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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #21

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The Al Qaeda Insurgency in Syria: Recruiting Jihadists to Wage NATO's "Humanitarian Wars"

by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky


What triggered the crisis in Syria?

It was not the result of internal political cleavages, but rather the consequence of a deliberate plan by the US-NATO alliance to trigger social chaos, to discredit the Syrian government of Bashar Al Assad and ultimately destabilize Syria as a Nation State.

Since the middle of March 2011, Islamist armed groups covertly supported by Western and Israeli intelligence have conducted terrorist attacks on government buildings and acts of arson.

Amply documented, trained gunmen and snipers have targeted the police, the armed forces as well as unarmed civilians.

The objective of this armed insurrection is to trigger the response of the police and armed forces, including the deployment of tanks and armored vehicles with a view to eventually justifying a "humanitarian" military intervention, under NATO's "responsibility to protect" mandate.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #22

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Pawlak you mentioned in your post that there are four distinctive war theatres. The truth is there are many more,.you forgot to mention the American troops in horn if Africa. Or the ones in Philippines, or the ones maghreb region. These are the forgotten battles
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #23

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correct me if im wrong, but tehse documents appear to be insinuating that teh uprising in syria is a bad thing?
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #24

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correct me if im wrong, but tehse documents appear to be insinuating that teh uprising in syria is a bad thing?
That's a further reason why taghut-lovers conspiracy theorists suck.
They put anti-americanism above Islam and will thus prefer a communist dictator over Mujahidin.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #25

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That's a further reason why taghut-lovers conspiracy theorists suck.
They put anti-americanism above Islam and will thus prefer a communist dictator over Mujahidin.
What kind of Mujahidin ? Is it someone who will allow usury based central bank to be
established on your beloved Islamic state ?

People have a tendeny to underestimate the danger of usury. More on this issue is here.

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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #26

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The west is backing this one the most because they want to get rid of this regime, the Syrian regime does not cooperate with them in most matters, they also fully support Iran and allow Hezbullah (Israel's enemy) to be dominant and well armed in Lebanon. They also hope to cause instability in Syria and Lebanon by doing this, maybe even a Fitnah similar to that of Iraq.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #27

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The west is backing this one the most because they want to get rid of this regime, the Syrian regime does not cooperate with them in most matters, they also fully support Iran and allow Hezbullah (Israel's enemy) to be dominant and well armed in Lebanon. They also hope to cause instability in Syria and Lebanon by doing this, maybe even a Fitnah similar to that of Iraq.
I can unfortunately see this turning out into a shia-sunni conflict once the NATO goes in
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #28

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I can unfortunately see this turning out into a shia-sunni conflict once the NATO goes in
The agenda is much deeper. The usury-loving bankers want to weaken any group that is opposed to their global domination.


"We will undermine every collective identity except our own," they say in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. This applies to race and nation, as well as religion (God) and family.

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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #29

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The agenda is much deeper. The usury-loving bankers want to weaken any group that is opposed to their global domination.


"We will undermine every collective identity except our own," they say in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. This applies to race and nation, as well as religion (God) and family.


You do know the Protocols of the ELDER Zion was a fake book published by the Russians at the start of the 1900s to legitimise there pogroms against Jewsm it was also pushed by the Nazis during there holocaust and the German Kids were taught it at school...
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #30

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correct me if im wrong, but tehse documents appear to be insinuating that teh uprising in syria is a bad thing?
You should re-read the history of bank of England. Check this link below. Bankers are smart enough to finance all sorts of rebels. Islam can also be used as a tool. The rebels in Syria will get their hands tied to these bankers.

The bankers from hell are working on a big political project, which is to use modern technology and scientific expertise to create a new Babylon on a global scale upon the ruins of Western civilization and America.

The American poet Ezra Pound divided banks into two classes: the banks from hell that practice usury and create nightmares for nations, and the banks from paradise that don’t practice usury but instead lend money so business can function normally and great art can be created. Pound said:

“Two kinds of banks have existed: THE MONTE DEI PASCHI and the devils.

Banks built for beneficence, for reconstruction; and banks created to prey on the people.” (Pound: Selected Prose; Pg. 270).

The Monte dei Paschi di Siena, the world’s longest surviving bank, was created in 1472 by the Magistrates of the Republic of Siena and it disallowed the practice of usury. It is now commonly understood in the age of the Second Western Enlightenment that usury is a tax on the people, government and business which is collected by rotten private bankers who control private central banks and create money out of nothing.

Pound said that the monopoly of credit was the base of all other monopolist operations that sink nations and deprive people of wealth, writing:

“The various monopolies which culminate in the monopoly of money itself, key to all the other monopolies were, and are, monopolies of exploiters.” (Pound: Selected Prose; Pg. 176).

What the treacherous bankers in London and New York are after is not money, but the political monopoly over history and humanity. Their great passion is power, and their greatest instrument of warfare is debt.

When bombs fall on nations the people can hear and see they are at war and demand revenge against the perpetrators of the violence. But when debt is used against a nation, the bought off politicians are silent and it takes generations before the people wake from their sleep.

America was conquered by this soundless weapon called debt after the sneaky enemy seized America’s financial sovereignty in 1913. The bankers overthrew the constitutional banking system that the Founding Fathers established after the victory over the British Empire and replaced it with the ultimate bank from hell, the private Federal Reserve bank.

Pound said the banks from hell are leeches and predators that treat human beings as bodies of blood to be used up and sucked off. He wrote:

“The hell banks have, from as far as the record takes us, started as gangs of creditors, associated to strangle the last ounce of profit out of their debtors.” (Pound: Selected Prose; Pg. 270).

Other poets also cast usurious bankers in the same dark light and compare the banker to the devil. German poet Goethe distrusted the use of paper money. In his book, Scientific Studies, he said:

“But there are different sorts of money: gold, silver, and copper coins, or paper money. The coins are real to a degree; the paper money is only convention.” (Goethe: Scientific Studies. Suhrkamp Publishers. 1988. New York. Edited and Translated by Douglas Miller. Pg. 26).

Douglas Miller, the editor and English translator of Goethe’s Scientific Studies, wrote:

“Goethe’s negative views on paper money are reflected in Part II of Faust where Mephistopheles persuades the Emperor to introduce paper money based on the value of an undiscovered buried treasure. This plan later proves ruinous for the empire.” (Pg. 322).

Goethe made Mephistopheles, who is the devil character in his play Faust, the salesman of paper money. The point being made is that making money out of thin air, backing it with nothing, and lending it to people at interest is evil.

The devils of the Western banking system persuaded the Faust of America, President Woodrow Wilson, to pass the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 and sign away the destiny of his country.

Since 1913, America has been under the spell of evil and driven into darkness. The era from 1913 to today should be remembered as the Age of Hell, which included two unnecessary world wars, unnecessary economic depressions, and unnecessary mass suffering.

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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #31

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I read somewhere as a joke that some Muslims are so anti -West that if Dajjal appears, and for some reason NATO go against it, they would start supporting Dajjal saying he is fighting against evil West and Jews etc.

Syria is led by an oppressive Alawi regime who has killed more Muslims than Israel has in the last 2 years. This is a regime where Alawis dominate all high military posts and one which has pounded cities to dust (Hama 1982) .....

And we are supposed to believe they are good because the "West" is against them ?
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #32

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Yes Muslims are not always innocent you know... There are dicatators all over the world, the vast mojority of them are not muslims, but there are some who are.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #33

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I read somewhere as a joke that some Muslims are so anti -West that if Dajjal appears, and for some reason NATO go against it, they would start supporting Dajjal saying he is fighting against evil West and Jews etc.

Syria is led by an oppressive Alawi regime who has killed more Muslims than Israel has in the last 2 years. This is a regime where Alawis dominate all high military posts and one which has pounded cities to dust (Hama 1982) .....

And we are supposed to believe they are good because the "West" is against them ?
Beatifully put.
These conspiracy theories are taking away the Iman of many youngsters.

They focus everything on "anti-americanism" to the point of losing the Islamic concepts, and rely on socialist atheist websites for whom the United States/NATO/bankers are some sorts of "gods" without whose consent and will no one can do anything.

That's also the main point at the basis of conspiracy theories behind 11/9: the DISBELIEF of "how a few Arabs could do such a tremendous harm to the "almighty United States"? That's impossible, no one can harm "almighty United States": it must have been themselves doing it!".

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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #34

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Beatifully put.
These conspiracy theories are taking away the Iman of many youngsters.

They focus everything on "anti-americanism" to the point of losing the Islamic concepts, and rely on socialist atheist websites for whom the United States/NATO/bankers are some sorts of "gods" without whose consent and will no one can do anything.

That's also the main point at the basis of conspiracy theories behind 11/9: the DISBELIEF of "how a few Arabs could do such a tremendous harm to the "almighty United States"? That's impossible, no one can harm "almighty United States": it must have been themselves doing it!".

Right Akhi 'Umar,

They make us lose hope and Iman honestly whether they know it or not....

"Don't participate in revolutions, they are backed by the US."

"Don't bother overthrowing this leader, do you think we choose our leaders? it is US that chooses our leaders."

Stuff like that it really makes us lose hope and Iman..
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #35

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Right Akhi 'Umar,

They make us lose hope and Iman honestly whether they know it or not....

"Don't participate in revolutions, they are backed by the US."

"Don't bother overthrowing this leader, do you think we choose our leaders? it is US that chooses our leaders."

Stuff like that it really makes us lose hope and Iman..
As Hadrat786 put it: "Where is Allah in their discourses?".

In fact, you will never hear them talking about Allah, His Power, His Attributes.. Nor (according to them) there is any place for Allah in their equations..

Only ""almighty" usury-lovers bankers", NATO, USA and zionists..
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #36

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‘Syria Danny’ Tours US Begging For Military Intervention
Who is paying for Dayem’s propaganda?


Danny Abdul Dayem, the establishment media’s poster child for a western military intervention in Syria, is touring America begging for a US-led assault on his homeland, despite being exposed as having faked war propaganda for the purposes of a CNN interview.

Although denying he is in the pay of CNN or any government, Dayem has been flying back and forth between Syria and the United Kingdom for months, and he has now arrived in America to begin a series of visits to Islamic centers to advocate a NATO bombardment to oust President Bashar Al-Assad.

“Everyone is saying we sympathize with you, we feel sorry. I know they do, [but] I need the government to move. We need military intervention. We need someone to save lives there,” Dayem told Here & Now during an event at the Boston Cultural Center.

Convoluted rhetoric about military interventions to save lives (which didn’t work out too well for Libya), has become a staple of Dayem’s corporate media patter.

Asked by CNN if the United States should invade Syria during a recent interview, Danny responded, “They can help, we’ll take help from anyone, Israel, we don’t care…this regime needs to be threatened, it needs to be attacked,” adding that the only way to stop Assad would be “an attack, an army attack, a no fly zone, that the UN hit all our air bases.”

Such talk has provoked suspicions that Dayem is working as an operative for western intelligence, and his antics in apparently staging propaganda for CNN to legitimize claims that Assad’s forces are indiscriminately killing innocent civilians has only deepened them.

As we reported last week, while waiting to make an appearance on 360 With Anderson Cooper, Dayem is heard preparing coordinated gunfire to make it appear as if he is in a warzone.

“Well, let the gunfire sound then,” he states, before subsequently asking someone off camera, “Did you tell him to get the gunfire ready?” An explosion is heard soon after, but Danny doesn’t even flinch.

During the original interview, Dayem claims that he is within 400 meters of where shelling by government forces is taking place, but during a subsequent interview with Cooper, Dayem states that the shelling was taking place 15 kilometers away in a different city.

On his official Twitter page, Dayem then invented a third explanation for his apparent efforts to coordinate fake gunfire, bizarrely claiming, “This was camera tricks by the Assad regime helped by Russians.”

Dayem’s Twitter account has now been suspended, preventing people from documenting the fact that ‘Syria Danny’ has difficulty in keeping his story straight from one media appearance to the next.

The interview with Cooper in which the two attempted to dismiss growing awareness of the likelihood that Dayem is an intelligence operative whose role is to grease the propaganda skids for a military intervention was noteworthy only for that fact that it failed to address any of the charges against Dayem and in fact only generated further suspicion.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #37

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See this is why it is important to get news directly from other people without using the Media as a source.
Is anyone here from Syria? or does anyone here know anyone from Syria that can verify what is happening?
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #38

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How Wall Street & London Manufacture Tragedy to Sell War & Regime Change.
by Tony Cartalucci




May 29, 2012 - In the wake of the Houla massacre in Syria, and evidence exposing the West's initial narrative of Syrian troops "shelling to death" around 100 people to be categorically false, people are struggling to understand just what happened. The Guardian has chosen to post unverified witness accounts produced by the Free Syrian Army, seemingly custom tailored to refute evidence brought by Russia to the UN Security Council. The BBC has admitted that only "most" of the accounts they've received implicated what they "believe" were Syrian troops, or pro-government militias - and by doing so, imply that some did not and have told a different account.

As the window of opportunity closes for the West to exploit the bloodshed at Houla, the Western media is increasingly backpedaling, retracting, and being caught in a crossfire of their own lies and propagandizing. BBC was caught initially using years' old photos from Iraq for their Houla coverage, while papers and networks across the board have had to adjust their narratives entirely as each new piece of verified evidence emerges.

What is known is that Syrian troops were engaged with armed militants of the "Free Syrian Army" (FSA) in and around Houla. Syrian troops, as they have been doing throughout the conflict, were using artillery and tanks to target heavily fortified rebel positions from a distance. During or shortly after this exchange, militants began entering homes and killing families with knives and small arms fire. The FSA and Syrian opposition claim the militants were pro-government militias while the government claims they were foreign-backed Al Qaeda terrorists, known to be operating throughout the country. What they weren't, by all accounts, were Syrian troops.

A recent "editorial" out of the Globe and Mail claims that Russia's position that opposition forces were involved in the massacre is "laughable." However, this is divorced from not only reality, but also from a complete understanding of modern 4th generation warfare. From Venezuela to Thailand, Western backed opposition groups have triggered unrest and used it as cover to pick off members of their own movement, to then blame on the targeted government and compound any given conflict until a critical mass is reached, and a targeted government is toppled..

A Historical Example: Bangkok, Thailand 2010

Wall Street-backed former-Thai Prime Minsiter Thaksin Shinawatra, a close associate of the Bush family with connections ranging from before, during, and after his term in office, was ousted from power in 2006 by nationalist forces for abuses of power. Thaksin had worked as a Carlyle Group adviser, sent Thai troops to aid in Bush's invasion of Iraq, attempted to implement a free trade agreement with Wall Street's Fortune 500 without parliamentary approval, hosted CIA torture facilities, and prosecuted a "war on drugs" that saw some 2,500 Thais extra-legally executed in the streets, most of whom were later determined to have nothing to do with the drug trade.

Back to Syria

The Free Syrian Army has been regularly engaging in armed combat with government troops and now more than ever, are better equipped with communication equipment, weapons, cash and logistical support from the West and the Gulf States. Just as Thaksin's gunmen were able to draw Thai troops into a conflict used as cover to commit manufactured atrocities to be used as propaganda against the Thai government, militants in Syria have already demonstratively employed similar tactics. In 2011, "mystery gunmen" would regularly start firefights during protest rallies identical to the one in Bangkok, firing on both Syrian troops and protesters, with both sides describing elusive "rooftop snipers."

Houla appears to simply be on a much larger scale, involving militants most likely not affiliated with local FSA fighters or the Syrian government, but foreign elements just as the Syrian government has claimed. Just as in Bangkok where protesters were taken as much by surprise as Thai troops at the arrival of Thaksin's militants, FSA fighters, Houla residents, and Syrian troops all seem baffled as to who exactly committed the atrocities.

And amongst all the finger pointing, it is the politically-motivated haste by the US, UK, France, Israel, and the Muslim Brotherhood to condemn the massacre, baselessly blame the Syrian government, and cry in unison for military intervention that is by far the most incriminating evidence yet as to who was really behind the bloodbath. Cui Bono? To whose benefit? NATO and its Middle Eastern proxies have made it abundantly clear it was to their benefit.

Clearly there is the distinct possibility that a third party took advantage of a prolonged engagement between the FSA and government troops in Houla, to manufacture a very real atrocity. With so few facts in hand, it would be the height of irresponsibility to lay blame on anyone so squarely that punitive actions are leveled. So while the Globe and Mail berates Russia for suggesting that "the blame must be determined objectively," it is by far, without debate, the most sensible course of action to take. If the West laments the distrust it now suffers, it has only itself, and its long history of running death squads in exactly this manner, to blame.
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Old 09-04-2012, 03:22 AM   #39

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See this is why it is important to get news directly from other people without using the Media as a source.
Is anyone here from Syria? or does anyone here know anyone from Syria that can verify what is happening?
I live in Tripoli Lebanon, we're right next to them and from what all the refugees say, the Syrian regime is killing and oppressing all those who oppose Bashar al-Assad.

(PS don't take your info from the media, it's all propaganda and counter-propaganda for political reasons)
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Old 09-04-2012, 05:17 AM   #40

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The UN Security Council has yet to decide on an official military campaign in Syria, but according to the Beirut media, it is possible some western forces have already been deployed on the ground.

The Lebanon-based Daily Star reported Monday that 13 French Soldiers have been captured by Syrian forces.
According to London’s Daily Telegraph, however, the French Foreign Ministry dismissed the report, insisting that “not a single French soldier is on Syrian soil.”

A French Foreign Ministry spokesman said: “We deny the idea that there are French troops on the ground in Syria. A Defense Ministry spokesman added: “We have no information on this. We neither confirm nor deny it.”
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