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#21 |
sometimes i feel that ghosts are from another density. however, i think when we see ghosts it's somewhat of a similarity to the harvest. what i mean by that is when we go from 3d to 4d their are some people who don't transcend and others that do. when those who aren't ready to go to 4d go to an alternate sphere (as the loo speaks of) to play out reality, maybe the people who make the conscious leap to 4d are seen by 3d remnants as ghosts. maybe the time it takes to make the transition, were seen popping in and out of 3d existence. those going to 4d may not even be aware this is happening because of the higher consciousness taking over their senses, but to a 3d person, they formulate space and time in a way that distorts their understanding of whats happening all around them. i mean maybe when we see ghosts now, were really seeing someone in the process of changing to a new sphere, new density, or in limbo awaiting the harvest to come. i don't know. does that make sense?
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#22 |
can someone help me with this. i am not sure if this is the right thread to post it to but if not, maybe the moderators can direct it to where it needs to go.
i am confused with all this. ghosts, spirits, guides. i watch a program that tells the personal experiences of people who have died and come back. pretty much, everyone is brought into a light that is 20xs more bright than the sun. although they may have different ways in which they get to this light, they are always "guided" by someone, either a deceased family member or someone unknown, but yet all who radiate a sense of welcoming, safety and protection. this isn't a voice they hear in their head or a vision, it is a real physical being, "separate" from the person who has died. within the light, they experience an incredible sense of love, deep and so powerful that they feel as if they are part of it and that they are home. at this point, they are usually told certain things, but mostly, that it is not their time and shortly afterward, are "returned" to their body. i am spiritual in nature, was born that way, with a sense of connection to everything. i have constantly sought to deepen my spiritual advancement in many different ways. i believe that this realm does exist and works to help "us" through this life and the journeys we experience. i often "look" for clues, signs...anything that might tell me that i am on the right path. my question is, why is it so difficult to "converse" with these spirits or guides? if i am requesting their help, why can't they just appear and talk it out with me. it wouldn't violate my free will as i am requesting their help. they could possibly suggest something to me that i may not have thought of that might improve my spiritual path and in turn, help me in my process to help others. the idea that this is "our" journey and so we must make all the decisions on our own is fine. but why do i have to 'educate' myself to these decisions on my own? i think education and teachers are important because they provide information that let's us see things that otherwise we might not see. if all i ever learn is that which is around me, then i have lost out on everything else the world has to offer. yet, this seems to be the way it works. i do not have 'direct' access to my guides or spirits that are acting on my behalf and have to guess, through symbolism, like seeing 11:11 or a dream interpretation that i may be on the right tract. how much more could i develop if a spirit guide could manifest in front of me and have a one to one conversation. ultimately, it would have to be my choice to decide what i would do with the information i received. i am not sure about all the densities and what happens when one goes from one to another, but in this show, when people die, some part of themselves, exits out of the body and begins this spiritual journey.when they go back, they re-enter the body. some part of us, within our body, can and does have the ability to access and communicate within these higher realms. then why, can we not access this ability while we are in our body. to be clear, this is not a religious question. call them spiritual guides, advanced aliens here to help us...i really do not care. i believe they exist no matter how you wish to interpret them. my question is one of higher density connection. i would like to know if anyone knows why we cannot access these higher densities more directly while in this density or, if we can, and it is that i just don't know how to do it. i feel like i am at school and, just on the other side of a door, is the teacher and the all the lessons i could ever want to learn, but no matter what i try, i cannot open the door. meanwhile, i look through the door's little window to see bits and pieces of the lessons exposed and try to interpret what it means. thanks for all insights... |
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#23 |
skyboy i can relate to this post quite a bit, it sounds like me about 10-12 years ago. so i'll try to describe where i'm at now and maybe it will help you to see where to go from here.
everything you've included in here has relevance to the same question, what are we beside this meat suit, and even before these memories. it's a good question, and one that has puzzled anyone who has every walked on earth. the answer has truly been found within your own evidence. let us string a few things together. as you've said everyone who has come back describes what they saw and experienced, and is able to tell similar details, mainly including the awareness remembering being outside of the body. you ask to speak with spirit that can manifest a body and converse or aid. the link is realizing that every point of awareness is simultaneously experiencing. thus the awareness which remembers being outside of the body is the same as the awareness reading this, and the same as that awareness you seek. you may not have the ability in your awareness's experience to remember another point of awareness's experiences, yet you can perceive just as they could. what i am really saying is those experiences need a physical body in any means weather grown from seed or instantly manifested out of cosmic material. they are all awareness experiencing. if you can see that another person living has a point of awareness experiencing then you will be able to interact with that awareness as awareness. truly you seek to find yourself so you look within, what am i? the balance is in another age defining question, what is that? when the two have given the same answer then truly, unity has been found. for many years i looked into these very questions, what am i and who are they. it's lead me into amazing places, and now there is no room denying life. it's a mixture of them and i, we are one. this is the vision of my experience of awareness. and without meeting me or even knowing if i am a person or not, there is a message for you, materialized out of thin air! fear not life, and it will shall not fear you. -apophis |
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#24 |
thank you apophis. i really appreciate your response, although admittedly, i will have to chew on it a bit to fully digest what i think you have presented here. i am showing my ignorance here but in the spirit of becoming more aware of my awareness that is awareness experiencing itself as me, when you say " they are all awareness experiencing," ultimately, who or what awareness is experiencing? when you say " it's a mixture of them and i, we are one," what is it that we are one of? are we manifestations of an ultimate being's awareness that act like singular pictures but are, in fact, connected and together make up a theme or experience, much like the process of our own brain activity? and finally, is there any real purpose, at least on my awareness level, to know any of this? when i say "real", i mean does it matter. if i am just a manifestation of awareness experiencing itself, then what, if any, need do i have to 'know' about something of which i really have no control over. awareness will continue its experience whether i am a 'knowing' participant or not, right? is there some benefit that the ultimate awareness receives if i participate in the process? and, if so, then might others, such as yourself, who are more aware of the process, be beneficial in obtaining the experiences awareness through me wants to experience?
i know i have asked a lot of questions, but you offered such an illuminating insight, i wasn't sure what to do with it all. thank you again for opening up a whole new can of worms for the awareness that is experiencing itself as me. very exciting to know that my awareness, expressed as you, is very smart! - skyboy |
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#25 |
first of all i apologise if this is in the wrong place but i done a couple of searches and couldnt find anything that seemed to match up but am sure the lovely mods will put it in an appropriate thread if its not a stand alone thread.
ive always been really skeptical about ghosts or other entities although i have always been very interested in the possibility of ghosts and i do believe that when we do die or leave this vessel that we do go somewhere else. ive had some spooky experiences of my own and still do. i believe that someone or a few people are around me in the spirit dimension and i think they always have been at least for a few years now. i still get the feeling of someone sitting down behind me when i am sleeping and i can fel the covers being pulled down as if someone is actually sitting there. i once saw a shadow go right past my living room door into the kitchen behind my daughter and then straight after it we heard the dishes being moved around in the kitchen. it really was as if someone had moved them around as if to say im here!! i also had a dream after my grandmother died where she came to see me. i think it was to clear up a few things in both our heads. i think she still thought i hadnt forgiven her for something negative that happened in our family and i was distraught when she died and didnt want her to go. in the dream she told me that she had to go because it was time but that everything was ok. i have often had dreams fairly frequently since she has died that she is still alive and that she didnt die but other people either didnt know or they were trying to hide it from me. i havent ever had any spirit manifestations or anything like that although i think i would like to. im not as freaked out with stuff like that as i used to. i just wondered what experiences others might have had of this type and what does the loo say about this kind of thing? i havent read it all so am not sure. i also watched the following documentary last week which was very intersting, one of the more thourough documentaries of this type. i wonder would we have to die to leave this dimension in order to have regular contact with other entties in other dimensions or could it be that this will happen naturally in the future as we evolve more especially as people seem to be having more and more syncronicities and telepathic powers etc |
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#26 |
there is a loo quote on ghosts earlier in the thread they put this post in. i have had a couple experiences with ghosts but nothing dramatic. i used to live in a farmhouse which the oldest part was built around 1820-1830. if the weather was nice you would occasionally hear the voices of women on the front porch. in the top floor there was a strong feeling of being watched and my ex saw the ghost of a young man dressed in 1930s style clothes. i tried to ask the owner of the building about anything that may have happened in the house before but she wasn't talking.
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#28 |
I was scared when I went into the kitchen to ask my Dad to, more-or-less knock, it off. To tell you the truth, I didn't know what was going on. No, I don't like horror movies, and I never thought of myself as a god. Probably, the only time that I was really scared stiff was a few years ago, when my daughter and I went to a store called K-mart. We started down the music aisle when all of a sudden, I stopped walking and started to shake, my lips were trembling when I said to my daughter, "I'm scared." She said it the same time that I did. The whole area felt like pure evil. When we could actually function again we got away from there and then I looked back over there to see who was over there. There was a man and a boy, but that was it. Well, feeling brave, we walked back over there to see if the evil was still there, it wasn't. We hurridley, left the store. My husband thinks that it was a smell that made us feel that way. I don't remember smelling anything. I also, was studying Edgar Cayce and I sent out for my past life report. They sent my chart back saying that I am not only a Uranian but also an Atlantean. Because of my lifetime in ancient Atlantis freedom of thought, purpose, and action are of the utmost importance to me. I do feel like that. Do you want to know what else is strange, my birthday, my husband's, my daughter's, and my granddaughter's birthday falls on the same number 11 but different months and years. I always wondered what the number 11 means to us. |
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#29 |
I don't feel ghosts really existe. The Goddes have told me that they don't, at least. Instead, they're Egregores who were created by humans to torment others just so that The Individual can get pleasure like a Psychick Vampire would-- only at a More Harmful rate. Of course, the Human is subconsciously Aware of this. Which, of course, is like the Goddes and Beings ov Light being Virtuous enough to let it Known as a Universale Requirement. If the human is benevolent, their soules can benefite others from a spiritual ghost Encountere. Egyptians created them to benefit the Whole, butte insteade it backfired and we alle ended up Suffering a lot for Our Sins. Such as Ra Ta, who was the One to come up with the idea and latere PAY for it!... A pity, really... Poor guy.
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#30 |
hey everyone. Many just stay around loved ones others just not have the balance to move to the astral realm. (some call the "non physical earth realm" the lower astral) All those, almost all those who die of a violent death, take some time to come into balance, or might go from the "earth realm" strait into the next incarnation. Many if not most of the not so experienced spirits do this. There are many things that can be said about this, but I am out of time. |
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#31 |
EcyaC, I believe everyone and everything is God. I think when I die I'll get to experience life from everyone's point of view. What I mean is I don't think my life will be the only life to flash before my eyes. I think if you're allowing yourself to get scared then you are creating a horror movie roller coaster ride for me which is fine with me because I like horror movies. That's awesome you and your daughter said you were scared at the same time. I wouldn't be surprised to learn something disturbing happened in the location where you got scared but then again this probably isn't the case since you went back and didn't feel the same. The man and/or boy probably caused it. You know how Wilcock teaches if you threaten plants they scream or something like this? You two could have been sensing a very real threat, or something like this, and it seems very likely considering it happened to both of you at the same time. Maybe the 11 coincidence/synchronicity has to do with the big 12/21 @ 11:11 date. You'll find out this one soon enough. It could also serve to demonstrate an out-of-this-world connection between you all or many other things...I wonder too and pray we get to find out all of the answers to everything one day. |
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#32 |
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#33 |
It is a good questions, and many don't believe in ghosts, but do beleive in spirits. And furthermore, some say that the term ghost is suppose to mean bad spirits. I know someone said they are "thoughtforms" in action. If this is true, I can say that I have actually been thinking of people, and just as I am finishing the thought of them or perhaps a conversation about times I run into them at a store, food place, etc, etc. I guess all that's coincidence maybe, but maybe that's not what is meant by "thoughtforms" in action as sometimes I am bad about misunderstanding terms at times. Maybe I just notice it more, or maybe the people are just going to the same store as I am. It is weird, but it happens.
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#34 |
It is a good questions, and many don't believe in ghosts, but do beleive in spirits. And furthermore, some say that the term ghost is suppose to mean bad spirits. I know someone said they are "thoughtforms" in action. If this is true, I can say that I have actually been thinking of people, and just as I am finishing the thought of them or perhaps a conversation about times I run into them at a store, food place, etc, etc. I guess all that's coincidence maybe, but maybe that's not what is meant by "thoughtforms" in action as sometimes I am bad about misunderstanding terms at times. Maybe I just notice it more, or maybe the people are just going to the same store as I am. It is weird, but it happens. |
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#35 |
Thoughtform is usually meant to refer to a non physically existing entity that was created by the thoughts of some being. Some practitioners of magic say that pyschic vampires can be created as a thoughtform, as well as other constructs. When they are reintegrated into the person you acquire the knowledge or energy the thoughtform gained. They can be viewed as a type of psychic imprint that can even appear to have limited free will. Another example is the strange situation where Talmudic Zionists are thought to have an Egregor (sp) god...a god that is a thoughtform serving its creator (That is, not The Creator but rather the sub-logi humans....) Hope I got that right!!... BBB |
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#36 |
I mentioned a few posts back that The "Virgin Mary" is said by the Ra to be a realized thought form...think about it...over the centuries millions of people have fervently upheld and maintained her very beingness, 24/7!!! |
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#37 |
Hello, I am a new member. The experience I had was when I went downstate to stay with my ailing mother. I was sleeping in the living room when I awoke to hearing echoing footsteps going up and down the hallway going towards my mom and brother's rooms. This went on for several times that night. I then heard it in the dining room like it sat down into one of the dining chairs and it let out a long sigh. I think that it was my dad worrying about my mom and, also, my dad had passed away in that same room, same table, years before. Well, no one believed me when I told them about it the following day. That night my brother heard the same thing. The third night, my brother slept out on the couch and I was in my sleepingbag on the floor. When he turned out the lights in the livingroom, I saw three large shadows stand up from behind me. The street light was shining in the room and I am not lying I saw their shadows on the wall in front of me like they just stood up. I got up and went into the kitchen and said the Lord's Prayer and I said that if this was you dad, please stop it because you are scaring us. We didn't hear no more after that. My mom passed away the following year.
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#38 |
Hello, I am a new member... I believe to be a ghost is to be what you were before being born into this dense, emotionally-heavy, density. I think the reason I've never seen, or sensed, a peep from a ghost is because they know, as well as I do, they would creep the heck out of me...because I make this clear. What are ghosts but much more realized Gods? What I mean is, while I know I am God now...when I die I will REALLY know I'm God because then I'll be getting my flying on etc. in my emotionally-light density. Physicality is an illusion to me. I only believe in the spiritual realm or light/fire/thought realm and mind being over matter. Needless to say, I'll likely get bored with God-like powers when I die/ascend then choose to return to a more confusing state where I can think there's chance for self-improvement, transformation, and/or growth and whatnot. I prefer my densities to be rather dense like where I'm at currently. I also think we visit the ghost density every time we sleep/dream so why should I want to stay there permanently? I think if it were better to be there permanently then I'd be there permanently. I think all that is is for the best and I can manage to be happy with all creations; I like horror movies. I try to keep in mind all experiences are just like movies, basically, and I stay content and continue to get astonishing synchronicity. |
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#39 |
I would guess that there are ghosts and Ghosts...
One popular concept is that ghosts are merely the records of lives once lived. Such "ghosts" would not belong in a higher density, Students might use the term, "Astral Plane". However, even tho a mere shell, they may be put to service in helpful purposes. Use your imagination! "Ghosts" with a big G are visitors from outer (inner?) space. Most likely guides assigned to taking care of needful mortal beings such as you and me... often they are old friends or family, etc. The fact is that we are never alone! Doesn't hurt to ask them for spiritual help (that does not include info on hot stocks or lost diamond mines, etc.) Then there is the question of polarity....Negative or Positive...( but that is another story! ) Anyway, hope the above helps a bit....inspires some study? The best and highest positive good to all concerned!! billybobguy |
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#40 |
I like your distinction between ghosts and Ghosts Billybobbutterball. From what I have researched about the astral and etheric planes we can create things on those planes with our thoughts. A possible explanation for a recording type ghost may be that when a person either experiences a remarkably emotionally strong event that it creates a very strong impression on the part of the planes that is closest to earth. This may also be caused by repeatedly performing some action with the same intent. Which over time would create and strengthen the thoughtform recording.
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