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Old 02-05-2010, 02:59 AM   #1

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hi, everyone!

in a couple of dolores cannon's age regression sessions a question coming
up was that of one feeling paralyzed and unable to move for some interval of time.

the answer from the higher selves was that the paralysis was simply because the
subject had an out of body experience (o.b.e.) and had not yet nested back into
the physical body.

sounds reasonable to me. billybobbutterball

(unofficial advice) if unable to move just relax and sing to oneself,,,going home, coming home....etc.
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Old 02-05-2010, 04:55 AM   #2

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hi cynthia.

it only happened once to me but very stringly during one windy night. i woke up and opened my eye and could see as usual, but couldn;t move while the waves of elictrical-like energy were going up my body from feet to head.

that was pretty scary i have to say, mostly because i couldn't control it.
because i perceved it as scary, and i didn't know what to doi and what it was (good thing/bad thing?), i started to pray, basically - the only thing left to do. not that i know any prayer, but i was asking god to help me in all honesty. stupid probably, but i did that.

the waves started to subside gradualy, any subsequent wave not as powerful as the initial few ones.
so in a few minutes it stopped, i remained laying in bed and soon fell asleep like nothing happened.
woke up in the morning like nothing happened.

somewhere in the middle of the experience i started to tell myself that it was a good experience, maybe a healing energy of some sort. still don't know what it was. but, i started to research the topic and the closests thing that comes to it is kundalini. according to descriptions of it - that's what it felt like.

now, if it was some dna modification, i probably stopped it with my fear. so i'm probably only partily modified (that explains a lot)
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Old 02-14-2010, 05:27 PM   #3

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i have had this happen to me many times now. i have just fallen asleep or so to speak. i am consciously aware of my surroundings as if i am still awake, but my physical body is paralyzed. i have this terrifying feeling inside me of tremendous fear of what is out there. sometimes i feel intense pressure heavily pushing down on me. sometimes i can feel distinct areas of my spine vibrating starting down near the bottom and moving up one by one and others it is just one very strong vibration. i know i am very close to venturing out of my body but i am afraid for some reason. i am so afraid that i attempt to yell for help, but i cannot speak. this very intense feeling goes on for a few minutes ultimately ending in me waking up sweating and in a state of shock.

has anyone else had this experience? do you have any suggestions on how to release my fears and travel out of body?

i recently have had dreams where i am flying, floating and levitating. however it is in my dreams. i know this vibrating experience is distinctly different. the dreams of levitating are a sensational experience for me and i love them every time i have them. however, i really want the experience of actually floating out of my body while i am conscious.

one more note: the other night i had the paralysis state where i got an intense vibrational feeling throughout my body followed by a sense that i was actually physically levitating above my bed. i felt like it was a ship beginning to beam me up. it happened 3 consecutive times within a 3 or 4 min period yet i could not fully get outside of my body.

is there something i should know about how to fully get out? is there something holding me back?
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Old 02-14-2010, 08:41 PM   #4

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i found these videos to be very helpful.

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Old 02-16-2010, 04:03 AM   #5

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thank you my friend....i will see you on the flip side

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Old 02-17-2010, 01:24 AM   #6

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hi all and one,

i experienced sleep paralysis many times when i first started exploring different levels of consciousness in a practical way some 10 years ago. from my experience i believe sleep paralysis occurs when your energetic body detaches from your physical body. initially, like many of the posters here, i was consumed with fear. i also experienced the feeling of being watched, pressure on my physical body, and intense vibration changes.

however, i was trying to instigate obe (out of body) experiences by implementing various meditation techniques. if you look in the old forum archives i put quite a few posts on these experiences. it is my view that the energetic body is essentially the mind and once it leaves the physical body the physical body becomes basically inert, while at some level the anatomical nervous system (ie. heart rate, breathing) is monitored. during sleep paralysis the energetic body might not be completely detached and hence you get the feeling of being observed. i have also got the sense of bi-location, where i was aware of tactile sensation on my physical body while lying on my bed, but my energetic body was giving me visual information from outside my house! interestingly, some of the information i received visually i was unaware of and was later able to confirm it in my normal physical state.

some of the physical sensations can be understood if you have a little knowledge on how the energetic aspects of your body work. first, the pressure on your body can occur when your chakras become more active. this activity can also lead to the vibrations that you feel as well as a sense of warmth. the chakras generally need to be stimulated in order to achieve the separation of the physical and energetic bodies. however, under high trauma this can happen too. theoretically i have a basis for this given my academic view on how the wave patterns relate to the mind and its various cognitive and sensory modes, but i won’t address this here.

so the key lessons if you are just starting to experience this are 1. get on top of your fear and emotions generally, 2. if you want to break out of the paralysis concentrate on moving a finger or toe, 3. if you want to develop it work on stimulating your chakras more. it is also important to focus your intent in a positive fashion. i always ask for assistance from my higher self so that i may serve to my highest positive potential. it is part of what the buddhist would call addressing selflessness.

for those who are little further down the road, robert monroe (journeys out of the body; monroe institute, et cetera) believed that flying dreams were symbolic of obes, i agree with this view. it is my experience that obes are just the beginning and that it is possible to tap into vibrations much finer than just the obe vibration. these higher or finer vibrations enable you to tap into such things as the probability vortexes that david w mentions among other things. if you record your dreams also make a note of how you feel energetically, you will learn a lot about yourself by doing this:-)

sorry this was much longer than i planned. i hope it is of use to some. best get back to writing my thesis.

yours in service,

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Old 02-21-2010, 12:14 AM   #7

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it happened to me a long long time ago, senior in college so i guess i was 20 or 21.

i woke up and couldn't move, and i panicked and struggled. it felt like i was being held down by something at my shoulders. also my eyes were opened but i was blind, everything was just black. this lasted at least a minute, maybe two, but then i realized that i was not in pain . . . and i remembered that i was living in a haunted house . . . so i just relaxed and stopped the struggle.

immediately i could see the light coming through the windows, and i sat up.

until now, i just assumed it was one of the ghosts . . and it could have been . . . but fun and fascinating possibilities are opening.
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Old 02-21-2010, 05:26 AM   #8

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i have sleep seizures - when waking up, all my muscles are contracted and i can't move. is that what you mean by sleep paralysis? i also feel waves of movement coming from my spine so i sort of shiver or shake. this has happened for years. i used to think it was associated with allergies, then vitamin deficiency, but now, it feels like this has to do with my changing dna.
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Old 03-05-2010, 01:56 AM   #9

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that used to happen to me quite often. i guess you'd say during the time i was going through the process of being more 'aware' for lack of a better word. i found for myself i was astral traveling, and not really very good at re entry when i came back. a few other weird things would happen like i would 'wake' up with my eye open during this time and find myself staring not at the ceiling but in what appeared to be other dimensions. or there would be weird creepy crawler red feelers floating around the room. the last occurence i had was about a year ago. this involved nastly intruders who were messing around with me as i was doing lucid dreaming. i awoke, frozen, to find someone in the room with me as a real physical presence. i was not happy...lol. but ... that's when i found out that whatever ugliness that lives in the universe and uses alternate planes of reality to influence us are really more scared of us than we realized. . not sure if this helps at all.i've found 'most' of the time sleep paralysis is due to astral traveling, we wake up before we are fully back into the body but there are other instances with other causes.

has anyone had this happen to them? it's already happened to me twice in the last year.
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Old 04-04-2010, 03:26 PM   #10

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i was just listening to a show on coast to coast and the guest was graham hancock. a caller asked him about this... and ill get back to this later in the response but first i also want to say that this is a discussion going on on a paranormal forum im on.

alot of people report a feeling of heaviness on their chest, and seeing shadows, and they feel like something is holding them down or such. in the paranormal field, this is really treated as a medical thing and kind of overlooked. but i dont think its that simple as a biological thing.

here is what graham said:
sleep paralysis is one of those liminal(this is what it sounds like he says - i think he was shortening it from subliminal) states.. its one of those states betwixt and between where... it occurs when you are at the edge of sleep and waking. hypnogogic sleep its called. it is an altered state of consciousness, and in that altered state of consciousness - we can indeed separate from the body. the consciousness can leave the body, and can move out into other realms and other worlds and i believe past times and other parts of this physical world as well. some people call that astral projection, i call that out of body but i believe thats the same thing. i agree with him but to further this, i want to expound on a few things. it is said frequently that what we dream, that state, is the true reality. not while we are awake - because we are so shielded from consciousness by the physical density. it is also said that the majority of us actually leave our bodies without knowing it, while traversing this dream world. for example we all astral or obe just most of us are not lucid of it.

when we start to physically awaken, there is that period of time where i believe the dream state overlaps with the physical reality. this would explain why your conscious mind sees shadows for the most part. however in our dream state we can also tear the veil between worlds, realities and universes; and if someone truly does have a haunting in their home - in this state their physical mind can still see into it before they fully awaken.

finally i personally believe that the feeling of heaviness in the chest and not able to move is because your spirit has not fully rejoined your body. in this period of your time you are traveling back or merging with your body but the process isnt complete. for this, you start to feel the physical even though you dont have full control of it yet. some people are light sleepers, some are heavy. for example some people can awaken instantly and be in tune with their body... others it takes them at least a good hour to get their 'motor' going... i do suspect that maybe the majority of those who experience hypnogogic sleep are in a period in their lives that they fall in the group of slow to get their motor running upon awaking.

there seems to be a link between sleep, and the higher realms of consciousness that i would believe those who sleep more (and this seems to be happening alot the closer we get to 2012, more people sleeping alot longer or more frequently) - who are slow to awaken, are less tied to their physical density.

these are just my guesses and theories based on research ive done so i could be way off base i know... but i wanted to toss this out there, i think its plausible.

if it is then it could perhaps provide enough understanding of what exactly is going on that you can eliminate the fear and let the process take its course. dont fight it, let your body and soul merge together. and on that note, be mindful what it is thats causing it because sleep paralysis can also be caused by physical conditions that need to be looked at. i think only we ourselves can fully know the answer, and if you dont know i would suggest keeping a journal of what you dream and see and feel as you are coming out of it. in the dream state your higher self may be telling you theres something wrong, or theres nothing wrong and you can just tell. :d
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Old 04-04-2010, 03:40 PM   #11

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now that i think on this, i realize i have astral'ed or had an obe after all...

..for at least a year to a year and a half after i left my old job, i had many waking dreams where i - lol - was literally getting up to go to work. a couple of times i made it to work - no one recognized me there. i saw the layout of the desks were all moved too... everything was different. then id wake up and realize it wasnt real.

and there have been a few times that i did this, then woke up realized it was a dream and thankful i woke up in time to not miss work... lol and the cycle repeated again. until i woke up and remembered im not late for work and i dont have to call out rofl
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Old 04-05-2010, 06:19 AM   #12

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sleep paralysis is your body's way of making sure you don't do something stupid in your sleep...

not always 100% fool proof, but from what i understand, as you get into sleep mode, your body will ask your brain if it's still awake. when the body ascertains that the brain is asleep, it will lock up shop until it returns... if you've ever lain in bed with your eyes and body very still and resist the urge to roll over (how your body figures out if your brain is still awake), it will kick in a little...

that spooky stuff you see before going under is generally what's called "the guardian on the threshold". there's a lot of stuff about confronting the shadow on the site... smother it with love!

if you ever feel like you need to get out of it, the one thing you can do is start breathing deeply and erratically, as if you are trying to physically shake yourself out of it by using the force of your lungs. the reason why you can't move your limbs is because those are voluntary and are on lock down, but breathing is both voluntary and involuntary.

hope that helps
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Old 05-03-2010, 07:14 AM   #13

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Default Sleep Paralysis and other Sleep Experiences
has anyone had this happen to them? it's already happened to me twice in the last year.
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Old 06-02-2010, 06:57 PM   #14

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dear golden one

please do a search for sleep paralysis on site (sleep paralysis
chesheyer ) and you will uncover a thread from the archives
that has a great deal of information on this subject.

best, billybob

has anyone had this happen to them? it's already happened to me twice in the last year.
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Old 08-03-2010, 03:13 AM   #15

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yes my friend, it happens to me often. not as often now as it used to between 1 and 2 years ago though.
i found it happened when i was over tired.

at first, naturally it scared the soul out me, it would start with my head feeling as if it were being squeezed in a vice to bursting point, but i was able to "jolt" myself out of it.

after reading up on it, i realised that the vice feeling was not a sign my head was going to burst and it posed no threat to me, so i chose to go with it when it happened again.

i am very glad i did. after a certain point i would literally slide into a lucid dream. i was completely aware i was dreaming and that i was experiencing sleep paralysis, so in my dream i tried to roll of my bed, and i did, i crashed to the floor. i then strained an eye open (in real life) and could see i was actually still on my bed. so, eye closed again, and i`m back on the floor.

so i stand up and walk about the room. it felt very odd, much the same feeling you get in a dream where you are trying to run, and for the life of you, can`t manage it, though, not quite as restricting.
i turned to the window, and leapt out of it and flew through the sky, simply by wishing it to be so.
i flew higher and higher, but eventually came back down, and that was when the sleep must have become too deep and it became a regular dream.

on another occasion when it happened, i didn`t realise i`d started dreaming, but was aware of the paralysis, i thought i had actually opened my eyes and rolled off the bed ( i hadn`t though) when i was lifted by the feet by an unseen entity and thrown around the room in a sustained and brutal manner.
i thought i was being killed by a demon, till i realised that would be silly and remembered i was experiencing sleep paralysis, so i stood up (in the dream) told the entity to get lost, strained my eyes open (real life) and found myself to be on my bed.

it`s very scary at first my friend, but with practice can be very interesting. i am able to manifest people in these dreams, and talk to them, so with practice (and i would recommend spiritual protection) it may be possible to talk to all sorts of interesting individuals.

all the best.
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Old 08-03-2010, 04:39 AM   #16

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yeah, when i experienced this, its such an indescribable feeling. i had almost like a sinking feeling and i kept on trying to fight it. i almost felt as if i was going to get sucked out of this reality and into another realm. very weird feeling in that i could not move anything except i could feel that i was barely moving my index finger. i also could hear this constant noise, almost like a buzzing noise.
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Old 08-19-2010, 11:46 PM   #17

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hi ... well ive been around here before

but now i need some help ... i dont want people to make jokes or anything

ok ... this happened for about 4 times already and its freaking scary...

about a year ago at night i went to sleep on the sofa ... but i couldnt ... when i was about to sleep ... ive got freezed ... i couldnt move ... i could move my eyes , breath and think ... and my head was like a big loud sound zzzzzzz , i feel something on my chest and feel like my lower body get chills

now... 2 nights ago ... it happened the same ... but i could stop it ... and then do it voluntary ... i just close my eyes... and when i hear that sound in silence ( that every1 has ) i concentrate on it ... and it breath slowly and its like i let my eyes rest and i go into that state or something ...

i dont know what to do because my mother had an aneurysm and didnt die but when i start hearing that big sound on my center of the breain i get really scared and i think the same is going to happen

i wanted to recieve some tips or help... or if any1 experienced the same recently...

thanks in advance ...
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Old 09-02-2010, 01:51 PM   #18

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well golden one, it takes nerves to do it, but i seriously recommend just going with it and checking out the real treasures to be found in sleep paralysis.

it is terrifying, sometimes painful, but these sensations aren`t a threat.

in my honest opinion, sleep paralysis, is a gift. but first you have to conquer the fear it that accompanies it.

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Old 09-02-2010, 02:34 PM   #19

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dear golden one,

ten years ago i suffered a traumatic brain injury. this resulted in damaging an area of the brain called the sleep center. the sleep centers job is to regulate our sleep and one of the things that it does is cause the body to temporarily be paralyzed when we go into deep sleep rem (rapid eye movement). this is necessary because when we dream of fighting for example, we could hurt ourselves or someone sleeping next to us if we able to move our arms and legs. in a normal person they will not be able to move while in rem.

one night after my head injury i dreamed that a demon was licking my face. i began to fight him and i woke up and found myself kicking and hitting my husband who amazingly was still asleep.

i had a sleep study done and they placed me on a dopamine drug used for patients with parkinsons diease.

i took the drug for two years and then i stopped. sometimes if something wakes me up while i am in rem, i feel like i am on a tranquilizer for about 20 minutes.

so don't worry this is normal. if you keep experienceing this it might mean that your sleep is fragmented and you may have a sleep disorder. these can be treated fairly easily these days. if you find yourself tossing and turning a lot at night and waking up in rem stage (the dream stage) then you may want to check it out with your family doctor. if you don't get all four stages of sleep at night, it can affect your heart and cause high blood pressure. so don't panic, just keep a log of your sleeping habits for about a week and then go from there.
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Old 03-09-2011, 04:21 AM   #20

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happened to me once this year during a heightened awareness state.
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