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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #21

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Iran and Russia slammed Western leaders after an announcement Monday that the US, Britain, Canada, and France were ratcheting up their sanctions on Tehran.

The US announced new sanctions on Iran's oil and petrochemical industries and any against companies involved with nuclear procurement and enrichment. While stopping short of leveling sanctions on Iran's central bank, which serves as a clearinghouse for nearly all oil and gas payments in Iran, it sent a strong warning by declaring the country's banking system a center for money laundering, The Christian Science Monitor reports. If sanctions were to be placed on the central bank, it would force Iran's trade partners to choose between doing business with the Islamic Republic or the US. http://www.csmonitor.com/World/terro...uclear-program
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #22

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Iran will bomb Turkey if the U.S. or Israel tries to destroy its nuclear installations, a senior military commander warned today.
General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, head of the aerospace division of the powerful Revolutionary Guard, threatened to target Nato's missile defence shield in the neighbouring country.
The system which Turkey only agreed to install in September, is designed to prevent Iranian missile attacks on Israel.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #23

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Iran may likely bomb Turkey, but not Israel as it is their way to destroy Sunni population on earth, completely. Anyone remember last time Iran fought any non-Muslim country? I am in no way advocating any type of war what so ever; be it among Muslims, or non-Muslims, or Muslims with non-Muslim. I am trying to point out sick obsessed mentality of Iranian government.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #24

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Iran may likely bomb Turkey, but not Israel as it is their way to destroy Sunni population on earth, completely. Anyone remember last time Iran fought any non-Muslim country? I am in no way advocating any type of war what so ever; be it among Muslims, or non-Muslims, or Muslims with non-Muslim. I am trying to point out sick obsessed mentality of Iranian government.
Well, I know that Israel has bombed Iranian nuclear installations before....and wants to do it again. And I just hope that this belief among our people that Iran wants to destroy the entire Sunni population of earth is just baseless. Allahu 'alam.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #25

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Iran may likely bomb Turkey, but not Israel as it is their way to destroy Sunni population on earth, completely. Anyone remember last time Iran fought any non-Muslim country?.
Lets the the fact right first. Iran has not attacked ANY sunni country (or any country for that matter) or invaded anyone. It has a right to defend itself. It was iraq who INVADED iran during the 80's by the orders of the US governement backed by saudi arabia and kuwaiti financial support. So Iran had to fight back, which is well within its rights. Iran is the only county that the US and Israel feels threatned from. They (the west) are not afraid on our sunni leaders because they are in bed with them already. So where did you get this ridicoulous idea that wants to destroy every sunni country on the planet ? I can name you our SUNNI countries which have invaded other countries.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #26

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Lets the the fact right first. Iran has not attacked ANY sunni country (or any country for that matter) or invaded anyone. It has a right to defend itself. It was iraq who INVADED iran during the 80's by the orders of the US governement backed by saudi arabia and kuwaiti financial support. So Iran had to fight back, which is well within its rights. Iran is the only county that the US and Israel feels threatned from. They (the west) are not afraid on our sunni leaders because they are in bed with them already. So where did you get this ridicoulous idea that wants to destroy every sunni country on the planet ? I can name you our SUNNI countries which have invaded other countries.
To the most deviated Shi'a scholars, they do not consider Sunni Muslims as Muslims. Indeed they would kill Sunni Muslim first before killing any non-believers. That's what they believe their Mahdi will do. Oh well they even accused Ayesha and Hafsa of poisoning the Prophet . These ayatollahs are considered as zindiq, which must be killed on the spot by any Islamic rulers after their cases were proven without being given three time chances to repent.

Regarding any wars between Iran and any other countries, it wasn't based on Islamic reason to begin with. The war between Iraq and Iran was more because of Arab and Baath nationalism instead of anything to defend Islam.

Umar ibn al-Khattab once said that Allah honours Arabs with Islam, and they will be honoured as long as they stick to it (fully). How very true.

Allah Knows best.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #27

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The shia are the enemies of Allah and his messenger and should not be supported as a political entity at any cost.

Brother abu tamim, I love you for the sake of Allah brother and usually love your blog posts, but on this particular occasion I urge you to reconsider your position and not support iran. They are blood thirsty animals who wont be satisified until the sunni population ceases to exist.

These people are evil and should be opposed by Ahlas sunnah inshAllah
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #28

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Well, I know that Israel has bombed Iranian nuclear installations before....and wants to do it again. And I just hope that this belief among our people that Iran wants to destroy the entire Sunni population of earth is just baseless. Allahu 'alam.
It is not baseless. I lived among them and I know how they consider and treat Sunnis.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #29

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Abu_Tamim please answer: for the last 600 years, have Iran ever fought any non-Muslim country? I am not good at history, hence I wonder if they really did.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #30

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im very appauled at the statements on here. Iran like the rest of shia islam is based on deterrence not agresssion. thats why they will provail. Shias are not enemies of Allah and his messenger, how can some one make such a baseless claim. Are you sunnis or wahabbis in disgise. Its the so called sunnis in cohoots with kafirs not shias, shias are oppressed to this day and have been for centuries by tryannical rulers and cowards. Using false allegations, shias curse some sunnis because they are currupt. So you all need to do reserch and rethink your baseless statements. btw im considering shia or maliki.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #31

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im very appauled at the statements on here. Iran like the rest of shia islam is based on deterrence not agresssion. thats why they will provail. Shias are not enemies of Allah and his messenger, how can some one make such a baseless claim. Are you sunnis or wahabbis in disgise. Its the so called sunnis in cohoots with kafirs not shias, shias are oppressed to this day and have been for centuries by tryannical rulers and cowards. Using false allegations, shias curse some sunnis because they are currupt. So you all need to do reserch and rethink your baseless statements. btw im considering shia or maliki.

if you're not a shi'a already, kindly please read this thread;


Actually, it matters more if you're a shi'a already. Since sunniforum is an open forum, and many shi'a have come here in the past to defend their aqeedah but they failed miserably, then if you have anything that could back up your shi'a aqeedah if you're already a shi'a, by all means please do so. Remember that we all will be asked of our actions and decisions in front of Allah on the Judgement Day, so please be sure that you will be able to defend your aqeedah.

Quoting from the same thread by brother TripolySunni;
Full reference about the text is available in the thread post number 1271 link: http://www.sunniforum.com/forum/show...l=1#post698389
Question 271: Mutah marriage in the Madhab of Ahlul-Bayt (a) is permissible, some individuals however take advantage and abuse this marriage, some individuals who are married leave their wives and travel for the purpose of Mutah, some even travel with their wives and do Mutah .. is this kind of marriage permissible? are there some special condition which must be fulfilled for Mutah marriage?

Fatwa: That is permissible, unless they want to make Mutah with a woman from Ahlul-Kitab then in this case it is not permissible unless they ask the permission of the Muslim wife, even with that it is not permissible by precaution.

Question 286: I sent your eminence a question and the text was: I have a house maid and I want to make Mutah with her .. can I do this knowing that she's a virgin? your answer was: "permissible with the permission of her father or paternal-grandfather." my next question is: is the permission fulfilled if she asks him for me or should I ask him? knowing that her parents are in Indonesia and we are in Saudi and I do not know the language .. can I make Mutah with her without their permission because she is in a strange land and might not be able to reach the parents?

Fatwa: It is enough if she asks for permission and you sense acceptance, if she could not call and is in dire need of marriage then it is permissible to marry her without their permission.

Question 289: Is it allowed to do Mutah with the daughter of the wife's sister?

Fatwa: permissible with the permission of the wife. That's already enough to give a glimpse about some very controversial practices by the shi'a. Can you claim that these practices were in accordance with the sunnah of the Prophet ?

That's just some points to ponder upon.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #32

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I used to be a big fan of Iran and their so-called "revolution" and "resistance" but as time progressed, I learned other things that made me have second-thoughts. For example, when Egypt went through a revolution and other Arab nations, like Libya, followed suit, the Iranian news channel, Press TV, hailed these revolutions. The Iranian priests came out saying that the "Islamic Revolution" in Iran has been a model and inspiration for all the Muslims in the Arab world. And when Shias from Bahrain stood up against the Sunni ruling group, which is a minority, the Iranians were all up and cheering.

People getting rid of Hosni Mubarak and Gadhafi were labeled as "freedom fighters" but something funny happened. Syrians, majority of whom are Sunnis, started protesting in Syria against Bashar Al-Assad, Iran's boy and fellow Shia. Press TV immediately ran reports alleging that those fighting in the streets of Syria were trained by, and were agents of, Zionists.

Why this hypocrisy? If Saddam is thrown out, if Gadhafi is kicked out and when Mubarak's regime is toppled, then it is a good thing and all those taking part are "heroes" but when the same is done to a Shia President, then the people with the same hope and aspirations are "Zionists"???!!!

Enough hypocrisy!
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #33

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The shia are the enemies of Allah and his messenger and should not be supported as a political entity at any cost.

Brother abu tamim, I love you for the sake of Allah brother and usually love your blog posts, but on this particular occasion I urge you to reconsider your position and not support iran. They are blood thirsty animals who wont be satisified until the sunni population ceases to exist.

These people are evil and should be opposed by Ahlas sunnah inshAllah
Sidi Dawud,

Not support Iran against Israel? Is that what you are saying? Secondly, I don't know if it is possible to paint an entire nation with the same brush.
Also, destroying the 1 billion plus Sunni population is impossible. So if any extremists have feverish dreams of doing such a thing also, they will always remain dreams.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #34

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Abu_Tamim please answer: for the last 600 years, have Iran ever fought any non-Muslim country? I am not good at history, hence I wonder if they really did.
Sidi Verdana,
I am equally poor at history. But I think that every generation can be held accountable only for itself. Has Saudia fought any non-Muslim country in recent years? Or has it supported the killing of Iraqis at the hands of the Kuffar?
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #35

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You guys are so anti-iranian. Its the wahabi/saudi propoganda thats just brainwashed you guys. I mean you guys come out with statements such as that USA and Israel are friends with Iran and this is all a show to decieve us.

If they were friends then the US would not launch its proxy war using iraq for EIGHT YEARS killing over a MILLION Iranians (backed by saudi arabia and kuwait money). They would not do covert operations to destory iran from within. Israel would not have gone to war with Iran via Hezbollah.

The REAL people who are in bed with USA and Israel are OUR SUNNI Leaders like Saudi arabia, jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, U.A.E. But since you have all fallen for the wahabi propoganda against Iran, you are just to blind to see all this. May allah wake you all up from this.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #36

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You guys are so anti-iranian. Its the wahabi/saudi propoganda thats just brainwashed you guys. I mean you guys come out with statements such as that USA and Israel are friends with Iran and this is all a show to decieve us.

If they were friends then the US would not launch its proxy war using iraq for EIGHT YEARS killing over a MILLION Iranians (backed by saudi arabia and kuwait money). They would not do covert operations to destory iran from within. Israel would not have gone to war with Iran via Hezbollah.

The REAL people who are in bed with USA and Israel are OUR SUNNI Leaders like Saudi arabia, jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, U.A.E. But since you have all fallen for the wahabi propoganda against Iran, you are just to blind to see all this. May allah wake you all up from this.
Actually brother, we are not anti Iranians. We are anti shi'a, and this is not without valid reasons either. Those reasons are well documented in many places and in many categories. Of course we will try to help our sunni brothers in Iran. And rest assure we do know about the Arab politicians that you mentioned about (and I would disagree to call them sunni leaders as they are not alims to begin with). And yes overwhelming majority on this forum would agree with you that those politicians most of the time are not acting in the best interest of Islam.

As per what actions can be taken by the Muslims to rectify all the mistakes done by their political leaders, that would require another thread (and a long one at that) to accommodate all the different opinions we have.

Allah Knows best.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #37

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Some do read between the lines.

India and the arab spring
Eerie silence
M K Bhadrakumar

India can neither afford to remain silent nor be a party to the perpetuation of western hegemony over the Arab peoples.

Iran’s powerful Guardian Council has endorsed the Majlis’ resolution to downgrade the country’s ties with Britain. The move includes expelling the British ambassador in Tehran. A signpost has been put up in India’s ‘extended neighbourhood’, which we can only ignore at some peril.

A deep chill is setting in in Iran’s ties with Britain, which, incidentally, has been a hugely troubled relationship historically, the high water mark being the coup to overthrow the government of Mohammed Mossadeq in Iran in 1952, which is commonly attributed to the CIA but was actually the handiwork of MI6. Iran knows better than most countries that Britain is often the ‘brain’ behind America’s policies – be it toward Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria or Myanmar.

Britain will almost certainly take its grouse over the Iranian snub to the European councils and would seek a ‘regional’ consensus in the western world to make diplomatic moves against Iran in goose steps. (London will convey its angst to Delhi, too.) Whether Germany, which has extensive involvement in Iran, would fall in line will be an occasion to take the temperature on Britain’s real standing in contemporary world as well as on European unity itself. Conceivably, Europe will duck – express solidarity with Britain in spiritual terms and then go about with its worldly business with Iran.

The United States and Israel will no doubt work overtime in the European capitals to get the west downgrade the ties with Iran and if they succeed, they will drumbeat that Iran faces ‘international’ isolation. Clearly, Tehran has factored in the downstream diplomatic fracas that will follow by insulting Britain, and is nonetheless going ahead with its decision.

So, what is on the Iranian mind? Some serious conclusions can be drawn. First, Tehran estimates that a US-British-Israeli axis is in any case gearing up for confrontation. Second, this confrontation may take place within US president Barack Obama’s first term as president – because it may well ensure the success of his re-election bid for a second term. Third, emanating out of the above, Tehran has little choice left but to take to the high ground, as it is no more an issue of Iran being flexible on the nuclear issue or not, Iran being conciliatory toward Israel or not, or even of Iran being ‘moderate’ on the Palestine problem or not.

It’s pure power play and realpolitik. A similar situation arose in 1980 when Tehran couldn’t care less anymore what the US and Britain thought of its revolution, and Tehran feels it is far better off without the British hanging about. The Iranian historical consciousness still regards Imperial Britain as a poisonous serpent that every now and then crept up from India to devour the succulent Persian fruit.

Rational thinking
The recent statements by Iranian military commanders have warned that Iran has known (and unknown) capabilities to retaliate, if attacked. By warning explicitly, it hopes to inject some rational thinking into the US-British-Israeli discourses that are bordering on delusional estimations regarding Iran’s policies and choices. But Tehran senses the futility of trying to influence the undergrid of the Obama administration’s disposition at this juncture.

The point is, Obama is simply not interested in hearing Iran’s narrative. Obama’s obsessive concern is his 2012 re-election bid and he can’t do without the Jewish lobby in the US, which controls purse strings and what passes for ‘opinion-making’ in the media and the think tanks and the ‘mainstream’ political opinion among Congressmen in Washington.

The signpost shows Delhi will be soon navigating in dangerous waters. It cannot pretend that the sun rises in the Asia-Pacific and the sun also should set there and Asia-Pacific is the whole world for India and the Indians. India also happens to have a western vector to its ‘extended neighborhood.’ Some five million Indians habitate that region, who may not happen to belong to our well-heeled ‘middle class’ but they send back a lot of money into the Indian coffers which are depleting fast otherwise.

Can India have a partial ‘defining partnership’ with the US, strictly limited to the Asia-Pacific? There is pin-drop silence in Delhi about the dogs of war being unleashed over Syria or the birth pangs of the Egyptian revolution. True, Obama will expect Delhi to tag along if he goes to war in the Persian Gulf. True, Israelis will expect this is payback time for Delhi.

But it will be a tragedy and a great pity if these are going to be our two key determinants. India’s feudal chieftains courted the British believing it to be in their self-interest. It took 250 years to get rid of the pestilence and when we managed it, we were emaciated, drained out of blood.

No way, therefore, can India remain silent at such a period of epochal significance. India cannot be party to the perpetuation of western hegemony over the Arab peoples. Prime minister Manmohan Singh could have advised his youthful interlocutor last week in Delhi, the visiting deputy prime minister of the UAE, Lieutenant General Sheikh Saif Bin Zayed Al Nahyan that we too had our Siraj ud-Daulah and our crop of Mir Jafars (Muslims and Rajputs alike) but ultimately tragedies can be avoided if only we kept out outsiders from our fratricidal strife. But for that to happen, we too must have beliefs.

(The writer is a former diplomat)

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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #38

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1. http://colintodhunter.blogspot.com/
2. http://bhadrakumarviews.blogspot.com/
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #39

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You guys are so anti-iranian. Its the wahabi/saudi propoganda thats just brainwashed you guys. I mean you guys come out with statements such as that USA and Israel are friends with Iran and this is all a show to decieve us.
We're not anti-Iranian at all.
I'm actually a huge lover of Iranian civilization in its widest reach (basically the whole of Muslim Asian countries are deeply affected by Islamic Iranian civilization, and there was also some influence in the Eastern African coasts).

But we're anti-Shi'ah.
Confusing Shi'aism kufr with Iranian people is an insult not just to Sunni Iranian Muslims, but also to the history of Iran, which has remained a Sunni Muslim country for centuries, before Shiaism has only quite recently been forced upon its population by Safavid Kuffar rulers.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #40

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I find some of the comments here quite worrying. Speaking as a Sunni Hanafi, I was someone who for many years wished the best for the Islamic and wider Arab world, particularly the palestinians. For years and years, nothing would happen, agreements were torn up by Israel and the US would just watch on. Expecting the Arab league and the OIC to do something, it became evident these were merely talking shops, all for the same reason. The dissenting vioces and few nations that wanted to do something could never really put any pressure on US (Israel) because the Mubarak's, Saudi's, and other Gulf rulers (who all happen to be Sunni's) were absolutely corrupted beyond the point they were effective leaders anymore. All of them in the pocket of the US and thus would not even challenge fragrant violations by Israel. I mean, the silence from the Gulf Corporation Council (GCC) was deafening. It took me many years to realise, until this nexus of Al-Saud and the other corrupt Sunni Gulf rulers are overthrown by their people, the US (and by virtue, Israel) will always have the upperhand on Muslims in region.

Some folk on here are so caught-up in their little factional Sunni Vs Shia mindsets, they seem to forget the US and Israel have successfully played Sunni's against Shi'as in the region before. It was called the Iran-Iraq war. Saddam was armed-up heavily by the West and Russia, to the point it was believed he had the fourth most powerful mechanised army in the world. He was supported AND funded by the Gulf Sunni rulers to attack Iran and retake the entire Shatt-Al-Arab waterways, which was and still is Iranian soveriegn territory. That was an appalling decision, because the Iranians actually fought back and did not stop resisting Saddam's invasion. A truce and peace agreement ended the conflict some 8 years after it had begun. Saddam was forced into humiliating retreat. His army battered, the funds Iraq was given by the Gulf arabs were now being called in - to Saddam's fury. To add insult to injury, the Gulf arabs, particularly Kuwait, then started pumping far more oil than the market needed and there followed a slump in global oil prices, thus reducing Iraq's much-needed oil income. Unfortunately, the Americans played him, the Sunni Gulf rulers stood-by with the Americans and watched, Israel was on the floor laughing. A once rich nation was led to ruin by a hardline dictator in a war that was never going to be won. Its regional neighboors (brotherly nations) gave it the cold shoulder and stabbed it in the back at its most needy hour. Debt-laden Saddam's Iraq had few options and soon after he found himself in another war, against Kuwait, after what he believed was a US greenlight for his invasion. He was skillfully ensnared into the perfect trap. Then the first Iraq war happened - the rest is history.

They say history always repeats itself.

In recent years, the US, with tacit Israeli backing, has been building-up the Sunni Gulf Arabs for a war against Iran. Like some 30years before in Saddam's Iraq, currently Saudi-Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain and to a lesser extent Oman are all having their armies modernised and weaponry to the tune of $100's billions sold to them, in preparation for a major Gulf conflict. Again, the same factional hype 'Sunni vs Shia' are rearing their heads again in certain western media and Takfiri arguments are heating-up amongst Islamic media. This only exacerbates the issue in the region and builds unnecessary tension. Before long, it will take a spark to ignite another conflict in the Persian gulf region. Where that spark will come from, waits to be seen. Going on a good stretch of history, Iran/Persia has done well to keep out of wars and simply defend itself from invading foreigners. I hate to say this but I suspect it will be either US/Israel who spark the conflict or their Sunni client states in the Gulf region. Iran knows fully well, it is a huge country and any war against it will most likely be inconclusive. The great fear is these Sunni rulers are waisting hundreds of billions on weapons, literally sending the billions of oil income back to the US and Europe for arms - what an enormous folly. The Sunni Gulf Region does not now how to live through a long war, especially with the technological advancements in military over the decades. If Iran is forced into another conflict, it is led by men who were involved in the brutal 8 year war against Saddam, where they successfully held him off. The Sunni's in the gulf have far more to lose, yet they as blind as ever, seem to be sleepwalking into the perfect US/Israeli war forgetting they are Iran's immediate Gulf neigboors and will have to deal with the consequences, especially if any conflict becomes protracted.

The real-winners? .....US/Israel. Instead of fighting the war themselves, they outsource it to Sunni's and allow Sunni's to commit the slaughter on their behalf - which ABSOLUTELY poisons relations with Iran/Shias long into the future and sows even deeper divisions between different Muslims groups and their neighboors. It is exactly this 'divide and rule' tactic which they have successfully employed on a number of occasions now and will continue to do in the future. The question is whether Sunni's will be daft enough to actually fall for it yet again and allow Israel to come clean off the hook. Make no mistake, Israel is the only nation that benefits from these Sunni/Shia wars. The sooner Sunni's can accept that the Gulf Arabs states are acting in concert with Un-Islamic, external interests, we will be one step further to understanding what needs to be done for the better.

Allahu A'alam
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