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Old 06-22-2008, 12:13 AM   #21

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ds37ds wrote:

what i find strange about it is that it never gets discussed in concrete terms. experiences or specific memories are never discussed openly. is it because these can't be verbalized or is it something else? here are my specific experiences, which i just finished writing for another email group last evening:

i remember when i was 10 years old or so, i was already aware that i was different, that i came to a strange world as one visits a foreign country, that i was on a mission, that there were people "on the other side" watching me like i was some kind of experiment; i remember longing to convince my mother that i was different, that i needed a special education and lifestyle in order to accomplish what i came to here to do.

over the many years, i learned how to penetrate the many layers of my self more deeply. after my first and last full-blown channeling experience, i must have been energized to the point that i had a vision of another incarnation; i was part of some advanced society on a planet that was all solid blue, a virgin planet (by virgin, i mean beginning a new density). and the vision said that this was venus. this was years before i read the ra material. you can read the full tale in the following archived thread:

other experiences:

when i am in a visionary state, i feel as if i have a family of entities communicating to me; they form a circle within me and show me their varying points of views, as if i were speaking with a social memory complex. but this could be for various other reasons, like simply attracting other entities who come to aid.

also, there are specific rules that i cannot break it seems. and my inner self makes sure of it, for i have been through hell when i strayed off the path in the past. i cannot be judgmental towards others, and all the derivative things that would lead me down the negative path. it feels like this goes farther than just a matter of karmic grace; it feels like a support net to ensure i return home at the end of this incarnation.

i once had a very real dream of being up "on the mother ship" and they were instructing me on how to proceed with my incarnation, but this was after i started reading the ra material. this dream i can only consciously remember as a dream of white light. although i do remember there was some female entity that spoke to me. i also once had a related vision of tall beings of rapidly vibrating energy in large white halls. this was during what was probably the highest state of mind i've ever reached.
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Old 06-22-2008, 10:01 AM   #22

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i did not quite get why strider44:s last post was barely accepted? anyway it really stroke me right into my greatest fear...if the small interview will be in the newspaper today with the link to this website, anyone can read what i have written here on the forum....and i've been heavily in politics with my songs and material while touring in the tradeunions with controversial ideas regarding environmental issues, systemchanges in swedish politics, revealing things about the hudson institute and being stopped from having more engagments, this preceeded the traumatic events with the "false prophet" and the the-rapist that tried to seduce me....

....so, did this happen because i was "wandering" a negative, non-spiritual path? and can you be a "wanderer" without experiences from ufo-dreams, mediuimistic gift etc? i'm attending a course in mediumship but that doesn't mean i'm going to have any conscious contact with other dimensions. synchronicity is my "speciality", i've been to mediums and i've been told i have support from a guide when doing astrology...

i have this experience: waking up on my birthday nov 18 in a house i bought with a woman that turned out to be mentally/emotionally disturbed (i left her and the house a short time after) in the middle of the night....the bed was situated next to the window, no houses close, a small road passing some meters from the house, a smal lake on the other side, no lights, forest all around......i was preparing a performance where i joked about both jehovas witnesses and other sects including the photonbelt, the latter that i just dismissed as "junk" at the time and we had been talking about that the area we were in was said to have had ufo-sightings...

...suddenly i find myself sitting up in my bed, it was not a dream, no "plot" before or after...just this blue light pumping through the window filling up the whole rather big room...not a single sound...i don't know for how long....next thing i remember is peeing in a bucket since we had no toilet yet annd going back to sleep, waking up in the morning with the thought what was that???

was it a "mild" ufo-contact??? this was in 1990 i think and i've never experienced anything like this ever since...but i think i would like to now if i knew it was a friendly contact...

...what are the criteria for being a wanderer?

liliane the transit while starting the answer time was 10.11ending it it's 11.00
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Old 06-22-2008, 04:38 PM   #23

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...and my post was....nr.11! and the picture was in the paper and the text was thast the most important thing that happened to me this week is that now "they" are talking about the global warming in the whole solarsystem and that my dog has injured a joint! so nothing dangerous happened...saturn transiting my 12.th house is trying to scare me, but it seems i've learned something finally...

liliane the transit
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Old 06-22-2008, 08:59 PM   #24

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hi makron, wow is all i can say! a lot of what you experienced as a child has a familiar ring to it. i, too, felt different to others and was "a stranger in a strange land".

i also had the distinct feeling that i was being watched over and protected and was probably saved on 2 occassions when i could have died. when i was a baby, i would have convulsions all the time and had some type of surgery involving the removal of fluid from my spine. from the time i can remember, i was woken in the early hours of the morning by energy rising through my body and exploding in my head. this went on for years but less frequently as time went by. as a young adult, when this happened, witin a day or two i had contact with my guides - in human form. these people would appear in my life "out of the blue" so to speak, i would have only one encounter and i would never see them again. nor did anyone know who they were. our conversations would be about my life and how it was going. i would always complain and say that i was tired and wanted to go home. they smiled and nodded understandingly. towards the end they would touch my arm and would feel this overwhelming energy boost as though i was being charged up.
i was never given any instructions or advice but i went off on feeling that my life was the way it should be.

another thought/impression i had was the restriction of movement in this density. i've always found getting from one place to another by any 3d means really slow. as a child i wondered why i could'nt just get wherever i wanted just by using thought.

the most profound experience i've had, however, was when i was in my early twenties in a "slightly altered state." one night i say a silvery bluish mesh blanket wrapped around the night sky. at the same time, could hear the universe pulsing. i can only compare it to the sound of a resonating submarine radar.i don't tink i have ever felt such intense joy in my entire life.

these are just some of my experiences but that's it for today!
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Old 06-22-2008, 11:24 PM   #25

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i always hear lots of stories from wanderers on metaphysical sites, but i don't hear many from people who _aren't_ wanderers.

i'm pretty sure i'm not a wanderer i seem to have pretty close ties to the earth and to humanity, i've definitely been incarnating on the earth for at least a few thousand years anyway.

sometimes i get depressed thinking of ra's very low predictions for the number of people who are going to make the harvest - looking at the predicted numbers that you can glean from the loo makes it seem like most of the harvest will be wanderers and earth natives won't be represented very strongly. this is always a sad thought... it would actually make me feel a lot better to know that there are earth natives who are getting into this material, that it's not just 6th density wanderers that are remembering who they are. (the far majority of wanderers are 6th density if i recall correctly)
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Old 06-23-2008, 03:42 AM   #26

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i think that the notion that an earthling can awaken to the point of being a wanderer is very much possible. i believe it, and hold on to the hope that this brightening of the soul is attainable no matter where we come from and ra's predictions leave room for this possibility. that very thought, gives every individual the chance to wander.....................sylvain...................
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Old 06-23-2008, 12:08 PM   #27

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well until you become a wanderer you can always be a wonderer....

alice in wonderland (in swedish "below" and "wonder" is the same word and alice is my second name...

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Old 06-24-2008, 03:52 PM   #28

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so many interesting stories on this thread.

yossarian wrote: sometimes i get depressed thinking of ra's very low predictions for the number of people who are going to make the harvest there is always that hopeful quote by ra (from session 65):
we may note at this point while you ponder the possibility/probability vortices that although you have many, many items which cause distress and thus offer seeking and service opportunities, there is always one container in that store of peace, love, light, and joy. this vortex may be very small, but to turn one’s back upon it is to forget the infinite possibilities of the present moment. could your planet polarize towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration? yes, my friends. it is not probable; but it is ever possible. we should each individually and collectively strive to reach that moment.

i don't think 3rd density is necessarily a bad place to be, it's just that there is so much more to strive for, and existence on this plane is hard work at times. one experience i don't share too much with other wanderers is the longing for "home". what i do have longing for, and it's practically perpetual, is to reach my higher states of mind. this may be the same thing in essence as longing for home, but higher states of mind are certainly not reserved for wanderers alone.

my main point is that the states of mind one can reach even in 3rd density can be magical enough that one gets a taste of the higher densities. and the act of bringing that light into this plane, to use a term seth used, brings so much "value fulfillment" that i can easily see myself opting to return to another 3rd density plane for that reason alone. and it is 10 times more fulfilling to be able to share this light with others, as difficult as this might be to achieve in most cases.

as for those who are repeating this cycle, what i sometimes find sad is that many (certainly not all) are stuck in a state of perpetual spiritual childhood. there is, it seems, very little desire to evolve on this planet. this realization has been the main catalyst for me to accentuate my ambitions towards making a difference on this plane. and as a reaction to this slowness on the part of others, there was a period in my life when i started speeding up my own evolution to a crazy degree, as if i were trying to influence the mind field in that regard. i would never do this consciously now, for i feel as if this would be infringing on people's free will, but i sometimes look back at my life and wonder at the reasons behind some of the weird head trips i went through.
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Old 06-24-2008, 11:01 PM   #29

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makram - what a wonderful post - thank you for sharing.

your comments about so many people being stuck in a spiritual childhood resonated strongly - yes that is one of the things that puzzles me now and again, that lack of longing to change, grow and evolve. and i agree with you btw about 3d being great in so many ways
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Old 06-25-2008, 06:43 AM   #30

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i agree very much with the previous posts and

“makram - what a wonderful post - thank you for sharing.”
is almost exactly what i was going to say!

thanks to you butterfriends and makram and others
who posted.

to make my own contribution to the theme of this thread i will add
that i've had similar experiences of sensitivity and enlightenment
since my early childhood in the 1950's.

it was often very hard to manifest what i thought at the time what
would be the fruit of this inspiration, but i have seen encouraging
results in the effect my efforts have had on others lives and the
spiritual and also the secular part of this 3d world.

i may not have seen this nearly as well without the great amount
of catalyst in my life, the time spent in meditation and the
determination to continue seeking the light through it all, which
was frequently quite painful but well worth it. none of us can see the
entire impact of what we do. it’s still the choice to do it anyway that
can make the difference.

this sometimes causes us to doubt the value of going through the
hardships, as we perceive them.

looking back on these experiences, it was worthwhile.

it's not necessary to try to interest anyone if their heart is not already
open to it. we can present the information or ideas that we see may
help someone advance and the response they give will tell us whether
they will benefit from more, or not. i had a hard time learning to
accept this as well.

my experience with sharing health related knowledge, no mater how
costly it may have been to aquire or how useful i may know it to be,
has been similar.

while the result of these efforts may not be apparent at the time,
this doesn’t always mean that it wasn’t valuable service.

i've found it to be the true path of my heart to continue to seek and share as much as possible with those who are open to it.

wanderer or not, there is no other path for me to travel.
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Old 06-28-2008, 06:07 PM   #31

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hi to all! i have read and reread the posts on this thread and can see that it has developed along the lines of sharing ideas, experiences and offering helpful information and insights.there are certain points that have been lingering in my mind that i would like to address.

we are all aware that existence on this plane poses certain difficulties and pain through which we must progress in the course of our spiritual evolution. people, events, our surroundings etc. are the catalysts which spur on this ever spiralling expansion of conciousness. are we not all players in this game?
each of us, individually, is a catalyst in the events of the lives of other people, our environment at a local, national and global level.

are we spiritually mature at all levels and every aspect of ourselves? isn't the suffering and pain that we have gone through part of something we were to learn that we couldn't understand or refused to understand at first? this process as a matter of course is ever speeding up and those who are not prepared are being dragged kicking and screaming like a stubborn children. that is part of why there has been such an upsurge in the suffering and pain we are seeing [and feeling] as this process is underway.

considering that we are all learning from each other, those who may be considered "spiritually immature" become the catalyst that is in turn teaching others something equally difficult :

the art of patience!
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Old 06-30-2008, 05:58 PM   #32

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hi to all! i have read and reread the posts on this thread and can see that it has developed along the lines of sharing ideas, experiences and offering helpful information and insights.there are certain points that have been lingering in my mind that i would like to address.

we are all aware that existence on this plane poses certain difficulties and pain through which we must progress in the course of our spiritual evolution. people, events, our surroundings etc. are the catalysts which spur on this ever spiralling expansion of conciousness. are we not all players in this game?
each of us, individually, is a catalyst in the events of the lives of other people, our environment at a local, national and global level.

considering that we are all learning from each other, those who may be considered "spiritually immature" become the catalyst that is in turn teaching others something equally difficult :

the art of patience!
good point!, it should also encourage us to be more creative with the things we know which may help/teach/inspire someone.
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Old 06-30-2008, 10:54 PM   #33

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hi there.

i've always felt kind of different, so i guess i could be a wanderer.
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Old 10-31-2008, 12:42 PM   #34

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hello friends. thank you for coming to my thread.

i am very found of this forum, it fills me with positive energy. i do not post much though, and have only now created an account. i thought of sharing of myself with you, it feels only natural to me.

perhaps i am a wanderer. i’m not sure.

my most intense characteristic is that i’ve never felt part of my family or the world. i’ve tried, but there has never been true loyalty to “here” = my life situation. perhaps i do not understand all things about loyalty since it has never been important, or was. this detatchment has given me much pain and sorrow, but i guess it’s not much different from what most people go through. we all must find our place, but i’m not even halfway doing that. my views constantly changing, althought the ultimate goal is to find some spiritual satability.
for as long as i can remember in my 20 years i have been a searcher, indulging carelessly into everything that crossed my mind. martial arts, religion, music, art, meditation, demonology, composing novels, traveling, carnal experiments, mathematics, tarot, etc etc. many philosophies and views of existence i have explored or re-invented, for most paradoxes and contradictions are already known to man, limited as we are in this 3:rd density world. i thought i had whole new views of thinking, only to realise people had thought this over 4000 years ago already.

my interests has been many, but a direct result of this is that i have got no deeper understanding in any of my fleeting interests. my spiritual hunger is seemingly insatible, almost comparable with material gluttony.
the thought of that disgusts me sometimes, but i am so in love with knowledge. i wish to know all of it. all people, all their thoughts and experiences, all logic and paradoxes which clusters our view of existence. i cannot simply stop and focus on one thing, then i will miss so many experiences. a common interest has been art, music and beauty in general. i cannot picture my life without music and things to be marveled by, they feel very natural and fundamental.

materialism itself has never been of much worth to me unless it could or gave promise to some spiritual experience. video games has always been a central part of my life, and i now realise it’s only because they were a gateway to a world beyond this.

my family did find me odd, and still does. my mother seriously wounding the little known of self i had accumulated in my early days, leaving the permanent proof that i never my father handling me with care, but like nitroglycerine, just waiting to explode. my sister, always loving, but also defensive. the people of my community never accepting me, giving me no encouragement or reason to be with them. i don’t think i ever hated them for it. i met it with cold neutrality, their behaviour completely alien to me.

in my later years, i’ve come to understand the value of other people. it struck me quite hard, and since then i’ve been quite kind and loving. the love for others is the only reason i don’t grow detatched again, dreaming away to other things. to worlds and realities that has never been in this existence. i try to help awaken people to their spiritual side occasionally. i made some feeble attempts on it early too. i’m still not very good at it. i have no structured arguments other than that it’s quite fulfilling and fascinating knowing yourself more.

i still cannot fully understand other people though. i would make a terrible psychiatrist! but i try, and i still love them.

so in most ways my personality does represent an wanderer, although with some contradictions. there has not been a natural attatchment or dedicaiton to other people. it has grown over time. this might be because of my childhood experiences, i’m not sure.

i stumbled upon the law of one information by recommendation from a friend, who felt drawn to this. and as i read more i also felt very drawn to this. it was with great scepticism at first, but as information was unraveled to me it all made sense. desires i had never been aware of came to me, and it was all in line with everything of law of one. it was the most intense feeling of “coming home” i’ve ever felt in my life. all my unstructured and confusing spiritual experiences started to make sense.

sadly i’m still in doubt. i am bound to the basic rules of the 3rd density existence, i don’t wish to have my
expectations broken and i wish control over my fate. it’s fear perhaps. i cannot give my whole trust to ra’s words, because i would be in deep despair should they not be fullfilled and likely consciously end my existence rather than being dead inside from the unfullfillment. it would be so easy to have the ascension fix all my problems for me, to chape the world to my taste. a little too easy. a fitting cynical mentality for the current world, is it not?

but i’m still positive. i have not percieved anything malicious with the law of one, for noone would try to decieve if they had no negative intentions. i look forward to a new world filled with love, together with all of you.
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Old 10-31-2008, 04:47 PM   #35

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hey, ayadew, thanks for the post. everything you say is totally familiar to me, you probably have noticed that the people on this forum will understand you and are much like you. i felt safe immediately when i found this forum.

being doubtful and skeptical is normal for us, but i made this determination awhile back, that i was going to get off the fence and be as openminded as possible, without being gullible. that has opened up so much more for me, and i pay attention to things i would have normally passed by before.

from everything i have gathered on the subject, i would say there is a 99.9% chance that you are a wanderer. but no need to get hung up on that, it's just nice to know the reason we are so different from the others here on this earth.

the only reason we are here is to bring our vibration - there is actually no need for any particular action. being open hearted and loving is our natural state of being, and when we finally decide to be ourselves, that will come to the forefront with no effort. the effort is in detaching from the hooks in this world and being truly free.

also, when we go in the direction of being who we really are, the syncronicities increase, and all the knowledge that we crave comes flooding in. everything comes at exactly the right time and in the best way. reaching the state of no effort is wonderful, one just sits back and lets it all come. i love going there, it happens regularly, but not always, because there's always another challenge to overcome.

but so what, it's fun. one thing you didn't mention that i have is i get bored easily, and need to keep moving. literally. i keep changing my circumstances and also love to travel. i have been in this place for almost a year, and can't wait to leave, although my life here is very good.

anyway, nice talking to you. i will leave a link in your messages, as i don't know if it would be approved to post it here. it has had a profound effect on me, it links in with the law of one, with an interesting twist. see you around....
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Old 10-31-2008, 07:50 PM   #36

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i don't identify with every description people make of themselves on this forum.

for instance i can't identify with the ufo interests or having paranormal experiences as a child. (i found david through his association with carla rueckert, and i found carla and her work through a random internet link. before i read the loo i hadn't given much thought to ufos.)

but i really identify with your post - it could be a description of me with very few changes. i also recently discovered that the reason i buried myself in video-games was that i was looking for a better world, a world that i knew i could find somewhere and the closest thing was fantasy books and video games. to this day nothing excites me like the thought of being able to live in one of these imaginary, heavenly worlds that writers like tolkien describe. most of my life i've been depressed, not because my own life is bad but because the world is so wrong.


there is a test that is supposed to tell you if you're a wanderer. i only score a 65 though, which is considered borderline. i've been considering this question for two years now, and if i ask intuitively the answer is that i am one. of course that thought then just makes me feel guilty for not doing more to help the world. egads!

much love,
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Old 10-31-2008, 08:26 PM   #37

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thanks for your post larissa. it's kind of you to provide such instant acceptance.

having a free will provides us with the ability to be skeptical, to chose our reality. i appreciate this gift...
i try to be openminded too, it's all i can do really, to learn more about the world and myself. i try to hold no definite belives, and try to not label myself.
as you say, it's nice to know our orgin, but it has no practical meaning for us.
so i won't run around like an idiot screaming "i'm an alien" =d

as i have explored myself, i feel very comfortable and natural in "open hearted and loving" as you say. i have tried other states of mind, but it's all felt fake. this is genuine, who i am! and all i want to be, forever i think.
at least it feels like a state i could hold forever. love is the only feeling i've had that i cannot get bored or tired of.

so i do get i get bored easily too like you, it's the reason i've had so many interests.
i need to keep moving, to see new things. there is no material spot known to me as "home", it's as if my heart is my home. i suppose you feel that way too.

there are places though, where i feel comfortable/uncomfortable in. places with a feeling malevolent intent or loving acceptance, but i think most people are susceptible to this. i find that fascinating, you need no visual aid to feel such things around you, and no particular deep state of mind. that if anything proves that we're spiritual beings susceptible to energy.
since most people have experienced such, i suppose it's a good reason to get people interested in esoteric stuff.

the link you provided is indeed not approved here, but it's an interesting viewpoint indeed.
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Old 10-31-2008, 08:34 PM   #38

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hello adayew!

nice to have still a sceptical believer from "götet" on the forum. i took the test also, but only scored btw 65-70, f.i. i'm very emotional and never thought there was anything strange with the colours of mother nature that i visit as often as possible, but to be true, i don't care if i'm a wanderer since if they exist i can always become one. lol!

greetings from liliane transiten
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Old 10-31-2008, 10:28 PM   #39

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...ayadew...not very swedishsounding name anyway..lol

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