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#1 |
dear friends,
happened 60 years ago. let's hope the truth finally comes out... whatever it may be ;-) be well, be love. david roswell officer's amazing deathbed admission raises possibility that aliens did visit's%20amazing%20deathbed%20admissi on%20raises%20possibility%20that%20aliens%20did%20 visit/ roswell documentary here are 4 parts to a roswell documentary from 1994. it includes some of the first clips of the "faked alien autopsy". (i personally believe there is real footage of the autopsy, and the fake was deliberate misinformation. and it worked!) the u.s. air force came out with their explanation of what happened around the same time as this video. they had separate events that happened years apart explaining what happened. to me they were lying and doing a bad job at it meaning there really is something to cover up. the 60th anniversary of the ufo crash on mac brazel's ranch is days away from this posting and still plenty of unanswered questions. |
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#4 |
dear friends,
more from canada... calgary, alberta more unusual sightings brian, i went out tonight with my camera and a sony video camera at 8:30 tonight (april 11, 2007). an object appeared in the same area of sky, and this time the object was not a boomerang shaped object, but an object that appears to be changing shape. please find attached photos (i have a series of photos, these are just a few and appear the best). brian, more pictures of this multiple shaped object in the northwestern sky of calgary, alberta. |
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#5 |
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#6 |
dear friends, be well, be love. david roswell 1947 ufo crash finally resolved june 12, 2007 finally the truth is told about the roswell incident! after 60 years, the speculation is over! the last living survivor of the 1947 incident tells his, and his father's story. the roswell legacy by jesse marcel, jr. to be released worldwide july 4, 2007 at the 60th anniversary roswell festival in roswell, nm, july 5-8 [june 12, 2007, helena, mt] 1986, on his death bed, retired major jesse marcel told his son; "you must tell the world the truth about roswell. when the military no longer has a hold over you and your family, please set the record straight!" major jesse marcel was the head of intelligence at an army air field located at roswell, new mexico. on july 7, 1947 major marcel was sent to inspect what was being reported as the crash of an unidentified object on a ranch seventy-five miles northwest of the base. after inspecting the crash site, marcel stopped by his home to show his family what he had discovered. jesse jr. was only eleven years old at the time, but vividly remembers his father's excitement, and seeing and handling a foil-like material that his father said was scattered around the wreckage. it was shiny and paper thin, but could not be torn or cut. it also retained a memory, mysteriously unfolding each time his father tried to fold it. and then there was that beam of metal several feet long, which was covered with hieroglyphic-type writing and markings. it was indeed something that was not of this world. |
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#7 |
dear friends, be well, be love. david lt walter haut's notarized affidavit verifying roswell egg shaped craft signed pre death in 2002 c2c cast to coast am radio show 1390 farmington nm ^ | 19 jun 2007 | william j birnes posted on 06/19/2007 11:03:02 pm pdt by quix admin moderator . . . i don't think i've ever posted in breaking news--not more than once or twice, in any case. and, i virtually always post this topic in chat per various sensibilities. however, this year, a number of us have been waiting for more serious disclosure to break to the surface from officials. this is such a break through. this report following--partially transcribed off the radio from coast to coast--relates to the military officer in 1947 responsible for writing the first press release describing the ufo crash--and then being ordered by col blanchard to recant. this report is from a signed pre-death affidavit by lt walter haut in 2002 verifying specific facts of the ufo crash and the aliens involved. i seriously believe this is worth a breaking news slot. however, if you disagree, i certainly submit to your leadership and right to move it to chat. partial transcription follows. i did my best on the fly and got most of the key phrases. most of the wording is verbatim with occasional equal substitutions for brevity in typing: ################################################ c2c 19 jun 2007 lt walter haut sp? guest bill birnes. in-depth to be in upcoming book witness to roswell recap what’s been known—haut being ordered by col blanchard to write the press release about the ufo being real; then being ordered to recant it etc. walter haut had seen the real wreckage. jesse marcel had also seen the real wreckage. he begins—a regular format of an affidavit 2002; sworn before a witness and notarized by a local notary. he was aware that someone had reported the remains of a downed vehicle the morning of july 7 1947. then he was aware of growing reports from the civilian sector. people were crawling over the place where the vehicle had been downed. |
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#8 |
dear friends,
this isn't a ufo group though dw does mention ufo's/et's but lets not get all "crazy" and post all kinds of ufo info here. the following info is food for thought. william's info is interesting and "seems" to be "authentic" but in the end we'll just have to wait and see... as always - use your discernment... be well, be love. david an ancient alien spacecraft on the backside of the moon an alien spaceship on the moon: interview with william rutledge, member of the apollo 20 crew according to william rutledge in august 1976 there was a classified space mission: the “apollo 20”, which explored a huge alien spaceship by luca scantamburlo italian journalist and freelancer written interview with william rutledge, an “apollo 20” astronaut (1976); interview carried out by my youtube account /general messages © l.s. may 25, 2007 a secret joint space mission on the moon, result of an american-soviet collaboration taken place in august 1976? is it possible? why not, if you consider that the existence of a federal agency like nro (national reconnaissance office), and its missions of overhead reconnaissance, “were declassified in september 1992” (according to its official website). and is it really possible that such a collaboration has been prepared to explore a huge alien spaceship found on the backside of the moon? william rutledge (according to his story, a man of 76 years old who lives in rwanda, former of bell laboratories and employed by usaf) is the name of the “deep throat” who, since april 2007, has been disclosing information and spreading a lot of video and photographic material on youtube, about the presumed apollo 20 space mission. his user name on youtube is “retiredafb”, and the most amazing footage he released so far is the presumed flyover of an ancient alien spaceship found on the backside of the moon by the apollo 15 crew. here's the link to the video; here's dr. michael salla's comments on routledge's info; did the usa/ussr fly a secret joint mission to the moon in 1976 to investigate a crashed extraterrestrial mothership? luca scantamburlo, an italian ufo researcher, has published online an interview he conducted with a whistleblower claiming to be a former astronaut on a secret mission flown by nasa and the air force space command to the moon in august, 1976. the alleged mission was titled apollo 20 and was a joint us and soviet mission that followed by just over a year the joint apollo-soyuz 1975 mission. the apollo 20 mission filmed the dark side of the moon where a very large extraterrestrial vehicle appeared to lie wrecked on the moon's surface. this 'wreckage' was first captured on film by apollo 15 in 1971 which shows a moon panorama with what appears to be a large elliptical object on the moon's surface in an official nasa photo (blow up on right of as15-p-9630 - original available online at: the alleged apollo 20 mission comprised two us astronauts (william routledge and leona snyder [both from bell laboratories and employed by the usaf but not officially part of the us astronaut corps] and alexei leonov (first man to walk in space and soviet commander on the 1975 apollo/soyuz mission). the mission was launched from vandenberg air force base in california. there was an alleged moon landing by routledge and leonov wherein the crashed vehicle was entered and found to be an ancient mothership. a dead ebe female was also found who was well preserved in some protected layering. the whistleblower, "william routledge", began in april of this year to upload hours of film footage of the secret apollo mission on to youtube video. scantamburlo investigated some of the videos and had them analyzed by italian film experts who concluded they were authentic. he then contacted routledge to conduct an interview by email correspondence. let's not forget about what bill birnes had to say about what lt haut had to say about roswell...i believe that the complete affidavit is being released on july 4th. |
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#9 |
apollo 20 was a cancelled mission. the you tube movie is a fake. the apollo that flew on the soyuz docking was 1. never sent around the moon-it was two ships docking together in earth's orbit 2. was never named, but some gave it #18 (note that this is not 20). hope this helps! chris |
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#10 |
while not being able to speak to the actuality of there being/having been an alien mother-ship wrecked on the moon (although my heart leans in favor of it) i must say that wikipedia and nasa sources are not what are likely to make me say "it's a fake."
nasas obfuscations and the bare trickle of well-interpreted data that makes it down to we, the people footing the bill, lead me to believe they have lied and are suppressing huge amounts of information about the moon, mars, the changes occurring throughout our solar system (thank you david for busting this stuff out for us!!!) so, while it does not make this particular item necessarily true, it does not leave nasa in a place of authority in my mind. it is well to be very discerning in these times, and that means not handing over ones own ability to see truth to the supposed "experts". they are too busy protecting self-interest to do anything noble like provide disclosure. anyway, sorry if i sound a bit gruff about nasa but they sure as heck have let down the boy i was, utterly fascinated and dreaming of wonderous possibilites, watching the apollo 11 landing. (oh, or was that just staged footage?!) by the way, i love checking out the raw images coming down from the cassini probe. i've seen many an anomolous object in those shots, and can't help but recall ra speaking of there being inhabitation around saturn. did not the galactic council have seat there? yup, can o' worms here! (but, yum...i loves worms!) love, blessings, and abundance, frank-o |
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#11 |
dear forumers,
now that many of you have been introduced to george noorys' coast to coast am radio show, they have a feature called stream-linking, by which you can go back up to 60 days, and download past shows in mp3 format, for a nominal charge, such as the past week's shows with dw, and the next day with richard hoagland. if you take that back a week, and download the june 13th show, where george interviewed a fascinating fellow named stewart swerdlow, you can listen in on an amazing journey of disclosure, brought to you by a former government mind control subject escapee, associated with the montalk prodject. it's quite a wild ride, and he does talk quite a bit about the moon, as well as the rest of the heavenly bodys in our near vicinity. bob |
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#12 |
dear friends,
this info is speculative to be sure, but one has to have an open mind and consider that this "may" have happened. wik is not always a realiable source for info as anyone, as far as i know, can post something there as being the "truth." the "truth" for one is not always the "truth" for another - re-member always though - use your discernment. find "your" truth for it is within you ;-) and these links of the object; apollo 17 shots at: . a number of apollo 15 shots of the same object are available here: be wll, be love. david new evidences provided by william rutledge, cdr of the apollo 20 crew new and baffling video footages on youtube provided by w. rutledge seem to corroborate his amazing story by luca scantamburlo italian journalist a few weeks ago i interviewed a man by the name of william rutledge, who has been claiming his identity: he would have been an astronaut during the ‘70s, employed by the usaf in collaboration with nasa during a secret space mission. my interview was carried out by my youtube account/general messages. william rutledge registered himself on youtube as a man of 76 years old (youtube user: “retiredafb”), who now lives in rwanda. he told me he is an american citizen, now civilian, born in belgium in 1930 and employed by usaf as test pilot on various aircrafts. according to his report supported by some outstanding videos uploaded on youtube since april 2007, after the apollo 17 (december 1972) and the “apollo18-soyuz” mission taken place in july 1975, there were other two missions on the moon: the apollo 19 (failed because of <a loss of telemetry, a brutal end of mission without data>, see the interview with w.rutledge) and the apollo 20 (august 1976), which were both classifed space missions launched from the vandenberg air force base (california). officially many apollo missions were canceled by nasa during the project apollo, included the apollo 20 (canceled in 1970). the goal of these two presumed secret joint space mission, result of an american-soviet collaboration, was to reach the backside of the moon (the delporte-izsak region, close to the well-known tsiolkovsky crater) and to explore a huge object found out during the apollo 15 mission. what the apollo 20 crew found, it was a huge and ancient alien spaceship, (w. rutledge). and as a matter of fact, some official nasa pictures archived by the lpi (the lunar and planetary institute in houston), which is “a research institute that provides support services to nasa and the planetary science community” (, show a strange and big object on the far side of the moon. lpi is “is managed by the universities space research association (usra)”. |
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#13 |
dear friends,
roswell ufo incident: cover-up or sci-fi? here's part ii; roswell ufo incident part 2: surprise witness be well, be love. david sixty years ago one of the most enduring mysteries of modern times burst into the public arena. it was the roswell incident, the reported crash of a flying saucer. leave your trace on the roswell blog. the u.s. military says it's all a misunderstanding caused by a downed weather balloon, but the official story keeps changing, and the roswell legend won't go away. the i-team has been digging into the roswell crash for many years. one of the reasons for our interest in roswell is its purported relationship to nevada's own area 51, which carries its own legacy regarding crashed ufos. on july 5th, sixty years ago, a new mexico rancher named mac brazel gathered up a pile of strange debris and headed into town. his find led to an astonishing announcement by our military that a flying saucer had been recovered. for some, the story has been discredited. maybe not. |
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#14 |
dear all,
doug yurchey just recently had the opertunity to do an interview with ralph ring on his involvement on the development of man made ufo's. also new information from lockheed-martin scientist boyd bushman now proves that anti-gravity propulsion systems have been developed by lockheed. it's no longer speculation that man made ufo's have been developed in secret projects. bushman's testimony can be regarded as another step in the disclosure of the ufo phenomenon that is now going on. regards jan |
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#15 |
whitley strieber debunks this video at this site:
the background of palm trees is from a software program called vue 6 he has a link to that software video where you can see the palm tree background used with a sunset picture. so even though i sent the video to a couple of relatives and evidence it turns out it is hooey. oh well. |
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#16 |
it's easy to assume the trees look identical. those types of trees grown in the same patterns constantly. you can overlay them on top of each other and get matches quiet easily, but that is not the correct way to determine a match. you have to change the colors of the trees making them black and white then attempting an overlay. then you can tell for sure how identical they may be. hope this provides some insight into checking out duplicate objects images. why would someone do such a fantastic job on the ufo's as well as their movement and make such an amateurish move on the trees by just duplicating them?
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#17 |
i've been wondering about those trees too, dariusdjc.
having some understanding of sacred geometry and a familiarity with stan tennen's work it has crossed my mind that there is no reason palm trees should look substantially different from each other. sure, breakage due to weathering, leaning due to constant high winds, these type of environmental energies cause growing forms to take unique measures to succeed within that environment. but, left in perfect conditions would not the sacred geometries inherent within or produced by the torsional fields produce extremely similar plants of any sort? the fibonacci unfoldings are set (here in 3d). i don't think we should throw this one out just yet. of course it may just be that i am saddened that debunking is so easy. in fact, most debunking is just a suggestion, and then we ourselves do the rest of the work, turning over our individual discretion to the general consensus. i'm not ready to do that with this one yet. and yes, i'd rather be wrong but keep the door of possibility open than to wait and wait until i'm absolutely "sure" and there is tangible "proof" and keep that door shut forever. so, if anyone has a collection of palm tree pictures and would like to do a little comparing for cheap thrills i'm all for it! let's not simply let this be a case of not being able to see the ufos for the forest! love, blessings, and abundance, frank-o |
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#19 |
hey ufo fans,
here's an update on the haiti video from the site: ~seth |
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#20 |
well as the previous post. turns out it is a cleverly animated fake. as you can see in the latimes article:,2266445.story
and you can also watch the new video hade by the same person to prove it was a fake. guess the lines now have become blurred as to what's real and what isn't. but then again nothing is real is it? lol... |
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