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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #1

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Default How to use a really thick miswak?
Do I slice it down the middle and make a few thin miswaks?

Only someone with a huge mouth and massive teeth could use it effectively!
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #2

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do i slice it down the middle and make a few thin miswaks?

Only someone with a huge mouth and massive teeth could use it effectively!
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #3

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Salams sis, I just sliced mine down the middle and hold it close to the tip and rub it against my teeth up and down
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #4

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Salams sis, I just sliced mine down the middle and hold it close to the tip and rub it against my teeth up and down
Thats wrong way, no wonder people don't get any benefit, miswak has to be used from side to side, not up and down.


Miswaak is to be held in the right hand.

According to ‘Abd Allah Ibn Mas’ud the Miswaak should be held in the right hand so that the small finger is below the Miswaak and the thumb is below the tip and the other fingers are on top of the Miswaak. It should not be held in the fist. (Rahdul Mukhtar)

6. Aadaab (Etiquette) of Miswaak.

(1) The Miswaak should be a straight twig, devoid of roughness.
(2) The Miswaak should be clean.
(3) The Miswaak should not be too hard nor too soft.
(4) The Miswaak should not be used while one is lying down.
(5) The new Miswaak should be approximately 8 inches (a hand-span) in length.
(6) The Miswaak should be the thickness of the forefinger.
(7) Before using the Miswaak, it should be washed.
(8) After use it should be washed as well.
(9) The Miswaak should not be sucked.
(10) The Miswaak should be placed vertically when not in use. It should not be thrown onto the ground.
(11) If the Miswaak is dry it should be moistened with water prior to use. This is Musthahab. It is preferable to moisten it with Rose water.
(12) The Miswaak should not be used in the toilet.
(13) The Miswaak should be used at least thrice (brush three times) for each section of the mouth, e.g. brush the upper layer of teeth thrice, then the lower layer thrice, etc.
(14) The Miswaak should not be used at both ends.
(15) The Miswaak should not be taken from an unknown tree as it may be poisonous.

Ref: Islam.tc

7. Sunnah for using Miswaak:

1. For the recitation of the Holy Qur’an.
2. For the recitation of Hadith.
3. When the mouth emits bad odour.
4. For teaching or learning the virtues of Islam.
5. For making remembrance of Allah (The Exalted).
6. Before intercourse.
7. After entering one’s home.
8. Before entering any good gathering.
9. When experiencing pangs of hunger or thirst.
10. After the time of Suhoor.
11. Before meals.
12. Before and after a journey.
13. Before and after sleeping.

Ref: Islam.tc
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #5

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Thats wrong way, no wonder people don't get any benefit, miswak has to be used from side to side, not up and down.


Miswaak is to be held in the right hand.

According to ‘Abd Allah Ibn Mas’ud the Miswaak should be held in the right hand so that the small finger is below the Miswaak and the thumb is below the tip and the other fingers are on top of the Miswaak. It should not be held in the fist. (Rahdul Mukhtar)

6. Aadaab (Etiquette) of Miswaak.

(1) The Miswaak should be a straight twig, devoid of roughness.
(2) The Miswaak should be clean.
(3) The Miswaak should not be too hard nor too soft.
(4) The Miswaak should not be used while one is lying down.
(5) The new Miswaak should be approximately 8 inches (a hand-span) in length.
(6) The Miswaak should be the thickness of the forefinger.
(7) Before using the Miswaak, it should be washed.
(8) After use it should be washed as well.
(9) The Miswaak should not be sucked.
(10) The Miswaak should be placed vertically when not in use. It should not be thrown onto the ground.
(11) If the Miswaak is dry it should be moistened with water prior to use. This is Musthahab. It is preferable to moisten it with Rose water.
(12) The Miswaak should not be used in the toilet.
(13) The Miswaak should be used at least thrice (brush three times) for each section of the mouth, e.g. brush the upper layer of teeth thrice, then the lower layer thrice, etc.
(14) The Miswaak should not be used at both ends.
(15) The Miswaak should not be taken from an unknown tree as it may be poisonous.

Ref: Islam.tc

7. Sunnah for using Miswaak:

1. For the recitation of the Holy Qur’an.
2. For the recitation of Hadith.
3. When the mouth emits bad odour.
4. For teaching or learning the virtues of Islam.
5. For making remembrance of Allah (The Exalted).
6. Before intercourse.
7. After entering one’s home.
8. Before entering any good gathering.
9. When experiencing pangs of hunger or thirst.
10. After the time of Suhoor.
11. Before meals.
12. Before and after a journey.
13. Before and after sleeping.

Ref: Islam.tc
Bro, im a new miswak user.
Question: When we cut off the old bristles of the miswak to use fresh ones, what do we do with them? Is it disrespectful to just throw the used bristles in the garbage?

Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #6

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Bro, im a new miswak user.
Question: When we cut off the old bristles of the miswak to use fresh ones, what do we do with them? Is it disrespectful to just throw the used bristles in the garbage?
bro I too really don't know that, I throw them in the mud, if i have the time i bury them like nails and hair...lets wait for others to answer
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #7

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@bro a.s, when u use it, use it with 101% conviction, that it was enough for the Prophet [saws] and the Sahabah [ra] and it'll be enough for me too.
Use it like as advised, and you would have no need for toothbrush, the only thing you'll be missing is the 'mint' flavor of the toothpaste that people confuse with hygiene / cleanliness.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #8

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Thats wrong way, no wonder people don't get any benefit, miswak has to be used from side to side, not up and down.


Miswaak is to be held in the right hand.

According to ‘Abd Allah Ibn Mas’ud the Miswaak should be held in the right hand so that the small finger is below the Miswaak and the thumb is below the tip and the other fingers are on top of the Miswaak. It should not be held in the fist. (Rahdul Mukhtar)

6. Aadaab (Etiquette) of Miswaak.

(1) The Miswaak should be a straight twig, devoid of roughness.
(2) The Miswaak should be clean.
(3) The Miswaak should not be too hard nor too soft.
(4) The Miswaak should not be used while one is lying down.
(5) The new Miswaak should be approximately 8 inches (a hand-span) in length.
(6) The Miswaak should be the thickness of the forefinger.
(7) Before using the Miswaak, it should be washed.
(8) After use it should be washed as well.
(9) The Miswaak should not be sucked.
(10) The Miswaak should be placed vertically when not in use. It should not be thrown onto the ground.
(11) If the Miswaak is dry it should be moistened with water prior to use. This is Musthahab. It is preferable to moisten it with Rose water.
(12) The Miswaak should not be used in the toilet.
(13) The Miswaak should be used at least thrice (brush three times) for each section of the mouth, e.g. brush the upper layer of teeth thrice, then the lower layer thrice, etc.
(14) The Miswaak should not be used at both ends.
(15) The Miswaak should not be taken from an unknown tree as it may be poisonous.

Ref: Islam.tc

7. Sunnah for using Miswaak:

1. For the recitation of the Holy Qur’an.
2. For the recitation of Hadith.
3. When the mouth emits bad odour.
4. For teaching or learning the virtues of Islam.
5. For making remembrance of Allah (The Exalted).
6. Before intercourse.
7. After entering one’s home.
8. Before entering any good gathering.
9. When experiencing pangs of hunger or thirst.
10. After the time of Suhoor.
11. Before meals.
12. Before and after a journey.
13. Before and after sleeping.

Ref: Islam.tc
Salams in all of thee above I don't see anything about using it up and down and side to side.
Also the first 15 are they taken from any hadiths?
I really don't think it matters wheter it's up and down or side to side.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #9

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Salams in all of thee above I don't see anything about using it up and down and side to side.
Also the first 15 are they taken from any hadiths?
I really don't think it matters wheter it's up and down or side to side.

with regards to side to side, search forum, i have posted before
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #10

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Salam what was the thread called? I'll look that up thank u
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #11

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Bro, im a new miswak user.
Question: When we cut off the old bristles of the miswak to use fresh ones, what do we do with them? Is it disrespectful to just throw the used bristles in the garbage?
Since it is from a tree you should "recycle" in your compost bin or your garden waste bin which your council collects? I don't know where you are but European countries and the US are into all this recycling business. If you live in the Indo-Pak subcontinent it might be best just to bury it in the soil?

Waste should be minimised and disposed correctly. We have been made vicegerents of this Earth (6:165) and need to be careful of these "green" issues.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #12

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Bro Pluto, I have one more question about Miswak.

After using it should you rinse the whole miswak and replace it back in the wrapper, or should you just leave it out in the open? I've hear that keeping a miswak damp causes it to rot. I think thats what happened to my last one, the wood got hard to chew off.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #13

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First of all just to add a general comment to this thread, miswak is the troooth. Since I started using it daily since last Ramadan or so, there has been a very visible difference in the whiteness and health of my teeth, Alhamdulillah. The main purpose however is to practice the Sunnah of the Prophet and get 70+ times reward for each salah, the physical benefit is just a bonus!

Question: When we cut off the old bristles of the miswak to use fresh ones, what do we do with them? Is it disrespectful to just throw the used bristles in the garbage?
I asked our Imam at the local mosque a while ago what is the correct way to dispose of a used miswak, he said it is preferable if it is buried in the ground. I did not however ask about bristles and personally I throw them in the trash, but I am sure there is a better way to do it. Insha'Allah there is no harm in throwing them in trash so I try not to add extra steps to certain things because it may result in my stop using it altogether.

After using it should you rinse the whole miswak and replace is back in the wrapper, or should yo just leave it out in the open? I've hear that keeping a miswak damp causes it to rot. I think thats what happened to my last one, the wood got hard to chew off.
I've seen brothers in the Masjid do this (replace it back in wrapper). However, when I did that, it started growing mold. Also on more than one occasion, if I wasn't careful to keep it in an upright position where it could easily dry, it started growing mold also. So my recommendation would be to just keep it upright (like in a cup or one of those pen holder type things) and leave it out in the open so it doesn't grow mold. I've seen some miswak vendors selling open miswaks (not in wrapper) so I had once asked one at the Masjid about it and he said that miswaks need air to stay fresh so every so often he opens the older ones and sells them like that and keeps the newer inventory in the wrappers. Don't know how accurate that is but that's what he said.

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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #14

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bro a.s, shuayb bhai is right reagdring the wrapper, don't put it back it all gets soggy and unusable,

here's an interesting story: in fact i once bought a miswak holder thinking it'd look all cool and clean, but exactly the opposite happened, and after 2 miswaks got destroyed, i never used it again, so do NOT buy the miswak holder its a waste of money,


keep it in the open as normal, alongwith that, when i gave the reasons for keeping miswak in miswak holder, it keeps it clean and all,

i had a super taqwasque tabligh zimmedar who was also my former neighbour tell me - "Did the Prophet keep a miswak holder?!!" - "Is anyone more cleaner than the Prophet ?!!!"

I said of-course not, then he replied, "Then whats the reason for keeping a miswak holder?!" and his words proved to be true - the miswak rooted over in a few days, i junked the miswak holder.

though u didn't ask rehd the holder, i thought to share this.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #15

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How do you brush 'behind' the teeth using the miswak?

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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #16

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it is recommended to bring a bended miswaak so that the portion behind teeth and molar teeth are cleaned with ease...!
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #17

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brother pluto and Shuayb.

I just have one more question (Im new with this, so take it easy), and this will be my last query on the topic. After how many uses can you cut off the old bristles to replace them with fresh ones? As of now, I use the same bristles 2-3 times and then cut them off to use fresh ones. Am I wasting? How long can you make your miswak last?
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #18

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brother pluto and Shuayb.

I just have one more question (Im new with this, so take it easy), and this will be my last query on the topic. After how many uses can you cut off the old bristles to replace them with fresh ones? As of now, I use the same bristles 2-3 times and then cut them off to use fresh ones. Am I wasting? How long can you make your miswak last?
One Hafith saheb who is connected to top Ulamah said a miswak should last for no more than 20 days - I make it 40 days. But I'm not sure.
Please ask more questions if you have - no problem, if we don't know we'll learn
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #19

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One Hafith saheb who is connected to top Ulamah said a miswak should last for no more than 20 days - I make it 40 days. But I'm not sure.
Please ask more questions if you have - no problem, if we don't know we'll learn
40 days! You must be using the same bristles for days on end. Isn't is unhygienic to use the same bristles for so many days? [Plus, the acid in the bristles eventually run out, so whats the point of brushing with them?]

20 days sounds just about right. Which means I'll have to cut off old bristles every 1-2 days.

Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #20

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Could you use a miswak to clean the gunk between your keyboard keys or would that be disrespectful? Should it only be used for teeth?
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