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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #21

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Saudi is Saudi

It has its own interests and alliances.

It is not a team with Israel and the US.

The US relationship with Saudi is one of necessity not love.

Anyone who doesn't understand how much Saudi and Israel threaten and hate each other and have to tread very carefully to avoid conflict that would not serve their interests or goals is missing a big piece of the jigsaw.

Only Iran and those who digest Iranian propaganda from whatever source would lump Saudi, Israel and America together like they were a team.
there's plenty of Iranian propaganda about nowadays.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #22

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Wikileaks exposes the cooperation of Saudi intelligence with the Mossad

This is a pro-Iranian propaganda website that describes the revolutionaries in Syria as militants.

I can see why people accuse you of being a Shiah in disguise.

If they are wrong then maybe you should change your sources of information.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #23

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This is a pro-Iranian propaganda website that describes the revolutionaries in Syria as militants.

I can see why people accuse you of being a Shiah in disguise.

If they are wrong then maybe you should change your sources of information.
Israeli source:


American/Saudi source:

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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #24

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The Saudis are far from perfect, but that is life. Throughout history most rulers have been far from perfect.

I cannot understand why you are obsessing against them when far worse and far crueler than they are ruling over the other side of the Gulf. Compared to Iran the Saudis are wonderful.

You have basically just repeated yourself.

so I shall ask you again...

I speak about Bahrain and Iran.

You answer me with why did the Saudis not abandon Ben Ali and Mubarak? Why did the Saudis not intervene in Darfur?

Deal with Iran first and its persecution of Sunni Islam and continued imprisonment and assassination of Sunni leaders.

How do you feel about this?

Deal with the Rafidite Shiahs drilling holes in Sunni heads with electric drills in Iraq.

How do you feel about this?

Deal with the Rafidite Shiah gangs from Lebanon and Iraq doing terrible things to Sunnis right now in Syria.

How do you feel about this?
I will not answer your questions until you answer mine , after all I asked you first
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #25

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I will not answer your questions until you answer mine , after all I asked you first
What did you want the Saudi King to do about Darfur, do you think they are the world policemen?

What did you want the OIC to do about Darfur, do you think they are NATO?

you go on about the OIC and Saudi but ignore this http://www.sunniforum.com/forum/show...tered-in-Syria
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #26

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It is not in the interests of the true Muslim Ummah for Rafidite Iran to have nuclear weapons.

The Gulf States would be one of the biggest potential targets for any Iranian nuclear attack.

The Rafidites are the enemies of Ahlus Sunnah they consider us to be heretics and disbelievers and they curse us in their worship.

Incidentally these are both Zionist sources that you quote above.

Are all your sources Zionist or Rafidite?

Why do you keep saying things like "American/Saudi" and wrongly imply they are the same thing?
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #27

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btw the Rafidhah in Lebanon started kidnapping random Syrians off the streets and holding them hostages.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #28

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Just heard about this on the news via Presstv(Iranian tv) ....Seems like an eye for an eye campaign is certainly going on.
I just Fitnah does not impede a peace process (If their truthfully is) to come. Allah(swt) knows best!
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #29

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Is it true that the Saudi King never wanted MB to take Egypt?

Is it true that Tunisian president killed Muslims?
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #30

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OIC is a tool by UN.
Don't believe that OIC would do something better for Ummah.

We have to work by ourselves to unite the Ummah.
Recently I have heard that Turkey is working over Pan-Turkism. And soon InshAllah! Azerbaijan will get merged with Turkey InshAllah! (heard by some Turkish brother)

*Dark Blue: States want to be a part of Turkey.
*Light Blue: Areas where Turkish language ha an importance.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #31

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Why leave out Bahrain?

Looks like Washington and Tel Aviv has Saudis and Qataris doing their bidding on Syria but turn a blind eye on Bahrain and other repressive ''Muslim'' regimes.

With Muslim leaders like these who needs Muslim Unity?

At the end of the day in the eyes of Kuffars we are all enemies and they care less whether you are Sunni, Shia, Ibadi, Islamilia etc.
we dont want iran getting a foothold in the khaleej so woudlnt want bahraini regime being overthrown. syrian regime needs to go as its run by shia who wont cooperate with sunnis and wish to prevent islam in syria. we are sunnis so of course we are not going to give the shia a dagger to stab us with
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #32

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I trhink te brotehrs have answered most points, but just to clarify one issue, Just to answer the issue of why saudi offered refuge for ben ali.

They have also offered a haven to assad. Because now is not the time of revenge, we dont have taht luxury. now is teh time for beneficial action. removing these tyrants from the land they rule over is essential.. keeping their vast wealth in teh muslim lands is also essential. It serves these two purposes. perhaps ben ali would have cracked down in tunisia if saudi didnt do that. I support giving teh tyrants refuge and safe haven in exchange for getting islamic governments in our lands because millions of lives rest on the muslims getting their act together. there are more important things than revenge
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #33

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we dont want iran getting a foothold in the khaleej so woudlnt want bahraini regime being overthrown. syrian regime needs to go as its run by shia who wont cooperate with sunnis and wish to prevent islam in syria. we are sunnis so of course we are not going to give the shia a dagger to stab us with
exactly, and if they got Bahrain only Allah knows what mischief they would do with it as a base. They would be in a position to support insurrection amongst the Shiahs who live on the Saudi oil fields or to attack the oil fields themselves if a war happened and they would also have a much greater ability to threaten Sunnis on the waters of the Gulf. Also although some duped Sunnis fail to understand this a Shiah ruled Bahrain would persecute Sunnis, just like the twelver Shiah do everywhere else that they have power over the Sunnis.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #34

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Despite the problems with Saudi we prefer the current rulers to what we might get if they were got rid off. We should pray for their protection and guidance because while they are ruling the Haramain are safe and secure. Their hands are tied which is why they serve the Americans.

I watched a you tube video with Osama bin Laden saying how disgusted he was with Saudi, they sold a barrel of oil for $9 to the Americans the price for others was $250...and from the $9 the Americans were paying, some money was deducted for refining etc. costs. This give away is done to keep their Saudi Kingdom safe. Osama was wrong to rebel against Saudi rule, he had no authority to do it, he should have made sabr.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #35

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Final Communiqué of Extraordinary
Islamic Solidarity Summit

Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah speaks during the OIC summit in MeccaArab News

Friday 17 August 2012

Islamic solidarity Summit's complete Final Communiqué

The Summit was briefed on the reports and recommendations submitted to it by the foreign ministers in their preparatory meeting for Summit and reviewed a number of important issues on its agenda relating to the Muslim world and its exceptional circumstances demanding their consideration with wisdom and tackling them in a way to enhance Islamic solidarity.

The Summit declares the following:

Enhancement of Islamic solidarity:

1 - The Summit affirms that the meeting of the Islamic world and its unity are the secrets of its strength which requires that the Islamic world shall adopt all the reasons for unity, solidarity and mutual assistance between its peoples, work to overcome all the obstacles to achieve these goals, and build its capabilities through practical programs in political, educational, economic and social fields so that the peoples of the Islamic world can associate with each other ideologically, emotionally and their destiny at present and future, and reject all causes of political dissensions and discords, sectarian strife and fragmentation, and commit to joint Islamic actions. The summit emphasizes the pivotal role of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in the enhancement of Islamic solidarity in accordance with the Charter of the Organization and its ten-year program.

2 - The Summit affirms that the media assume a heavy responsibility in achieving the goals of Islamic solidarity and strengthening these responsible foundations and principles, calling on Member States to ensure the implementation of previous resolutions of the Standing Committee of Information and Cultural Affairs of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the resolutions of the Islamic Conference of Information Ministers.

The political sphere:


3 - The Summit affirms that the issue of Palestine is the central issue of the Islamic World, hence ending the Israeli occupation of Arab and Palestinian territories since 1967, including East Al-Quds, Syrian Golan Heights, and completion of Israeli withdrawal from the remaining occupied Lebanese territories in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 425, is considered a vital requirement of the Islamic world as a whole which will lead to settle the issue in accordance with relevant United Nations resolutions, Arab Peace Initiative and the Road Map plan, contribute to peace and security and enable the Palestinian people to exercise their inalienable rights including the right to self-determination and establishment of their independent sovereign state on the basis of the borders of June in 1967 with Al-Quds as its capital, and finding a just solution to ensure the return of Palestinian refugees to their territories in accordance with United Nations General Assembly resolution No. 194.

The Summit also calls for making efforts for regaining Al-Quds and the preservation of its Islamic historical characteristics and providing the necessary resources to preserve Al-Aqsa Mosque and other holy places and their protection.

4 - The Summit reaffirms previous resolutions concerning the lifting of the continuing illegal Israeli siege in the Gaza Strip, calling on the UN Security Council to fulfill its responsibilities in preserving and maintaining international peace and security, and taking immediate action to lift the siege and compel Israel to stop its continual aggression against the Palestinian people.

5 - The Summit expresses its support for the accession of the State of Palestine as a full member of the United Nations and calls on all Member States to support decisions on the cause of Palestine at the United Nations and other international organizations.

6 - The Summit commends the efforts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under the leadership of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud in the defense of Islamic holy sites in Al-Quds through its continuing generous support for the Holy City's institutions and people to enable them to stand in the face of Israeli attempts for the Judaization of their city.

7 - The Summit commends the efforts made by King Mohammed VI, Chairman of Al-Quds Committee for the Protection of Islamic Holy sites in Al-Quds and standing in the face of actions by Israeli occupation authorities to Judaize the Holy City.

8- The Summit commends the announcement of Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, Emir of Qatar, during the International Conference for the Defense of Al-Quds, which was held in Doha in February 2012, for the readiness of the State of Qatar to participate with all its potentials for the implementation of strategic plan for Al-Quds, emphasizing the need to refer the Emir's call to the UN Security Council to adopt a resolution for the formation of an international commission to investigate all actions taken by Israel since in Arab Al-Quds since its occupation in 1967 with a view to erasing its Arab and Islamic features.

The situation in Syria:

- The Summit affirms the need to preserve the unity of Syria, its sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, strongly condemns the continuing bloodshed in Syria, stresses that the Syrian authorities shoulder the responsibility for the continued acts of violence and destruction of properties, and expresses its deep concern at the deteriorating situation and the escalation of killings that has killed thousands of unarmed civilians and massacres in the towns and villages.

- The Summit stresses the importance of protecting religious and historical sites in Syria from destruction.

- The Summit welcomes the decision of the United Nations General Assembly on the situation in Syria on August 3, 2012, which strongly condemns the continuation of massive and systematic violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms by the Syrian authorities and the use of force against civilians, arbitrary executions, murder and persecution.

- The Summit calls upon the Syrian authorities to immediately cease all acts of violence and non-use of violence against unarmed civilians and to refrain from violating human rights, and release all detainees, and to allow relief and humanitarian emergency bodies to provide assistance to those people affected by these events in coordination with the Organization of Islamic cooperation.

- In light of the failure of Syrian authorities to reach practical results in the implementation of the initiative of UN-Arab Envoy to resolve the Syrian crisis, the Arab initiative, and the decisions of the Executive Committee of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and in view of the intransigence of the Syrian authorities and their commitment to resolving the situation through a military solution, the Summit decides to suspend the membership of the Syrian Arab Republic in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and all its subsidiary organs and to enforce the recommendation of the Executive Committee meeting at the ministerial level in this regard on June 24, 2012.

The situation in Mali and the Sahel region:

The Summit expresses its deep concern over the developments of the situations in Mali and Sahel Region and the escalation of acts of terrorism fueled by the scourge of organized transnational crimes, particularly trafficking in weapons and drugs.

Rohingya Muslim group in Myanmar:

- The Summit condemns the policy of violence exercised by the Government of the Union of Myanmar against Rohingya Muslim Group which are incompatible with human rights principles, values, and international laws, adopting in this regard the recommendations of the Executive Committee meeting at the level of permanent representatives which was held at the Organization of Islamic cooperation on 5 / 8/2012 including the dispatch of a fact-finding mission and the formation of a contact group.

- The Summit hails the donation amounted to $ 50 million by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques as humanitarian aid to Rohingya Muslims.

Solidarity With Other Member States:

- The Summit affirms its solidarity and full support for Sudan, Somalia, Afghanistan and Jammu and Kashmir, Iraq, Yemen, Ivory Coast, the Union of Comoros and the Republic of Turkish-Cyprus in addressing the challenges facing these countries. It also condemns the aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan and calls for the withdrawal of Armenian troops from Azerbaijani territories.

Reform issues:

- The Summit underlines that the reform and development are renewable and sustainable options and that these are the sole responsibility of the (Muslim) nation and not others.

It underlines the significance of developing scientific plans and programs that could bring about the Muslim nation's renaissance and ensure its status of elevation under the guidance of the holy Quran and tenets of the Prophet's (PBUH) Sunnah.

The Summit urges member states to take measures to avoid raising discord and strife between Islamic sects, and that States shall endeavor in this regard to take up their roles of reconciliation and pursue the unity of peoples and bring about the national unity and equality among the people of one nation.

Confrontation of Extremism and Immoderation:

- The Summit affirms that Islam is a religion of moderation and openness which rejects all forms of extremism and immoderation, emphasizing the importance of confronting deviant thoughts by all available means, calling for the development of curricula to enhance Islamic values in the areas of understanding, tolerance, dialogue and pluralism, and extending bridges between the Islamic world to strengthen their unity and solidarity.

- The Summit stresses the condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, praising the significant efforts made by the Government of Saudi Arabia in the establishment of International Counter-Terrorism Centre under the umbrella of the United Nations to implement the recommendations of the International Conference on Combating Terrorism held in Riyadh in 2005 which emphasizes the need to distinguish between terrorism and legitimate resistance to foreign occupation, which does not allow killing of innocent civilians.

- The Summit expresses deep concern for the emerging phenomenon of linking Islam with terrorism, which is exploited by some extremist trends and parties in the west to offend Islam and Muslims.

- The Summit affirms that the dialogue of civilizations is the best way to embody the values of mutual respect and understanding and equality among peoples to build a world of tolerance, cooperation, peace and confidence among nations and calls on Member States to participate in the programs of King Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud International Center for Dialogue between the followers of religions and cultures established by the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Vienna in cooperation with the Republic of Austria and the Kingdom of Spain to enhance dialogue between religions and cultures as well as participation in the UN Alliance of Civilizations, chaired jointly by Turkey and Spain.

In economic and social sphere:

- The Summit stresses the importance of optimal use of human resources, natural and economic resources available in the Islamic world and using them to promote cooperation between countries and work to implement the action plan to develop this cooperation and to study the possibility of establishing free trade zones between Member States and activate other related activities.

- The Summit welcomes the increase of the volume of trade between Member States of the Organization to achieve the goals set forth in the ten-year program.

It also calls to increase the capital of the Islamic Development Bank to enable it to meet the needs of Member States, and renewed importance of the vital role of the private sector in development.

- The Summit stresses the importance of cooperation in the field of capacity- building and the fight against poverty, unemployment, illiteracy and disease eradication and seeks to mobilize the necessary resources and calls on the Islamic Development Bank to study the establishment of a special fund in the bank and assign the Board of Governors of the Bank to follow up that.

- The Summit calls for supporting and stimulating cooperation among the OIC Member States to achieve agricultural and industrial development and achieve the desired food security.

- It also calls for supporting development in Africa and reaffirms its commitment to achieving the Millennium Development Goals by taking appropriate measures to alleviate poverty in the Member States. It also encourages initiatives of Member States to promote economic cooperation with other Member States and least developed countries and low-income countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

- The Summit decides adoption of specific procedures and clearly defines steps for the Advancement of Science, Technology and Innovation and Higher Education, including the achievement of self-sufficiency in the areas of the peaceful use of technology under the auspices of the International Energy Agency (IAEA) in order to support sustainable development in the Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

- The Summit lauds the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and his strenuous efforts and highly appreciates the efforts of workers in the OIC General Secretariat for their professionalism and mastery of works and accomplishment of the tasks assigned to them in a record time.

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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #36

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They all sound good...just one thing lacking.....and that is any real power to do anything. Power comes from Allah....why have we been denied power for so long? We must be doing something wrong, otherwise Allah promises us Victory.

Umar (RA) asked a commander after he returned from battle....when did you engage the enemy....he replied in the morning, and when did you achieve victory Umar asked again, just after midday he replied. Umar (RA) said Subhanallah! Kufr stood against Muslims for so long! You have started a bidah. (meaning Muslims destroy the enemy quickly, and to have them stand against you in battle for 3-4 hours is a innovation). Yet after nearly 100 years here we are without power.

Final Communiqué of Extraordinary
Islamic Solidarity Summit
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #37

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Despite the problems with Saudi we prefer the current rulers to what we might get if they were got rid off. We should pray for their protection and guidance because while they are ruling the Haramain are safe and secure. Their hands are tied which is why they serve the Americans.

I watched a you tube video with Osama bin Laden saying how disgusted he was with Saudi, they sold a barrel of oil for $9 to the Americans the price for others was $250...and from the $9 the Americans were paying, some money was deducted for refining etc. costs. This give away is done to keep their Saudi Kingdom safe. Osama was wrong to rebel against Saudi rule, he had no authority to do it, he should have made sabr.
Ohhh dear!
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #38

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Ohhh dear!
you think OBL should have rebelled against the Saudi dynasty? they have their faults, but they enjoin the prayer and generally support Islam as a way of life in the country.

The Saudi dynasty is a long way from perfect, but if every Muslim country had rulers (faults and all) who were as linked to Islam as much as the Saudis are the Muslim world would be in a better situation than it is in now InshaAllah.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #39

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3 - The Summit affirms that the issue of Palestine is the central issue of the Islamic World, hence ending the Israeli occupation of Arab and Palestinian territories since 1967, including East Al-Quds, Syrian Golan Heights, and completion of Israeli withdrawal from the remaining occupied Lebanese territories in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 425, is considered a vital requirement of the Islamic world as a whole which will lead to settle the issue in accordance with relevant United Nations resolutions, Arab Peace Initiative and the Road Map plan, contribute to peace and security and enable the Palestinian people to exercise their inalienable rights including the right to self-determination and establishment of their independent sovereign state on the basis of the borders of June in 1967 with Al-Quds as its capital, and finding a just solution to ensure the return of Palestinian refugees to their territories in accordance with United Nations General Assembly resolution No. 194.

The Summit also calls for making efforts for regaining Al-Quds and the preservation of its Islamic historical characteristics and providing the necessary resources to preserve Al-Aqsa Mosque and other holy places and their protection.

4 - The Summit reaffirms previous resolutions concerning the lifting of the continuing illegal Israeli siege in the Gaza Strip, calling on the UN Security Council to fulfill its responsibilities in preserving and maintaining international peace and security, and taking immediate action to lift the siege and compel Israel to stop its continual aggression against the Palestinian people

OIC is an Israeli-American tool??????
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #40

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They all sound good...just one thing lacking.....and that is any real power to do anything. Power comes from Allah....why have we been denied power for so long? We must be doing something wrong, otherwise Allah promises us Victory.

Umar (RA) asked a commander after he returned from battle....when did you engage the enemy....he replied in the morning, and when did you achieve victory Umar asked again, just after midday he replied. Umar (RA) said Subhanallah! Kufr stood against Muslims for so long! You have started a bidah. (meaning Muslims destroy the enemy quickly, and to have them stand against you in battle for 3-4 hours is a innovation). Yet after nearly 100 years here we are without power.

Final Communiqué of Extraordinary
Islamic Solidarity Summit
To be honest with you I think it has failed and reading the final communique of this meeting it sounded like a something coming out of a GCSE pupul who has a meeting with fellow kids.

Nothing on Latin America. Economic development should have shown a proper plan of action, Science and Technology was also shallow,

It reminded me of the ARAB LEAGUE communiques.

The question here are:

1.has the OIC fulfilled the dream of the Turkish poet-philosopher (Ziya Gokalp) or the desire of the Muslim ummah?

2.Is the OIC serving the purpose for which it was created?

3.What has it achieved in almost three decades of its existence?

4.What did the ummah expect from the OIC?

5.Was this expectation too unrealistic?

5.How far away is the OIC from its declared goals?

Most of these members would be more than happy to see Palestinians wiped out of the lands and thats why they are more than happy to neutralise HAMAS and other Palestinian resistance groups.
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