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#1 |
thanks, jan, for your input. i started my spiritual path doing "magic" but i always said to myself that it was white as opposed to black. now all those distinctions don't matter, words and concepts change. what i used to call magic back then is now called the law of attraction.
getting caught up in the shoulds and how to's etc for me is just a form of distraction. for me there's no good or bad, it just is what it is. a simple formula i came across is that whatever is the easiest and gives a sense of relief is the way to go. it's useless trying to follow someone else's path. it's all individual, and what's good for one may be not for another. i can relate to your tibet item. whenever i am around anything tibetan i get very emotional. so i went and hung out with the refugees in nepal and really enjoyed myself. the bells, the chanting, the whole vibe. wonderful! |
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#2 |
thanks for the feedback larissa.
i am on the path of light now for about a year and everything i've learnt "in the dark" is coming to pass right now. i also always had the feeling that everything is coming from the same source. somehow i always knew that while i was dwelling there. but just now i can see the true nature of things and i can (and do) give to other people without boasting or any other egoistic reasons. it happened during a meditation that the switch was turned inside of me and a truck load of information, light and genuine love came right through me thru the top of my head. finally i know myself, the true nature of me and all other peolple as well. yes, it has been a hard road to travel on but most certainly the right one for me personally. and also thanks to all of you on these forums i feel more and more at ease with the new me. love and light to all, jan. |
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#3 |
dear fellow seekers
hello all this is my firs time posting on here, and i am happy to have found you all. i have a question for any one that would like to comment. i have just started reading the law of one series a couple days ago. at about the same time i have been feeling very weird during my meditation sessions. and im actually feeling it right now as i am typing this. basically i sit in my normal position after a while i start to feel very very heavy and then i feel this heaviness on top of my head, like im wearing a hat. it makes my sculpt tingle but not in a wonderful kind of way. i have had many experiences of feeling connected to source and usually it feels amazing. this sensation on top of my head has a very natural feeling attached to it until i start to question it then it freaks me out and i stop get up and rub my head to get rid of it…. its doesn’t go and i can still feel it now. im a bit worried about what it is as i have recently started dreaming of et contacts that isn’t all that wonderful in nature. on the other hand, i am also aware that we are all one and that in truth nothing can hurt me, i guess i just need to practice discernment here but need some help identifying what may be happening. thank you in advance love and light olivia |
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#4 |
hi olivia!
i am not sure what your surroundings are while you meditate, mabey you meditate during the day with the sun or in the evening with the moon...but i have had a great lift from my similar experiences and i think my negative vibes were coming from the moon. this is new to me and it might be a fluke, but i have a feeling that if im directly in the rays of the sun that i will have a more solid foundation of protection around me from these negative feelings that seem to go with my night time meditation. i am a lover of the moon, always always i felt drawn to it like i could climb the sky and get there. oddly enough, my higher self doesn't seem to like the moon for what ever reason. the more in touch i am with this inner voice, the more i feel i need to not give so much attention to the moon. like i said, these are things im experiencing, what one goes through might not be of need to another, so for all i know, you meditate in the direct sunlight daily ![]() also, when i first began to really follow my inner voice, there was a shift inside me that lasted for a couple of months. i knew i was going in the right direction, but its like there was a heavy cleansing going on, something was trying to hold me back in a way. i went through horrible allergy and sinus symptoms and awful headaches that made me physically sick. i feel it was a process that was effecting my flesh body in this time of change for me. always ask for protection from the ultimate creator, ask your higher self and /or soul group to lead you and protect you in love. love is the ultimate power, evil can not invade it without an open door. best wishes to you!! peace to all, lynette |
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#5 |
i think this is pretty common actually, as generally more acquiring higher forms of knowledge and developing a practicing level of awareness generally attracts "bigger-and-badder" synchronicities/entities into your life in an attempt to throw your positive resonance off.
just remember that connection with source and who you actually are at all times so you can detect when something feels off. grounding i think is probably the least attractive, yet most valuable, form of meditation, and it's extremely important to assert your frequency (and to maintain it within a band you really resonate with) as much as possible. but it's impossible if you're floating around and/or seeking spiritual validation through et "benefactors". but it'll all come around. i had this intuition for you to change where you meditate to begin forming a clean energetic slate in a more natural environment. i feel that pressure a lot actually, especially in public areas. when i start to notice it more, someone is usually staring at me. when i'm feeling really cocky, i'll just completely relax my mind and smile at them. and sometimes, people smile back ![]() |
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#6 |
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#7 |
hi everyone,
oy, do i ever have questions right now........i don't know where to start, i guess i'd better start and see what happens. okay, on meditation. i've been doing it for as long as i can remember even before i even knew what it was. my parents always complained about my "daydreaming". i have to add that i had a severe accident at age 5 when i was hospitalized for two weeks and the first 2 days the docs kept me in a sort of artificial coma to speed up the healing-process. i still remember where i was at that time. when they brought me back to the living so to speak, i realized that i took that "vibe" with me. (later i found out the vibe was actually given to me). now, reading all the "warnings" here-along with the do's and don'ts, i cannot relate to anyone of them. in other words it seems to not apply to me personally. it gets even more extreme when i tell ya that i have been into black magic etcetera for over two decades and i never, ever received a warning or anything of the kind. it's absolutely not that i'm boasting or anything but in those two decades i could literally toy with the "demons" and toss 'em hip and thigh if i really wanted. i never did cuz i alwas kinda felt it might disrupt some kind of balance in my personal place on the astral plane. all this negative energy never cut me off from the higher vibe that was "installed" into me when i was 5 years old and in the hospital. question: is there anybody on these boards that can help me understand what this means? after my black magic and black metal period (at age 22/23) i went "neutral" for a while. i started to live a bit more healthy and started to read a lot about esp and the like. from 24 yo to 36 yo (approximatly) i've had two near death experiences due to 2 identical accidents that involve venomous insects. and again my vibrations where put in a higher frequency. i definetly have some kind of communication with "whatever" lies beyond. it communicates through me in "waves of emotions".(there is no better way to describe it). i understand these emotions (i.e. content) perfectly when they come to me in a meditative state. when i snap out of that state i need some time to translate them to my 3rd density self. that's not the problem, but the following is: question: why is it so unpersonal. i mean, i've asked for answers during meditations and inner reflection sessions with my higher self. but untill this very moment i never got one.the vibration within me always stays exactly the same no matter what i do. never ever did i have someone coming up to me saying:"hi jan i am (name) from (place) and your purpuse or the reason that we communicate with you is (reason)". does anyone know what i'm talking about? so many people can tell names and places when meditating. they can even describe the person that is with them, etcetera. it's not a lack of imagtination on my part, cuz even when i try to visualize who is communicating with me i fail.(though it doesn't feel like failing) i fully "awoke" since january 2007 at age 38 and i'm turning 40 this september. another thing that might interest the reader. while communicating with these dimension i never hear words, see people, et's or anything. only (on rare occasions) the sounds of a monestery in the far east like tibet. i'm not worried about all of this it's what and who i am as a whole being but i'll appreciate anyones opinion/thoughts on this. light and balance for all, jan |
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#8 |
olivia - you state that its not until you start to question the sensation, that it seems wrong, if i read this correctly. its very important for you to analyze exactly when the feelings of negativity start. do they start before you question it, or only after?
if it is only after, then i would suggest that the negativity is not associated with the feeling, but actually is directly in relation to your skepticism of whether or not this is a positive thing. in regards to the feeling of heaviness, i would let go. remember that you are in full control. by letting go and letting yourself experience this sensation, you are elevating yourself to a higher spiritual level. if you think about it, it is more than likely the sensation is that you are so connected with your astral/light body that you actually feel the physical form as a weight. it starts from your head because generally almost everything starts from the head for us - due to the location of the pineal gland. remember that a negative - and even a positive - entity cannot take control over you if you go in prepared with the knowledge that you are not allowing anyone to interfere. you are not granting permission. before you fall into the heavy meditation, after you have settled and quieted yourself, i suggest first imagining yourself surrounded by a shield of white light - imagine that while it does not confine you (ie you can send your energy out of it), nothing can get in without your permission. also, id suggest once done, record everything in a journal. everything from your physical senses and sensations, to of course what knowledge you receive. if you do not receive any specific knowledge, then know that the meditation acted to resolve something in your life, you cleared negative energies from within (can be caused by stressful situations and worries). a second option is this... you said you feel the pressure and you are immediately(?) associating this with like wearing a hat. however i do have a question, have you ever noticed whether or not the pressure is pushing down on your scalp - or is it possible its pressing up on your scalp? from the inside? if its right there at the top it might take some discernment to figure that one out - but i would suggest then that if it indeed feels like its actually coming from within, then this is your energy manifesting and exuding out of you. if you do not release it, it will cause physical symptoms that can lead from headaches to queasiness, and of course fear and anxiety. |
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#9 |
newborn -
thank you for being open about your past! when i first began my spiritual journey, i was led by a wiccan friend and as such i began to look into wicca. however that too is a religion which i was adamantly against at the time (now i have come to a point where i dont hold disdain for them, i see the positive instead of the negative) because to me it was other "men" telling you how to connect to god or the creator. instead, in my research i found that a witch, and a wiccan, are not exactly the same thing. i therefore am a witch - being such, there are no 'rules'. you dont need any tools to connect with spirit. to me, in the most basest form, a witch is one who is tied to the elements and to nature, and the elements are their strength of power in focusing energy. i know most people get their strength from the sun or the moon, the stars, and even other people... but this is more related to the earth and specifically its elements. we can be many and one at the same time, and not be a contradiction. indeed because i do believe in what jesus came here to say and teach, i still hold christian values as well, so i do consider myself a christian witch. ontop of this i have since discovered in my journey that i am also an indigo adult (i do not believe i am a wanderer, i dont feel a connection with ets or feel like im not 'home'). some people might feel like this is 'labeling' but i do not believe so. not in the connotation with which it is used. although it is the act of adding a label to something - it is merely used as a descriptive term, and not as a form of separation. all this being said - regardless of religion or magic, spirituality or likewise, they are all a mirrored reflection of how we connect to the one. forsooth, the only true white and black magic is not in what you do, but in how you come closer to spirit and oneness, or disassociate from it. for example, the positive side is the service to others, in which you use what gifts you have to heal and better the situation for all life around you. the negative, is service to self, and takes and destroys. in that sense, that is black magic. and you know, "god" is love, and there is no judgment, not even of the negatives. as they choose their path, they invoke the natural laws of karma against them. so to practice the negative magic, it is not anyones place to say it is wrong, except for the person doing it, as it is again not in what they are doing, but their intent. for example, it is not the magic that harms or heals, it is but a tool - it is the person wielding it that is doing the harm or healing. i should note that there is also a misconception out there that witchcraft in general is considered black magic, and that being said i do not know what form you were using so im just responding to both. the mere fact that you could commune with demons, doesnt mean you were negative, if thats what you mean. the greatest gift we will ever learn is to love - and the greatest beings we need to love are those that need it the most. you cannot love a demon and be love and of the light, if you pick and choose who you give love to. in order to love a demon, it is to issue it peace. i am not in the belief that a demon or negative entity cannot - for lack of a better word here - 'repent'. they can. so to send them love and peace, is not wasted, as long as it is pure with no agendas. also, another form to communicate with them, is when you are battling them. even before i ever started my spiritual journey, i have had a few experiences, and after during a meditation i had an astral experience in which i saw one attacking a mother and her young son in their home. "i" watched as my astral self walked up to this shadow mist form and literally hugged it, then took it in me. i then left the house and went to a location in which i watched as a portal opened and i expelled it into 'space' then sealed the portal. not everyone meditates in the same way. we all are unique just as we are all one. we are many facets of the same crystal and yet every facet shines just a little bit differently. for some people, they can meditate better during the day, in the sunlight. i cant, for me it is the moon. i have always felt more alive and energetic in the dark. so its really something only you can answer for yourself as to where and when you are most comfortable. this also applies in how we receive information. for example - i am a visual person, i learn most by seeing rather then hearing. some people its the opposite. i do believe this is the same in meditation. the irony here for me is it is rare i do actually see something... its really rare. most of the time i feel like nothing is happening, and then that makes my mind start working and there goes the meditation lol but i found actually what my niche is i get what i call a 'knowing'. its not knowledge i get from being told, as you stated above. i had maybe a few experiences in which the goddess came to me, but if you put that in a percentage against how many times ive meditated, me being visited by another is maybe 3%. the other 97% i am always alone unless i start to project people in there on my own (this usually occurs when i fall asleep lol). so ive never really had a being come up to me and tell me things. even when i saw the goddess she didnt even tell me, she made me answer my own questions to an extent. an example of the knowing is like a mother who knows her child is in danger. she just knows. or someone driving down the street suddenly just knows to take a left. its like that. i have become so attuned to how i receive these answers that most of the time i can search within for the answers without meditation. when an answer is false, i feel a negative energy (for example the doomsday scenario) which always precedes any physical sensation. its not generated from my own fear because i seldom feel fear towards these things. and when i do, it is very different. the same happens with a yes or confirmed answer... i receive an energy - but this answer is so full of light and peace and love that i almost have to stop what i am doing to let it flow. i describe all that because im wondering if maybe you might be like me - you dont actually 'hear' or 'see' something. you are not told so much as in this case you find you have access to collective consciousness and can find the answer through the energy sent to you. like, perhaps it is more there then just the content you said you get. and yes i have the same thing, where those times that i did have another there, like the goddess, i have to say - i didnt see her because i visualized her. when i tried to visualize, i hit barriers. i realized i had to stop trying to visualize, and then i could see on those times. i also began to realize that some of us are not meant to see all the time, and even when we are allowed to - its just that, someone can come to us and choose to communicate with us not visually, and its their free will. i used to think something was wrong with me, and it added to my skepticism and doubt about what "powers" i did have to access my higher self and knowledge, but over time i have learned that thats not the case at all. i just connect differently. granted i would love to 'see', but perhaps im not meant to - perhaps because im a visual learner in the physical, if i were allowed to 'see' i would end up distorting the meaning behind the message. whatever your niche is, you will find it. |
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#10 |
dear olivea
as we awaken our consciousness we become more aware of our fields. as we do that we start to become aware of field implantation, etheric worms and other nasty things that most of us have in this planet. the only thing that i found works is the maharic shield [please pm for any links andromeda may offer] this prevents things from entering in your field. it also contributes to clear your fields (aura) in the long run love andromeda |
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#11 |
last sunday while in the meditation group, i lost consciousness and fainted. i was there doing my usual stuff. we begin with some prayers. i was saying the usual prayers when all of the sudden i started to feel extremely hot. i started to feel weak and energyless. everything started turning black except a gold ball of fire in front of me that looked like a sun. i thought of sitting but i continued saying the prayers. the next thing that happend was that i heard far away voices calling my name. "jady! are you ok. please respond, jady, jady!!!" then i saw a blur of people around me looking at me with extreme worry. then i thought what the hell just happened!!!! then someone came with water and orange juice. i wanted to speak but i couldnt, i wanted to move but i couldnt! i was just there inmobile, in complete peace, in complete comfort, stillness and rest...then they helped me up. sat me on a chair and told me to stay still while the meditation continued. suddenly i noticed my thoughts as separate from me. i noticed how annoying and insignificant they really are many times. i sat there through out the whole two hour meditation in complete peace. i don't know what happened. when it all ended people told me i never closed my eyes that i had a blank stare the whole time, which to me is creepy. some people told me i entered another dimension, others told me the energy was just too much for me, etc. i did not go this sunday, i decided to meditate on my own because i really don't know what could have happened to me and i sure do not want it to happen again....i went to the doctor but they do not know what could have caused this. someone spoke to me while i was in this state but i can not remember what was said. what could have happened to me???
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#12 |
dear fellow seekers |
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#13 |
[quote=jadde44;51223]last sunday while in the meditation group, i lost consciousness and fainted. i}
it is quite complex combination the body building and the meditation during the same day or week. no wonder that you fainted. you physical activity has made you very strong, energetic, even "hot", and when the kundaline, the life force, the spiritual energy, on the spine starts rising, opening your spiritual centers/chakras with that force, you are in "trouble", from hell to spiritual bliss. it is not easy for that powerful person to "take is easy", in moderation. anne |
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#14 |
hello, i am new to these forums and also new to meditation. i've been practicing more and more recently, really trying to allow myself to let go and feel the love and light. i've been reaching a state where i begin to feel my body drift away and my consciousness shifts upwards, and almost every day that i've been meditating, at some point i feel as if i was spinning. i've been trying to allow myself to just spin and see where it takes me, but it always ends shortly after a few moments. does anyone know what is happening? has anyone else felt this sensation? i find usually when the spinning starts i try to continue breathing deeply in a relaxed manner but i think it somewhat disrupts the spinning.
any information would be extremely helpful, and i thank you in advance for aiding me. |
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#15 |
you are welcome (on the forum as well). the spinning sensation is very normal. you really have to ask yourself what is it in you that is keeping the sensation from taking effect/ desired effect. try to understand that this is normal, just part of the process. the meditative state is very intoxicating. these are just buzzes you get while you are aligning yourself
![]() love and light and love, ra ma |
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#16 |
I recently had an odd experience while meditating, and was wondering what it was and what it could possibly mean...
I have been making more of an effort to meditate daily in recent months, and usually practice with 'guided meditations' or music, experimenting with different frequencies, etc. It has been very beneficial for relaxation, healing, and sleeping (which was a problem until I found meditation helps - I was on a 36 hour schedule instead of 24/day). In the session in question, I had just gotten to the point where I was completely relaxed and comfortable, with a cover over my eyes to block out any incoming light. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I saw the face of a woman rising out of the darkness behind my eyelids, like floating up towards my face out of water. I should mention I don't generally 'see' anything during meditation, and certainly never seen anything or anyone as 'solid' as this person. It shocked me right out of the meditation. Any thoughts/ideas on what the heck that was? ![]() Thanks in advance ![]() Love & Light |
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#17 |
I started meditating about 3 months ago and about a month in i started seeing loved ones, my brother in particular, going about their daily lives. I've texted my brother after a vision to confirm if it truly was a vision and it would freak him out but i was right. In the most vivid vision i was able to tell him he was on a ladder, what step of the ladder he was on and what he was doing while up there. Also a few days ago i saw him in a vision with a bruise below his right eye. when i asked him about it in a text he didn't believe he had a bruise til he looked in the mirror and it was below his right eye and when i saw him in person later that day it looked precisely like it did in the vision. After discovering this new ability of mine, meditation has become a daily practice and I've learned to control my visions to an extent. But last night while meditating my breathing became uneven and i was entering a very deep state of relaxation. i felt as if i was going to project but with my breathing being how it was it scared me and i made my self stop. Has anyone else had a moment like this during meditation?
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#18 |
My meditation has been on the rise in recent weeks and I've been experiencing some new sensations while doing it,
Initially I felt a tingling sensation moving backwards and forwards on top of the back of my skull, sometimes I could do this while relaxed and awake, I then noticed as a result I feel of my progression, it shifted to a tingling pressure in the centre of my forehead and with it I began to sense a presence with and around me when meditating... I felt a fear as a result and a sense of protecting myself, perhaps because it was unknown ? There's a part of me that feels I need to face the fear and let it come around me and stay in peaceful silence, surrender my unknowing to its knew awakening... I just wonder though if perhaps it could be a negative force being drawn to me as I engage into the wave state? Some suggestions would be helpfull and appreciated. Peace and light Mark. |
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#19 |
I hope the following may be of help.
Dowsing works by accessing what dowsers call "The Field." This is simply another name for Source. From time immemorial, traditional dowsers (not New Age people) have always performed two exercises before trying to access The Field. The first is Grounding: This is best done on earth, grass, stone (including concrete), slate or ceramic tiles, or real wood floors. Remove shoes and socks so your soles have good contact. Take whatever position you use for meditation. Now visualise roots growing from the soles of your feet down into the earth. When you've got this firmly in your mind, visualise a thick tap-root growing from your root chakra (base of the spine) down into the earth so you have a trinity of roots connecting you. Hold this vision of yourself firmly rooted to the earth firmly in place for at least 60 seconds. Now you move on to the second exercise - protection. There are two ways you can do this. The first is to visualise a shimmering beam of white light from above entering your crown chakra and filling you with peace, love, and energy. Once you've got this, visualise this white light growing outward from your heart until it becomes a shimmering sphere that surrounds and envelops you. You must still feel yourself rooted to the earth while doing this. Hold this firmly in your mind for at least 60 seconds. The second way is simply to say the Lord's Prayer, either aloud or in your mind. This is what dowsers do when they're working outdoors (which is most of the time). The version I use is from the original Aramaic: O Thou, from whom the breath of life comes, Who fills all realms of sound, light, and vibration, May Your light be experienced in my utmost holiest. Your Heavenly Domain approaches. Let Your will come true - in the universe (all that vibrates) just as on earth (all that is material and dense). Give us wisdom (understanding, assistance) for our daily need, Detach the fetters of faults that bind us, (karma) like we let go the guilt of others. Let us not be lost in superficial things (materialism, common temptations), But let us be freed from that what keeps us from our true purpose. From You comes the all-working will, the lively strength to act, the song that beautifies all and renews itself from age to age. Sealed in trust, faith, and truth. (I confirm with my entire being). Once you're grounded and protected properly, you should be able to access Source safely, free from all noxious energies. I hope this helps. Kind regards. David |
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#20 |
Hi, all
Seems like many of you are going through some awakening of the third eye :-) I wouldn't worry. But a good grounding exercise, as the one above here, is really very useful. As I've mentioned other palces on this board, I've been working on the third eye for quite some time now. I've gone to a school here in Oslo, and had a wonderful teacher and a wonderful group of fellow students to work with. It's been a true blessing. :-) But we always start with grounding. And our grounding exercise lasts at least half an hour before we start "working". I can't really stress enough how important the grounding is. I would aslo like to say that there are often fear energies connected with the third eye. These are usually really old fear energies, connected with past life experiences (ofte "re-enacted" in early child hood - since we often re-enact old blocks in our child hoods in order to work our way through them) We have in our group seen time and again, how there's a deep mistrust between the body and the soul (sort of a metaphore), which has developed over the ages, in people who have clearvoyant talents. Because if you used your clearvoyant talents, you could easily be tortured and killed as a witch (or as a convenient scape goat for anything people at the time didn't understand, like floods and illnesses) So seen from the soul's perspective - when you come fully into the body, the body gets killed; seen from the body - when the soul comes in, I get killed. So the first year students often have to work a lot on healing issues between their bodies and their souls in order to achieve the neutrality you want in order to see things neutrally and clearly. This work will often continue through-out the three years of this school, and sometimes beyond. But with each blockage the student manages to get through and release, the seeing gets clearer. Since it seems that few of you are getting real guidance on this, I can volunteer to assist you, if you think you need it. PM me, if you think I might be able to help you. -And if I can't help you, I have a great team over here that I can ask for help too :-) |
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