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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #1

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Default am i the only muslim who hates the royal family of saudi arabia and jordan???
there are starving muslims around the world, and theses royal so called "muslim" families are spending there riches on easy woman, building new night clubs casinos all over the world. on yachts worth more then 20 million dollers, and a $4.8 million diamond covered Mercedes owned by Prince Waleed of Saudi Arabia witch he doesnt even drive around :S with this money they can help all the muslims in palestine iraq afghanistan africa you name it, this might sound harsh but wallahi i hope the kurupted royal muslim families come to a end! theres videos ive seen of princes spending over a million dollers on girls at night clubs :S There is a word for people like these.

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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #2

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We can't simply judge them by saying that they are munafiq. Everybody will be judge in yawmul qiyamah. There are many other alternatives that we can find regarding to helping our Muslim brothers in those countries you mentioned. Regarding to building the casinos, well, at least those are not bid'ah in religion. LOL.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #3

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well, at least those are not bid'ah in religion. LOL.
ha ha ha
So your focus is on removing Bidah first? Not bad. A lot of food/resources will be saved after all these comes to an end
"teesri sharif" ""saathwi shareef" "giyarwi shareef" "chaaleswan shareef"
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #4

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ha ha ha
So your focus is on removing Bidah first? Not bad. A lot of food/resources will be saved after all these comes to an end
"teesri sharif" ""saathwi shareef" "giyarwi shareef" "chaaleswan shareef"
LOL I was actually teasing them. Since most of them in Saudi Arabia are Salafis. They are really extreme in disapproving bid'ah in religion. Well, bid'ah in dunya is allowed though.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #5

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This is backbiting. Whatever they do, kindly do not speak ill of our fellow Muslims.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #6

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This is slander. Whatever they do, kindly do not speak ill of our fellow Muslims.

Perhaps it is backbiting and not slander

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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #7

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King Abdullah II of Jordan:

O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for friends. They are friends one to another. He among you who taketh them for friends is (one) of them. Lo! Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk. (5:51)

Those who chose disbelievers for their friends instead of believers! Do they look for power at their hands? Lo! all power appertaineth to Allah. (4:139)

And those who disbelieved are allies of one another. If you do not do so, there will be fitnah on earth and great corruption. (8:73)
I mean, really, how much clearer can one get?

Unless you think assisting Americans against the Muslims of Iraq and Afghanistan is a-OK, the ruling on Mr. Abdullah is clear, no matter what he tries to mask himself with.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #8

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This is slander. Whatever they do, kindly do not speak ill of our fellow Muslims.
Would you say the same thing about someone who critices a royal family from a western country, who bleed the tax payer dry. Or is it you just cant say anything bad about another muslim.

Or is it the middle eastern mentality where people are afraid to be honest about these leeches? Understandably so in some cases and you could end up being shot dead!
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #9

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there are starving muslims around the world, and theses royal so called "muslim" families are spending there riches on easy woman, building new night clubs casinos all over the world. on yachts worth more then 20 million dollers, and a $4.8 million diamond covered Mercedes owned by Prince Waleed of Saudi Arabia witch he doesnt even drive around :S with this money they can help all the muslims in palestine iraq afghanistan africa you name it, this might sound harsh but wallahi i hope the kurupted royal muslim families come to a end! theres videos ive seen of princes spending over a million dollers on girls at night clubs :S There is a word for people like these.

Spot on
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #10

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Or is it the middle eastern mentality where people are afraid to be honest about these leeches? Understandably so in some cases and you could end up being shot dead!
First of all i don't live in the middle east, I too disagree with a LOT of the actions of the rulers. I m not afraid of being shot dead . In fact a true Muslim longs to be shot dead and be a Martyr for the Sake of Allah.

You come here just to let off your steam against Islam. You don't care about Muslims who are being oppressed. Do you? You just want to act as if you are right and others are wrong, you want to satisfy yourself, your ego. Well sister take a long deep breath and go for a walk, And ponder, ponder well if what you yourself are doing in this life of yours. Will I be accountable for my actions. Is Islam the true path? Will I be resurrected and be asked why did I not accept the truth even if I knew about it? Am I living for the pleasure of my Creator or am I living for my self? Or you can just choose to just not look at yourself and keep on finding others faults. Just a small request from some guy behind a computer screen. You have only one life, make sure you are doing the right things.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #11

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First of all i don't live in the middle east, I too disagree with a LOT of the actions of the rulers. I m not afraid of being shot dead . In fact a true Muslim longs to be shot dead and be a Martyr for the Sake of Allah.

You come here just to let off your steam against Islam. You don't care about Muslims who are being oppressed. Do you? You just want to act as if you are right and others are wrong, you want to satisfy yourself, your ego. Well sister take a long deep breath and go for a walk, And ponder, ponder well if what you yourself are doing in this life of yours. Will I be accountable for my actions. Is Islam the true path? Will I be resurrected and be asked why did I not accept the truth even if I knew about it? Am I living for the pleasure of my Creator or am I living for my self? Or you can just choose to just not look at yourself and keep on finding others faults. Just a small request from some guy behind a computer screen. You have only one life, make sure you are doing the right things.
You have just completely contradicted yourself. You started off my calling the original post slander and then you claim that you disagree with the actions of these leaders. You then go on to say that I dont care about muslims being oppressed. I dont see you highlighting a particular country or society filled with oppression.

Your tone in this reply is extremely smug and condescending. I have other things in my life to be letting of steam about, Islam is not one of them, but if you read my posts with an open mind you would see that.

I do nothing else but ponder what I am doing in this life, I dont need you to tell me that. Take your own advice.

Get back to the subject, saudi and jordanian royal families bleeding their own people dry and robbing them blind
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #12

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Would you say the same thing about someone who critices a royal family from a western country, who bleed the tax payer dry. Or is it you just cant say anything bad about another muslim.

Or is it the middle eastern mentality where people are afraid to be honest about these leeches? Understandably so in some cases and you could end up being shot dead!
Let's be realistic it's obviously not allowed when it comes to both Muslims and Non-Muslims i think the main issue here is whether it is ok or not to criticize the behavior of corrupt and heedless people whether they are Kings Queens Presidents or whatever their occupation might be i am personally for honesty no matter who the person is if he deserves criticism we should be able to express our opinions and it obvious that the Western and Eastern monarchies are both living an extremely luxurious lifestyle even to the extend where you can call it heedless and wasteful.

As for the two Abdullah's (of Jordan and Saudi Arabia) both are obviously living an extremely luxurious lifestyle and aren't the best examples how a practicing Muslim should be i personally even doubt their Muslimness especially if you analyze their policies and actions.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #13

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@ amr123 sahab:

I also think you should use "backbiting" instead of "slander".

@ Sister ftannouss:

Backbiting and slandering are strictly prohibited by Allaah and Prophet . Although there are some crucial cases where there is permission to say negative aspects of someone in his absence, but these cases are also defined by Ahadith. The case of OP doesn't fall under permitted categories. So brother amr123 has responded.

Now listen, Sunniforum always welcomes zealous learners, not belligerent people. I see no need of your interference in this issue.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #14

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Well sister You say you care about Muslims, ok then why don't we talk about the Muslim who on his death bed awaits with a smile on his face to embrace death to return back to his Creator, The Mother who feed her children and lied to them that she had eaten but the fact that there was food only for the kids, The Muslim who in the month of Ramadan who is happy even if his mouth is dry since he knows that on the day of Judgment the smell of his mouth will be that of Musk, The Father who lost his wife and children due to 'collateral damage' but still only lets out tears without wailing for he knows that he will get the reward for being patient, the Muazzin who calls for prayer five times a day who receives a paltry wage which hardly suffices for his family but he is content as he knows on the day of Judgment He is one among who will be covered in Musk, The Mujahideen who devotes his life for Allah with hardly any support in the battlefield longing for martyrdom, The young man who gets the 'chance of his life' to sleep with the most beautiful women he has ever met but turns away saying 'inni akhafullah' (I fear Allah) for he knows he will be among the people under the shade on the Day of Judgement for doing so, the one who is lives in Palestine who are doing Jihad by just sitting in their houses because they are being oppressed day in and day out and even offered money to move out.

Why not discuss about any ONE of the Muslims I mentioned about, rather than talking behind someones back? That is only if you care about Muslims.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #15

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there are starving muslims around the world, and theses royal so called "muslim" families are spending there riches on easy woman, building new night clubs casinos all over the world. on yachts worth more then 20 million dollers, and a $4.8 million diamond covered Mercedes owned by Prince Waleed of Saudi Arabia witch he doesnt even drive around :S with this money they can help all the muslims in palestine iraq afghanistan africa you name it, this might sound harsh but wallahi i hope the kurupted royal muslim families come to a end! theres videos ive seen of princes spending over a million dollers on girls at night clubs :S There is a word for people like these.

Do you hate Ataturk as well.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #16

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Do you hate Ataturk as well.
I personally hate him. Mustafa Kemal didn't deserve to be called Ataturk. The real Ataturk was Sultan Muhammad al-Fatih.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #17

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I personally hate him. Mustafa Kemal didn't deserve to be called Ataturk. The real Ataturk was Sultan Muhammad al-Fatih.
Why do Turkish people revere him is it due to ignorance he was obviously anti-Islam and he wasn't even Turkish by ethnicity and according to some he was even agnostic.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #18

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Why do Turkish people revere him is it due to ignorance he was obviously anti-Islam and he wasn't even Turkish by ethnicity and according to some he was even agnostic.
He wasn't Turkish? Wait, are you serious? What was his ethnicity then? Yeah, some say that he's not a Muslim, but wallahu a'lam.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #19

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The answer to the question in the title: NO!
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #20

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He wasn't Turkish? Wait, are you serious? What was his ethnicity then? Yeah, some say that he's not a Muslim, but wallahu a'lam.
Time magazine states that Mustafa Kemal's father was of Albanian and his mother was of Macedonian origin,[6] and Patrick Kinross wrote that he was "as fair as any Slav from beyond the Bulgarian frontier" with "fine white skin" and "eyes of a deep but clear light blue."[7] According to Encyclopaedia Judaica, one assertion that was commonly made by many Jews of Salonika was that Kemal Atatürk was of Doenmeh origin. This view was eagerly embraced by many of Atatürk’s religious opponents and denied by the Turkish government.[8] His father Ali Rıza is thought to be of Albanian origin.
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