.Just to give an example,Praying salat is a Zahiri,physical,act,but "Khushoo and khuzoo" in salat are Batini acts.Giving "Sadaqat" is a Zahiri act but keeping pure intentions in it is a Batini element,So there might be overlapes everywhere in practice,but for the sake of going in an orderly way,we should keep both separate,pointing towards it only when necessary.
I remember (probably from Tazkirae Suleman),that some one asked syed sb ra:"Qasd us
sabeel is a complete book,but it does not mention Jehad in it". Syed sb asked "Is jehad part of Sharia?",The Answer was 'Yes'......."Then it is mentioned in the very First Hidayat to Follow Sharia in Zahir and Batin,which includes Jehad too"
Please if someone can translate the Urdu words into English it would be very beneficial. Jazakallah.
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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #40

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One thing must be noted:In Hazrat,s views,Full Din comprise of
1) Aqaed
So the first step to tread on the path of tasawwuf is to bring our aqaid, beliefs, in conformity of the laws of Islam.
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