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Old 01-17-2008, 06:00 AM   #21

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once the light had turned green, i just sat there and hesitated for about a good 5 seconds. [...] those seconds later, a semi truck came blowing by through the red light at full speed. if i would have advanced my vehicle, i would have died for certain.

chris, same thing happened to me a few years back, but in this case, the entire intersection froze and nobody moved. a full 5 seconds later, a car came screaming through at 50-60 mph and ran the red light after it changed. for sure, deaths would have occurred, including my daughter, who would had taken the full brunt of it, as we were turning into that lane. the fact that the entire traffic pattern froze on all four sides was surreal .... we all waited for this guy we couldn't see coming, as he was traveling too fast.

i'm sure this kind of thing has happened to many people, and it is surely a testimony to our interdimensional connection with oneness. it also makes us know that we have a time and purpose to our living.
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Old 01-17-2008, 06:32 AM   #22

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i've always had precognition of various events. mostly of things that effect me personally. i've even had a very high hit rate on knowing which sports teams would win a game if i took a few minutes to concentrate on the dynamics of an upcoming game.

however, this past weekend i was watching the playoff football games, and hadn't really thought much about what would happen since the team i follow was finished for the year. while watching the games i began getting knowledge of what would happen in the next 2 to 3 posessions (not plays).

it was coming to me like script: " team a will move down the field and kick a field goal, team b will then score a touchdown, team a will then punt." i got about 4 or 5 of these during the weekend and every one was correct. i wasn't trying to do this it was just coming to me when i wondered what would happen next in a game.
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Old 01-18-2008, 11:32 AM   #23

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hi folks.. this is my first post here. i started keeping a dream journal about a year ago. as simple as the dream might be, i always record the details i remember as soon as i wake up. it might not even make any sense at the time. i just started going back and rereading some of the dreams. i have a found a few of them have actually happened. some not even pertaining to myself. my dreams are getting more vivid as well. key words will appear right before i wake up. ie wake up, pay attention, and balance arejust a few that come to mind. i think writing this stuff down actually encourages more things to come to me. it really gets me excited to think what other dormant abilities will soon come to be.
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Old 01-19-2008, 04:50 AM   #24

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it must be amazing to hear the trees speak audibly. i hear them telepathically.

sometimes when i try to say hello, a tree will tell me "not now, i'm working" - i usually see that the tree is providing shade to a building, or perhaps there's something else i can't see. but maybe that explains why some don't talk out loud.

most of the communication is that of love. one enormous sycamore, once i'd placed myself up against it, said simply "yes."

also, once, when the sky was very dark, moist, and windy, everyone around was assuming a storm was coming. i would have assumed so, too, and thought i should hurry to get home. but the trees around said, "no, there's no storm." i hurried home anyway. there was no storm. not even a drop of rain.

i'd love to hear tree symphonies! maybe i'll be so blessed one day.
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Old 02-01-2008, 10:08 PM   #25

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i don't know if i call it ability but if i am thinking a word or reading a word it will be said on the tv or radio or from a person instantly. this happens to me all the time. i used to mention it to others but they looked at me with indifference or as if to say so what's so great about that. a lot of synchronicitis happen to me all the time.
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Old 02-02-2008, 03:58 PM   #26

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great post magickal mongoose.

i was'nt going to post anything as i might ruin it for myself. but my car died and i'm stuck with some time...
last night i was more lucid than i've ever been before. i awoke three times throughout the night and each time i reentered sleep i got lucid.

some of the scenes were overlaid with patches of trail like patterns. as in hallucinogenic trails. it was like a grid work of small yellow spheres, each with 4 little arms extending n/s/e/w. was wondering if these were something like "consciousness units".
they were similar to phosphenes. but there must be something else going on. if not, it must mean the visual lobes are firing during lucid dreaming.

it seems with concentrated effort you can manifest things - in either the dream or 3d. tho for me, it never turns out exactly how i intended.
oh, um, once i realized i could'nt get sex (now how can that be, in my own dream?), i shot up into a pure starless black space and called out for (the archangle) micheal. did'nt sense anything but i'm glad i made the effort. on second thought, probably not too cool of a thing to do really. from seeking sex to calling an archangel!

i see most everyone has seasons with lucidity. it comes and goes with no discernable pattern. now this is annoying.
feel free to pm me about the sex thing. how can that be? the only thing (as dave indicated) is that it's not my own dream pool.
but it could also be that i've a problem with relating in this way. i have found or created it in prior lucid dreams.

in general, my problem is i seem to be loosing my centered-ness/concentration and composure. or increasing in absentmindedness and depression. and ten minutes ago i saw this weird - moving/morphing - shape in my minds eye/phosphenes. i had this a few years back and it went away. wondering if it's simply stress.
i made that earlier post about seeing spheres. i still see tiny points of light on a daily basis. it would be nice to know what in blazes all this is...
for now, i'll write it off as stress. aum......

but that is totally awesome about the trees!! i've got to try this. and i'm a bit peeved that i've never ever seen mention of this in any wiccan or ogham book!! shame!
it's probably no coincidence that during my last walk i heard two trees go pop. i just wrote it off as the wind. was'nt really windy tho.
they must be being infused with increased energy.
maybe some of us will go pop...
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Old 03-01-2008, 08:23 AM   #27

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i've always known that i am empathic to some extent. lately it shows up a bit more, i can feel blips of information filling me when thinking about certain things, such as the earth or even things i see on tv.

i was watching a show the other day about treasure hunters. people were out looking for gold and one fellow had an unusual amount of luck in finding gold. i knew instantly that it was a positive karmic condition from one of his past lives. weird. i've also watched videos of people and gotten impressions of the feelings and emotions at the time of the taping. i was watching a nature show about lynx cats, it happened to be a male and female around mating season. i could feel distinct male and female from the cats.

then again, maybe i'm just barking up my own tree, but still its interesting to hope.
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Old 03-02-2008, 08:57 PM   #28

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power indipendency !

the ability to control electricity with your mind may seem the stuff of science fiction.

but one woman claims such a power is part of her everyday reality.

debbie wolf says she is one of britain's growing number of "sliders" - people who believe their presence interferes with household appliances, radios and light bulbs.

she claims she can turn street lamps off, send digital clocks haywire and even defrost her freezer.


eehehhe.....a new future uh ?
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Old 03-03-2008, 04:20 AM   #29

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hey man, i have those little points of light too. when i first got them, they were white or blue, and i didn't think much of them. then i noticed that sometimes i would get a red one, usually right before i was to do something stupid. so i took the red as "stop" and the blue as "go" or "everything's ok."

then i read that sparks of light are one of the warning signs of a detached retina and freaked out, since i'd been having them for years. so i went to the doctor's and got a full check - nothing wrong, knock on wood.

as for the sex and lucid dreaming thing; i've had the same experience and i think that what happens is that lucid dreaming requires the participation of one of the higher chakras; probably the vishuddha or ajna chakra but i don't know for sure. when you engage in sexual activity, or a simulation of such in the dream state, i think that the savadhisthana chakra activates and consciousness gets fixated at that lower level, shutting off the higher ones.

just a guess.
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Old 06-02-2008, 03:24 AM   #30

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more recently as my ability to understand my whole self increases, i am more able to "hear" thoughts other than my own. most of the time, i cant really understand because my own thoughts are really jumbled (i'm going through a hard time right now). a couple weeks ago however, i had a chat with a being who i'm sure is of the negative variety. he wished to teach me of a technique that i can use to feed off of the hate and fear of others and then use it to inflict spiritual damage on them. he called it "dark ray energy", and he said that it was hitler's pursuit of this ability that was part of the reason he went mad. he didn't give me his name, and i couldn't see him. it was like a thought that i knew wasn't my own. i asked a friend and he said he doesn't think it's a mistake and that this being seeks to draw me to the negative (he claims he was once very intimate with the negative side). in all honesty, however, i think it is because i was visited by a light being by the name of gabriel almost three years ago. and he said "i was to meet the son soon enough". anyway i was wondering if anyone else had "meetings" like this, or if anyone could shed some light on this, thanks.
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Old 07-02-2008, 06:24 AM   #31

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hi, everyone - this is my first post, though i've been following david's website since it was the old site...anyway, i felt that my response to this question might be helpful to someone.

the most recent "new ability" i actually confirmed today, although i had suspected it for a few weeks, now. i've been laying out tarot cards for guidance, and lately i sometimes feel like the cards aren't for me. i have a very dear friend with whom i share a very strong soul connection (and who is one of the only people with whom i can talk about the law of one, ra, etc. who doesn't think i'm nuts). last night i my body wouldn't let me sleep until i'd done a reading, and i was positive that this reading was meant for him.

a conversation with him today revealed that the cards were, indeed, meant for him (which is a relief, because they made no sense to me)!

i've been blessed, also, by knowing when the cards are right and when i've been thrown by a negative thought or poor connection. this is just the first time i've had the "right" cards, but not for me!

other things over the past few years: kundalini awakening, preceded by a dream which foretold same; i can talk to trees and they talk back; i can influence the rain - usually, just to get it not to rain on me while i run out to the car, but with the most profound incident being as follows: i was in a car (i was a passenger, so i have the driver as a witness - sometimes you don't believe these things when they happen) and we had the sunroof open, and it began to rain, and i wished very strongly that i didn't have to close the sunroof. we didn't, because it didn't rain into the sunroof. it was raining everywhere else - the windshield wipers were on - but there was no rain coming in through the roof, even when we stopped for traffic lights.

i manifest things like crazy, too. a few weeks before christmas, i made the decision one morning that i would simplify and just get a poinsettia instead of a christmas tree, and thought "i'll have to get a poinsettia." that evening, my landlord gave me a a thank-you gift for being patient through renovations. it was a poinsettia.
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Old 08-02-2008, 06:08 PM   #32

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im sometimes so reluctant to post certain things that occur in life because i feel some things are just meant for the personal self for learning ect...but the reason im going to post this is because what i have been experiencing could merely be a trick of a stressed mind. im also not sure i would call this a new ability, i see it as more a corky thing my mind is doing-playing-whatever.

i have never ever seen anything thing with my own eyes besides the reality in front of me. no obes or working with my dreams ect...i try, but it hasnt been working for me. i am so not familiar of 'seeing' things that would not be the norm.
so anyways, my son had a doctors visit yesterday. my feelings about the appointment were very stressed and focused. i had to make sure my son was asleep for the test they were doing, he is 2 yrs old. appointment is at 1, so arriving 15 mins early, he fell asleep in the car on the way there, all was good! i carry him into the building, long wide hallway with the doors to the offices on either side. being not 1 yet, i realized their doors we actually locked for lunch. so there i am holding a 40lb. 2 yr old, whose asleep, no chairs, no benches, blah, i didnt want to carry him back to the car just to risk him waking, so i sit on the cold tile floor get comfortable and close my eyes. i was antsy and restless for the stress of making sure he stayed asleep, wondering about this test, my mind rambles, i open my eyes for i just couldnt relax. ya know when you get that feeling you want to close your eyes to think but your thinking so hard its like you can feel rem while awake. so your eyes pop back open on their own in a way. well so im looking around, pretty blue walls, white floor, nice sunlight coming through both ends of the hall-i see this quick scribble, silver, like a string of water of something floating through or i should say moving through the thin air. the first min. of this was very oddly intense. every time i blinked, i saw it. i did at first feel like a my odd mind was tricking my eyes. but yet, every time it was moving. not with my eyes, it would move sometimes to the left, sometimes the right, sometimes down or up. everytime was different. the first min. i was very tuned in a way to seeing them coming in like a wave every sec. but it didnt last even a second. i would find it, notice it long enough to see it was moving. like a string in thin air! they wouldnt necessarily disappear, they drifted towards me as well as going around me in a different angle everytime. the majority of them would drift to the left of me, my eyes would try to follow until it would then be behind me so to say out of my site. there was one time that it seemed to hover and have stillness for a split second. i could almost of drawn the shape. they were always curvy, no pattern, no straight lines. but sense they always seem to move almost instantly, its hard to put a for sure shape to any of them. they all looked like different little scribbles-not even a half of an inch, small little moving scribbles. i cant even describe the things that went through my mind between then and the moment the nurse come to unlock the door. really i thought i had now done really lost my mind.

spooked in a way, searched some things last night about some ideas. i did come across a video posted about a string theory video. in the video were flashes of little scribbles, it is the closest thing i can use to describe what i am seeing.

this morning with some down time and a much more relaxed mind, i tried to find these scribbles again. again i saw them. its like they are always there but they move. its soooo very strange. if it is all in my mind, what a crazy place it is. has anyone had this experience with stress? im not lacking sleep. should i have my eyes checked??! i really really dont feel like telling a doctor im seeing things

when they move, they almost seem like smoke, but if i catch it in the first millisecond there is a shape, but different shape everytime. when i try to find them or try to see one, so far i find success pretty dependable. i have to have a plain background of light color im finding to notice them. white seems to be the best being they look silver grayish. the color of a pencil actually. it really looks like someone is writing scribbles in front of my face in this air and then the scribble catches wind somehow and drifts by me. really really interesting, even if this is just a mind trick or eye trick or whatever.

peace to all,
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Old 08-02-2008, 07:50 PM   #33

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when they move, they almost seem like smoke, but if i catch it in the first millisecond there is a shape, but different shape everytime. when i try to find them or try to see one, so far i find success pretty dependable. i have to have a plain background of light color im finding to notice them. white seems to be the best being they look silver grayish. the color of a pencil actually. it really looks like someone is writing scribbles in front of my face in this air and then the scribble catches wind somehow and drifts by me. really really interesting, even if this is just a mind trick or eye trick or whatever.

peace to all,
this is quite syncronistic, lynette -

for the longest time i would think i was seeing strands of moving, almost living particles in the air that were almost translucent, but visible enough for me to pin down. for all of my life i assumed that i was normal, and that everyone saw these things.

after i learned that this wasn't the case, i assumed that it was microbial organisms living on my contacts. being a typical "guy" (as my wife says lovingly) i tend to put off hygiene as long as possible, so dirty contacts were par for the course.

but lately, after i've learned the art of meditation and how to really ask for things, as well as get assignments - it's been happening again, without the contacts.

try this and see if it works for you - sit and stare at something well lit. if it's one color this seems to help me. as i'm sitting at my desk, the sky is a perfect shade of blue and is perfect for this. stare out, concentrate on the color, and then without moving your head or body -this is the important part- picture what you're looking at as if it is a 2 dimensional picture, as if you're looking at a painting instead of a 3d landscape.

that's when i'm able to see the movement - sometimes little points where it appears light is collapsing forming little "holes" of light. very strange.

i honestly have no idea what these are, but when i pray and meditate while doing that, the activity greatly increases.

does anyone have any other techniques or anecdotes that could help us expound further on this weird phenomenon?

peace and love,
matt "lorik"
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Old 08-02-2008, 11:42 PM   #34

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that sounds like what i used to call my "little arrows". i've noticed this since i was a kid (i'm 53 now).

whenever i stared off into the distance, i would see points of light flowing from the outer edges of my vision to the center. they would form circles of points of light that reminded me of little arrowheads, and would fluctuate from light to dark, but very quickly. hard to explain, i know. but maybe 10 or 12 around the edge of a circle, flowing toward the center, followed by another, then another, until there might be 6 or 7 flowing circles, pointing toward and centered on whatever i was looking at (or toward).

my mom asked me once what i was looking at, and when i told her she said she'd never heard of that before. now, she grew up in the spiritualist church, so if anyone had heard of this as being paranormal, she would have. and she was (and still is) a big fan of edgar cayce, and if there had been a mention of it in any of his work that she had read, she would have remembered. so i never mentioned it again.

as i got older, got married and had kids, i forgot about this little "quirk" of mine until just a few months ago. i wondered if i still had this. one day, i was outside on break at work and stared up into the sky. and there they were. if they were a sign of eye trouble, as many times as i've had my eyes checked over the years i would think i would have found out by now.

i also recently noticed some little snakelike things when i "unfocus" my eyes. i thought maybe they were what is called "floaters" or perhaps an infection of some kind, but i just had my eyes checked last week and no sign of trouble, other than i need new glasses again.

i have wondered what this was for a long time. so if anyone has any insight, i'd like to hear (read) about it, too!
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Old 08-03-2008, 01:31 AM   #35

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i have always had paranormal experiences happen to me all throughout my life, but over the past few years i have become telepathic to a certain degree, but only with a few people. each experience has been spontaneous and the other participant was able to hear my thoughts as well! i really feel that we truly are evolving as a race for me and my friends to be having these sort of experiences.
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Old 08-03-2008, 04:55 AM   #36

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every time i blinked, i saw it. i did at first feel like a my odd mind was tricking my eyes. but yet, every time it was moving. not with my eyes, it would move sometimes to the left, sometimes the right, sometimes down or up. everytime was different. the first min. i was very tuned in a way to seeing them coming in like a wave every sec. but it didnt last even a second. i would find it, notice it long enough to see it was moving. like a string in thin air! they wouldnt necessarily disappear, they drifted towards me as well as going around me in a different angle everytime. the majority of them would drift to the left of me, my eyes would try to follow until it would then be behind me so to say out of my site.
i had a similar experience, many years ago. i was donating blood when i started seeing these things, and i thought i was gonna pass out at first, because i'd seen other people pass out from giving blood.

but the next day i still saw them occasionally, so i went to an eye doctor, and he told me it was just blood vessels! i said if they're just blood vessels, why haven't i ever seen them before? he said sometimes they expand or get enlarged when you're stressed out or something so that you can see them, even if you've never seen them before.

i don't know if this is what you're seeing, lynette, because in my experience i don't remember thinking that it was a psychic thing, but it did go away after a couple of days and i rarely see them anymore.
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Old 09-02-2008, 07:20 PM   #37

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just checking in-thx for the replies on this, so very interesting and curious to me. my life is so busy i dont have the time to sit and observe this like i would like. i will say, the first time i saw this strangeness was really strong for the first say 30 seconds to a minute or so. watching those lights in texas reminds me of what i saw kinda, but silverish and very small, fluid like. would love to hear more about what people think about these lights. im just trying to keep a open mind.

peace to all,
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