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#21 |
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#22 |
This is a very strong prescription for ppl suffering from Magic.... |
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#23 |
Dude, brain power and Dhikar is more than enough to overcome possesion of Black Magic or Jinn or whatever......... Believe me! Please think before you type something are you in my shoes , are you going through what I am so how can you judge so easily and say there is no such thing as black magic It is mentioned in Quran more than 50 times. Besides Our prophet P.B.U.H was effected by black magic, he is Allah's Apostle and being so close to Allah he was inflicted so Allah has left proof in Quran that black magic does exist. |
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#24 |
Brother, The kind of posts u'v replied above don't deserve a single second to be dedicated. This seems to be the best way these people have to be helpful mashALLAH. So let them be. Just pray they don't find themselves in similir circumstances, sorry to say but what they really deserve. May ALLAH rid you of all yr sufferings, concerns & worries, and shower you with His blessings. Ma'assalam |
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#25 |
Brother, |
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#27 |
Sister, I deeply apologise for my disconcern. I do know Black Magic exists and agree with all its surrounding facts. What i was saying is; maybe Wazaa'if and Taaweez given by Ulamaah isnt the only road out of this. But if you have found your own way then...... Allah be with you My Sister , it is some like that which i usually give an example that every thing should need some rules and regulation in order to do success . Let me explain , if you are Alima you might have all knowledge what our Holy proplhet Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam does and some thing is what he prefer to his sahaba ikram rizwanullahi ajmain . if you have all the knowledge you will follow it Insha Allah you will be cure ofcourse by the help of Allah Almighty . if you do not know how to praise Allah and you are not asking for any one and doing what you prefer , then remember it will not be accepted you lord Allah Almighty will Insha Allah ask at the day of judgement that cant you find any one to whom you get about what Allah says about Black magic ? . ofcourse every thing should be done by only and only Allah Almighty but dont you think that if in case sahaba found they ask to Prophet if wee see the history after prophet have you seen any where when Tabi'en found some problem they ask a proper solution to Sahaba ? till now when we will suffer to any problem we consider to Uluma . So My sister dont be think that you do with 7your self it is not like that but it is some thing that you ask proper treatment what Allah Deen recomded not you. i hope you will understand . Now the question will occure that some fraud people are mis guiding people so it the necessary for that person who is going to some one for verifying who is this perosn what his background what is the name of his teacher who taugh him . if you verify then you will be Insha Allah at the right place where Allah and his Rasool Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam lkes Jazakumullah Khairan Hasbunallahu Wanai'mal Wakeel Na'mal Maula Wa Na'mannaseer |
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#30 |
Sister, First of all please note that you must not go to anyone who asks for your mothers name and date of birth, asks you to sacrifice an animal or wtites any unusual number and arabic letter on paper, as these people are just magicians. You will not be healed by this but your condition will get worse. I know this because i have looked into possession, black majic and evil eye in detail. Please go onto and click books on the top. here you will find a book called JINN & HUMAN SICKNESS which is very detailed and shows you how you can carry out ruqya by yourself and which ayas you need to recite in order. You can open/download this book from their website. You need to go and see somebody who carries out RUQYA treatment, which is done by reciting the holy quran because any jinn possession, black magic, evil eye is not greater than Allah (SWT). If he (ALLAH SWT) wills then nothing can harm you. also go into a website called This will show you how Magicians carry out their magic and lists all the people worldwide that carry our excorcisms. Please take serious notice of this and get professional help by a professional raqi. On this website you will find people in Rawalpindi, Islamabad and Lahore with contact numbers. A raqi will carry this treatment out for free generally or charge a very low fee which cover things they will use like oil, water etc. Inshallah by the will of ALLAH (SWT) you will be healed from this evil. |
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#31 |
Aslam-alaiqum, I know exorcists and i have books of Ulama having Taweez which contain numbers in it, this includes the likes of Shah Wali Allah(ar), Ashraf ali thanvi(ar), Imam Suyuti(ar) etc. There is nothing wrong with sacrificing an Animal as long as it is for Allah and for the sake of Esal e Sawab. Exorcists ask mothers name because they want to know through their Jinns if the person is possessed or not. Infact Shah Wali Allah(ar) says to keep jinn out of one;s house one should hang the names of Ashab e Kahf on the walls, this is present in Qaul e Jameel, like many other methods he proposes. Ruqya solves the problem ofcourse, but this doesn't mean everything else is wrong. |
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#32 |
Brother Sufi Taliban, You have rightly pointed this out. There is nothing wrong in sacrificing sadqa animal in the name of Allah.
Rukya meaning in Urdu is what we refer to as "DUM". It is an effective method but NOT in all cases. There are possession and black magic cases where even doctors give highly toxic medicines to patients just to stop halucinations and make them sleep. Saudi's and Wahabi's would keep waiting 4 months doing Rukya even if their patient dies. Voodoo magic is so cruel it has INSTANT effects on victim. The ones who does Voodoo can KILL people in 3 to 4 months if victim has no idea whats happening to him. I have seen people getting cured by Taweez, Roohaniyat, Crystals, Energy Therapy, etc. Japanese version is called REIKI. Indian's use VEDIC techniques (Chakras, wrist bands, amulets, etc). If we study history, Muslim scholars were pioneers of Mathematics (Numerology), Astrology and other ALOOM. There is nothing wrong if a person in critical situation uses this way of treatment. I know people here who have Moakils. They send their Moakils to check condition of black magic on their client and then provide remedies. I also have seen a case where eldest daughter of one of our family friends got admitted in Fauji Foundation Hospital. She was in comma like situation. Doctors claimed she won't survive more than a week and asked her father to take her home. The poor family consulted some Aamil who has Moakil. Aamil sahib said the girl will be OK in 3 weeks. She was given TAWEEZ and some other things. She got CURED and is living happy married life now. It was a black magic attack. |
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#33 |
Brother Sufi Taliban, You have rightly pointed this out. There is nothing wrong in sacrificing sadqa animal in the name of Allah. My brother , your saying voodoo magic kills people within 3 to 4 month , i dont agree with this , no one can kill and no one can born except Allah , if a person has to be died no amil can cure it , actually amil not cure he just does amal Allah cure him ( Wallahu Yashfeek ) No mokkil can cure nothing else except Allah Almighty these are only the source of doing treatment !!! . "There is nothing wrong if a person in critical situation uses this way of treatment." i totally disagree with this you cannot do any thing which is not given to us . Do that which our Holy prophet Salallahu Alaihi wasallam does and sahab ikram rizwanullahi ajmain do , then if you will not be cure then tell me i m 100 % sure and Alhamdulilah these are our Mushaida !!!. Allah says that summary When Haq comes the wrong ( evils) Runs away , Running away is a fate of evil ![]() "Japanese version is called REIKI. Indian's use VEDIC techniques (Chakras, wrist bands, amulets, etc)" |
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#34 |
Aslamaalikum ,
Can anyone of the brothers who have posted number for help find out through their spiritual teachers that if someone reads Surah MUZAMIL 40 times for 40 days and even more up to 1000 times can Muakils appear if so do they harm? Also the intention of reading surah MUZAMIL was different like to get good proposal not to capture jinn. Please can anyone reply it would be greatly appreciated. I heard that Surah Muzamil is very strong so I just want to make sure if its black magic or Muakils appearing themselves. |
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#35 |
Aslamaalikum , Reading this kind of thing by oneself without any spiritual supervision is dangerous, as far as I know. |
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#36 |
Wa alaykum salam, JazakALLAH for yr kind post and the information. Really sorry for my question due to my limited knowledge. Do we need any spiritual supervision to recite any specific Surah/s or Aayaat from the Holy Quran? I understand that such supervision would be from a Sheikh or a Tariqa leader to whom one is attached (mureed), but what if one is not attached with any tariqa or sheikh? ALLAH o yujzeek ajran katheeran Ma'assalam |
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#37 |
Wa alaykum salam,
Brother, reading ayats and surahs from the quran in and of themself without the intention of doing an 'amal' (in which case you wouldn't be reading them 40 times for example) is ok and you don't need any permission. However, doing so with intention of amal can be harmful if you don't do it under supervision of somebody that knows about it. Yes, I would say kamil shaykhs of tareeqas would have knowledge in this matter (although I don't think they would be keen on lay people contacting jinn). Also, even trustworthy amils that have learnt it already would be able to direct you. They should have a teacher themselves. This kind of thing isn't something that you read from a book and start practising. |
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#38 |
Wa alaykum salam, Thank you so much for your reply. I was told the same thing you have to have a supervision of some one who knows but at that tie my mother did not know that reading Quran in that particular manner can have devastating consequences. I mean she did not know. So brother what should one do can you find out through some teacher you know please I would greatly appreciate it. We are going through alot for the past 6 yrs now its very hard so many people have so many different opinions. But my mother was told Surah Muzamil is very jalali so can have very strong effects if there is no one watching your back meaning there shoule be a pious person for an amal that is being performed. What can one do if they are disturbing and destroying us basically. See unfortunately we know for a fact that there are jinns there because of our nigtmares and other symptons but we dont know how they came i ean through my mothers amal readings or through black magic or through any other medium but regardless what is the cure for Muakils appearing if someone does amal without a supervision? Please guide ifanyone knows. |
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#39 |
Wa alaykum salam, Thank you so much for your reply. So what can we do please guide since my mother did not know. does any one know of some sheik that we can contact. See if you talk to some people they say oh no nonno reading quran can never have strong effects but some people say that Surah Muzamil is very jalali strong and can have a devastating effects if not read under supervision. I am not sure what to do please guide. |
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#40 |
Wa alaykum salam sister,
I too have heard from various sources that Surah Muzamil is jalali. It shouldn't be read with the intention of amal without supervision. Try praying loads of durood though cos that is the opposite of jalali and usually people pray it at least 3 times before and after before doing any jalali amal. It is also one of the ways in which bad happenings can be removed from our lives. There are numerous blessings of reciting durood. For example, by sending one blessing on Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alaihe Wasalam, Allah showers ten blessings upon you. Follow these steps and inshaAllah things will improve with regards to magic: 1. Be sincere to Allah. Resolve to put Deen above Dunya completely and have the resolve that you would die for your deen, if the situation were to arise. 2. Try to feel for the existence of Allah. Don't think of prayer and dua as just empty physical gestures and whispered words, but actually CONNECT with Allah from your heart. Have faith. 3. Pray all salah on time to the best of your ability. After each salah: recite ayatul kursi once. 3. Try to remain in a constant state of wudhu at all times. Make wudhu before sleeping too. 4. Pray Surah Baqarah in the house. This surah keeps aways shaytan - they can't come in a house this is recited in for three days. It's a long surah, so I realise it would be difficult to pray everyday, but at least a few pages a day should be done. Also, play the entire surah on MP3 loud in the house daily. 5. Recite Manzil (collection of quranic ayat that help remove magic) over a bottle water each night. Drink the water and sprinkle the water lightly around the walls of your house. Do this every day. 6. Every morning, after Fajr and at night (preferebly after Maghrib), have a set of duas ready that you pray with full consciousness and attentiveness toward Allah. Ask them in English as well as Arabic so that you know what you're asking. Here. This is a file with some of the duas I like which I think would be useful for you. Also try and pray the duas here. There's some good ones in that page. Pick out the ones that you like and make a regular habit to pray them everyday. BELIEVE that your duas ARE being accepted and your trust in Allah will increase InshaAllah - thus, you will feel less anxious about things in life. 7. Pray Hajat salah every night. Again, with full consciousness. You do this by first reading two rakat nafil, then you praise Allah however many times (perhaps by saying SubhanAllah), then you send salam on the Prophet SAW however many times you want, then you read this dua and then finally make dua that Allah cures you all and protects you (and ask anything else you want). 8. Say as much salawat/durood as you can. 9. Before you sleep, pray surah ikhlaas, surah falaq and surah naas three times and blow it over yourself. Initially you might feel things getting worse but that is just the magic/jinn fighting back but inshaAllah if you stick at it, you will become stronger and the effects of evil will diminish. If you do these steps every day, you will InshaAllah have far greater control over any magic and you will be more motivated toward deen. Never leave dua. Do hajat dua every day. It really does help a lot. Allah has made it clear that the dua of an oppressed person is certainly answered so you even have an advantage over other people. |
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