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Old 08-30-2007, 02:43 PM   #21

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here is how you can make your own:

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Old 10-11-2007, 10:52 PM   #22

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dear friends,


be well, be love.

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Old 10-26-2007, 08:08 PM   #23

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dear friends,

it's hard these days to post images of ufo's as it's difficult to know if they are cgi's and i'm very suspect of most of what i see today, however this ability didn't exist years ago and that's why i'm posting these "old" videos.

ufo, never doubt again

ufo nellis test flight

russian ufo

this is a good site to check out;

alien technology and ufo sightings

you can also visit the following site where the author does a good job concerning lunar anomalies;

be well, be love.

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Old 10-27-2007, 07:38 PM   #24

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dear friends,

part i

part ii

part iii

part iv

part v

be well, be love.

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Old 11-08-2007, 07:50 PM   #25

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any thoughts from anyone on this video? i am always amazed at how easily these things are dismissed as cgi or other computer generated videos. no proof offered just say its fake and thats it your work is done. looks real to me with not only the craft but all the lights in the background.
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Old 11-08-2007, 11:42 PM   #26

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i find myself considering the possibility that whether the video's are real or fake, they may be linked to benjamin fulford's suggestions about an nwo/illuminati revealing of ufo's in the near-future.

fulford mentioned that such a project has been possibly under wraps over near mt. fuji in japan for some time. he said that part of the illuminati plan for a global takeover would include a visible, coordinated ufo flap, of both human-manufactured craft, as well as cgi-created newsreels, to reinforce a sense of helplessness among the public before the ubiquity of a collectively-perceived ufo invasion.

i wonder if what we're seeing in this video is a guided attempt to prepare us for this kind of possibility. if it is cgi, not only is it an excellent creation, it may be a way for this sort of group to get public feedback before rolling out the full production in broad daylight.

apart from these passing thoughts, i have no informed perspective to offer, given the near-seamless intersection of computer graphics and perceived reality these days....

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Old 11-09-2007, 01:49 AM   #27

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fascinating video, though it's impossible for me to say it's not the result of digital manipulation.

interesting how they bank to the left, without an accompanying course change. i wonder if they're aligning with their distant brethren, plotting a course out of the earth's atmosphere.

the sound of air displacement is fascinating, makes it seem convincingly like a real event. can anyone discern a doublet effect audibly, considering that two craft are passing close to the camera? i'll listen to it again.

has anyone seen the adjacent video on 'youtube' of the ufo ambling above a street in paris? crank your speakers for this one!

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Old 11-09-2007, 05:02 AM   #28

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amazing footage, regardless of actuality of source.

here's how i'm looking at this currently, and it is how i have viewed so many of the videos and pictures in the last couple of years. is anyone really getting scared by any of this?! i mean, really, if the illumininnies wanted to control us with fear over a ufo flap, would they release 41 seconds of video from haiti, or would they make a flap over a major city and blow some **** up (pardon my french, i'll rarely curse, but they seem to have blown **** up before, haven't "they")?!

there is no profit, no instant fame, and generally speaking only heart-ache, heart-break, and worse for those who have tried to come forth with valuable disclosures about their ufo experiences. so, why would anyone go through the immense cost in dollars and time just to muddy the already terribly opaqued waters of the ufo community? it simply does not make sense to me.

and it makes no sense that such a plot as a fake ufo invasion, or whatever fear-mongering they might be up to, would be so slow to develop. again, no shock and awe here.

what there has been is a steadily increasing amount and quality of reports of ufo sightings, with photographs and videos.

i believe disclosure and contact is in full swing, and even if this were a fake it will likely still do nothing but draw more interest to the subject. again, would this benefit the illumineoninnycons? not likely.

personally, i believe it is time for us all to be prepared to be emissaries, ambassadors to the on-going contact. i think most of the sightings and videos of late are legitimate and we should not buy into any "official" story of danger, or murk about in the mud either. we are all beacons, and with enough of a calling there shall be response from the brothers and sisters of sorrow. that is what is happening. we have been calling.

and virtually none of these sightings are being reported in the american media, which is of course the #1 weapon of the illumiwhatnots. no coverage? no plot. no cover-up. no control over the ongoing disclosure.

i'm loving this!

love, blessings, and abundance,

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Old 11-13-2007, 05:20 PM   #29

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hey ufo fans,

for those of you who rely on transcripts, here's a url for the larry king show on ufos:


man, it's so great to see this stuff on mainstream tv!

i used to despise larry king; now i grudgingly respect him.
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Old 11-13-2007, 10:00 PM   #30

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thanks for the link! the government can only hide their secrets for so long, my friend.
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Old 11-14-2007, 02:29 AM   #31

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here is that particular larry king video:
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Old 11-14-2007, 01:41 PM   #32

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hmmm , strangely enough the link for the transcripts doesn't work anymore. i also tried going to any transcript and that link didn't work either.

my family yesterday told me that they had heard something on the news saying that the government had promised to "look into" the ufo phenomenom. tee hee, soon "whoever is trying to stop this stuff coming out" won't be able to move fast enough to stop it all.

it's going to be another snowball effect. i can't wait!!

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Old 11-14-2007, 05:13 PM   #33

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they have done a switcheroo. the transcript that now shows up is one from
july 03 and is mostly about roswell, with jesse marcel and stuff.

there must have been something really interesting in the latest larry king show for them to do that... i will have to find it and listen to it again.

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Old 11-14-2007, 05:54 PM   #34

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they keep switching things around..... for a while they had the real transcript hidden under the dr. phil, dog headline on the 9th .

then for the last 15 minutes i have been trying to get the transcript again from the transcripts page and i can't access it.http://transcripts.cnn.com/transcrip...09/lkl.01.html

this was the actual transcript half an hour ago, but it could have been switched, changed or edited since then.......

here is another link to the video, not great quality, but better than nothing.http://www.livevideo.com/video/ukufo...?m_tkc=8411507

anyways, it could all have disappeared by the time this gets posted we shall see.

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Old 12-08-2007, 01:01 PM   #35

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real or fake, its an incredible video. if you search for ufos over haiti and dominican there are other videos of the same type of craft. as well there is another video today that is the same with the same quick intake of breath (i love that)but it also has other background noises that sound quite authentic.


not sure if i attached this link correctly but happy watching!

[note from moderator: this is the same video that dw released in his blog the other day, but it has added sound in another language. if anyone can translate what is said, it is appreciated]
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Old 12-08-2007, 02:07 PM   #36

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someone else's reaction on another site was that this might be a promotion of the new series that are being made by the same people that are making the hit-series "lost". i'm not very sure. if you watch this video at 11 seconds and pause it there, you do notice that a lot of trees are very alike.

i find myself considering the possibility that whether the video's are real or fake, they may be linked to benjamin fulford's suggestions about an nwo/illuminati revealing of ufo's in the near-future. recently i read a site that said that the illuminati have the plan for setting jupiter on fire. this, they say is not a very hard thing since jupiter is flammable.

[mod: this was allegedly attempted with redirecting comet shoemaker levy-9 into jupiter and was unsuccessful. the confederation insures such plans will never succeed.]

the link where i read this is http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1260.cfm - i have to admit it's a freaky page and even though i'm not taking it seriously, their point of setting jupiter on fire did strike me as 'keep that in mind'. especially since nancy lieder on www.zetatalk.com keeps saying that niburu is bound to return here soon.

[mod: wilcock has thoroughly disproven the planet x model over the years on this site. instead we are dealing with the solar system moving into a zone of more highly charged energy in the galaxy.]

my last thought about this is that we also have to take in mind that there are some of those here that have been made by the collective unconsciousness, feel free to poke holes in my theories though. there will be interaction between sto and sts ebe's, because the attempt to harvest as many souls as possible to their own polarization is key as per the ra material. i myself simply think that everything we see is happening because we are on the brink of ascension into the 4th density.

i welcome further discussion on any of this.
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Old 12-08-2007, 03:08 PM   #37

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fiz, i think about the same things whenever i see these things. the ability of technology today is a true double-edged sword in this case, as it is so very difficult to tell. hard to know if these are from the galactic federation i read about or man-made. ( for some reason, i feel the need to inject at this point that i am not a star trek fan lol)

mike, yes the sound (and lack or lack thereof, associated with the burning of fossil fuels) caught my mind immediately also. movement also grabbed me and the number of them in the background as well.

the "problem" for me is that i firmly believe that "they" are here in various forms and so discerning whether or not any contact is "real" verses man-made could be very difficult. the benchmark i use is fear. if there is any fear involved then man is at the helm. trouble with that is to look only at the contact and not at the reaction. i have witnessed so-called "believers" losing their minds at the sight of some of these videos.

has anyone here done the contact trip with dr. stephen greer? he is the author of hidden truth - forbidden knowledge and his site called the disclosure project. link here to the courses offered (http://www.cseti.org/programs/upcoming.htm). i am not big on "courses" but this is one that would be a dream trip.
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Old 12-08-2007, 04:48 PM   #38

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there's a new debate brewing about the trees, and i do admit that when the alleged ufos are taking off into the sky at the end, the two trees bracketing the action on either side seem remarkably identical. a little too identical, and that may have been done deliberately so the whole thing would fall apart.

another valid point that has been raised is most ufo sightings do not involve banking movements like we see here - this is much more typical of a normal jet.

this does appear almost "too good to be true" as far as sightings go. it could be, perhaps, that the blue lights were real and the bulkier ships added in, or the whole thing could be a hoax intended to lure in the 'believers' for further discrediting. it could also be something intended to 'test the waters' and see what the overall reaction is in the public.

if such ships were in fact human-made, the lights on the bottom would make sense. i have heard from several witnesses that many of these projects have only attained partial gravity reduction and need ion engines to complete the process - and they are whisper-quiet.

so, it could be either someone using cg at home and going for the ultimate con-job. it could be an insider source deliberately putting this out to gauge the public reaction. it could be a faked film putting in imagery of a real reverse-engineered craft. or, it could actually be what it claims to be - but the palm-tree problem makes this very unlikely, i must say.
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Old 12-09-2007, 12:52 AM   #39

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david, this is your conscious speaking:

ufos dont matter, its transient, maybe its real, maybe its not. overall who cares?

even the most intelligent evan handed masters among us go crazy for a cool ufo video. it looks like star wars to me.

it goes to show that david is only human, and wants to be swept up into a ufo just like all of us.

its so god dang exciting!!!!

personally im hoping to be abducted by those hot peladian chicks, yes!
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Old 12-09-2007, 05:47 AM   #40

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so, we know that this video displays unmistakable signs of digital fakery. it seems to me that it is intended to be obvious to anyone who examines it carefully; if it were a total fake, the artistry of the forger precludes such a glaring 'rookie error' of duplicate trees.

if something like this was actually filmed by an unsuspecting tourist, and then handed over to an accredited 'ufo reporting station', might it not wind up in the hands of some black ops agency and re-released onto youtube, invoking the concept of plausible deniability through the crude introduction of such an obvious digital manipulation?

in having studied the ufo question for years, it seems to me that this film clip issue fits hand in glove with the multi-layered mystery and disinformation tactics of the powers that be, with regards to the whole ufo phenomena.

we must also consider the law of free will in all of this, as plausible deniability can be looked at as a built in safety feature in aid of those whose free will would be violated if they were exposed to phenomena they were not ready to accept.

so, it seems as though someone has gone to an awful lot of trouble to make this look like a hoax, perhaps in line with 'national security' protocols. perhaps we should examine other or future such spectacular videos for such signature glaring digital errors!

i wonder if there are any documented cases of anyone claiming that their videos posted to youtube have been altered mysteriously. is it possible for a super-hacker to alter youtube content? or can we rest assured that such a grassroots public domain forum such as this is inviolable by the illuminasties?

maybe...strange days, indeed.
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