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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #21

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with this money they can help all the muslims in palestine iraq afghanistan africa you name it
Money is not the only way to help people...some Palestinians are in dire need of counselling and psychological help too, everyone has a skill or something they can offer to help Palestinians whether that be money, medical aid, teaching them Islam or even the academic sciences so that they can excel or even giving them moral support or making dua for them. So quit blaming others, its an obligation on every person in the muslim ummah to help them, not just the rich.

On yawul qiyamah, Allah will question everyone about this, the rich will be held accountable for it just like we will. So fulfill your obligation, forget about them and keep them and us in your duas.

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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #22

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Why do Turkish people revere him is it due to ignorance he was obviously anti-Islam and he wasn't even Turkish by ethnicity and according to some he was even agnostic.

Ataturk was a kafir as can be seen be his many statements criticising Islam and the Sharia, and his actions in oppressing the believers in ways that even the kuffar powers of today don't do (if you had a beard or said Adhan out loud, you would be arrested)

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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #23

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The ambiguity of M. Kamal's ethnicity is due to annihilation of archives related to his ancestry. Most likely he was Donmeh [a fake reverted Jew].

As for the backbiting goes, it is allowed to speak up against Fasiq [publicly corrupt] in exposing his Fisq [a public corruption]. So if anyone indulges himself in a sin such as Israf [extravagant spending] which is haram, publicly he doesn't deserve the honor of not being spoken against.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #24

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The ambiguity of M. Kamal's ethnicity is due to annihilation of archives related to his ancestry. Most likely he was Donmeh [a fake reverted Jew].

As for the backbiting goes, it is allowed to speak up against Fasiq [publicly corrupt] in exposing his Fisq [a public corruption]. So if anyone indulges himself in a sin such as Israf [extravagant spending] which is haram, publicly he doesn't deserve the honor of not being spoken against.

Sheikh, we don't see you much often nowadays? How are you?
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #25

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Salam Aleykum,

No you're not the only Muslim who hates them however I hope that you hate them for the right reasons as loving and hating is in Allah.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #26

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They are all a disgrace!!!
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #27

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@ amr123 sahab:

@ Sister ftannouss:

Backbiting and slandering are strictly prohibited by Allaah and Prophet . Although there are some crucial cases where there is permission to say negative aspects of someone in his absence, but these cases are also defined by Ahadith. The case of OP doesn't fall under permitted categories. So brother amr123 has responded.

Now listen, Sunniforum always welcomes zealous learners, not belligerent people. I see no need of your interference in this issue.
Define Interference Please, I am not the one who has gone off the subject to a personal attack. The belligerence came from AMR123. Not me. I was merely agreeing with the person who started the thread. AMR123 made it personal. Clearly AMR123 doesnt share your views on what is prohibited in Islam.

I am entitled to comment on any post I chose here, Yes or no?
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #28

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King Abdullah II of Jordan:


I mean, really, how much clearer can one get?

Unless you think assisting Americans against the Muslims of Iraq and Afghanistan is a-OK, the ruling on Mr. Abdullah is clear, no matter what he tries to mask himself with.
I dont really see the point worrying about the politics of the muslim world. It doesn't effect me, and there's no use worrying about things I can't change.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #29

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Well sister You say you care about Muslims, ok then why don't we talk about the Muslim who on his death bed awaits with a smile on his face to embrace death to return back to his Creator, The Mother who feed her children and lied to them that she had eaten but the fact that there was food only for the kids, The Muslim who in the month of Ramadan who is happy even if his mouth is dry since he knows that on the day of Judgment the smell of his mouth will be that of Musk, The Father who lost his wife and children due to 'collateral damage' but still only lets out tears without wailing for he knows that he will get the reward for being patient, the Muazzin who calls for prayer five times a day who receives a paltry wage which hardly suffices for his family but he is content as he knows on the day of Judgment He is one among who will be covered in Musk, The Mujahideen who devotes his life for Allah with hardly any support in the battlefield longing for martyrdom, The young man who gets the 'chance of his life' to sleep with the most beautiful women he has ever met but turns away saying 'inni akhafullah' (I fear Allah) for he knows he will be among the people under the shade on the Day of Judgement for doing so, the one who is lives in Palestine who are doing Jihad by just sitting in their houses because they are being oppressed day in and day out and even offered money to move out.

Why not discuss about any ONE of the Muslims I mentioned about, rather than talking behind someones back? That is only if you care about Muslims.
Why dont you start a thread on anyone of these subjects, instead of jumping down my throat everytime I post. There were other people here agreeing with the comments about the Royal families, you didnt stop and get personal with them.

Now I understand you AMR123. It's ok to backbite against non-muslims as muslims are perfect. Continue on with your blinkered view of the world.
Let face it, if you use a word like slande, it looks like you are defending these people. They are indefensible. Go to youtube and do a search on poverty in saudi.

The most important person in my life is a muslim, I am not not to defend myself any further where that is concerned.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #30

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The image is in saudi comes frokind of conflicting, poverty m migrants, though the government spends a lot of money on internal poverty, saudi whether you see it or not as they don't advertise does spend a lot of money especially in poor countries aside from this they do help a lot of countries with deals in oil etc. , unknown migrants from african and other countries do face poverty though the authorities don't know they are in the kingdom. I don't know the situation in Jordan.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #31

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No brother you are not the only one who hates them.

In fact I could give you a long list of leaders I hate.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #32

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Ofcourse the Saudi's have many flaws and i myself disagree with their way of life, but why dont we look at the good that they are doing instead, look at what they have done in Mecca and Madinah, they have done so much to make it easier for the huge amounts of hujjaaj and then there's this article that i came across not to long ago...


It is sad how we are brainwashed by the biased articles we read on the internet, there is alot of good that they are doing also, we just dont read about it....please note i am by no means condoning the wrong that they are engaged in.

Let us also rather make shukar that the holy lands are in control of Sunni's rather then shias.

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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #33

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Ofcourse the Saudi's have many flaws and i myself disagree with their way of life, but why dont we look at the good that they are doing instead, look at what they have done in Mecca and Madinah, they have done so much to make it easier for the huge amounts of hujjaaj and then there's this article that i came across not to long ago...


It is sad how we are brainwashed by the biased articles we read on the internet, there is alot of good that they are doing also, we just dont read about it....please note i am by no means condoning the wrong that they are engaged in.

Let us also rather make shukar that the holy lands are in control of Sunni's rather then shias.

۞ أَجَعَلۡتُمۡ سِقَايَةَ ٱلۡحَآجِّ وَعِمَارَةَ ٱلۡمَسۡجِدِ ٱلۡحَرَامِ كَمَنۡ ءَامَنَ بِٱللَّهِ وَٱلۡيَوۡمِ ٱلۡأَخِرِ وَجَـٰهَدَ فِى سَبِيلِ ٱللَّهِ*ۚ لَا يَسۡتَوُ ۥنَ عِندَ ٱللَّهِ*ۗ وَٱللَّهُ لَا يَہۡدِى ٱلۡقَوۡمَ ٱلظَّـٰلِمِينَ‏

Have you taken the serving of water to the pilgrims and the maintenance of Al-Masjid-ul-Haram as equal to (the acts) of one who believes in Allah and in the Last Day, and carries out Jihad in the way of Allah? They are not equal in the sight of Allah. Allah does not lead the wrongdoing people to the right path. [Surah At-Tawbah:19 - Mufti Taqi Usmani]
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #34

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Ataturk was a kafir as can be seen be his many statements criticising Islam and the Sharia, and his actions in oppressing the believers in ways that even the kuffar powers of today don't do (if you had a beard or said Adhan out loud, you would be arrested)

brother plzz stop, this is all english propaganda that has been goin on since ww1 mustafa kemal wasnt a jew its a bunch of BS, i respect this man he saved my country from the invading alies of britain, nd i am proud to say my great grandfarther lost his life in ww1 fighting against the australians in galopoli, ill admit he wasnt the best of muslims no ones perfect not you not me not no one!, During the 1930's the king of Saudi Arabia began to demolish all the graves When it was time to demolish the grave of prophet Muhammed S.A.W all of the muslims in Arabia request help from Mustafa Kemal Ataturk nd he sent a note to the king of Arabia saying if he have touched any stone of the Prophet Muhammed's S.A.W grave he would send away his army worth of this crazy behaviour Then the grave is still there.. Now people are talking about that Ataturk was not a real muslim, he changed the state of country, stopped caliphate.. When we think about all the things, revolutions he had made there is no way besides obeying his way. He was a great man that all the public leaders Che Guavera, Fidel Castro or others walked with Ataturk's light. When Che was dead the book of Ataturk "Nutuk (speech)" was found in his bag. You can search this. If there is someone that we must try to understand that is Ataturk. This is true and we have the proof of it "the telegraph" in which Atatürk says" I've learned in pain that Hz Muhammed's grave will be demolished. You can not tocuh this sacred trust. If I hear even one of its stone is damaged I will send away my army."

This document is found in our archive of Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Pr Yalçıntaş is making a resarch on this issue also so you can be sure that this is real.

im sick and tired of people allways speaking bad of ataturk,
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #35

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Have you taken the serving of water to the pilgrims and the maintenance of Al-Masjid-ul-Haram as equal to (the acts) of one who believes in Allah and in the Last Day, and carries out Jihad in the way of Allah? They are not equal in the sight of Allah. Allah does not lead the wrongdoing people to the right path. [Surah At-Tawbah:19 - Mufti Taqi Usmani]

There is an opinion that verse refers to the 'Mushrik' who thought they were better than Muslims because they were the custodians of the Ka'aba. But Imaan is superior to Shirk, no deed done by Mushriks are superior to the deeds done with Imaan.

Here is the Tafseer in Ma'ariful Quran:

The first four verses (19 - 22) relate to a particular event. A cursory
look into its background shows that many Mushriks of Makkah felt
proud that they kept the Sacred Mosque bustling with visitors and
devotees and ran a drinking water service for the pilgrims. Keeping
their rival Muslims in view, they claimed that no deed by anyone could
match theirs.
When Sayyidna 'Abbas(ra) came to Muslims as a
prisoner from the battle of Badr, he had not embraced Islam by that
time. His Muslim relatives reproached him for remaining deprived of
the blessing of 'Iman. In response, he too had said the same things,
'you think 'Iman and Hijrah are big feathers in your cap, but we too
have our own assets. We are the custodians of the building of the Sacred
Mosque and serve water to the pilgrims. No deed by anyone can
match these.' Revealed thereupon were these verses.
(Ibn Kathir on the authority of 'Ali ibn Abi Talhah from Ibn 'Abbas)

And according to some narratives in the Musnad of 'Abd al-Razzaq,
it was after the entry of Sayyidna 'Abbas (ra) into the fold of Islam
that Sayyidna Talhah ibn Shaybah, Sayyidina 'Abbas and Sayyidina 'Ali
(ra) were talking together. Talhah (ra) said: 'I enjoy an excellence
which none of you do. I have the keys to the Baytullah in my hands. If
I wish I could go inside it and spend the night there.' Sayyidna 'Abbas
said: 'I am the administrator of the water service for pilgrims and I
have rights to the Sacred Mosque.' Sayyidna 'Ali (ra) said, 'I do
not understand that which makes you so proud. As for me, I have said
my prayers facing the Baytullah six months before anyone of you and I
have participated in Jihad with the Holy Prophet ' Thereupon,
these verses were revealed. They made it clear that no deed
done without 'Iman, no matter how merit worthy, carries any value in
the sight of Allah, and no doer of such deeds, while still involved in
Shirk, is acceptable with Him.

And the Sahih of Muslim reports an event on the authority of Sayyidina
Nu'man ibn Bashir (ra) who says that he was sitting with
some Companions close to the Mimbar of the Holy Prophet ,
in his Mosque on a Friday. Someone from those present there said,
'In my view, after Islam and 'Iman, there is no deed superior to serving
water to the pilgrims and I do not care about any deed other than this.'
Someone else retorted, 'no, Jihad in the way of Allah is the highest of
all deeds.' When an argument started between those two, Sayyidina
'Umar (ra) reprimanded both of them and said, 'stop quarreling
near the Mimbar of the Holy Prophet . The proper thing to
do is to say your Jumu'ah prayer first, then you can go and ask the
Holy Prophet himself about it.' As suggested, they did go
to the Holy Prophet , to find out his opinion on the matter.
Thereupon, these verses were revealed where Jihad has been identified
as the deed superior to the 'building' of the Sacred Mosque and the
serving of water to pilgrims.

There is nothing far out about the possibility that the revelation of
the verses themselves may have been aimed as an answer to the pride
and arrogance of the Mushriks
. Later, when unpleasant things took
place among Muslims, it is quite possible that the same verses were
used as the deciding argument - which might have given the listeners
the feeling that these particular verses were revealed in the background
of that particular event.

However, the present 'ayat of the Qur'an carry an answer to both
these kinds of events - that an accomplishment, no matter how good
and acceptable, is reduced to zero if it smacks of Shirk.
Therefore, no
Mushrik is superior to Muslims because of his association with the
maintenance of the Mosque or the serving of water to pilgrims.
even after their rejection of disbelief and entry into Faith, the status of
Imaan and Jihad is much higher than the maintenance of the Sacred
Mosque and the serving of water to pilgrims. Muslims who took the initiative
in 'Iman and Jihad are superior to Muslims who did not take
part in Jihad and remained rendering these services to the Sacred
Mosque and the pilgrims.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #36

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There is an opinion that verse refers to the 'Mushrik' who thought they were better than Muslims because they were the custodians of the Ka'aba. But Imaan is superior to Shirk, no deed done by Mushriks are superior to the deeds done with Imaan.

Here is the Tafseer in Ma'ariful Quran:

However, the present 'ayat of the Qur'an carry an answer to both
these kinds of events - that an accomplishment, no matter how good
and acceptable, is reduced to zero if it smacks of Shirk.
Therefore, no
Mushrik is superior to Muslims because of his association with the
maintenance of the Mosque or the serving of water to pilgrims.
even after their rejection of disbelief and entry into Faith, the status of
Imaan and Jihad is much higher than the maintenance of the Sacred
Mosque and the serving of water to pilgrims. Muslims who took the initiative
in 'Iman and Jihad are superior to Muslims who did not take
part in Jihad and remained rendering these services to the Sacred
Mosque and the pilgrims.

I think the last highlighted part is my concern. May Allah Accept their efforts and grant them the Tawfiq to take initiatives for increasing Iman and Jihad alongwith the Current Service of the Haramain

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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #37

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I think the last highlighted part is my concern. May Allah Accept their efforts and grant them the Tawfiq to take initiatives for increasing Iman and Jihad alongwith the Current Service of the Haramain

I think the point brother amr is trying to make is that we should not belittle them for serving hujjaj and mu'tamireen. The verse does say that jihad is superior and there is no denial or argument on this point, but it was revealed to speak against the mushrikeen of Makkah. Is it okay to belittle someone who brings you a glass of water? Now, if the Saudis were claiming that serving the hujjaj and mu'tamireen is superior to jihad or superior to salah or any of the obligatory actions, then we have a problem and I'm sure that no Muslim would make such a claim.

And we should make du'aa for guidance, not destruction, for our fellow Muslim brothers and sisters.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #38

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Why dont you start a thread on anyone of these subjects, instead of jumping down my throat everytime I post. There were other people here agreeing with the comments about the Royal families, you didnt stop and get personal with them.
Well you won't see any of the good threads in SF, because you only look for such 'controversial' threads to whine and bicker.

I pick on you because you seem to want to turn us Muslims against each other. You want us to fight with each other, that is what you people want. You don't like the fact that Muslims want to be under the Shariah law, under a Single leader the Khalifah. You just can't take it. If Muslims look over the small differences and unite under 'La ilaaha illAllah' there is no stopping us by Allah's will. And we will one day with the permission of Allah. We will InshaAllah.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #39

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I think the last highlighted part is my concern. May Allah Accept their efforts and grant them the Tawfiq to take initiatives for increasing Iman and Jihad alongwith the Current Service of the Haramain

I think the point brother amr is trying to make is that we should not belittle them for serving hujjaj and mu'tamireen. The verse does say that jihad is superior and there is no denial or argument on this point, but it was revealed to speak against the mushrikeen of Makkah. Is it okay to belittle someone who brings you a glass of water? Now, if the Saudis were claiming that serving the hujjaj and mu'tamireen is superior to jihad or superior to salah or any of the obligatory actions, then we have a problem and I'm sure that no Muslim would make such a claim.

And we should make du'aa for guidance, not destruction, for our fellow Muslim brothers and sisters.

Yes bro abdul wahhab has answered it for me. I get you concern Superimaan. As you said, May Allah give them the toufeeq. Ameen.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #40

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Well you won't see any of the good threads in SF, because you only look for such 'controversial' threads to whine and bicker.

I pick on you because you seem to want to turn us Muslims against each other. You want us to fight with each other, that is what you people want. You don't like the fact that Muslims want to be under the Shariah law, under a Single leader the Khalifah. You just can't take it. If Muslims look over the small differences and unite under 'La ilaaha illAllah' there is no stopping us by Allah's will. And we will one day with the permission of Allah. We will InshaAllah.
I have said on many occassions the positive things in Islam. Other non muslims have come and gone here and belittled muslims and I have critised them.

I keep coming back to the same issues that I personally struggle with.

It is quite clear from this small group that many of you cant agree on some of the less controversial subjects, nevermind the bigger ones. So how you expect a non muslim not to have issues with certain subjects is beyond me.

THanks for acknowledging that you are picking on me. How very mature of you.

Regarding Shariah, there are so many people with different interpretations of it within Islam, it seems just as confusing as the various different christian faiths. I do have issues with what it really means and what GOD really intends us to do. I wont apologise for that.
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