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Old 08-08-2012, 02:52 PM   #1

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Default Non-single non-Muslim women still dress to impress with make up and revealing clothes
I can "understand" them dressing in a revealing immodest way if they were single and trying to attract a male to be their boyfriend or husband... that makes some sense. But once with a partner why dress in such a way (with make up and perfume) in the office or when shopping or whenever? As it would cause a male to look at them - when they are already with a person? The logic here.....?
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Old 08-08-2012, 03:06 PM   #2

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Its their fashion. Lets not break our head over their clothes when even tawhid has not reached them.
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Old 08-08-2012, 06:15 PM   #3

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Genuine religion teaches us that the treasure is within the soul or ruh, if we concentrate in clearing away our human flaws we will uncover this treasure within and feel at peace in the universe...knowing that we will die and go back to Allah . To uncover the treasure we must practice Islam, refrain from all wrong doing, do twaba and inwardly we must remember Allah

Not all Muslims are like this, many of us have a strange idea of religion, like it is a club, where we might dress 'Islamically' to be part of the club and we look at those who do not dress like us as outside of our club, or not good enough...our ego or nafs has twisted the religion into something that boosts its self-pride.

Non Muslims are not aware of this treasure within, people in the dominant western culture want to make money by making others buy things from them. Lots of people will buy things if they are not aware of their inner treasure...they will want to try to get others to praise them or admire them, their ego will feel better if they get fame or fortune....most think death is far away and when it comes you go into deep sleep forever. So they want to enjoy life, buy things and have people admire them, the fashion industry makes money from this and changes fashions every 2 months if not sooner.
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Old 08-08-2012, 06:23 PM   #4

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I can "understand" them dressing in a revealing immodest way if they were single and trying to attract a male to be their boyfriend or husband... that makes some sense. But once with a partner why dress in such a way (with make up and perfume) in the office or when shopping or whenever? As it would cause a male to look at them - when they are already with a person? The logic here.....?
Their logic is that they still want to show off to everyone how good they still look; and how lucky their husbands are to have them as a wife.
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Old 08-08-2012, 06:34 PM   #5

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I don't think its always about impressing men...women dress up for different reasons...some to feel more confident..others because of what society feeds them...make-up to cover insecurities...competitiveness with other women

even within the Muslims...lots of married women don't dress up for their husbands...but if they are going to a women only gathering they will dress up very nicely for compliments and to look better than other women
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Old 08-08-2012, 07:02 PM   #6

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even within the Muslims...lots of married women don't dress up for their husbands...but if they are going to a women only gathering they will dress up very nicely for compliments and to look better than other women
That's true.
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Old 08-08-2012, 07:04 PM   #7

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Salams As a women, Im going to tell you that it's about confidence and feeling beautiful. All women wheter single or not want to look and feel beautiful/attractive/femine.
From a young age mothers dress there daughters in pretty dresses, shoes etc. In stories we see princess in pretty dresses etc. I don't think it's just a western thing. If you look throught history in ever nation from africa to america women are seen as sexual creatures there purpose to look beautiful mostly for the males in society. Lets first look at pre islamic arab women how they were treated and were used for dancing etc. Then move over to africa again many tribes women dance for the men just about nude with fine adornments and such like. Then you have geisha's in japan same here dressed to please men and be servant to men. Then you have todays women still doing this. Even in arab culture and asian culture today you still have women dressed in fine clothing dancing and singing. Women look at other women and we compete against each other scrutinising our selves. Comparing every thing from makeup to hair, clothes, and even cleavage size. We look at other women with envive even so it's a constant battle as in who looks the sexiest,prettiest, most beautiful. We are in theory competing against each other ad well as for male attention be it if we are single or not. Constantly comparing ourselves sometimes even wishing to be as pretty as our competitors. It's out nature. This is why Allah sent hijab to protect us from unwanted gazes of men, to be known as muslimahs to show us that we do not need to compete with other women, we don not need fancy clothes, jewellery, make up and perfume to be beautiful because we are already beautiful like a pearl and we should save our beauty for our husbands. Al humDuAllah I wear it and for the first time in my life I feel free from all the attachment to be the prettiest, free from unwanted attention and I finally feel modestly beautiful and I feel like a lady a true lady not just some flashy sexual creature. I won't swap my Hijaab for a mini skirt ever. I want to be treated with respect not leered and perved at.
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Old 08-08-2012, 07:07 PM   #8

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That's true.
Women dress up to make men envious of her husband; and all of the other women jealous of her looks.

True story............
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Old 08-08-2012, 07:40 PM   #9

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Women dress up to make men envious of her husband; and all of the other women jealous of her looks.

True story............
Unless you know more women than i do, thats not true......
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Old 08-08-2012, 07:50 PM   #10

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Unless you know more women than i do, thats not true......
I am talking about non muslim women as per the thread title.
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Old 08-08-2012, 08:07 PM   #11

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I can "understand" them dressing in a revealing immodest way if they were single and trying to attract a male to be their boyfriend or husband... that makes some sense. But once with a partner why dress in such a way (with make up and perfume) in the office or when shopping or whenever? As it would cause a male to look at them - when they are already with a person? The logic here.....?
i come from this society and can tell you its worse than this. in western culture, if i have a girlfriend, i am allowed to go to nightclubs dancing with other women, and if she disapproves this is referred to as "clingy" and this is deemed a socially unacceptable thing. I can go to clubs dancing with semi naked women.

Women think they have found their liberation, but western society is a mans paradise. the women dress naked for every man to look at, they make themselves readily available, its now socially acceptable to sleep with a girl with no intention to fulfill commitments afterwards, an ugly man can even walk into a massage parlour and pay for sex with beautiful women for as little as £50 (there are 80,000 prostitutes in the UK currently, its widespread and is tolerated by the law here), women get naked for magazines, porn is rampant, this society is a mans paradise apart from the believer in which case its a prison.

Muslim women are the ones who are truely liberated
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Old 08-08-2012, 08:12 PM   #12

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I don't think its always about impressing men...women dress up for different reasons...some to feel more confident..others because of what society feeds them...make-up to cover insecurities...competitiveness with other women

even within the Muslims...lots of married women don't dress up for their husbands...but if they are going to a women only gathering they will dress up very nicely for compliments and to look better than other women
women like to feel beautiful and there is nothing wrong with that, islam encourages women to look after themselves and be effeminate and look after her hair, skin etc (avoiding alcohol and cigarettes will be a good start). But women in the west do actively seek to turn male heads. i am from this society and truely dispair and how broken society is because of all the nakedness, porn, casual sex, prostitution, swinging, high divorce rates, single mothers, size zero, eating disorders and glossy magazines etc. its really sad that such a broken society could be deluded into thinking they are the pinnacle of society
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Old 08-08-2012, 08:16 PM   #13

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Allah gave us Islam and its laws because He in His Mercy knew that we would need it in this time...without it we will drown, it is the ship of Nuh (AS) whoever is in the boat is saved.

women like to feel beautiful and there is nothing wrong with that, islam encourages women to look after themselves and be effeminate and look after her hair, skin etc (avoiding alcohol and cigarettes will be a good start). But women in the west do actively seek to turn male heads. i am from this society and truely dispair and how broken society is because of all the nakedness, porn, casual sex, prostitution, swinging, high divorce rates, single mothers, size zero, eating disorders and glossy magazines etc. its really sad that such a broken society could be deluded into thinking they are the pinnacle of society
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Old 08-08-2012, 08:22 PM   #14

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I urge the moderators to lock these type of threads. I am shocked at how people can start discussing these type of topics even during the ramadan. Ma'azallah.
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Old 08-08-2012, 08:27 PM   #15

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I urge the moderators to lock these type of threads. I am shocked at how people can start discussing these type of topics even during the ramadan. Ma'azallah.
If the topic offends you.

Then you shouldn't open the thread.

Problem solved........
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Old 08-08-2012, 08:57 PM   #16

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I urge the moderators to lock these type of threads. I am shocked at how people can start discussing these type of topics even during the ramadan. Ma'azallah.
please give your justification for why you feel this topic is inappropriate inshallah
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Old 08-08-2012, 09:07 PM   #17

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i come from this society and can tell you its worse than this. in western culture, if i have a girlfriend, i am allowed to go to nightclubs dancing with other women, and if she disapproves this is referred to as "clingy" and this is deemed a socially unacceptable thing. I can go to clubs dancing with semi naked women.

Women think they have found their liberation, but western society is a mans paradise. the women dress naked for every man to look at, they make themselves readily available, its now socially acceptable to sleep with a girl with no intention to fulfill commitments afterwards, an ugly man can even walk into a massage parlour and pay for sex with beautiful women for as little as £50 (there are 80,000 prostitutes in the UK currently, its widespread and is tolerated by the law here), women get naked for magazines, porn is rampant, this society is a mans paradise apart from the believer in which case its a prison.
The western society was intentionally corrupted by the satanic central bankers through Rock and Rap music, feminism , playboy magazine and Porn. Why ? Because, corrupted
people are easy to control and will not rebel against the one-world dictatorship !! Check these links.



In his book, The Committee of 300, former MI6 officer John Coleman reveals the Beatles were a psychological operation run by the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations.

The Beatles were created to advance the formation of a corrupted Brave New World-style slave populace. This agenda kicked in big time during the 60s, with rock groups acting as social agitators.

Free love, drugs and rock music were promoted. To replace Christianity, the Illuminati introduced the New Age Movement: spiritual doctrines that do not require the individual to follow the Moral Law. (See this interview with John Coleman.)

The Beatles were presented as anti-establishment but received endless mainstream media attention. In 1965, they received MBEs (Members of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) from the Queen



Is it a coincidence that if you boil it all down, modern rappers have the same basic message in all their songs?

When rap music was born in the 1980's it was about protesting inequality and giving the people in the ghetto a way to express themselves. It was an expression of street culture.

But somewhere along the line it got hijacked by the record companies who promote the groups they want to be successful, and now rap is all about getting rich at all costs, killing your enemies, living like a playboy, getting high, and devil worship.

The Illuminati watchword, "We corrupt in order to control," could not be more apparent.
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Old 08-08-2012, 09:12 PM   #18

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So much for the Beatles.......what about Elvis?

Was he CIA ??
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Old 08-08-2012, 09:33 PM   #19

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Elvis lives (an anagram of Elvis)!

So they say "you can look but don't touch". We say "don't look (lustfully) and don't touch".
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Old 08-08-2012, 09:45 PM   #20

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Many old school southern Americans hated Elvis because they thought he was corrupting the young with his negro influenced music and dancing (all that hip moving was very shocking to Americans). Just goes to show how far things have moved on from then.

All drug taking and other pop groups of the time are supposed to have been brought to the public by the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations. They wanted to make the youth believe they were rebelling against authority and that it was cool...in fact they were being manipulated to become consumers and obedient to the bankers.

So much for the Beatles.......what about Elvis?

Was he CIA ??
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