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aceriscoolon 09-04-2012 02:56 AM

What is a real Man?

5 minutes 24 seconds

Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) said, "The strong is not the one who overcomes the people by his strength, but the strong is the one who controls himself while in anger." [Bukhari]

Freeptube 09-04-2012 02:56 AM

There is not much to fear from a Muslim who views his own life as more important than the Ummah – but an “Ummah conscious” Muslim will always be a threat to their corrupt interests.


In a society which trains its citizens in the art of achieving instant self-gratification, of becoming thoroughly submerged in one’s own bubble of pleasure, it becomes dangerously difficult for one to develop a world consciousness and concern for others. The intensity of this struggle is signified by the fact that one has to cultivate his concern for society without the help of society, and consequently, many will often be left aside to froth around in the artificial sands of their own world. Yet, for the most part, that world too is not even their own, and is rather the mass amalgamation of what the rest of the world (as they know it) is – from idolizing celebrities that they wished they were, to chasing after the will-o’-the-wisp of appearing important and popular in the eyes of other people (assisted through mediums such as Facebook), to engaging in intense debates on the most frivolous of issues that have no actual connection to their own life (including sports), their mind and efforts become wholly tied in a struggle and existence that is not theirs.

Seeseeskeva 09-04-2012 02:56 AM

I am not sure about this post, the writer recommends giving up individual desires and serving the ummah instead. Is this a good attitude to have? That every individual simply lives to serve the ummah, that they must let go of their own wants and needs for the umma....is this not setting oneself up for endless pain and suffering? Can many humans really live like that only wanting the reward in the akhira?


There is not much to fear from a Muslim who views his own life as more important than the Ummah – but an “Ummah conscious” Muslim will always be a threat to their corrupt interests.


In a society which trains its citizens in the art of achieving instant self-gratification, of becoming thoroughly submerged in one’s own bubble of pleasure, it becomes dangerously difficult for one to develop a world consciousness and concern for others. The intensity of this struggle is signified by the fact that one has to cultivate his concern for society without the help of society, and consequently, many will often be left aside to froth around in the artificial sands of their own world. Yet, for the most part, that world too is not even their own, and is rather the mass amalgamation of what the rest of the world (as they know it) is – from idolizing celebrities that they wished they were, to chasing after the will-o’-the-wisp of appearing important and popular in the eyes of other people (assisted through mediums such as Facebook), to engaging in intense debates on the most frivolous of issues that have no actual connection to their own life (including sports), their mind and efforts become wholly tied in a struggle and existence that is not theirs.

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