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#1 |
9 minutes long, educational podcast because it teaches you Propaganda techniques |
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#2 |
| Propaganda was started by the Catholic least thats where its origins are... |
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#3 |
Yeah the word propaganda used to just mean dissemination of knowledge or information, it only got the negative connotation associated with it after WWI I think. Americans wanted to stay out of the war (WWI), they did not want to involve themselves in foreign wars (imagine if they were still like that). The American government employed a guy called Edward Bernays (the nephew of Sigmund Freud) to use Propaganda to make Americans feel that joining the European war was a good thing. He obviously succeeded and many Americans lost their lives.
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#4 |
Yeah the word propaganda used to just mean dissemination of knowledge or information, it only got the negative connotation associated with it after WWI I think. Americans wanted to stay out of the war (WWI), they did not want to involve themselves in foreign wars (imagine if they were still like that). The American government employed a guy called Edward Bernays (the nephew of Sigmund Freud) to use Propaganda to make Americans feel that joining the European war was a good thing. He obviously succeeded and many Americans lost their lives. Much wartime propaganda is called covert (secret) propaganda because it comes from hidden sources. For example, a propagandist might try to discourage enemy troops by sending them counterfeit newspapers reporting huge losses among their forces. Some covert propaganda is spread by people in a country who secretly support its enemies. A group of such people is called a fifth column. The opposite of covert propaganda is called overt (open) propaganda, which comes from known sources. The current Syria situation is a good example of propaganda...btn Friends of Israel (Saudis, TUrks & Qataris who have the BBC and all other major media outlets ) telling us one side of the story I suggest you read this book: ![]() |
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#5 |
Yeah the word propaganda used to just mean dissemination of knowledge or information, it only got the negative connotation associated with it after WWI I think. Americans wanted to stay out of the war (WWI), they did not want to involve themselves in foreign wars (imagine if they were still like that). The American government employed a guy called Edward Bernays (the nephew of Sigmund Freud) to use Propaganda to make Americans feel that joining the European war was a good thing. He obviously succeeded and many Americans lost their lives. American's were overwhelmingly against being entangled in another European war. And Edward Bernay's failed use of propaganda techniques did nothing to change American attitudes on this issue. Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor is what made the American people want to enter the war. But only against Japan. Hitler stupidly declared war against the U.S. a couple of days after the Japanese attack in an effort to back his pacific ally. Thus it was Hitler who pulled America into fighting in Europe during WWII not propaganda. |
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#6 |
Try reading some history be fore you post next time. After World War II ended in 1945, the Cold War began. The Communist nations, led by the Soviet Union, and the non-Communist nations, led by the United States, used a variety of propaganda techniques to influence world opinion, as well as their own citizens. |
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#7 |
Sigh.....I said WWI not WWII.
WWI was joined by America because of the sinking of the Lisutania (some people claim this was a ruse concocted by the government). Like Pearl harbour was a ruse because the American President more or less instigated the attack by putting a trade embargo on Japan. People in Europe like to say Americans are stupid and uninformed, I try to prove them wrong by saying they are generalizing etc. Try reading some history be fore you post next time. |
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#8 |
[QUOTE=Game theory;805593]J. The Office of War Information handled overt propaganda, and the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) carried on covert operations. Just as an aside OSS changed its name and before Iraq was invaded post 9/11 a neo-conservertive Zionist called Richard Perle created some fake evidence that
Iraq had purchased yellow cake to make uranium from try and get the invasion of Iraq under way. chronology here: |
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#9 |
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#10 |
Hehe Americans are losing their jobs, in debt and paying lots of taxes...and they dance to the tune of the bankers and corporate media. Most American do not even know where Canada is on a map.
Winston Churchill (admittedly a warmongering alcoholic) said the Americans always do the sensible thing, after they have tried and failed at all other ways....which is quite witty. We could care less what Europeans think about Americans. |
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#12 |
Canada is just a cold place up north that has basically no bearing on our lives. Interviews with everyday Americans 3 minutes long |
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#15 |
You just trying to prove that Americans are stupid? I think its been established that Americans generally are poorly informed and dumbed down by their mass media culture and the political elites like it that way. because it allows them to inavde foreign countries without being held accountable by the governed who do not care and are unaware.
Its the American armed forces that dehumanize Muslims by calling them rag heads, they used to call the Viet Coms in Vietnam 'gooks'...its a sad reflection of a warmongering nation that feels easy about murdering foreigners. Sad that you as a muslim refer to your brothers as "rag heads". |
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#16 |
You just trying to prove that Americans are stupid? I think its been established that Americans generally are poorly informed and dumbed down by their mass media culture and the political elites like it that way. because it allows them to inavde foreign countries without being held accountable by the governed who do not care and are unaware. It's a time honored tradition and nothing unique to modern armies. Fact............ |
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#17 |
It is the process by which the American ruling class get dumbed down Americans who have been fed Propaganda to do their mass killing for them which is Fact, how happily these fools will fly thousands of miles away killing and abusing people they do not even know, and also just how uncritical most Americans are of their government. Dehumanizing people by giving them names like gooks and ragheads just makes it more easier to kill them. Stupidity on a mass scale brought on by propaganda.
All soldiers from every country throughout history have used derogatory names to label their enemy. |
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#18 |
Propaganda appeals to its audience in three ways.
(1) It calls for an action or opinion that it makes seem wise and reasonable. (2) It suggests that the action or opinion is moral and right. (3) It provides a pleasant feeling, such as a sense of importance or of belonging. Many propaganda methods are common-sense techniques that resemble those of persuasive speaking. These techniques include gaining people's trust, simplicity and repetition, and the use of symbols. However, propagandists often use such underhanded methods as distortion, concealment, and lying. In nations ruled by dictators, governments increase the effectiveness of their propaganda by using censorship. Gaining people's trust. Above all, propagandists must be believable, and their audience must consider them reliable authorities. One way to gain an audience's trust is to report unfavourable news that the audience knows or will discover. During World War II (1939-1945), the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) made propaganda broadcasts to Europe. The BBC began many newscasts with a report of British defeats and losses. This practice helped give the BBC a worldwide reputation for truthfulness. Another way to gain people's trust is to agree with their existing opinions. Scientists have found that people place most trust in speakers and writers whose ideas are similar to their own. As a result, propaganda is most successful if much of it agrees with what people already believe and if only a little of it is new. The bottom line is MUSLIMS and ARABS in particular have failed in this art form...and post 9/11 cemented this. |
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#19 |
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#20 |
Rupert Murdoch Cooed in the Zionist Cradle
September 2, 2009 By Saiful Islam Rupert Murdoch. I have mentioned him in other posts in the past. The man owns and of course directs much of the Western media and indeed elsewhere around the globe. The same media which is accomplice to the increase in the Hijab tearing, racist jibing hate crimes, responsible for the creation of the evil entity known as the “Islamist” (no doubt assisted by the cogs of the machinery – Ed Husain et al) and the spread of xenophobia. And al-Qaeda. You know the same al-Qaeda that no one, perhaps even Osama bin Laden himself, had heard of before 9/11 and is now this supranational entity hell-bent on bringing the Western values to it’s knees via military level precision plots to blow up shoes. The media is a powerful mechanism in orchestrating the achievement of particular policy aims such as the control of resources, establishment by expulsion of indigenous Arabs out of Palestine, restriction of freedoms in order to maintain control of societies, and all the rest of the freaky aims of the Western Zionist/Neo-Conservatist governments. The method is simple, a bomb goes off – planted probably by the CIA/MI5/6 et al – blame it on the “enemy” which was created because of their own dirty acts. Then mass propagate that lie because most people will believe what they hear – after all the materialist philosophy has driven people to find new way of attaining wealth, how much time will they give to critically analysing what they hear? Our Queen’s relative, Adolf Hitler, made a pertinent point on this issue in his Mein Kampf, “But it remained for the Jews, with their unqualified capacity for falsehood, and their fighting comrades, the Marxists, to impute responsibility for the downfall precisely to the man who alone had shown a superhuman will and energy in his effort to prevent the catastrophe which he had foreseen and to save the nation from that hour of complete overthrow and shame. By placing responsibility for the loss of the world war on the shoulders of Ludendorff they took away the weapon of moral right from the only adversary dangerous enough to be likely to succeed in bringing the betrayers of the Fatherland to Justice. All this was inspired by the principle–which is quite true in itself–that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.” Hitler in the Chapter 6 regarding propaganda says, “No matter what amount of talent is employed in the organisation of propaganda, it will have no result if due account is not taken of these fundamental principles. Propaganda must be limited to a few simple themes and these must be represented again and again [read - do what the Sun is doing]. Here, as in innumerable other cases, perseverance is the first and most important condition of success.” People have often drawn the comparison between what Israel has done in Palestine with what the Nazis done in Germany. People also criticise this viewpoint calling it a gross exaggeration, impliedly albeit unintentionally accepting that there is some degree of truth in such a statement. However it seems that the Zionist entities are at full throttle in accepting the thoughts Hitler espoused when it comes to propaganda warfare. This simple theme based lying is rampant throughout the media, with unverified claims about who did what going unchecked. (See Children of Darkness – Killing ‘Them’, ) Returning to Mr Murdoch, we see that he too understands the value of Hitler’s thoughts and is not only implementing them through his media empire but also in person himself. The American Jewish Committee has awarded Murdoch for his concerted effort to vilify Islam, postulate a sympathetic stance to Israel, and propound neoconservatism en masse. His words should send a tingle up the spine of the Muslims who watch his channels including the Asian satellite channel Star TV. Following “simplify themes and mass propagate it” theory, we have Murdoch saying: “This assault comes from people who make clear they have no intention of ever living side-by-side in peace with a Jewish state – no matter how many concessions Israel might make. The reason for this is also clear: These are men who cannot abide the idea of freedom, tolerance, and democracy. They hate Israel for the same reasons they hate us.” And what exactly are the Palestinians fighting for? Are they fighting because they enjoy getting killed? Or they enjoy watching their babies sniped by some sick wacko Israeli soldier? It is in fact Israel which has restricted the FREEDOM of Palestinians to live their lives as human beings, it is in fact ISRAEL who is intolerant of the Palestinians searching for opportunities to expel the Arabs and it is the hypocritical West who accept democracy only when the elected government fits their agendas and I am not only referring to Hamas. This one paragraph is enough to expose the straw man style argumentation which itself falls in line with simplifying themes and which thus becomes more digestible to the 3 million daily Sun readers. The way in which Murdoch defends, rather pathetically, Israel’s putrid crimes through lying and twisting facts repeatedly should speak volumes for his credibility and the credibility of his 175 titles spread across three different continents publishing 40 million copies of his Islamophobic, Israel supporting publications. And they are all on his leash. Prima facie it seems Muslims are facing a massively outnumbered battle, on pretty much every level – battlefield technology, media technology, intelligence technology and to a lesser extent, intellectual arenas. Almost every level. But one. It has been the Sunnah of Allah , throughout history, that Muslims have been outnumbered but have attained victory due to their Iman and firmness in acting upon the Commands of Allah and the blessed Sunnah. Our faith is in Allah and His Magnificent guide, al-Quran and the beautiful Sunnah of Muhammad . Allah mentions in the Quran: “Those who knew that they are to meet their Lord said: ‘How many a small group defeated a large group, and Allah is with those who are patient and persevere.’” |
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