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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #1

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Default The Correct Meaning of ‘ahlu_s_sunnah wa_l_jamaa”ah.
as_salaamu "alaykum

‘ahlu_s_sunnahwa_l_jamaa”ah is a pure statement in the Arabic language composed of the following words.







‘ahlun has among others the following meanings:

(1)- family, folks, relatives

(2)-followers, adherents


al is the definite article ‘the’

sunnatun means a way, a rule , a manner of doing , a coarse of action etc.( and in the ummah (people) of muhammad (S+) it means ... of muhammad (S+)

wa is the conjunction ‘and’

jamaa”atun means a gathering, a community, a group, a band, etc. (and in this context it means the generality of Muslims of the ummah of muhammad (S+) until the day of judgement).

So the correct meaning of ‘ahlu_s_sunnahwa_l_jamaa”ah is:

(1)- family, folks, relatives ..... Of muhammad (S+)

(2)-followers, adherents .......Of muhammad (S+)


(3)- the generality of the Muslims of the ummah of muhammad (S+) until the day of judgement)

The statement cannot be used or rejected by one group of Muslims against the other. All Muslims who follow the right way are included.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #2

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Wa `Alaykumus Salaam wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh.

Just some minor corrections, brother:

"Ahl-us-Sunnati wal Jamaa`ati."

Ahl (Meaning people) is a Mudaaf in the state of Marfoo`, therefore it is "Ahlu". It is not "Ahlun" as a Mudaaf can never have "Al" or "Tanween" (Fathatain, Dammatain, Kasratain.)

Then, "As-Sunnati" is the Mudaaf Ilayhi of "Ahlu", so it will have "Al" (which becomes "As", because Seen is from al-Huroof ash-Shamsiyyah), and it will be "Sunnati" because the Mudaaf Ilayhi will always be Majroor.

Then, "Wa" is Harf-ul-Atf, and "Al-Jamaa`ati" is Ma`toof `Alayhi, and so will have the same I`raab as "As-Sunnati".

And the meaning is, "The People (or Followers) of the Sunnah (of Rasoolullaah Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam) and the Jamaa`ah (which refers to the Sahaabah, Taabi`een and Atbaa`-ut-Taabi`een, known as the Khayr-ul-Quroon.)

Wa Sallallaahu `Alaa Nabiyyinaa Muhammadiw wa Aalihi wa Sahbihi wa Sallim.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #3

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Wa `Alaykumus Salaam wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh.

Just some minor corrections, brother:

"Ahl-us-Sunnati wal Jamaa`ati."

Ahl (Meaning people) is a Mudaaf in the state of Marfoo`, therefore it is "Ahlu". It is not "Ahlun" as a Mudaaf can never have "Al" or "Tanween" (Fathatain, Dammatain, Kasratain.)

Then, "As-Sunnati" is the Mudaaf Ilayhi of "Ahlu", so it will have "Al" (which becomes "As", because Seen is from al-Huroof ash-Shamsiyyah), and it will be "Sunnati" because the Mudaaf Ilayhi will always be Majroor.

Then, "Wa" is Harf-ul-Atf, and "Al-Jamaa`ati" is Ma`toof `Alayhi, and so will have the same I`raab as "As-Sunnati".

And the meaning is, "The People (or Followers) of the Sunnah (of Rasoolullaah Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam) and the Jamaa`ah (which refers to the Sahaabah, Taabi`een and Atbaa`-ut-Taabi`een, known as the Khayr-ul-Quroon.)

Wa Sallallaahu `Alaa Nabiyyinaa Muhammadiw wa Aalihi wa Sahbihi wa Sallim.
as_salaamu "alaykum brother

100%. I have just broken the words into their unitary states. In my next posts I was going to give further clarification inshaa allaah.

wa_l_hamdulillaahi rabbi_l_"aalamiyn
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