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Old 05-05-2009, 02:42 AM   #21

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hey Jo,
I wish I was more consistant with this both for others as well as myself but, as you must have noticed I don't do this kind of communication very well or very often.
I have to say that I saw your post about just listening to birds and not chasing the almighty dollar and had to laugh. I had a disscussion with my husband about just that same thing, and then on my way home from my daughters house ( she lives across the drive from us) I saw this tiny little finch on the top of one of the tallest ocotillos in the yard singing his lungs out. I had to stop because he had the most beautiful song and the brightest yellow breast. It was so wonderful to have that moment. It was my mom's birthday she will be gone 10 years this nov. and I miss her everyday still. The reason I bring it up is when I got home I checked the form before going to bed and there was your post. I thought how sync how did Jo know that I had stopped to listen to that finch. It was already may 4th for you, for me I was still listening to that song on May 3rd.
Part of why I do this is that when my mom died I was at a loss. I missed her so much what a heart ache I had but not one word went on paper to make that feeling solid something I could dedicate to her. So I do this in her memory and with her heart. Her spirit is in every word and every stone I write or show. She deserved so much more from me and I was too wrapped up in my own hurt to express to others doing the same my feeling for her as a person.
She left this world in a flurry of Sun Dogs. Strange how things lead you. When we saw the sun dogs over the house at the moment of her death I had no idea how rare they were. I had a dream that very night of her is a bright red caddillac with a white scarf around her neck looking like she was 17 again. I have to smile with a tear everytime I think of that memory as she was never able to be selfish or overly indulgent of her own needs and in the end I think her reward was greater than if she was Diana the goddess of Love herself. annieo
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Old 05-05-2009, 03:58 AM   #22

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That was lovely, brought a tear to my eye,I hope when I am gone my children will remember me with such love. I am blessed to live in the countryside. I was in town today at an international food festival, I had 5 of my girls with me and I felt like a mummy duck, constantly counting heads and trying to keep at the back so I could keep my on them, the funny things is one is 27 and one is 19 lol. I was watching people in the crowd and hardly any one was smiling, thats really sad eh. We had the twins with us and they are only 2, They were happy in the swing park and later happy with a balloon and an icecream. The 8year old went to all the charity stalls and bought books with her money, they made me so proud, no tantrums, no shouting and no asking for expensive rubbish. It wasnt sunny so I expect thats why there were no happy faces. I meant what I said about money being the New God, people need to stop and smell the roses. Its good to appreciate the simple things, look at the happiness you have found with your stones, its just wonderful. I have the kids all looking for stones now they have found amazing shapes and we make stories up about the shapes they find. Its good fun.
Well I am going to London in the morning so I have to leave home at 4.30am to catch a plane to get there in time for my meeting, so best get all my paperwork ready. I have the best of both worlds. London in a suit the Shire in my wellingtons lol. Take care write soon. xxx
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Old 05-05-2009, 07:38 PM   #23

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For annieo's mother, for John's mother and for all our mothers, wherever they are:

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Old 05-06-2009, 12:52 AM   #24

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I'm speachless and in awe, thank you Ishtar.
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Old 05-06-2009, 12:55 AM   #25

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Dear annie

I hope you don't stay speechless for too long, because I really enjoy your posts so much!

Ish x
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Old 05-08-2009, 01:07 AM   #26

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I loved the photo. My mom's sun dogs opened up a rainbow. That's what they looked like and it was like seeing a bunch of tiny rainbows that shoot out of crystals in the sky. I guess that is somewhat close to the science of this phenomone. Ice crystals in the sky.
Anyway I will try not to be too quiet. I wanted to pass along to Jo and anyone else who cares about the world as in, it is becoming a world it could be this interesting person, (site that my sister in Hawaii passed along to me a couple of days ago) she wanted me to see this article about rock knobs that a woman creates featured in a magazine called craft. Well I have spent my spare minutes exploring not just the idea she presented but also the author that wrote the article turned out to be very fastinating for me to explore.
Since this is my own path I thought I would pass along her web site for your enjoyment. I know I have really enjoyed seeing and reading her stuff(not through even the beginning yet) I found it inspiring and interesting and also very steeped in thought for our world. http://gaiatreehouse.com/ http://blog.craftzine.com/archive/2009/ ... f_ear.html annieo
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Old 05-08-2009, 07:33 AM   #27

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Thank you for sharing thatxx
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Old 05-20-2009, 12:59 AM   #28

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You're welcome Jo. I was surprized to read you have 5 girls. You have your work cut out for you. At least they are spread out so you can enjoy the little ones when the older ones spread their wings and fly.
I had empty nest and I didn't think that I would, but I did have such a hard time when my two flew the coop. Must have been that I did not prepare for them to up and leave so fast. I pushed my daughter thinking she really wanted a big city life. It seems tho I did not know how happy she is with the simple family life. She will be having her third one come June. My son and his wife had their third on 5/7/9. So I am one lucky mom, and an even luckier grandma. She is bella and odd numbers are hers.
Needless to say the past two weeks have been eaten up with welcoming our newest member. My dad always told my mom when she freaked at being pregnant again. Don't ya notice after each one life gets a little bit better. Smooth talker lol great days annieo
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Old 05-20-2009, 03:52 AM   #29

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Dear Annio,
Thankyou for sharing that with me, I actually only have 2 girls 22 and 19 and a son 16, but I am blessed with an extended family, I have another 20 girls who moved in when her mum kicked her out, I also have a 33 whos mom died when she was in here early 20s and I promised her mom to bring her up and look after her, she has two of her children now and lives in England but own a farm close to me and then last year my best friends unmarried daughter came back from Oz with her 3 children to live with me too, she now lives in the farm the other one owns. Its all so complicated, but I am so lucky. There are always boys or girls visiting as friends and sometimes at night I have to go around the house and the trailers counting heads incase there is a fire. I get called mum by a lot of lovely kids and Nana by the 3 that came over from Oz. We have some wonderful screaming matches in the house over clothes and makeup, and it is nice to go down to the river and look for rocks now. There are 40 horses between us and 11 dogs including 5 great danes, cats, a pot belied pig called winnie her brother died last year, chickens and ducks. So it is a busy place but it is a good place because the older ones and I have discussion about what gets posted on the Gate and the younger ones have started collecting pebbles with all sorts of faces and things in them that they see. I have had to buy them a small storage box each from the supermarket to keep the increasing collections in. Oh yes and I have a husband who is very quiet and keeps himself to himself, feel sorry for him sometimes surrounded by all us females. My eldest daughter is training to shoe horses, she is a farrier, the second on is a joiner and a carpet fitter and we joke that my son is going to be a ballerina, but no he is going to be a welder. I know this gets us of the subject somewhat but wanted to explain my family to you. I hope you write soon and you take care and please can I see more of your work. jxx
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Old 05-22-2009, 01:19 AM   #30

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Well it's raining today Yeah what a relief it is. Been so long and so dry it was fun to grab the umbrella and take the morning stroll to drop my grandson at school. He graduates kindergarden tomorrow. I have gone the gammit with him from no no no gramma don't leave me here and the tears and the trama was terrible in the beginning, to now he makes me leave at the edge of the sidewalk up to the school and tries to talk his mom into letting him go by himself. It has been a fun time for me altho I hated the crying, I love that shinny face in the morning and his beautiful sweet smell and smile and his transformation into a confident first grader. So for me today the rain a symbol of the smell of the bitter sweet.

Jo, I loved hearing of your family. Seemed to me like never a dull moment at Jo's house. I can agree you are a lucky mom. You must spend most of your time just feeding that crew a full day every day dawn to dusk. Makes what I do like a walk in the park, a lady of leisure is what my mother-in-law calls me.lol Thanks for the lovely view of your world. annieo
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Old 05-22-2009, 01:37 AM   #31

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Wow that looks like a mess of stuff for one little picture. Maybe it comes out when I post this? Maybe not lets see.
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Old 05-22-2009, 01:40 AM   #32

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Nope just a mess of stuff. Oh well I think I need a tutorial. Any help is appreciated. http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/_D ... directlink annieo
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Old 05-22-2009, 02:08 AM   #33

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Here you are, Annie.

I'm going to put some Photobucket instructions up in the Cafe later.
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Old 05-22-2009, 11:00 PM   #34

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This is the first rock that I found that confounded me. I call it baby. I put it next to the quarter for some idea of scale. It could be many different things but to me it appears as a corn stalk growing. the line that goes around the bottom is in a crease in the rock. From what I have read NA used the natural features of rock (in the very large rock art) and it seems in the very small as well as part of the pictorgragh.
These pictures on the rocks have a transformative character in light and shadow and take shapes and forms sometimes that are different or change in feeling or looks.
The reason I wanted you to see this one other than it's own special quality, is it has a funnel shaped flower and a headdress. annieo
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Old 05-29-2009, 05:52 AM   #35

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This probably won't work but if it does I wanted you to see this rock. I know sometimes I see pictures of something and it could be just wishful. The rock on the right with the red paint looks like a picture of something like a catapult with a face but in actuality I think it is a palm print. I was holding in my hand when I discovered that the marks are right where a hand working with the stone would meet. The paint left there on the surface of the rock like lipstick from a kiss. annieo
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Old 05-30-2009, 04:05 AM   #36

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Well dang has this been a full week around Ishtar's gate. I have been working at just reading all the fine posts. Determined to fit in posting pics to the thread. Well from the last one you can see I am just not going to get it this week. No matter, there has been so much to absorb and digest that I want to leave it for another time. Phi , John's speedy recovery, origins of music, Ice, Cogs skull, and the new folks,a big howdy to the music fans (haven't got around to checking out the last FM), throw in the bible, America news about the canal system that is about 40 miles from me and dates to 1200 BC, imo a morning jaunt for the ancients and I starting to feel like kbs's rip van before, the nap. So it goes.

I cracked up at my attempts when I saw them in a line cause the last one I must be getting somewhere closer as it says "Image" where the picture should be. here's the link http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/Pk ... directlink Thanks again for the tutorial Ish and Jonny I'll keep trying. annieo
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Old 05-30-2009, 06:07 AM   #37

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I think I should put you in charge of the weekly round up...you did that brilliantly! I didn't realise we'd got through so much in one week ...and so many diverse subjects!

Now ... do you want me to post that picture or do you still want to have a go at it? My instinct is not to rush in and do it for you ... but let me know. Btw, I tried Jonny's technique today and it's much simpler and easier than mine.
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Old 05-31-2009, 08:41 AM   #38

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You are so kind, It was my way of having a write with too many thoughts. I just noticed the article on turtle rock. Read it through and was astonished to see Alan Day. My goodness I've read and seen his site over at Archeologica, another wow of the week so to speak Good on Alan for his persistance.
You're right Ish, to suspect that I will keep trying this time until I master lol picture posting. I'm too inconsistent to take on any real responsibility but hey I'll try at least to week critique.
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Old 02-16-2010, 12:05 AM   #39

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I thought I would get on here today and write a hello to all you new and interesting people.
When I started to realise that I haven't said too many hellos to all the already fine posters on here. So, instead of posting 10 or so one liners to say Hey I thought I would just shout it out all together. Wow, Howdy, Hi, and Hello, this has been a great week of reading and it has just started being monday and all. Hello charlie, soaring spirit, Claire, muchdeep it's been wonderful to see you all just jump right in this fine water.
I say that because this is quite difficult for me. I still get some kind of reverberation from posting that sometime lasts days. I know that sounds kind of silly to folks who can what juggle five or six boards or networks a day, but, for me I still write most of my words with caution, still feel a bit uncomfortable saying what's on my mind, still unsure of how it is recieved, still don't want to mess up the fine thread of convo with something disjointed , ect, ect.
I have to say this is one of the best and most diverse communities I have had the pleasure to share in, I am sure you noticed that already. So I guess I would discribe myself as up a tree out on a limb waving and yelling Hello everyone. annieo11
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Old 02-16-2010, 12:25 AM   #40

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Hello Annie *SoaringSpirit waves enthusiastically* I hope to hear much more from you. Never worry about messing up thread, sometimes within the 'mess' the most wonderful gems are found
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