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Old 01-26-2009, 04:35 PM   #1

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Default Tesla, and his failed mission
the following are two passages from the law of one:


questioner: then i would assume that you can’t name him. so i will ask you where nikola tesla got his information?

ra: i am ra. the one known as nikola received information from confederation sources desirous of aiding this extremely, shall we say, angelically positive entity in bettering the existence of its fellow mind/body/spirit complexes. it is unfortunate, shall we say, that like many wanderers the vibratory distortions of third-density illusion caused this entity to become extremely distorted in its perceptions of its fellow mind/body/spirit complexes so that its mission was hindered and in the result, perverted from its purposes.


questioner: how was tesla’s work supposed to benefit man on earth, and what were its purposes?

ra: i am ra. the most desired purpose of the mind/body/spirit complex, nikola, was the freeing of all planetary entities from the darkness. thus, it attempted to give to the planet the infinite energy of the planetary sphere for use in lighting and power.


that last section deserves repeating again:

"the most desired purpose of the mind/body/spirit complex, nikola, was the freeing of all planetary entities from the darkness. thus, it attempted to give to the planet the infinite energy of the planetary sphere for use in lighting and power."

wow! how different would the last 100 years have been if tesla had succeeded in his desired mission. free energy. no coal plants or nuclear reactors. no endless reliance on oil. the air would be clean, all the economies of the world would be free to pursue creative and humanistic economic growth.

looking back, how history would have been different.
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Old 01-27-2009, 07:24 AM   #2

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nikola tesla, an american inventor and engineer, whose mastery of electricity came at a time when electricity was changing american life. tesla is the unsung creator of the electric age, without whom our radio, auto ignition, telephone, alternating current power generation, alternating current transmission, radio, and television, would all have been impossible. h e discovered the rotating magnetic field, the basis of most alternating-current machinery, and held more than 700 patents. his inventions make him one of the foremost pioneers in the distribution of electric energy. http://www.frank.germano.com///the_complete_tesla.htm

nikola used cutting edge physics to discover, analyze and utilize the energies of nature and the universe. one experiment was an oscillator which harmonized to the frequency of the steel in the building. the resonant wave this formed in the steel caused an earthquake in the neighborhood

the wireless transmission of "electricity" was what tesla's life work pointed towards. we see some of that in use in cellular phones, garage door openers, radio.

he wanted to be able to send power through an antenna to a reciever where that power could turn a motor or charge a battery. in the lab he could do this. it looked like this

the picture demonstrates the undesirable lightening bolts shooting all over.

nikola began construction on 2 large transmitters but never completed construction.

i hope nikola's work is continued. anyone can view his 700 patents for ideas.

if one man can do so much, what can we do?
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Old 01-27-2009, 12:32 PM   #3

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also this, from session 8:

would this type of craft come close to solving many of the energy problems as far as transport goes?

ra: i am ra. the technology your peoples possess at this time is capable of resolving each and every limitation which plagues your social memory complex at this present nexus of experience. however, the concerns of some of your beings with distortions towards what you would call powerful energy cause these solutions to be withheld until the solutions are so needed that those with the distortion can then become further distorted in the direction of power.

i also think the following quote is interesting, which suggests that the tesla technology, if released, would aid the harvest:

questioner: there was a portion of the material from yesterday which i will read where you say “there is a certain amount of landing taking place. some of these landings are of your own people; some are of the group known to you as orion.” my first question is what did you mean that some of the landings are of your peoples?

ra: i am ra. your peoples have, at this time/space present, the technological achievement, if you would call it that, of being able to create and fly the shape and type of craft known to you as unidentified flying objects. unfortunately for the social memory complex vibratory rate of your peoples, these devices are not intended for the service of mankind, but for potential destructive use. this further muddles the vibratory nexus of your social memory complex, causing a situation where neither those oriented towards serving others nor those oriented towards serving self can gain the energy/power which opens the gates to intelligent infinity for the social memory complex. this in turn causes the harvest to be small.
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Old 01-29-2009, 01:11 PM   #4

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tesla did indeed figure out how to provide free energy, among other things. our oil companies and banking families wouldn't let him share the technology with the world. his papers were seized by our intelligence establishment upon his death. his breakthroughs were crucial to the the development of the hidden technology possessed by our intelligence-military-industrial complex.

the ralph ring interview over at project camelot will be instructive in this regard. otis t. carr had managed to scavenge some of tesla's knowledge, and built a working flying saucer back in the 1950's. his work was shut down by agents of our own government.
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Old 01-30-2009, 11:44 PM   #5

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a very, very interesting query.

i thought this was very relevant when i read it. reading 'between the lines' what ra seems to be saying is that because tesla was unable to see past his fears and social troubles with his fellow man, he lost service to others power.

perhaps then, if the energies between him and other scientists was not so 'guarded' as such, then they would have helped him to release his information, and then tesla's mission would have been 'completed,' thereby we would have free energy.

and things would be different.
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Old 02-13-2009, 01:26 PM   #6

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there is no failure if you try


i haven't read all the law of one stuff, but there are bits and pieces that ring true and make sense of things.

i seem to know a whole lot of really talented people and in several cases, i seem to be one of the very few 'fans' that person has of their creative activities.

i read this today in the loo..

"the attempt, if it reaches one, reaches all. " -ra

which, not to get silly, is what kirk meant when he said "sometimes the needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many" as he went to save spock.
the love you have is what matters, and your free will to use that love.

so don't think you are a failure if only one person likes what you do, even if that one person is you . there is only the love (or negative emotion) you project...
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Old 03-03-2009, 07:09 AM   #7

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read about a new electric car yesterday named: tesla!

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Old 04-02-2009, 08:38 PM   #8

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tesla himself had a real electric car...powered by "free", or zero-point, energy. it had no gas tank. he had a little briefcase-sized box that he carried around, that provided the electric power to run the car. it plugged into a couple of slots under his dashboard. he would take it out whenever he got out of the car.

i saw a film of this car back about a year ago. really interesting. this is just some of the technology that rogue elemets of our power structure are hiding from us.
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Old 04-02-2009, 09:34 PM   #9

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as far as i remember nicola tesla was a yugoslavian serb not an american. i grew up in greece where there is a secret greek society dating back to ancient times called omada epsilon, i had a friend in that group who informed me that the whole balkan war was to do with the retrieval of a tesla technology(his early work) that could change the weather. apparently tesla made this technology to create rains for africa. the allied forces took control of this technology and now they have adapted it ito the scalor or haarp weaponry.
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Old 02-06-2012, 10:29 PM   #10

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There's an article on another alternate web site which has a confession of the man who says he killed Tesla:

This contains very specific references to the HW B administration.

It would probably be good to read Tesla's autobiography. When I say autobiography, I mean he wrote it about himself. He himself mentioned HW B's father as his assistant/benefactor at times and said the assistant's son was always snooping around his lab. Years later that same son headed the CIA, which depends on Tesla's technology to do what it does... Tom Bearden's Energy from the Vacuum site has the best info about Tesla and others like him that I've found so far. The videos and books for sale there are worth their weight in gold.

Tesla stated that he had visions since he was a kid and that all his inventions came from those visions. He was an electrical and mechanical engineer I believe, but he never took credit for his inventions. He believed they were given to him by a higher source. I believe Einstein said the same. Tesla actually proved some of Einstein's theories wrong based on the understanding he got of reality through his experiments. Walter Russell claimed to received the secrets of the universe from God directly while in meditation and Tesla confirmed that what Russell was told was the same as what he was proving in the lab. Viktor Schauberger and Wilhelm Reich were onto the same thing. All these guys were alive about the same time and most were harassed by financial interests manipulating our gov't. I bet these geniuses were all friends before being incarnated on this dump of a planet. Alexander Putney has interesting pdfs for free on his humanresonance.org site. If you're into Tesla, you should read what's on there. No matter how strange some of it might seem, read it anyway! If you're on this site regularly, it probably won't seem strange though.
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Old 02-06-2012, 10:43 PM   #11

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a very, very interesting query.

i thought this was very relevant when i read it. reading 'between the lines' what ra seems to be saying is that because tesla was unable to see past his fears and social troubles with his fellow man, he lost service to others power.

perhaps then, if the energies between him and other scientists was not so 'guarded' as such, then they would have helped him to release his information, and then tesla's mission would have been 'completed,' thereby we would have free energy.

and things would be different.
I think Tesla's biggest downfall was trusting government officials and depending on people who lived to make money to fund his work. The very people that funded him are the ones that stole his patents and suppressed his work until they found ways to charge us to use it if it was released to us at all. Had he been able to keep his work to himself and released it on a massive scale before it was suppressed, this world would be totally different. Patents for his electric dynamos must have run out a long time ago. Why don't we have power generators in our own houses instead of paying the power company? I believe the FCC is another entity created to heavily regulate Tesla technology to keep us paying. We should just get rid of money altogether and share like the native americans and other ancients did. The world was so much better then and there was way less monopolizing of resources.
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Old 03-06-2012, 09:38 AM   #12

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Walter Russells work also talked about the unification of science and religion. This was a big no no for war mongers. And more than likely part of the reason his theroies were not funded or reasearched more fully.

Einstein was exaulted the greatest genieous of his time. Why? Because he gave the military the most powerful wepon they had ever known.

Had Tesla shown that his ideas could be used for mass distruction he may have earned a place on the shelves of history.

Same goes for Russell, but it's kinda hard to talk about distruction and seperation within a unified cosmos.
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Old 04-08-2012, 05:50 AM   #13

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Yes, TOTB, haarp may be the sneaky stepchild the of Tesla's black box, and it seems they arent admitting to it being a weapon so much as how it is beneficial to us.Yeah right!LOL!

Ive heard how it deflects enemy ICBM's and how it can heat the ionosphere to divert storms away, and have to wonder...was it active during the last two less than serious hurricane seasons?

It appeared to me the storms were just sent out to sea, but then we get the T.S. Beryl early this season, and it barreled straight into Jacksonville, albeit with some beneficial rains.

If you recall the Norwegian spiral, it was supposedly a demonstration of the Swedish Haarp, and was used to destroy a Russian missile as it was launched over Kamchatka.
What was the best part of that was the resulting spiral from the torsion field which was developed with the Haarp. very cool, and very dangerous all at once.

If Haarp uses any ELF, I wonder how they get the waves to propogate through the aether, and how they can actually aim it, or does it just run wild over a large area?

Haiti found out what can happen when an infrastructure is weak and unable to withstand an earthquake of even a low magnitude. Yet, did our fine science establishment make a faux pas of the ultimate kind with a misguided Haarp shot?

Apophis set me upon Mr Russell's works, and when I get a dull few hours, I have downloaded some of his work to read in quiet time. Youre the second person here on DC to point his work out, and I have read numerous works by many science based authors, but none of Walter's.

It seems he must have made an impression on you and many others.

Have a great night...well...day now, as it's 1:30 here in FLA!
There's probably some useful info on Alex Putney's human resonance site in pdf format. Russell explains what happens on the earth's surface as far as the exchange between electricity and magnetism (i believe it also explains yin/yang and the energetic function of pyramids), but it doesn't explain how energy can be bounced off the ionosphere and directed to other parts of the planet. Keep in mind that Walter Russell defines Magnetism differently than the way it's explained in electromagnetic theory. Magnetism for him is more like the ether, vacuum, source field, orgone to others. He seperates electricity into two things that would equat to electron flow in one direction and magnetic field in the opposite direction. HAARP has to do with resonant frequencies and harmonics so I'm sure it will be multiples and/or fractions of the schuman resonance, whatever that has increased to these days. I believe satellites are used to steer storms though. There are documentaries about it on youtube, but I'd start with Tesla's autobiography and patents. Maybe Tom Bearden's website. If it's not on there, they'd probably have links to places that do give a good explanation of how HAARP works technically. If you attempt to read Walter Russell you have to understand that he's explaining spirituality and science at the same time. In the end you'll see that they're really one in the same and he's bringing them together in the reader's mind. It's similar to alchemy. Some view it in the material sense of changing one element to another while other people view it in a spiritual sense. What Russell says is that it's true in both senses and the process is the same if you know what to look for. At any rate, if you're into Russell for science purposes, I'd recommend "The Universal One". "The Secret of Light" gives the same info, but it's written in the context of spirituality so you'd have to do more interpreting to get the scientific info from it. If you happened to get any of Russell's works in the form of a word document with no pictures, I recommend you buy the actual book from www.philosophy.org. His drawings are very helpful in understanding what he's talking about. If you've read any of Kosorev's work on TIME, most of Russell's stuff is in tune with that. I think there were small differences, but it may have been a matter of symantics, IE using different terms for the same thing. Even the guy that built Coral Castle knew this stuff. Like Tesla said, there's power in 3's, 6's, and 9's. I still haven't quite grasped their importance, but I'm sure it's in Russell's stuff. Lol I think Dr. Len Horowitz understands that secret from reading his Healing Codes book a few years back.
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Old 04-08-2012, 06:09 AM   #14

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Yes, TOTB, haarp may be the sneaky stepchild the of Tesla's black box, and it seems they arent admitting to it being a weapon so much as how it is beneficial to us.Yeah right!LOL!

Ive heard how it deflects enemy ICBM's and how it can heat the ionosphere to divert storms away, and have to wonder...was it active during the last two less than serious hurricane seasons?

It appeared to me the storms were just sent out to sea, but then we get the T.S. Beryl early this season, and it barreled straight into Jacksonville, albeit with some beneficial rains.

If you recall the Norwegian spiral, it was supposedly a demonstration of the Swedish Haarp, and was used to destroy a Russian missile as it was launched over Kamchatka.
What was the best part of that was the resulting spiral from the torsion field which was developed with the Haarp. very cool, and very dangerous all at once.

If Haarp uses any ELF, I wonder how they get the waves to propogate through the aether, and how they can actually aim it, or does it just run wild over a large area?

Haiti found out what can happen when an infrastructure is weak and unable to withstand an earthquake of even a low magnitude. Yet, did our fine science establishment make a faux pas of the ultimate kind with a misguided Haarp shot?

Apophis set me upon Mr Russell's works, and when I get a dull few hours, I have downloaded some of his work to read in quiet time. Youre the second person here on DC to point his work out, and I have read numerous works by many science based authors, but none of Walter's.

It seems he must have made an impression on you and many others.

Have a great night...well...day now, as it's 1:30 here in FLA!

If you want to see a small scale version of the technology, check out what Paul Pantone refers to as "Tornado Cowboys" in his work on his GEET fuel processor. It's part of a video interview of him called "Indelible Promise". Long story short, one of his employees set up a GEET system on an engine and used Teflon tape on some bolts where they weren't supposed to. That kept the system from grounding properly and tiny, though highly charged, tornadoes formed over some water near the setup. So it did what HAARP can do, but at a much smaller scale. At the heart of GEET is transmutation caused by plasma in a vacuum. The vacuum allows the plasma to form without a ton of heat and/or electrical input. Cold fusion is similar, but uses higher frequencies and water in place of the vacuum. Walter Russell used the same vacuum principle in proving transmutation of elements using electricity. I personally believe that the ionosphere actually is plasma. I believe that's what the Aurora Borealis is also. I think the colors are probably an indication of the frequencies being tampered with. If they're visible, you'd have to look at the visible light spectrum frequencies. I think they're up in the terahertz range. If those same colors relate to the chakras, I wonder if HAARP has any biological effects...

I think the fuel industry's best kept secret is what fire really is. We get so caught up in the heat and how it affects us as humans that we have assumed everything else about it. We've assumed so much that we even believe our souls will burn in it if we don't behave like good little sheeple! When your body detects heat, that means it detects high amounts of potential energy being converted to kinetic energy and being radiated away from something. Cold is the reverse. When you understand what a spark plug is really doing, you'll get why water implosion is possible... In implosion, when hydrogen and oxygen combine into water, they cause a vacuum instead of an excess of pressure so the reaction has to occur while the piston is at bottom dead center so it is pulled up instead of pushed down in a combustion engine. The spark is the catalyst and there should be little to no heat as a byproduct, just water. Since that's the initial fuel, you might be able to use it closed loop with no exhaust at all if you can keep the cylinders from leaking too much. You'd have to get a special cam or use solenoid actuated valves to get the timing right, but it should work. Look up HHO or Brown's gas for more on water as a fuel. Ok I'm all tapped out.
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Old 05-27-2012, 02:21 AM   #15

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There's an article on another alternate web site which has a confession of the man who says he killed Tesla:

This contains very specific references to the HW B administration.

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Old 06-07-2012, 06:56 AM   #16

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Viktor Schauberger and Wilhelm Reich were onto the same thing. All these guys were alive about the same time and most were harassed by financial interests manipulating our gov't. I bet these geniuses were all friends before being incarnated on this dump of a planet.
The real tragedy of Schauberger is that he thought he was being brought over to the US so he could continue to
develop his Implosion Technology machines. Schauberger very much claimed that this Implosion technology is very
Healing to the Planetary ecosystem, and extremely beneficial for all humanity. However when he finally figured
out the intent of using the machines for Military purposes Schauberger deliberately changed the "plumbing" of the machines such that they would never function. Apparently his revisions to this plumbing were so thorough that the
other scientists were unable to reconstruct nor make the machine operational.

True to the personalities of the Financial interests, Schauberger was cut off, and transitioned a "broken man" in the later 1950's.
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Old 06-08-2012, 12:55 AM   #17

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Can anybody discount or verify the Kon Pappas 65 page write up claiming to have simplified Tesla's aether theory?

Here's a link:

And here's the PDF version:

I've read it a few times, and so far I can't find any flaws. I'd like a few skeptical minds to take a jab at it and see if they uncover something that I'm missing. Something about it just seems to simple. But then again, Tesla himself praised simplicity.
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Old 06-17-2012, 01:49 PM   #18

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Hi Chris,

Apologies for not providing further documentation. My own introduction to Schauberger is from a chapter in a book from 1995 authored by a member of the Tesla Society, Dan Davidson. There is a video of David Wilcock where David makes a positive reference to Dan Davidson by name. Dan Davidson's 1995 book is titled "Shape Power"
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Old 06-18-2012, 05:49 AM   #19

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Walter Russells work also talked about the unification of science and religion. This was a big no no for war mongers. And more than likely part of the reason his theroies were not funded or reasearched more fully.

Einstein was exaulted the greatest genieous of his time. Why? Because he gave the military the most powerful wepon they had ever known.

Had Tesla shown that his ideas could be used for mass distruction he may have earned a place on the shelves of history.

Same goes for Russell, but it's kinda hard to talk about distruction and seperation within a unified cosmos.
Indeed, Apophis, we should be glad Tesla "failed" because if he had built that device for the military, the world would be a different place.

It sounds to me like he succeeded. Thanks, Nikola!

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Old 06-20-2012, 12:48 AM   #20

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That technology was the basis for the "Star Wars" program proposed in the 80's by the Reagan (really Bush) administration. It is currently implemented in H.A.A.R.P. and G.W.E.N technologies. It's just that other people take credit for them. Walter Russell gives the principles for weather modification, IE earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, volcanoes, using electronics and Tesla actually designed the devices that could do it. He built a mechanical oscillator that caused earthquakes, but H.A.A.R.P works off of very high and likely very low frequency electrical oscillations. Some may recall Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez claiming that the US caused the earthquake that leveled Haiti...

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